The Year Reheated
In which we marvel at the mental contortions of our self-imagined betters.
The year began with an oddly specific medical diagnosis courtesy of the Guardian, where Afua Hirsch informed us that boob eczema is caused by “racist microaggressions.” Readers were left to suppose that the condition might only be resolved by lengthy grumbling about “structural racism” and the oppressive nature of “whiteness.” More prosaic solutions – say, a change of detergent, or indeed bra, were not explored. “Whiteness” also bedevilled Ms Cristina Beltrán, an associate professor of social and cultural analysis at New York University, who was both mystified and aggravated by the existence of non-white Trump supporters, and who identified “multiracial whiteness” as the only conceivable explanation. For Ms Beltrán, non-white voters who prefer to be engaged with as individuals, as opposed to racial mascots, are merely surrendering to “whiteness” and “white supremacy.” And so, Ms Beltrán bemoaned racism and “the debasement of others” while casually erasing agency from anyone brownish who happens to disagree with her.
Meanwhile, academics at the University of York were rendered fretful and distraught by an image on the website of an art history conference – specifically, of the seventeenth-century Buddhist figurine, the three wise monkeys – which, via much focussing of intersectional lenses, was construed by our academics as a caricature of black people, and therefore oppressive. And denunciations of “whiteness” and “white supremacy” also featured in a mandatory course at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. On grounds that, in order to be a dentist, you must first submit to condescension and insults, and accusations of being either a bigot or an enabler of bigotry, based solely on unchangeable aspects of your appearance.
In February, we beheld the chutzpah of our new downtrodden elite at the United Nations International School, where the children of diplomats and titans of international banking insisted that even a single mispronunciation of an unobvious name is a form of “racial trauma” inflicted by “the white man’s mouth.” Elsewhere, at the University of Minnesota, we heard one student recount his experience of racial profiling and police brutality – “the most traumatic thing I have ever experienced” – and then, thanks to dashcam video, saw what actually happened.
And in the Los Angeles Times, the scrupulously progressive Virginia Heffernan aired her outrage at neighbours who cleared the snow from her driveway, but failed to vote for Joe Biden – the latter act requiring “absolution,” and thus excusing Ms Heffernan’s supposedly principled ingratitude for the former. You see, resenting neighbours’ acts of kindness, and publicly badmouthing those neighbours, in print, is the progressive way, and a basis for expecting applause.
Oh, and we also learned how to turn toilet paper into drinkable alcohol.
“Larger-bodied person” Emily Duke enlightened us in March, via the pages of Slate, with an emotional tailspin triggered by a vaccination form featuring the word obese. The mere sight of which resulted in “unparalleled grief,” three hours spent deciding what to have for dinner, and an elaborate, rather convoluted claim that being given priority for a vaccine during a pandemic, while others must wait, is actually a form of oppression. Slate’s comment moderator added that, should any remarks “contradict the author’s understanding of her own situation,” they would of course be deleted.
Elsewhere, in Scary Mommy, where progressive ladies preen and seethe, Erin Hendriksen widened our eyes with her politics of laundry – a subject explored at length and in seemingly fractal detail – while pointing to her struggles with personal hygiene as proof of martyrdom. We also pondered the mental health of other Scary Mommy contributors, among whom the use of mood stabilisers seems remarkably common, and noted the things one must pretend in woke academia – say, when faced with “indigenous elders” whose cures for gastro-intestinal ailments include arm-flapping and rubbing corn pollen on the feet of the afflicted.
The pages of Scary Mommy gripped us again in April, when Ms Amber Leventry, a “queer person and educator,” managed to be outraged by the fact that she had been asked not to swear and scream in the workplace. This appeal to reciprocal courtesy, and preference for not being assailed with bellowed epithets, was denounced as both “tone policing” – a wickedness “rooted in colonialism and white supremacy” – and an effort to crush underfoot the rights and wellbeing of transgender people. When not expecting deference and “validation” for her frequent fits of temper – one might say bullying – Ms Leventry encourages her own small children, aged seven and nine, to shout profanities at passers-by who may have voted Republican.
A visit to the Rockwood School District, Missouri, revealed educators so gorged on wokeness that they had created a fake curriculum to fool parents, thereby concealing the details of how children were being indoctrinated, and while simultaneously insisting, “This is not being deceitful.” And racial monomania – seemingly to the go-to setting of progressives – cropped up again in the pages of the Guardian, where the anhedonic Natalie Morris informed us that the employment of fashion models who are difficult to racially categorise is “impossible to see… as a positive thing.” On account of the models’ “proximity to whiteness.”
We also bore witness to the creative outpourings of Finnish artist Liu Susiraja.
In May, ¿jordan¿ – a “black trans artist” and prodigious taker of selfies – announced his discovery of a new form of “violence” – specifically, “When people get my pronouns right and I can tell they still perceive me as a man.” That those cowed to mouth obvious lies regarding Mr ¿jordan¿’s alleged womanliness were not in fact hallucinating on demand and actually seeing him as a woman, albeit one with a moustache and beard, and were instead merely being polite, was an outrage for our bejewelled narcissist.
We also learned, via Mr Kenny Allen, editor of Northwestern University’s student newspaper, that “white people walk awkwardly on sidewalks because of their internalised racism.” Following his pronouncements on pavement users of pallor, Mr Allen was scandalised by polite requests for evidence, any evidence, to support his claims – an expectation seemingly quite alien to this would-be intellectual. Ruminations on racist pavement use were followed by equally bold assertions regarding racist cycling, thanks to P. Khalil Saucier, an associate professor of Africana Studies at Bucknell University, whose ramblings on the subject were likewise untroubled by evidence, or coherence, or indeed honesty.
The month ended with a reminder that the absurd and the sinister aren’t mutually exclusive, with revelations regarding eye-widening indoctrination in Portland schools, where the stated goal of “anti-racist” educators is the “disintegration” of children’s personalities, such that they experience “white guilt” and “feel bad for being white.” When the eight-year-old victims of this psychological abuse complained that they were unable to sleep and felt alienated from their friends and parents, this was taken by the educators as a sign of progress, of emerging wokeness.
We learned, In June, via a Yale lecturer, that “white people don’t eat bread.” The imparter of this wisdom, Ms Aruna Khilanani – a psychiatrist with paying customers – also shared her belief that murdering random white people, guiltlessly and for no reason beyond their pallor, would be doing the world, and I quote, “a fucking favour.” Ms Khilanani’s areas of expertise, beyond bread consumption and homicidal fantasies, include gender theory, race theory, queer theory and Marxism.
Elsewhere, we learned that complimenting a friend or colleague on their weight loss is not only “fatphobic” – and worse, encouraging – but is also “a perpetuation and enforcement of white supremacist beauty standards.” Should comments of a favourable kind prove unavoidable, they should instead be directed towards said person’s shoes. Self-styled activist William Hornby also denounced the evils of “fatphobia,” insisting that one should do nothing to avoid or delay the unsightly expansion of any body parts, on grounds that not wishing to be obese is “intrinsically entangled with white supremacy.” Mr Hornby also steered us to the Fat Liberation Syllabus for Revolutionary Leftists – an actual thing – which in turn denounced the “fatphobic logic of productivity, discipline, and personal responsibility.”
In July, Sinead Watson offered a welcome reminder that not all people with gender dysphoria are insufferably woke, with a frank and moving account of her own experiences, including that of de-transitioning, and a warning about the erasure of boundaries between adults and children, and the fashionable affirmation of mental illness.
Elsewhere, Dr Albert Stabler, an assistant professor at Appalachian State University, confessed his innate wrongness – “I am a white teacher” – before disdaining the “white feelings” of fellow educators who objected to being punched and humiliated by brown-skinned students – including Dr Stabler’s immediate predecessor, a female art teacher whose hair was forcibly cut by a black student. These objections were denounced by our woke educator as “white supremacist violence,” while the actual violence – the punching and cutting and so forth – was airily waved aside as a display of the students’ “cultural knowledge” and “kinetic” creativity.
The subject of bras returned to the fore in August, thanks to Gender Studies Professor Sami Schalk, for whom bralessness, and twerking, and a cape emblazoned with the words “I AM 100% THAT BITCH,” constitute acts of “political defiance.” When not referring to the police as “fucking pigs,” and offering refreshments to rioters and arsonists, Ms Schalk, a grown woman and professional educator, and paid somewhere in the region of $102,000 a year, invites us to admire her ample buttocks and their magic blackness.
The month also brought us a striking illustration of transgender gaslighting, and indeed sociopathy, with Mridul Wadhwa, the head of one of Scotland’s largest rape crisis centres, laying down conditions for receiving the centre’s services. Wadhwa, a transgender woman, insisted that actual women in search of help following sexual assault must first declare their embrace of Wadhwa’s own rather niche transgender ideology, and that failure to do so is “unacceptable” and will be “challenged.” Because, you know, priorities.
In September, we spied more racial neuroticism in the form of Dr Derek Hook, an associate professor at Duquesne University, whose areas of expertise include “post-colonial theory” and “white anxiety.” The good doctor was visibly titillated by the idea that “white people should commit suicide as an ethical act,” in order to “castrate whiteness.” Readers are invited to imagine an educator speaking in such terms, excitedly, about any other racial demographic, and doing it in the name of “anti-racism.”
Elsewhere in academia, we learned that “suspending proficiency requirements” will – in ways somewhat unclear – “benefit” those on whom these things are inflicted, and that expecting basic and reciprocal standards of behaviour – say, respecting other pupils who are trying to hear what’s being said – is “the definition of white supremacy,” and therefore very, very bad. And a visit to the high-security wing of transgender TikTok proved informative, with news that wearing a low-cut top to work is sufficient proof of womanhood and should never result in even momentary confusion, however polite, among female colleagues. We also learned that “cis people should not be having conversations about trans issues” and should instead be mere objects of discussion, not participants. And, oh yes, the revelation that trans people “can’t fart.”
Boutique gender identities, or pretensions of such, cropped up again in October, when party-person and would-be iconoclast Mr Jordan Bennett visited Heaven, a nightclub for London’s famously downtrodden homosexuals, and found that his pronoun-stipulating earrings were insufficient to exempt him from the club’s security procedures. Elsewhere, at Middlebury College, counselling director Alberto Soto noted a surge in students reporting mental health problems, notably anxiety and depression, and promptly identified “whiteness” as the “source of all our psychic suffering.” The possibility that the college’s preoccupation with race, and racial conspiracy theories, and near-continual racial scolding, might have some bearing on the issue was somehow not considered.
And over at George Washington University, associate professor of education Julia Storberg-Walker told us, “I didn’t know I was white.” And further, “I think a lot of people don’t know they are white.” This oversight can, however, be corrected with “somatic, embodied training” and realigning one’s “positionality” as a White Devil, a doer of “harm.” Happily, Dr Storberg-Walker is equipped to deliver “whole-planet flourishing” by drawing on “wisdom traditions” and, inevitably, “quantum field theory.” Readers are welcome to speculate as to exactly how quantum field theory might bear upon such topics as “critical race activism,” or “colonised words,” and how it might inform “deep learning” about the seemingly endless pathologies of being pale.
In November, “white supremacy” was invoked yet again, this time as the go-to explanation for workplace dress codes and broader expectations of professionalism – say, when teaching other people’s twelve-year-old children. When not devising excuses for deploying the word racism, and painting his nails, and generally being fascinated by himself, the 30-year-old teacher in question, Mr Segal, entertains his TikTok followers with his inability to grade papers on time, and by talking about the state of his mental health, a topic revisited more than once. The competitively woke world of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation was another highlight of the month – in particular, the union’s move to “eliminate racism” by weighting the votes of non-white members, such that leverage very much depends on the colour of one’s skin.
More coherent thinking came from Noah Carl and his research on the role of women in the phenomenon of wokeness. Needless to say, some Guardian contributors and other ladies of the left were brought to a state of high dudgeon by Mr Carl’s charts and tables of statistics, denouncing his alleged “fear” and “hatred” of women, especially intelligent women, while scorning the “fragility” of the “straight white male,” and while carefully avoiding anything approaching a substantive rebuttal. As intelligent women do.
We were also entranced by “really radical” aboriginal rap, or rather by the contortions performed by Guardian columnists who pretend to, like, totally dig it, man.
As the year drew to a close, we poked through the “teachers of TikTok” hashtag and found much to ponder, including a tall, bearded educator claiming that his days spent parading around the classroom in five-inch stilettos, and sometimes full drag, which he just so happens to enjoy, is a way to make pupils feel “safe,” and not, say, bewildered. The “safe” classroom, we were told, is “a place for them, by them,” while clearly being all about him and entirely his idea, and entirely dependent on his cartoonish cross-dressing preferences on any given day. Such is woke selflessness. It remains unclear whether pupils or parents who find this educator’s behaviour, shall we say, distracting, or not wholly reassuring, will be indulged to the same degree.
We also continued our series on employees who may not be entirely suited to the job.
And finally, we visited Swarthmore College, where annual tuition fees are north of $70,000, and where having a suitably inclusive and intersectional student party is not a simple matter. Especially when “an outsized number of white students” attend, thereby oppressing everyone else with their rampant pallor, and thus necessitating a looped and amplified message, blaring through speakers for several minutes, “telling white students to leave.” “By the time the message stopped playing,” we’re told, “the party’s racial demographics had shifted significantly.” And at which point, of course, further complications ensued regarding the precise ratio of gay people present and their respective skin tones.
So, plenty to chew on.
They were simpler times.
Not without chuffing annoyances.
Don’t feel bad, David, our bien pensant elites are working hard to catch up with you:

I remember being super chuffed at owning a fax machine.
There were times in the 90’s when owning one would have been *very* convenient. Now I do (a multi-function printer) but may never use it.
Felon fatally shot his own passenger. But it appears that no innocents were harmed. Presumably Chicago’s notoriously thug-friendly leftist prosecutors will be unable to ignore an actual murder.
And the latest edition of Conservatism Today.
Also, re Scientific American…pointed out, or tried to, their leftist BS decades ago only to be shamed/mocked by my conservative…”conservative” betters. Is it now acknowledged amongst conservatives…”conservatives” in general that this has long been the case or are we just a special group here that have somehow stumbled onto each other?
Also, re Scientific American…pointed out, or tried to, their leftist BS decades ago only to be shamed/mocked by my conservative…”conservative” betters…
That happened to me, too, although the “corrections” at that time were not as heated as you describe. And they were “conservative”/”libertarian” geeks/nerds who supposedly would value evidence above ideology.
…Is it now acknowledged amongst conservatives…”conservatives” in general that this has long been the case or are we just a special group here that have somehow stumbled onto each other?
I haven’t talked with them in the last five years specifically about Scientific American, but I suspect they have not learned much as they cannot seem to admit just how dangerously warped our institutions have become. They even resist any evidence of the inherently toxic nature of Black Lives Matter and Believe All Women, and embrace the delusion that being trans really does make you the sex/gender you claim to be. But perhaps the most amusing example of their foolishness is the attempt to refute “I will not eat bugs and live in a pod” with “but people all around the world eat bugs, so it is illogical to object.”
Sci Amer: it seems that Wilson is claimed to be racist merely because of his theories of evolutionary biology, because perhaps this refutes the blank slate/all people are identical marxist position. Wilson never said we are ants. The noting of differential health outcomes by race is merely descriptive, saying what is. Not every statement of fact needs a polemic unless you are woke. Once you have noted differential health outcomes, you can investigate why–although everything is explained by systemic racism so why investigate?
Sci Amer: it seems that Wilson is claimed to be racist merely because of his theories of evolutionary biology, because perhaps this refutes the blank slate/all people are identical marxist position.
We will never reach the Glorious World of Next Tuesday unless the class enemies are eliminated.
Omni magazine was fun, but not really serious.
Omni was published by Bob Guccione and Penthouse, so…
Was Lomborg what sent them around the bend?
Seems likely. Lomborg’s sin was taking them at their word that the world was about to end and rationally asking “So what should we do about it? What is the most cost-effective approach?” He never got the memo that the problem is not supposed to be solved.
a reminder to kids at science fiction/anime conventions
I remember being quite perplexed, and then horrified, at the “five, two and one” rule for conventions.
And they were “conservative”/”libertarian” geeks/nerds who supposedly would value evidence above ideology.
I remember when Phil Plait took over the JREF when James Randi became too frail, and the intense autistic screeching that ensued when I applied their own “how to tell if an ‘expert scientist’ knows what they’re talking about” rules to him. Dr. Plait is an astronomer and whole hearted devotee of the global warming cult.
Was Lomborg what sent them around the bend?
My first inclination that
the coming ice ageglobal warmingglobal coolingclimate change might not be all that and a bag of crisps came when Unscientific American banned him from commenting onthe comin—you get the picture.Following George Carlin’s dictum to read what others want banned, I got “The Skeptical Environmentalist” and found it tough going. His follow-up “Cool” was written more for idiots like myself, and learned he believed in climate change, but concluded that there wasn’t much that could be done about it, and the proposed solutions would be worse than the problem. In some ways, warming the Earth could even be beneficial, extending growing periods and improving the lives of peoples who didn’t fly to Zurich in their private jets for important conferences.
And of course we couldn’t have that.
Was Lomborg what sent them around the bend?
They were already very political in the 90’s when I decided to drop my subscription. I’ve forgotten the details of the Lomborg-SciAm debate.
I remember being quite perplexed, and then horrified, at the “five, two and one” rule for conventions.
And it ain’t just conventions: There are fans who will show up at parties in a very smelly, unwashed state–presumably because they like everyone so much that they couldn’t take time to shower first.
improving the lives of peoples who didn’t fly to Zurich in their private jets for important conferences.
Correction: “for important conferences followed by meetings with their private bankers and two weeks of skiing”
Charles Murray weighs in: “Scientific American is neck and neck with the contemporary ACLU for the Most Misleading Name Award.”
Happy New Year, everyone.
[ Begins getting out the liquor ]
Happy New Year, everyone.

с новым годом!
“five, two and one” rule for conventions
What does that mean?
Being a non geek,I had to google it, 5 hours of sleep a day, 2 real meals and one shower a day.
Ah, thank you. I am even less of a geek, because I failed in my attempt to google it.
Wait for it…
Wait for it…
Hahahaha! Ok I am stealing that one.
Happy New Year y’all!
That has been the best read of the 21st Century. In fact, the best read evah! Well played one and all.
I am even less of a geek, because I failed in my attempt to Google it.
I am even less of a geek, because I failed in my attempt to Google it.
I’m in that club too. Thank heavens Mr Thompson’s place is the Fount of All Knowledge.
Salon’s comment moderator added that, should any remarks “contradict the author’s understanding of her own situation,” they would of course be deleted.
Sometimes they say the quiet part out loud.
Happy new year to our gracious host and all his commenters.
Sometimes they say the quiet part out loud.
As illustrated more times than I can count, a great deal of ‘progressive’ sentiment only makes sense as an attempt to rationalise the rejection of responsibility and basic self-possession. Again, the psychology in play matters.
And yes, happy new year.
Ah, thank you. I am even less of a geek, because I failed in my attempt to google it.
Google returned useful hits only when I changed the search from “five, two and one rule” to “521 rule”. And that revealed the alternate “621 rule”.
Salon’s comment moderator added that, should any remarks “contradict the author’s understanding of her own situation,” they would of course be deleted.
Slate, actually, when I followed the link.
Disrobing the Aboriginal Stalinists on a Canadian Campus
Slate, actually, when I followed the link.
Bugger. Thanks.
[ Hastily edits post. ]
[ Hastily edits post. ]
Wiping the slate clean?
[ Hastily edits post. ]
Slate, Salon, not much difference. 😉
Democrats like violent felons, especially incorrigible ones.
White people in New York are told not to attempt to get monoclonal antibody treatment because Governor Hochul has prioritized it for non-whites. Because “racism”.
But the “longstanding systemic health and social inequities” are in reality just the behavioral choices made by blacks and other non-whites, “inequities” which can be solved by eating right, not becoming obese, not abusing drugs and alcohol, and taking extra vitamin D in proportino to the darkness of one’s skin.
Could the racism of the “woke” left be any more blatant? (Found via Jordan Peterson and several blogs.)
Disrobing the Aboriginal Stalinists on a Canadian Campus
“…………local activist Terrill Tailfeathers”.
But can he or she shake, shake, shake it baby?
Those crazy Germans. What government policy won’t they think of next?
Those crazy Germans. What government policy won’t they think of next?
Also here: “German Green Party Agriculture Minister wants to see more organic and less convenience food in Germany. He says food should no longer be sold at bargain prices…Food quality in Germany is too low, Özdemir said, and so are the prices, and everyone loses out because of it. ‘There should no longer be any junk prices,’ he said. ‘They drive farms to ruin, prevent animal welfare, promote species extinction and burden the climate. I want to change that.’ The price of food should, he said, reflect the ‘ecological truth.’…’beef should cost five or six times more than it does now, or over €80 ($90) per kilogram (2.2 pounds)’…”
Food quality is too low? In Germany which is famous for the strictness of its pure food laws? This illustrates the general truth that stricter laws never satisfy fanatics but only encourage them to demand even more laws.
But look on the bright side: If food becomes more costly then people will appreciate it more. /sarcasm
In the meantime, those
smartlunatic Germans have just shut down three of their remaining six nuclear power plants, in spite of the crisis-level energy shortage and the threat of Russian energy blackmail. The remaining three plans are scheduled to be shut down in one year, suggesting that Germans actually want to freeze to death in the dark.Citizens say “f*** you” to New Years Eve fireworks bans:
Criticisms of ‘Black Hawk Down’. I recall Brits criticizing various Hollywood depictions of historical events for, well, erasing British roles in the actual events.
It’s impossible to fit an entire historical event into a 2-hour movie, but Hollywood does have a strong inclination to distort events in ways guaranteed to annoy non-Americans.
I have neglected Benchley.
Many people do not realize how educational his writings can be, from them I learned the five French vowels, “ong, ong, ong, ong, and ong”.
*sigh* Mozilla calls for more bannings until morale improves.
Time to switch to Brave
…Mozilla calls for more bannings…
That was from Elvismas 2021, but the thing is to ditch Firefox, not Mozilla per se. IceCat is a good fork for Linux or PC that, unlike Brave, is zero spyware and trackers. Add the Adblock extension and it is like the old ad free innarwebz.
I find it hard to believe this Y2K22 bug is as reported. Yet OTOH, not surprised either. This sensation happens more and more often. There needs to be a word for it.
I find it hard to believe this Y2K22 bug is as reported. Yet OTOH, not surprised either.
Me too. I sometimes wonder how many software bugs can be blamed on too much time spent on “just one more cool feature” and not enough on making the design and coding rock-solid.
I remember when Phil Plait took over the JREF when James Randi became too frail, and the intense autistic screeching that ensued when I applied their own “how to tell if an ‘expert scientist’ knows what they’re talking about” rules to him.
What were those rules? I think I used to know, long ago, but have completely forgotten.
*Ask your grandmother, kiddies.
In my late grandmother’s case, it would be mimeographs, not photocopies.
(And yes, I know some of you kinky lot are getting turned on by the smell of mimeograph ink.)
If anyone’s getting aroused by the thought of fax machines, photocopiers, or mimeograph ink, there will be a surcharge.
[slides credit note down the bar]
In my late grandmother’s case, it would be mimeographs, not photocopies…
I remember mimeographs from grade school. You could smell the ink any time you were sent to the office to get something.
…(And yes, I know some of you kinky lot are getting turned on by the smell of mimeograph ink.)
As a matter of fact, I used to know science fiction fans who were mimeograph fetishists. That is, they angrily insisted that it couldn’t be a real fanzine if it was published on the internet.
[slides credit note down the bar]
How large a credit note would keep me out of the Correction Booth when I forget to close italics in 2022?
What could possibly go wrong?
“Public Health” vending machines – NYC in heated competition with San Francisco for City Most Deserving Of A Meteor Award™.
By installing vending machines with Naloxone and needles, nice Woke™ arglebargle boilerplate, though.
If you read the proposal, the machines are slated for not exactly the posh neighborhoods*.
This point was not lost on BLM.
It is racist not to provide free needles and Naloxone, but it is racist to put the machines where the bulk of the users are. That is some Catch, that Catch-22.
*(Shout out to the rep from NY District 14)
It is racist not to provide free needles and Naloxone, but it is racist to put the machines where the bulk of the users are.
Maybe. Or maybe his point is that the [white liberal] people who are pushing these machines should be made to suffer the effects of having lots of drug addicts in their neighborhoods. Which would be a good point.
Or maybe his point is that the [white liberal] people who are pushing these machines should be made to suffer the effects of having lots of drug addicts in their neighborhoods.
Which reminds me: I have read that some East Asian countries have had fairly good results with programs that are the polar opposite of this: Instead of giving addicts free drugs and needles, they tell addicts that they must either clean up or suffer draconian punishment.
In other news, I’ve just started watching the Netflix remake of House of Cards. It doesn’t have the slightly surreal charm of the original, or the Shakespearian nods, and Kevin Spacey is no Ian Richardson; but so far, four episodes in, it’s been watchable.
it would be mimeographs
Our schools used Dittos and yes the smell of Ditto fluid was intoxicatingly erotic. I still get wistful when I see anything printed in ditto blue.
Just so you know, I’ve been informed by independent fact checkers at Facebook, and you know they’re right because they’re independent because they have a PolitiFact stamp on this, that there is NO direct link between ‘gun control’ and killings by authoritarian regimes. Got that? NO LINK. Regardless of what any right-wing white supremacist tools here might think. None. Zero. Zilch. Got that? Don’t make me and FB and PolitiFact ( see FACT, it’s right there in their name) repeat ourselves.
Also, apropos of nothing, you know how I can tell Apple isn’t supremacist in the least? Because they don’t even know how to spell supremacist. Of course neither do I, but Apple has absolutely no freaking idea what I might be going for if I don’t put an ‘a’ in there. Hey, I learn something new every day though.
Our schools used Dittos and yes the smell of Ditto fluid was intoxicatingly erotic.
So…all a woman has to do is put a few drops of Eau de Fanzine behind her ears and you’re putty in her hands?
There are or used to be fanzine conventions named Ditto and Corflu [for Correction Fluid].
Needle vending machines, no more SAT scores, no arrest for stealing, it is all where denial of individual responsibility gets you. The median income for black and white women is very similar–it is black men that bring the average down for blacks. I would bet that if all those men stayed out of jail and got married, the income and education gaps would almost vanish. Nothing like 8 yrs in jail and a felony record to make you unemployable.
Needle vending machines, no more SAT scores, no arrest for stealing…
I’ve seen a few predictions that America will start to move towards private, walled cities and neighborhoods with private security forces.
So…all a woman has to do is put a few drops of Eau de Fanzine behind her ears and you’re putty in her hands?
It may have something to do with an experience in grade 10. My English teacher sent me and one of my comely classmates to the staff room (which wasn’t much more than a closet) to run off some dittos for the class. We made out while the Ditto machine whirred in the background. I know, too much sharing.
Needle vending machines, no more SAT scores, no arrest for stealing, it is all where denial of individual responsibility gets you.
It’s almost as if someone were trying to break down social order to foment revolution. Oh wait…
It may have something to do with an experience in grade 10.
I suspected something like that, maybe a Jayne Mansfield type in charge of the copier. (“Class, who wants to take these things to the office for copying?” “Me, me!” “No, me!” [fistfight ensues])
Happy new year, David (and rabble). I found out what the button does.
If anyone’s getting aroused by the thought of fax machines, photocopiers, or mimeograph ink, there will be a surcharge
That would be my humiliation fetish.
A young man, freshly arrived in London, on the first day of his new job in an insurance office, just 100 yards from Picadilly Circus.
The strangely complicated phone on the desk behind him was ringing and no one seemed in a hurry to answer it. The young man, anxious to create a good impression, lifted the handpiece and said “Scottish Widows, Life Assurance Section”.
There was a mixture of laughter and embarrassed looks from the other staff and the young man wished that he could just close his eyes and disappear.
I found out what the button does.
Bless you, sir. May your enemies discover the remarkable poundage of fluff and crumbs that can be swept from a kitchen floor.
Student’s hoax paper accepted as legit.
“People organize their brains with conversation. If they don’t have anyone to tell their story to, they lose their minds…The input of the community is required for the integrity of the individual psyche. To put it another way: It takes a village to organize a mind.”
― Jordan B. Peterson, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, Chapter 9 (Rule 9)
David, in earlier threads a few of us thanked you for keeping things here so congenial. I’d like to do so again, and restate just how important that is. Social media are almost entirely a cesspool of nastiness and dishonesty. Not just Facebook et al, but also many of those blogs that allow comments. That is poison. But perhaps what you have done here is not surprising, David, given that the chief focus of your concern are all the ways that “wokeness” poisons society and harms individuals.

And the BBC takes an early lead in this year’s Dumb for Muslims event:
I find it hard to believe this Y2K22 bug is as reported. Yet OTOH, not surprised either.
It looks like the date format in decimal starts with the last 2 digits of the year! Converting a 2022 date to 32-bit signed binary number wouldn’t work, of course. However, if the receiving field were defined as unsigned, that would work until some time in 2042. Still really weird.
Speaking of David Lynch, I’m about half way through this book:
Murder at Teal’s Pond: Hazel Drew and the Mystery That Inspired Twin Peaks
Truth is stranger than fiction. Lot’s of people named during the investigation and lots of overlap in the timelines, so a little difficult to keep straight some times. Still an interesting read though, if you’re into true crime non-fiction. I get a freebie every month from Amazon and chose this.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
And often far more complex.
However, if the receiving field were defined as unsigned, that would work until some time in 2042. Still really weird.
Exactly. Though the thought did occur to me that perhaps there was a code conversion or some other sort of translation that went on that obfuscated the design/intent? Still doesn’t make much sense. I haven’t read any more about it and am pretty much out of the software loop these days. And when I see stuff like this…thankfully.
Criticisms of ‘Black Hawk Down’
Make your own damned film.
Make your own damned film.
Make your own damned film.
Make your own damned film.
Make your own damned film.
I always get the shakes before a drop.
I’ve just started watching the Netflix remake of House of Cards. It doesn’t have the slightly surreal charm of the original, or the Shakespearian nods, and Kevin Spacey is no Ian Richardson
Er. Um. Yeah, that’s a Game of Thrones-level series ending. Best of luck.
What were those rules?
Pretty basic stuff – is he speaking within his own field of expertise, has he accounted for the possibility of deliberate deception, is he making testable predictions, are there any undeclared conflicts of interest, etc.
When I pointed out that every argument used to debunk homeopathic medicine was also valid when applied to global warming, I was banned from the fora despite being a paying JREF member. Iowahawk’s Law, and all that.
Er. Um. Yeah, that’s a Game of Thrones-level series ending. Best of luck.
Heh. I wasn’t planning to watch the whole thing, but I was interested in how it might translate to a US context and format. I was faintly surprised that Underwood is a Democrat, not a Republican, though as yet nothing has been made of that.
I saw the original trilogy – 12 episodes in total – in the Nineties, so some of the details escape me, but I remember enjoying them, especially the first two. The third part, The Final Cut, is, I think, the weakest and by that point the premise had pretty much been exhausted. Quite how the Netflix series stretched it to six seasons, and 73 episodes, isn’t clear to me.
Quite how the Netflix series stretched it to six seasons, and 73 episodes, isn’t clear to me.
I get the impression that American TV producers have a strong tendency to stretch any series as long as possible, while British TV producers are more likely to let a series be the length naturally appropriate for the story arc. Am I correct?
Pretty basic stuff – is he speaking within his own field of expertise…
Thanks. I did wonder if there were particular rules which one might expect a magician to emphasize.
…When I pointed out that every argument used to debunk homeopathic medicine was also valid when applied to global warming, I was banned from the fora despite being a paying JREF member. Iowahawk’s Law, and all that.
Sigh. When I first discovered Skeptic publications and organizations I was delighted. But it wasn’t long before I realized that they had their own dogmas and hidden agendas which one questioned at one’s peril.
…When I pointed out that every argument used to debunk homeopathic medicine was also valid when applied to global warming
And speaking of the Global Warming panic, have you all noticed that this is being promoted not only by “progressive minded” periodicals but also by some science fiction writers? The entire suite of eco-doom dogmas, in fact, including eating bugs as the chief dietary source of protein for the entire population of the earth.
Make your own damned film.
Yes. But on the other hand, some of the distortions and omissions reportedly went beyond the necessities of condensing the story into a movie-length drama. Is it really necessary to turn a warlord into a grossly fat cigar-chomping stereotype? And omit all mention of other nations’ roles?
But at least it wasn’t as bad as 300, in which King Xerxes is depicted as some sort of bizarrely decadent comic book villain. (But then, the movie was based on a comic book and Hollywood has a tendency to reduce stories to the comic book level.)
British readers of this blog can probably remind me of Hollywood renditions of WWII events which either omitted important British roles or completely transformed British achievements into American achievements.
On the intimidation thing: take a lesson from Sandmann (sp) the kid who was faced with the indian with a drum at the right to life march–he got big $ from the media.
In 300, the premise is that this is the account of the guy Leonidas sent to warn the greeks, rather than a documentary. He is trying to scare them into action.
I don’t care much about fictionalization in Blackhawk down, but some films that are supposedly historical go way over into propaganda for the Left.
Re: that NY Post article, WTP – Insty is writing for the NY Post now? I think I remember his column in USA Today, until they canceled him (or he quit it, I forget).
[settles back to read article with what’s left of the coffee]
Re: that NY Post article, WTP – Insty is writing for the NY Post now? I think I remember his column in USA Today, until they canceled him (or he quit it, I forget).
I strongly suspect that he left USA Today because of his suspension over a tweet saying that drivers who are blocked by rioters should feel free to run them down if they feel endangered. That tweet garnered much outrage from liberals, although those liberals were very (instructively) silent regarding rioters’ violent attacks on drivers. Few liberals actually object to leftist terrorism but are easily outraged by any who defend themselves from such terrorism.
In 300, the premise is that this is the account of the guy Leonidas sent to warn the greeks, rather than a documentary. He is trying to scare them into action.
Are you sure? My recollection is that it is depicting the battle itself, not a messenger’s version.
Three days into 2022 and it looks and feels a lot like 2021, but colder.
Just created a GETTR account.
I’ve no idea whether it will take off, but hey.
I’ve no idea whether it will take off, but hey.
It might bring in new readers. But look on the downside: You’ll spend more time fixing the html in the comments. 😉
…have you all noticed that this is being promoted not only by “progressive minded” periodicals but also by some science fiction writers?
They were doing this when it was still Global Cooling that was going to destroy civilization next Tuesday.
They were doing this when it was still Global Cooling that was going to destroy civilization next Tuesday.
I’m sure you’re right, but must confess that I don’t recall many examples: Notably a sixties novel by Robert Silverberg in which a new ice age has completely covered Europe and North America, and the epilogue of Arthur Clark’s Fountains of Paradise in which all humanity has relocated to a massive orbital ring structure when the Earth entered a new super-ice-age–although in both cases the causes are natural climate cycles rather than evil industrialism.
I find the reactions of the Left to people defending themselves so strange. Imagine you are in your car with your wife and kids and you get surrounded by rioters who are rocking your car and aiming guns at you. What exactly does the Left suggest you do? Die? Yes, they do. They imagine that the rioters would not hurt THEM because of their wokeness, of course ignoring that rioters may not stop to listen to your white person protests of wokeness. Kill first, ask questions later. The same with self-defense when someone breaks into your home. You should just let them rape your wife while you watch? Yes, yes you should.
Just created a GETTR account.
(I actually forgot I signed up for it)
I now have one follower. It’s so exciting.
Well OK, then, that is settled. Scroll down for a full video of more insightful insights.
Well OK, then, that is settled. Scroll down for a full video of more insightful insights.
From the comments: “To be honest, she’s not the brightest crayon in the box either saying that Black People can’t be racist towards Asians… She doesn’t even know what the term ‘Racism’ means.”
Except that black racists redefined ‘racism’ decades ago to make it impossible to accuse blacks of racism no matter what they said or did. So her assertion is not so much a sign of her stupidity as of her depravity. I recall reading something (essay? interview?) in the 80’s or 90’s by science fiction writer Samuel R Delany (widely regarded as a genius) in which he flatly stated that blacks could not be racists because racism involved not just bigoted opinions but also power, and since blacks (supposedly) had little or no power then they could not be racists. That was one of the clues that led me to conclude that many who claimed to desire a future world without racism really wanted a world in which they could exact vengance on innocent whites for evils done long ago.
Just joined GETTR. Following you now. Do you get a free toaster or something for joining? ‘Cause I didn’t give my physical address…you know, for security reasons.
Just joined GETTR. Following you now.
I’m an overnight sensation. Hear me roar.
Of course this means there are now even more reasons for my phone to go ping.
[ Starts faffing with notification sounds. ]
Just created a GETTR account.
Do you plan to use that account only to announce new posts to your blog?
Do you plan to use that account only to announce new posts to your blog?
Haven’t the faintest idea. Will see how it goes. The blog will, of course, be the main event.