You Will Not Notice Certain Things
More “equity” news from the world of Canadian high-school teachers, where pretending is everything, and acknowledging reality will result in agitation and possibly punishment:
On Monday, the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation announced that their rules would be changed so that each non-white union member would have his/her vote weighted more than white members.
There are instructional slides and everything. It’s all very jolly.
Attendees were assured that they were “eliminating racism” by endorsing a policy that is itself unambiguously racist and in which one’s leverage very much depends on the colour of one’s skin. You see, building woke utopia requires a little contortion.
Note that objections to the policy were denounced by scrupulously progressive educators, including local union president Cindy Gage, as “harassment” and “harmful language,” and thereby a basis for disciplinary action. To point out that the policy in question is explicitly racist against people with pale skin is, we’re told, “offensive” and “not acceptable.” Those who objected, on grounds of disliking racism, were subsequently accused of “privilege,” which in this case seems to mean an ability to recognise the glaringly obvious.
Please adjust your files and lifestyles accordingly.
Update, via the comments, where [+] quips,
Today’s word is madhouse.
Well, indeed. Readers are invited to imagine working in a supposedly highbrow environment, among supposedly clever people, in which politely pointing out a basic logical and moral error – one resulting in actual institutional racism, as opposed to the imaginary kind – results in gasps of indignation, accusations of “harassment,” and many of your peers reporting you for “privilege” and “harmful language,” with a view to getting you punished in some way. And then being told that your intent, however clear and carefully articulated, has absolutely no bearing on whether you’ll be found guilty. It’s positively surreal.
But it does, I think, offer a glimpse into the strange, unhappy world of woke psychology.
Today’s word is ‘madhouse’.
Today’s word is ‘madhouse’.
It does, I think, offer a glimpse into the strange, unhappy world of woke psychology. And as I hope is by now clear, it does rather matter who gets to educate your children.
I remember 40-50 years ago or so when the Klan (you know, the real ones with the white hoods and everything) and the neo-Nazis (you know, the real ones with the brown shirts, swasticas and everything) insisted that there could never be racial equality, that those calling for racial equality were really racists themselves who desired to do things exactly like this….and worse. Thank God my teachers and preachers and conservative…”conservative” thought leaders all insisted that I understand that even so much as entertaining the thought that such possibilities were even remotely worthy of consideration was itself terrible, terrible wrong-think that I best not let my thinking self think. ‘Unthinkable’ I believe is the term.
Is it any wonder we don’t have flying cars and moon bases by now…not that I’m a fan of either one but it seemed quite clear back then that by this point we would be far, far more likely to have those and not this racist crap.
I wonder just how many African-Canadians are Hindu. In the Twat example of a vote on recognition of an Indian-Indian festival, HTF does it justify up-weighting the votes of black non-Indians?
A rhetorical question, naturally.
Today’s word is ‘madhouse’.
Readers are invited to imagine working in a supposedly highbrow environment, among supposedly clever people, in which politely pointing out a basic and rather obvious logical and moral error – one resulting in actual institutional racism, as opposed to the imaginary kind – results in gasps of indignation, accusations of “harassment,” and many of your peers reporting you for “privilege” and “harmful language,” with a view to getting you punished in some way. And then being told that your intent, however clear and carefully articulated, has absolutely no bearing on whether you’ll be found guilty.
It’s positively surreal.
The OSSTF has been outright Marxist for decades. The political ecosystem in Ontario is absolutely controlled by the public sector unions, of which the largest and most powerful is the teacher’s union(s).
Ontario is ~68% white – down from 82% twenty years ago but the Great Replacement totally isn’t a thing, guys – and more rank and file teachers than you might think don’t actually support the unions but they don’t actively dissent, either. It’s career suicide to do so. This might finally be the thing that pushes them over the edge.
It’s positively surreal.
No, it’s not. It’s entirely typical and predictable. Remember Dalrymple:
These people aren’t crazy. They know exactly what they’re doing.
These people aren’t crazy. They know exactly what they’re doing.
In which case, you could swap the word surreal with… well, evil.
There are more and more Canajuns on the interwebs and twatter advocating for the American solution of “charter” schools to get their children away from the lunatics and the Racism Guilds.
Seems only fair to import solutions from the US since we seem to import most of their problems.
Oh, and for the edification of you furriners:
black population of Canaduh: 3.5%
“indigineous” population of Canaduh: 4.9%
Population of crazy leftists ? Lots. Bloody lots.
And again, note the reliance on non-reciprocal ‘principles’.
Is anyone seeing a theme?
Seen recently…

Curious how these egalitarians really do seem to like their identitarian hierarchies and doctrinaire pecking orders.
By which I mean, they do seem to like telling people to know their place.
Just sayin’.
And again, note the reliance on non-reciprocal ‘principles’.
Best part: “This allows for further conversation and growth together.”
Best part: “This allows for further conversation and growth together.”
The capacity for self-contradiction – and the wider failures of self-awareness – are a thing to behold.
White liberal teachers are only counted as 3/5 of a person now.
Well, they earned it.
Too simplistic by half for the obfuscating gauleiters.
The way to defeat racism and discrimination is with racism and discrimination. Who knew?
In Canada, at the provincial level, we have these unelected quasi-judicial boards called Human Rights Commissions. It seems like this would be a good test for them. Although, I suspect they’d never agree to hear a case despite their demonstrated propensity for hearing all kinds of crazy (think Jessica Yaniv serial abuser of the system).
…the strange, unhappy world of woke psychology.
…the strange, unhappy world of woke psychology.
A bra wouldn’t hurt.
A bra wouldn’t hurt.
Not entirely convinced it would help either.
Not entirely convinced it would help either.
The lady needs just two things. A good bra, and the Wizard of Oz.
We are on our way to see Ghostbusters. Will report later. (geez, it’s been almost 2 years since last in an actual movie theater)
Will report later.
We expect nothing less.
There are instructional slides and everything.
From those slides, I can only conclude that the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation is to education what CNN is to news.
This allows for further conversation and growth together.
This being the end of the example where the minority’s timid petition to be accommodated in their Diwali celebrations is shouted down by a stadium full of hockey fans, so the only way for them to be “heard” is to weigh their votes to create a deadlock, upon which the real “conversation” and “growth” can begin.
It’s backwards, isn’t it? In the normal process, there was a conversation, this conversation preceded the vote, the minority view was heard, and then … well, if you’re in a minority you should be accustomed to losing votes, and if you don’t like it you can live in a country where you are the majority.
“Being heard”, translated from Oprah-speak, means a minority imposing its will, thwarting the majority from running its own institutions as it sees fit. It’s a bit like the Non-Violent De-escalation lady from yesterday.
And it’s not going to be about Diwali, which I’m sure is already generously accommodated in Canadian schools as a pleasant convivial facet of diversity. It’ll be about bare ethnic group interests and about introducing a curriculum that demeans white children, that degrades Canada as a historically meaningful country, and opens it up further for minority incursion.
But if the white majority in Canada is (at best) a numerical anomaly, and (at worst) a historical injustice to be righted, and Canada isn’t willing to say that its British European Christian character is non-negotiable and not to be abandoned to “demographic change”, then whites will become a minority there, for ever, and these weighted votes might as well be treated as a rehearsal.
The Western decline continues to be indistinguishable from a civilization wide female shit test.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Grade: B+
Definitely an enjoyable way to spend a couple of hours in a movie theater. There’s plenty of genuine nostalgia – and respect — for the original 1984 film. Difference in overall tone as 1984 was more like an extended (and good) SNL skit. Afterlife keeps a good amount of humor and funny moments, but also surprises with some good scary bits and some heartstring pulling without forcing it.
What I appreciated — the young actors don’t chew the scenery and come off as, well, real kids. There is NO “wokeness” in the film — and I mean none, nada, zip. There are some plot holes, questions never answered, and it could have been a bit tighter in a few places … but that’s why I didn’t give it an “A”.
I really have missed the whole movie experience after close to two years away. This was a nice movie to start up again.
Proof that arithmetic is oppressive:
Proof that arithmetic is oppressive
They don’t need to wear their pussy hats for us to know they are twats.
…“eliminating racism”…
Speaking of which, a new player has entered the field.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
I downloaded a camrip. I punched out after ten minutes.
1984 was more like an extended (and good) SNL skit
True. Ghostbusters II was like an episode of thirtysomething.
Afterlife appears to be an episode of Stranger Things, and all that that entails.
When you’re super-progressive, there’s so much blocking to do.
As so often, these things are presented as some obvious and unassailable moral imperative, a wisdom with which one couldn’t possibly argue. But when the wider public gets wind of it, is suitably bewildered and/or dismayed, and pushes back even a little, then the feverish blocking starts and the shutters come down with a clang.
These people aren’t crazy. They know exactly what they’re doing.
It’s common to assume that those who devise and propagate these things, and who wish to indoctrinate children with a kind of racial neurosis, are somehow well-meaning people who just happen to have terrible ideas, and who just happen to have them over and over again. It seems more likely that in fact they’re awful people who are attracted to, and fixated by, terrible ideas.
Here is the modern world encapsulated: we have fought, or rather our predecessors did, to make sure everyone had an equal vote, but the swing of the pendulum dictates now that some should be more equal than others. However it is propped up by a “Your vote counts more than mine” gesture to show how generous these people are.
Also slides being prepared shows how this is very serious indeed!
I really do accept the swing of pendulums in life but when it starts banging against one side of the clock case and scaring the mice and spiders then surely an adjustment is needed.
One minor observation of the title “Ghostbusters: Afterlife.” Will there be a sequel, with the title being “Ghostbusters: Afterlife 2” suggesting the afterlife has another level? I think philosophers would have a field day discussing that concept.
However maybe the producers see it like the game ‘Final Fantasy’ which I believe has reached at least ‘Final Fantasy 15’. In other words, and to paraphrase Inigo Montoya, I don’t think final means what you think it means.
…those who devise and propagate…and who wish to indoctrinate
childrenwith a kind of racial neurosis…“…in fact they’re awful people who are attracted to, and fixated by, terrible ideas.”
Re Farnsworth’s link:
There you go! That’s the spirit! By God if we only had more people like that, this world would turn around in a heartbeat!
It seems more likely that in fact they’re awful people
*faints. With assorted vapors*
You mean all of us aren’t exactly the same, all loving of puppies and kittens and…
“I’d like to teach the world to sing,
in perfect harmony…”
Oh look – Academy Sports has 100 bucks off the Kimber Night Patrol in .45. Dear Santa, I want
Are they bringing back the 3/5 rule from slavery days in the US? Where slaves counted for 3/5 of a person for allocating congressional representation (not for voting of course)?
The shaved head lady is an example of being “revolutionary” by making yourself as ugly as possible, and then demanding everyone respect you/love you. Oh, and give us the finger too. Sure. That will work.
The bullying by the school that if you even question their new policy you are racist will only work as long as people are afraid of that label. In Virginia it stopped working and parents were calling out the school for CRT and other teaching. They didn’t care anymore what you called them. It determined the gov race. So these things can flip if you push it too far. Pray flipping continues.
The bullying by the school that if you even question their new policy you are racist will only work as long as people are afraid of that label
Eight Mile Rule.
I punched out after ten minutes.
Well, I guess watching ten minutes of a 2 hour movie is a fair way to judge it.
If it isn’t to your taste in movies, fine. I certainly avoid movies or books or music that I know I’m not going to enjoy.
I definitely enjoyed this movie for the reasons I stated. Is it like Stranger Things? Only in the set up of making having kids, especially Phoebe, the main focus in fantasy/horror/scifi film. But that’s nothing new. Afterlife is as much Stranger Things as it is Goonies or Explorers.
Will there be a sequel, with the title being “Ghostbusters: Afterlife 2” suggesting the afterlife has another level?
I’d never like to say “never” when it comes to the suits in Hollyweird. However, Afterlife does take a moment to explain why there have been no mass spook events since 1984 and then winds up with taking that to completion at the end of the movie. It really doesn’t leave much room for any kind of sequel. Spinoff? Who knows?
all in all, it’s de gustibus and YMMV.
Oh, btw, I’m sure you all will be happy to know that Fairfax County Public Schools has decided to return those sexually graphic juvie-porn books to the school library. They are “scientifically based” after all. How dare parents be opposed to SCIENCE!!
Eight Mile Rule.
What’s that?
Fairfax County Public Schools has decided to return those sexually graphic juvie-porn books to the school library.
I suspect the authors’ hard drives would be quite revealing. You do rather have to marvel at the kinds of people who can select such, er, reading matter, and flick through it, then present it to children, and not, it seems, hear the mental alarm bell ringing.
Eight Mile Rule. What’s that?
Well, in olden days it required a helmet, drive shaft loop, roll cage and safety switch…
Oh, thought it was 1/8th mile rule
What’s that?
It’s taking away your opponents argument by stating his case before he does leaving him with nothing to say. It’s from the Eminem movie 8 Mile.
The graphic books in school libraries is that slippery slope that we kept being told doesn’t exist. First it is gay rights, then gay marriage, then all genders are equal and valid, and then of course if all this is “normal” you can (must) teach about it in school. The book DOES in fact depict pedophilia and sex between juveniles. They don’t have books depicting hetero sex I would bet. They also want books depicting trans life. It is sick indoctrination.
It is sick indoctrination.
No it isn’t, y’all just ignorant h8rs trying to impose yte supremacist Eurocentrism.
So which would be healthier, 1/4 mg of xanax twice a day or a shot of vodka twice a day? I’d ask my doctor this but I doubt I would get a straight answer. Of course I would be asking him for a friend. Of course, of course.