Time for a spot of downtrodden-minority news:
The 26-year-old suspect has been charged with assault. She remains in custody until her next court appearance.
The Vancouver Police Department, quoted above, are referring, rather coyly, to this chap here:
A trans-identified male has been arrested after assaulting a breastfeeding mother in Vancouver, British Columbia. Nathaniel Francis Beekmeyer, 26, was charged on Friday, with media and local police referring to him as a “woman.”
The assault occurred on Thursday, May 9, at approximately 2:15PM, when the mother, her husband, their baby boy, and one other family member were sitting in their vehicle on Commercial Drive. A strange man opened the door of the car and attempted to grab the mother and her nursing four-month-old infant from the back of the car.
Happily, passers-by assisted the alarmed mother, and Mr Beekmeyer, who was shirtless at the time, was overpowered and arrested shortly afterwards, before being charged with assault. Unlike the police and several news outlets, including the Vancouver Sun and the CBC, witnesses to the crime were quite comfortable using the words he and man when referring to Mr Beekmeyer.
A YouTube channel belonging to Beekmeyer has now been identified where he has uploaded several disturbing videos in which he refers to himself as a “dead girl,” discusses reincarnation, his mission to transform men into women, and declares in a video titled “Oestrogen is the Strongest Euphioriant [sic]” that the female hormone provides “the greatest high.”
Apparently, it’s the kind of euphoria that results in one attacking random women and their four-month-old babies. Until a crowd of passers-by pin one to the ground.
Almost all of Beekmeyer’s videos are shot in a decrepit room with disturbing scribbling on the walls. In some of the videos, he is completely silent, and simply sits in front of the camera with distorted music playing in the background.
If the above isn’t sufficiently Silence of the Lambs, there is more.
“Let’s take some oestrogen. This is pure oestrogen,” Beekmeyer says in one video. “First of all, we open the vial. Now we take a whole bunch. How much do we take? Well, how much is this? Hmm? I love it. That was about 15 milligrams. So seven days’ worth of oestrogen. Yeah, I was trying to take a lot because I love feeling euphoric,” he says.
He’s going to his happy place. Where the good vibes are:
“Oestrogen is the greatest high. Women get it all the time. Men should get it all the time too,” Beekmeyer continues. “Oh my god, it turns me on because I turn myself on by acting all super cute after. It’s such a heaven doing drugs, you know… Even if you’re a serial killer like me, you’re gonna have to start to realise that a female form is not weak. It’s strong.”
He continues: “Now I’m thinking, how can I kill you? I could have killed you in a different video… Yeah, I’m a serial killer. Do you hate women? I hate women. They don’t take enough oestrogen.”
So nothing of concern there.
Readers with an interest in self-expression and interior décor will find much to ponder in the video below:
When not sharing his thoughts on how “super cute” he is, and therefore how sexually aroused he is, Mr Beekmeyer declares himself a saviour who will “fix the world.” Specifically, by transforming men into women. However – and this is perhaps something of a catch – “all women have to be destroyed.”
Mr Beekmeyer adds, “I’m a beautiful person.”

For reference purposes.
Still, at least the public were spared getting what might laughingly be referred to as the wrong idea, thanks to the police and media misleading said public about the identity of a dangerously deranged criminal.
Though it occurs to me that, for the passers-by who intervened and overpowered Mr Beekmeyer, it must have been quite strange to see subsequent reports in which this shirtless man was referred to by the police and the media as a woman. As if their own, first-hand perceptions, from mere inches away, were somehow wildly and implausibly inaccurate.
And as noted by Genevieve Gluck, author of the piece quoted above,
This is not the first time a law enforcement agency in Vancouver has given incorrect information on a suspect’s identity due to their transgender status… The Metro Vancouver Transit Police claimed they “didn’t know” if the primary suspect in a SkyTrain sexual assault was male or female despite having recovered semen during the investigation.
But hey. This is where we are now. Feel the progress.
Update, via the comments:
As noted previously, you have to wonder whether the absurdity above will continue indefinitely, a sort of routine surrealism, or whether it will it just peter out, like any fad, and then be remembered with some embarrassment. As if it were on a par with wearing flares.
And if it does become unfashionable, I wonder how the players below will feel:
Readers will note that both the
Telegraph and the court refer to Mr Dolatowski as if he were in fact a woman – not a mentally ill, paedophilic man. I’m sure the parents of the molested children were thrilled by the consequent air of unrealism and unhappy farce.
It must be quite surreal, and presumably upsetting, to hear lawyers and officials pretending that a 6’5” man – the 6’5” man who recently molested your child in a supermarket toilet – is somehow, magically, a woman. One would hope that lawyers, judges, and the other occupants of a courtroom – and possibly, at a stretch, even journalists – were interested in reality, in establishing facts. Not affirming some unhinged and misleading fantasy.
I wonder how those journalists, lawyers, and court officials will retrospectively process their very public participation in our current, ongoing clown show. In which, as above, the child molester is flattered and indulged, his pretence affirmed, while his victims are repeatedly insulted. Will they still like to think of themselves as beings of high probity?
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