The Unspanked
“Look at you shaking, you little bitch!”
From the Land of Let’s All Talk About My Feelings, behold our betters at large:
“You don’t know me…” “YOU’RE WHITE!”
Update, via the comments:
And in case you were wondering,
A total of five campus police were eventually called to the scene, and the conservative students were ultimately escorted off campus flanked by the officers for their own protection… University police said they are not planning on taking any actions against the [leftist] students in the video.
The lesson, it seems, is this. When you’re insufficiently leftwing and are advertising a lecture by the economist Arthur Laffer, and offering passers-by free hot chocolate, you should expect to be harassed and physically threatened by a mob of students, who indulge in a kind of practised hysteria, and who then vandalise your property, steal your personal belongings, and scream racial and sexual profanities in your face. Until you – not they – are escorted off campus.
In a saner world, people indulging in such behaviour would within days find themselves expelled, with their belongings dumped on the roadside, and their parents sent video of the exchange, along with a letter including the words unfit for university and no refund.
Instead, however, as we’ve seen, activist faculty and administrators are willing to disregard their own official codes of behaviour, which generally forbid coercive disruption and physical intimidation. To say nothing of theft and screamed racial epithets. And so, we get the scenes above, which are hardly uncommon, and statements like this one, aired in the video around 1:57:
The fact that y’all are comfortable to even do this means that we’re not doing enough.
To paraphrase – the fact that non-leftist students still feel able to visibly exist is something that will have to change, apparently. It’s a telling statement, I think. One that suggests both an expectation of impunity and worse to come.
Update 2, via WTP:
On that expectation of impunity:
There were also protesters who acted in a manner that may have violated University rules. In the context of the incident and in keeping with the principles and values noted above, the University did not seek to identify or charge any protesters. To do so would have escalated an already volatile situation and run counter to the primary interest in safely de-escalating the situation.
So says Mr Brian Rose, the university’s Vice President of Student Affairs, while blaming the conservative students, the ones being menaced, for being “provocative.” Readers may wish to ponder whether such mental contortions, which sound an awful lot like cowardice, are, in effect, a license for more of the same. More of that volatility.
Update 3:
Suitably emboldened and seemingly free of consequences, the ‘protestors’ continued their narcissistic psychodrama by disrupting the advertised lecture. The invited speaker, economist Arthur Laffer, was of course prevented from speaking, at all, with police soon escorting him from the building. “For his own protection.”
Behold, once again, the left’s would-be intellectuals.
Why is it always led by crazy women?
Why is it always led by crazy women?
It is interesting just how often obnoxious women of a fairly particular type are at the forefront of such gatherings. I suppose it fits the passive-aggressive opening dynamic, the standard ruse – “Ow, my poor feelings!” Or, “Your existence is hurting me!” And people in general, even those being harassed and screamed at and having their property trashed, tend to be reluctant to get into a physical scuffle with a woman. Even a woman who’s exulting in spite and mob coercion.
A reluctance that allows the group to push further and escalate the psychodrama.
Why is it always led by crazy women?
And for a certain kind of woman there’s presumably a sadistic satisfaction in exploiting that conventional male restraint and then cowing and humiliating a man, someone who’s by and large physically stronger. I hesitate to extrapolate much further, but you can probably guess at the kinds of dynamics, and the kinds of people to whom they appeal.
“You don’t know me…” “YOU’RE WHITE!”
Good to see the left has fixed racism.
Good to see the left has fixed racism.
Heh. Well, quite.
’ And people in general, even those being harassed and screamed at and having their property trashed, tend to be reluctant to get into a physical scuffle with a woman.’
But isn’t it sexist not to treat her equally as you’d treat a man?
Why is it always led by crazy women?
Better they work out their anger on some white boys in the quad than to bring it back to the dorm room and take it out on their kids and their Baby Daddy’s
To listen to the rap lyrics and to watch the videos and their portrayal and treatment of women the men in this crowd are certainly not keeping their pimp hands strong.
How the hell did they get *into* college?
How the hell did they get *into* college?
I’m assuming there wasn’t a test on how to fold a foldaway table.
How the hell did they get *into* college?
Diversity, bro! Never forget our “strength”!!!
“How the hell did they get *into* college?”
I think it’s called “money”…
Yet they’ll pivot from violent rage to feigned helplessness, needing glow-stick assistance to reach campus “safe places,” when it suits their purposes.
It’s pure malevolence and they’re being rewarded for it.
As Glenn Reynolds noted recently,
A sentiment that may be familiar to regular readers here.
Un-spanked? I was thinking they were un-whipped. I’d like to help.
There are many people roaming the streets who would have turned out differently – better manners, less hostile to other viewpoints, perhaps more valuable to society – if they had just been punched in the mouth hard, even just a few times, when they really needed it.
As is in evidence here.
Perhaps, for some of these progressives, it’s not too late to start.
The Unspanked
The unworthy.
The unworthy.
That too.
Why is it always led by crazy women?
Sadistic women played an important role in Mao’s Great Cultural Revolution–a disproportionate role, I have sometimes read.
Looks to be a conspiracy to deny civil rights. Bet that looks good on a resume.
Why is it always led by crazy women?
Tactics. White Christian men (and black Christian men too) are not allowed to hit women. If they had a pregnant one in their ranks they’d put her right at the front.
Note what this says about them. First, that they -know- the people they are screaming at are good men who won’t hit a woman. Second, the males in the group are content to hide behind a woman’s skirts.
I think this is not lost on people generally who watch these videos. There a visceral reaction to violent women taking advantage of men like that, and a worse reaction to the type of male who hides behind them waiting to strike.
Like most of what the Left does these days, its stupid/smart. Tactically clever-ish, strategically disastrous.
It says a lot about the Conservatives too. They hold their values strongly. They won’t hit the woman no matter what she does, short of hitting with a weapon.
Wokeness as a status symbol. When most people can afford luxury goods, luxury ideologies are the next step.
Observation: The Ruling Class is endeavoring to deprive ordinary people of luxury goods on the pretext that this is necessary to Save the Planet.
Hypothesis: Once they are successful they will abandon most of their luxury ideologies and return to using luxury goods as symbols of their superiority.
“Sadistic women played an important role in Mao’s Great Cultural Revolution–a disproportionate role, I have sometimes read.”
If you haven’t already done so, Robert Loh’s Escape From Red China is a must read.
If you haven’t already done so, Robert Loh’s Escape From Red China is a must read.
Thank you. Added to my list.
We can’t co-exist with these people, and it’s outrageous that we’re expected to. I’ve thought for some time that a Great Parting of the Ways is the only answer.
Observation: The Ruling Class is endeavoring to deprive ordinary people of luxury goods on the pretext that this is necessary to Save the Planet.
I’m reminded of that Peter Strzok’s text to mistress Lisa Page
The hysterics, hatred and soft coup against President Trump isn’t just about him, it’s about the people who voted for him. How DARE that class of people actually have representation in the government. They are people you can *smell* them when they are out in public.
If you haven’t already done so, Robert Loh’s Escape From Red China is a must read.
Thanks for the tip. Just downloaded to my Kindle.
it’s about the people who voted for him.
Indeed. As Victor Davis Hanson has noted, the contempt is partly ideological and partly class-based:
“When I would go to department meetings, get coffee, or see faculty at receptions, I could never quite understand the aberrant mental processes. There was never a connection between our salaries and the source of wealth generated to pay them. Taxes could be limitless, because a Michelle’s proverbial “they” had far too much money anyway, and so spent their lucre on needless things like jet skis and SUVs. Better for the university to have it and spread it around wisely.”
“Whom do the globalists despise? The carbon spewing Winnebago owners, the snowmobilers, the jet skiers, the Glock packers, the Elks Clubbers, the lathe workers, the 101st Airborners with molôn labé tattooed on their arms, the 7-11 owners, the nutty Brit who speaks reverentially of Churchill, the dumb grubby French guy on a tractor who has no clue that his diesel engine must soon be replaced by three-hour batteries, the wacko Greek who cannot appreciate a boatload of noble Libyans landing on the beach below his ancestral olive grove in Crete, the limited Czech who clings to the hokey belief that residents in the Czech Republic should still speak Czech—in other words, all the autonomous cranks, and odd ballers who did not get the message, are not yet on board, and should have been by now long past woke.”
The hysterics, hatred and soft coup against President Trump isn’t just about him
I’ve heard several people on the right point out that Trump’s support is so unwavering despite his centrist Democrat history (NY liberal Dem for decades) because they understand this truth: the left doesn’t want to destroy Trump, they want to destroy us. Trump’s just in the way.
Bullies in victims’ clothing.
“Binghamton University was established in 1946 in Endicott, New York, as Triple Cities College to serve the needs of local veterans returning from World War II.”
Who are now probably wondering why they ever bothered.
But notice how much they’re enjoying the thrill of power. They claim to be marginalized and powerless, but that whole episode, and hundreds of others like it, is about the exercise of power, often simply for its own sake (the jeering and deliberate humiliation, or the stealing of the hat, for example), by the mob against the alleged oppressor.
And a thought occurs: has the chanting of slogans en masse ever signalled a good and worthy cause? Eastern European anticommunism in the late ’80s, maybe? I’m not sure. They tended to be fairly quiet and dignified, as I recall. Same with the 1960s civil rights protesters in America. It seems to me a pretty good rule of thumb that a crowd chanting slogans is usually up to no good.
Please understand – I don’t WANT violence. These people WILL NOT STOP until it happens to them. Bloodily.
These are brownshirts in training. They are willing – through Socialism – to take other peoples’ stuff. They are willing, as a mob, to wreck other people’s stuff and threaten them physically. Look at the general behavior of ANTIFA. These people are spoiling for a fight and are the living embodiment of Lenin’s dictum “Advance. If you meet steel, withdraw. If you meet mush, advance farther.”
The line must be drawn: this far, no farther.
Robert Loh’s Escape From Red China is a must read
Borrow for free by signing up for an account with the Open Library of the Internet Archive, which is filled with all sorts of good stuff*.
*(Covered horribly by Led Zepplin [spit])
“…won’t hit the woman no matter what she does, short of hitting with a weapon.”
I’d hit a woman like that with the contents of a bucket of water, but I never seem to find both handy at once.
Society used to have norms. Those who transgressed would find out quickly their behavior was not acceptable.
Then society decided to be polite and extremely tolerant.
Now society has new norms. Those who transgress find out quickly their behavior is not acceptable.
It shocks a lot of people to see this behavior, but those same people use phrases like “run out on a rail” or “tar and feather” that haven’t had any relationship to reality in 100+ years. It is disappointing, but if you will not run the local pedophile out on a rail or tar and feather the professors and politicians who preach your replacement then YOU will be run out of town (or worse).
More of our betters, showing their tolerance and rational discourse, as usual.
These people will forever be slaves of their own misery.
Pepper spray would work wonders.
It’s pure malevolence and they’re being rewarded for it.
In a saner world, people indulging in such behaviour would within days find themselves expelled, with their belongings dumped on the roadside, and their parents sent video of the exchange, along with a letter including the words unfit for university and no refund. Instead, however, as we’ve seen, activist faculty and administrators are willing to disregard their own official codes of behaviour, which generally forbid coercive disruption and physical intimidation. To say nothing of theft and screamed racial epithets. And so, we get the scenes above, and statements like this one:
Yes, the fact that non-leftist students still feel able to visibly exist is something that will have to change, apparently. It’s a telling statement, I think. One that suggests both an expectation of impunity and worse to come.
“Wokeness as a status symbol.”

A variant on our perennial link to the article on positional goods.
Also, wrt @Darleen, @pst314, @DReam:
A slightly longer edit of the video can be found here.
For those of you who can’t get enough of Little Miss Braids and her moron entourage.
And remember, when you’re insufficiently leftwing and are advertising a lecture by the economist Arthur Laffer, and offering passers-by free hot chocolate, then it seems you should expect to be harassed and physically threatened by a mob of students, who indulge in a kind of practised hysteria, and who then vandalise your property, steal your personal belongings, and scream racial and sexual profanities in your face. Until you – not they – are escorted off campus.
The boy giving two fingers looks familiar. Has he been seen in other videos of fascist thuggery?
The boy giving two fingers looks familiar.
Hard to say. The looks of hostility and moronic self-satisfaction are pretty much interchangeable.
It doesn’t matter what we say or think about them, they’re still winning…..
Buy ammo. You’ll need it sooner than you think.
I often wonder two things while watching these clown quarter videos:
1) What percentage of the college is really like this? We see, what, 40 people in the video? Obviously there’s a critical mass of leftard admin running that shitshow but how many students are privately disgusted by what they’re witnessing, carrying that disgust with them into the world? The answer varies greatly depending on college, I’m sure.
2) How many anti-leftists do these videos create? These viral vids don’t bolster their ranks methinks, but turn off nearly anyone sitting on the fence who happen to see them.
I have these optimistic thoughts because otherwise I can’t escape thinking that I’m looking at future corpses in the civil war.
It doesn’t matter what we say or think about them, they’re still winning…..
It must be my delicious coffee powering steely optimism, but I disagree. I think we’re seeing the death throes of an ideology that has completely lost the plot as it descends further into madness due to a purity death spiral. It’ll get far, far worse before it’s better but then course corrections are always messy affairs.
I think we’re seeing the death throes of an ideology that has completely lost the plot as it descends further into madness due to a purity death spiral.
If life, existence, were guided by rationalism, on a less than evolutionary time scale, yeah, sure, maybe. But as someone famously said, there’s a lot of ruin in a nation. Even more in a pan-global civilization. It may indeed get far, far worse before it’s better. May. Possibly. I certainly hope so because what choice do I really have? Or we are on the doorstep of a new dark age and the “gets better” part doesn’t happen for a time period similar to the hundreds and hundreds of years twixt the start of the last one and the Enlightenment. I seriously doubt those on the doorstep of the last one saw it coming.
WTP – You know what we have today that Dark Ages 1.0 didn’t? McGriddles.
Nothing to worry about.
I think we’re seeing the death throes of an ideology that has completely lost the plot as it descends further into madness due to a purity death spiral.
I dunno. I know some supposedly rational middle aged people who have embraced the demands for ideological purity.