They Come To Teach Us
And behold their glittering minds:
“You shouldn’t even have an opinion about this.”
The above exchange was filmed at the Boston Free Speech Rally, August 19. A longer, even more educational version, with lots of additional shoving and liveliness, is embedded below the fold. And remember, these Children of Marcuse, the ones demanding “empathy” while laughing at accounts of random beatings, have been educated, quite thoroughly.
Update, via the comments:
The longer video does, I think, capture a basic dynamic, a root pathology.
While professing their compassion and high-mindedness, and therefore their superiority, the Mao-lings seem determined to out-group Polite Guy and tar him as an interloper, a “white supremacist,” etc., based on nothing at all, except for the fact that he’s white. When this characterisation fails as implausible, and Polite Guy remains polite and pointedly unthreatening, the Mao-lings then get even more hostile and menacing, before assaulting him from behind as he’s trying to leave. Presumably because he made their preposterous self-image more difficult to sustain. And so he must pay.
But such is Mao-ling psychodrama. There’s no point trying to engage with it rationally, except to reveal what it is, and no reward for being civil. It’s just a ball of vanity and malice. And so the Mao-lings who are shrieking at Polite Guy demand to know, “When have you ever been oppressed?” And they ask this while laughing at his assault, mocking his politeness, and shortly before assaulting him themselves.
Update 2:
In the comments, Daniel Ream notes,
We have entire institutions dedicated to producing hordes of young people with a kind of artificial cluster B personality disorder.
Well, yes. And I suppose that if you were feeling charitable, which may be a big ask, you might register the sadness of it all. In that, if you take lots of young people who are credulous and/or narcissistic, or who actually have cluster B personalities, and whose expectations of status are at odds with their capabilities – and you tell them, repeatedly, for years, that any personal failure or shortcoming, any difficulty or mental discomfort, is a result of oppression and therefore someone else’s fault, someone they should punish, then the behaviour seen above will tend to be the result. That, or something very much like it.
And once you’ve cultivated this level of dysfunction, this self-flattery and vindictiveness, it’s hard to see how it can be undone. Those seduced by it may well remain broken.
Via Obnoxio.
The US is an absolute basket case. The sooner that country implodes the better.
Why are so many of these psycho scumbags women?
Avoid crazy bitches with purple hair.
He’s very brave. I think this really beings home the horror of the Maolings and their hateful ideology. I’m quite shocked.
Mao-ling: “Have you heard of what empathy is?”
Polite guy with camera: “I had the shit kicked out of me for being white.”
Mao-ling#2: “Good.”
[ Laughter, sneering. ]
I’m quite shocked.
It does, I think, capture the basic dynamic, the pathology of it.
While professing their compassion and high-mindedness, and therefore their superiority, the Mao-lings seem determined to out-group Polite Guy and tar him as an interloper, a “white supremacist,” etc., based on nothing at all, except the fact that he’s white. When this characterisation fails as implausible, and Polite Guy remains polite and pointedly unthreatening, the Mao-lings then get even more hostile and menacing, even assaulting him from behind as he’s trying to leave. Presumably because he made their preposterous self-image more difficult to sustain. And so he must pay.
But such is Mao-ling psychodrama. There’s no point trying to engage with it rationally, except to reveal what it is, and no reward for being civil. It’s just a ball of vanity and malice.
These are toddlers in the bodies of adults. They need their legs slapped.
I’m quite shocked.
I suppose that if you were feeling charitable, which may be a big ask, you might register the sadness of it all.
In that, if you take lots of young people who are credulous and/or narcissistic, or who have borderline personalities, and whose expectations of status are at odds with their capabilities, and you tell them, repeatedly, for years, that any personal failure or shortcoming, any difficulty or mental discomfort, is a result of oppression and therefore someone else’s fault, someone they should punish, then the behaviour seen above will tend to be the result. That, or something very much like it. And once you’ve cultivated this level of dysfunction, this self-flattery and vindictiveness, it’s hard to see how it can be undone. Those seduced by it may well remain broken.
if you were feeling charitable, which may be a big ask,
Watched the video and I’m not feeling much charity to be honest.
it’s hard to see how it can be undone. Those seduced by it may well remain broken.
If current theories on personality development and neuroplasticity bear out, then yes.
Regular readers will be aware that I work a lot with people who suffer from borderline personality disorder. The prevalence of this is tragic enough, implying as it does a level of juvenile sexual abuse that seems staggering.
That we have entire institutions dedicated to producing hordes of young people with a kind of artificial cluster B personality disorder, and the societal prolonging of adolescence well past the point where personality is believed to become fixed and immutable…this does not bode well for the future, when a significant proportion of the next generation can be credibly described as mentally ill.
entire institutions dedicated to producing hordes of young people with a kind of artificial cluster B personality disorder,
The US is an absolute basket case. The sooner that country implodes the better.
I would disagree. The Mao-lings are a vociferous bunch (to put it mildly) but they are still a tiny minority and as ineffectual as Spencer’s neo-Nazis. Their malignant and narcissistic idiocy has now gone mainstream; my guess is that within ten years the majority of Angry Studies Depts. will have been shut down, not least because (America being America) the lawyers are going to get involved seeing as how ASDs have churned out several thousand unemployable pillocks, many of whom have wealthy parents. That would entail a few hundred class-action suits which, irony of ironies, would be defended by pleading First Amendment rights.
Start stockpiling popcorn now.
Lancastrian Oik
God, I hope you’re right.
But history is full of temporary insanities taking over populations. I’m not sure how much of a consolation it is, when one is kneeling in a cellar waiting for the neck-shot, or strung-up on gallows to know that sanity will eventually be resumed.
I fear this is going to get a lot worse before it gets any better.
That we have entire institutions dedicated to producing hordes of young people with a kind of artificial cluster B personality disorder…
Daniel, you may find yourself being called as an expert witness for the plaintiffs.
1. “We’re here for equality”
2. “You shouldn’t even have an opinion about this”
“When have you ever been oppressed?” they asked the polite man, while laughing at his assault, mocking his politeness, and shortly before assaulting him themselves.
It isn’t politics. It’s pathology.
“This is a HATE-FREE ZONE!”
The US is an absolute basket case. The sooner that country implodes the better.

No, the areas west of I-5, east of I-95 north of Norfolk, and certain big cities are full of loons, the problem is that all the “media” are among those in those benighted areas, and hence the loons get all the press. It is rather a do-loop of stupidity. Here in the vast middle between I-5 and I-95 things are generally normal.
Meanwhile, I’m not seeing much difference.
It’s interesting, the way the chunky, purple-haired She-Mao-ling shrieks and jabs her fingers at Polite Guy, interrupting him and generally being obnoxious, while pointing to the black woman next to her as if she were a talisman. A universal excuse for any kind of behaviour.
That was f*cking awful. I’m actually upset now.
I’m actually upset now.
Well, watching malevolence is upsetting. If you watched the full video and didn’t find it disquieting, at all, that would be more of a concern, I think.
And yet people will tell you eugenics is wrong.
They’re hyenas. Call pest control.
If anyone has trouble with comments not appearing, email me and I’ll prostrate myself before the spam filter, a capricious deity.
I think it was the blogger Neo-NeoCon who came up with the idea that some people serve as kind of plaque discloser, in that their own innocuous behaviour reveals the unthinking hostility and dysfunction around them. In that respect, I think Polite Guy did a great job.
The US is an absolute basket case.
Meanwhile in the UK, Toppling statues? Here’s why Nelson’s column should be next.
Hysterically removing statues = “frenzied debate”. OK, it is The Guardian…
We should start by defunding Higher ‘Education’ completely. If people want to render themselves unemployable and repulsive let them pay for it. It is an outrage that potato packers in Idaho or street cleaners in London are forced on pain of imprisonment to hand over a single penny in tax when our government misuses it so.
If people want to render themselves unemployable
And yet someone is being commissioned to write all those tediously uniform “woke” articles for Gizmodo, io9, Mic, Teen Vogue, et al., in which disdaining “whiteness,” and using “white” as a pejorative, is a sign of sophistication and moral status.
I noted with interest an early part of the exchange, where Polite Guy asks the simple question, “Why should I join you?” The reaction that question elicits is truly disturbing. None of those people can actually explain his/her position. Oh sure, they’ve got the jargon down. They withdraw words like “oppression,” “hate,” “white supremacy,” etc. from a basket easily enough, but the simple question “Why” sends them into a rage. As Farnsworth alluded to above, there can be no dialogue with such people because they are espousing a secular religion to which one must immediately submit without question or suffer the consequences.
And yet someone is being commissioned to write …
That would be employment of a sort, but I tend to think of those articles you mention as being not so much written as expectorated.
The cognitive disonence (spelling?) was astounding, telling him to shut up and criticizing him for having nothing to say. They were like a pack of cowardly hyenas, none were brave enough to engage his words or physically attack. You could see the desperation in their eyes and body language in that they so wanted him to respond physically so they could pounce.
I wonder what they would have done if he had replied to their polite inquiry to his gender and ethnicity that he was a transsexual native indian, I mean if the faux squaw can pass for one then anyone can.
As a few of you may know, I’m writing a book loosely based on my experiences with a deranged Brooklyn-based feminist I encountered last year. I don’t know if she would go to these sort of protests, but her friends – older women with green, red, and purple hair who exert considerable influence over her – most certainly do. When I showed a draft of the book to a friend of mine – a professional, extremely decent Turkish woman – she asked if the conversations actually took place as depicted. I said they did, more or less, and she remarked that she couldn’t believe a woman would use so much profanity. I didn’t realise it at the time, but this woman’s chat was littered with profanity and sexual obscenities.
The same is true for her friends, at least if their Facebook accounts were anything to go by (I no longer look at them): their posts were chock full of immature profanity-ridden outbursts such as “I’m so fucking tired of this shit right now!” as if they were a teenager being told to clean their room rather than an adult nearing forty. Almost every time I see a bunch of women SJWs protesting something this sort of language is used constantly, to the point that’s often all you hear. I watched a minute of the above video and already several women have been swearing incessantly, unable to make a point without the words “fuck” or “shit”.
Tell me, how many decent, properly educated, functioning women have you met in your lives who speak like that, who use the words “fuck” or “shit” continually when trying to deal with an everyday situation? I have several women colleagues, professional engineers, not one of them speaks like that. I don’t mind women swearing occasionally, but if one is using the language of a sailor as a matter of course, you’re likely dealing with trash.
Tell me, how many decent, properly educated, functioning women have you met in your lives who speak like that, who use the words “fuck” or “shit” continually when trying to deal with an everyday situation?
Well, indeed. But for some kinds of personalities, being continually and absurdly angry, or pretending to be such, makes them feel important.
Possibly relevant.
Possibly relevant
Exactly. They think it makes them appear hip, edgy, modern, passionate. Instead it makes them look ignorant and trashy. Coupled with visible tattoos on the arms and neck and the image is complete.
There are groups for which constant swearing is more the norm, and one would be those with a cluster B personality disorder as Daniel indicates – correct? Mad people swearing are so cool in how they’re disconnected from normal mores, you see. Ought to emulate them/learn from them as with the rest of the Mad Person’s Starter Kit.
Also, it’s a substitute for real sharpness in rhetoric and allows lazy pantomime “rage”, which as we all know is holiness, c.f. Laurie Penny.
There is a lot of avocado in those California rolls.
[T]heir posts were chock full of immature profanity-ridden outbursts such as “I’m so fucking tired of this shit right now!”
It’s all part of their Épater la Bourgeoisie schtick. It, along with the strangely colored hair, and self-mutilation is the obligatory uniform in their army telling the world they’re nonconformists. Further its a substitute for reasoned discourse, simply because they are intellectually incapable of engaging in same.
< Desperately tries to close the eff-italics tag. Fails. Slowly exits the room. >
[ Fixes avalanche of italics. Points to sign above bar. ]

They think it makes them appear hip, edgy, modern, passionate. Instead it makes them look ignorant and trashy.
Well, I suspect Laurie and her sister both imagine that being randomly, gratuitously and ostentatiously abusive makes them terribly iconoclastic. When in fact it signals a cartoonish unrealism, and a desperate conformity. Someone whose trajectory in life is much more predetermined than many of the people she disdains as bourgeois.

You can’t define us by *class* with all your *rules*, man. Now hold off while I quite deliberately enter the lower class and adopt all its trappings.
Interesting point about the cussing. That and the yelling really annoys me. People who cuss and yell are generally bullies. (Unless they cuss and yell re: stubbing toes, as I do.)
I can’t watch the whole thing right now; already grinding my teeth.
And the fat white chicks are totally using the black chick as cover for their jerkiness.
And the fat white chicks are totally using the black chick as cover for their jerkiness.
She’s their talisman. A blank cheque for misbehaviour. I wonder if she realises how she’s being used.
I’m looking at these screeching women and wondering what in God’s name their fathers are thinking right now. If *that’s* what you’ve raised as a daughter, you’ve failed, and badly.
I’m looking at these screeching women and wondering what in God’s name their fathers are thinking right now.
Absolutely. You also have to wonder what the ladies themselves will make of the video, which presumably they’ll see. Will there be a flickering of recognition, of embarrassment, of remorse? Or, as suggested upthread, are they too far gone to risk any hazardous reflection?
I mean, breaking people, creating these monsters, that’s the easy part.
Will there be a flickering of recognition, of embarrassment, of remorse?
I doubt it. This isn’t a case of teenage rage, the women in the video are in their twenties. As I said, I know women in their thirties and forties who not only behave the same way, they’re proud of it. I even saw one of their mothers write “I’m so proud of my badass daughter”. Alas, there was no word from the father. Whatever the case, they’ve utterly failed as parents.
She’s their talisman.
I’d accuse them of following Derbyshire’s advice, but they’d probably blow a gasket if they read the relevant essay.
Like morphine, righteous anger can be useful in the proper circumstances. But it’s also an addictive drug that cripples its addicts, feeding their arrogance and stripping them of judgment and common decency.
stripping them of judgment and common decency.
That is what’s missing, isn’t it? Common decency. How proud they must be.