And in never-happy news:

She’s “genderfluid,” you see, and “goes by all pronouns.” But if insufficiently pretentious people refer to her as she – i.e., accurately – this simply won’t do and scolding will ensue. And your “ally” status, which you’re supposed to crave and be willing to beg for, will be downgraded to merely “performative.” Despite the claim that she’s, like, you know, totally fine with “all pronouns.”

Because the scolding must never end. The scolding being the point.

Update, via the comments, where Jen adds,

Easier not to be a sucker “ally”.

It does seem to be more of a commitment than self-respect – or indeed sanity – would allow. What with the round-the-clock monitoring of pronoun earrings and pronoun bracelets, and double-sided pronoun lanyards, which can of course change, or be combined in absurdly complicated ways, at any point during the day, based on a whim, a mood swing, or a slight change in air pressure.

It would, I think, be simpler to just find some better friends.

Also, open thread. Share ye links and bicker.

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