Terms And Conditions Apply (2)
Comet Melanie Mae – that’s what it says here – is in no way high-maintenance:
My gender changes depending on the day, or week, or even depending on the hour. It also means the pronouns I’m comfortable with can change too.
To avoid a pronoun gaffe, and crushing underfoot the meek and marginalised, you must first check the colour-coded bracelets.
Pink means she/her; yellow means they/them; and blue means he/him.
And because this arrangement isn’t sufficiently complicated, or enough of an imposition on your time and sanity, said bracelets can be combined. It’s fully customisable. So do pay attention.
See also Laurie Penny and her ongoing project of self-description.
Via here.
So do pay attention.
LOL. That.
Well, if someone goes out of their way to make interaction as complicated as possible, with rules and preconditions that can change several times a day, it generally occurs to me that there are better uses of my time.
Posted from Wikipedia without further comment:
[Walter] Mitty is a meek, mild man with a vivid fantasy life. In a few dozen paragraphs, he imagines himself a wartime pilot, an emergency-room surgeon, and a devil-may-care killer. Although the story has humorous elements, there is a darker and more significant message underlying the text, leading to a more tragic interpretation of the Mitty character. Even in his heroic daydreams, Mitty does not triumph, several fantasies being interrupted before the final one sees Mitty dying bravely in front of a firing squad. In the brief snatches of reality that punctuate Mitty’s fantasies, the reader meets well-meaning but insensitive strangers who inadvertently rob Mitty of some of his remaining dignity.
The character’s name has come into more general use to refer to an ineffectual dreamer and appears in several dictionaries. The American Heritage Dictionary defines a Walter Mitty as “an ordinary often ineffectual person who indulges in fantastic daydreams of personal triumphs”
Posted from Wikipedia without further comment
It’s funny how The Quest To Be Interesting can be so very, very tiresome.
crushing underfoot the meek and marginalised
She doesn’t look very meek to me.
She doesn’t look very meek to me.
They rarely do.
It’s no wonder it’s reduced to talking to itself. Everyone else is too terrified.
She’s better looking than I expected. She’s what used to be called a gamine, a concept that took into account the gender fluidity, or rather the teetering between playful ragamuffin and sexually mature woman, that she’s trying to express with her colored bracelets.
I think she wants to be a diversity trainer when she grows up. She’s playing out for the camera the kind of role-playing exercise that “models” how to deal with protected categories. She seems to be role playing the role playing, which is even weirder.
And because this arrangement isn’t sufficiently complicated, or enough of an imposition on your time and sanity…
The argument is that the seemingly complicated rules become simple if you just have empathy, and that even if you get it wrong, empathy makes your apology sincere and immediate.
Empathy in this case means that instead of strangers and co-workers being dealt with according to custom and broadly accepted categorizations, everyone in the room is carrying on a 24-365 improvisation and you have to be on your toes and “yes, and” everything.
And empathy means putting out of your head the possibility that the lectures and the jumping through hoops and the apologies might possibly be the goal of the whole exercise. No, it’s authentic self-invention that we’re privileged to witness from one moment to the next.
She seems to be role playing the role playing, which is even weirder.
The extent to which TikTok seems to be populated by such creatures is quite remarkable. Though I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised that a platform that’s ideal for the wearyingly self-absorbed should attract the wearingly self-absorbed.
the possibility that the lectures and the jumping through hoops and the apologies might possibly be the goal of the whole exercise.
It sounds like she’s a woman, always changing her mind and clothes.
[ Hides breakables. ]
…first check the colour coded bracelets.
What happens if someone is colour blind?
Well, if someone goes out of their way to make interaction as complicated as possible, with rules and preconditions that can change several times a day, it generally occurs to me that there are better uses of my time.
Absolutely, but if you make things too easy, by adopting a single set of pronouns, then there is the danger that everyone, courteously, would use them correctly. This would preclude any opportunity for tantrums. If you make it difficult then someone will, at some point, get it wrong and – oh joy! – you’re a victim all over again.
The Walter Mitty analogy is an interesting one. But these people are Anti-Mitties. They don’t fantasise about a life that is more rich, exciting and heroic. Rather they yearn for one in which they are eternally abused underdogs.
See also Laurie Penny and her ongoing project of self-description.
That post made me laugh. 😀
That post made me laugh.
Laurie is often quite funny, albeit for reasons she doesn’t comprehend.
My neopronouns are so fluid that they can change mid-sentence!
My pronouns are “fap” and “durr”. They are pronounced “dwiddle” and “glimble”. That is, unless I feel like they are “4&ert” and “ma7frt//@“ (variable pronunciation but don’t get it wrong or you’ll hear from my solicitor).
The grammar rules that apply to my neopronouns are the standard rules applying to Xhosa.
Thank you for your prompt attention to my needs.
Empathy in this case means that instead of strangers and co-workers being dealt with according to custom and broadly accepted categorizations, everyone in the room is carrying on a 24-365 improvisation and you have to be on your toes…
As noted in the Laurie Penny thread, linked above,
It’s a way to be fascinating, apparently. And quite competitive.
Comet Melanie Mae is satire.
Occam’s Razor
What if my pronouns are STFU, GTFO, and FOAD?
One measure of success for a person used to be how well they assessed their audience and then adapted their message and tone to make communication effective. Yes, indeed, it took some generalization about the audience but it worked. Now when the audience insists you address each person properly according to whatever arcane standard they have adopted personally, communication is rendered useless.
This too shall pass but I doubt it will be a quiet death. At some point there will be a reckoning and it won’t be pretty. Maybe a bigger pandemic, maybe another revolution, maybe the next installment of a world war. I expect to be long dead but I feel for my children.
I truly want to see this person in mortal peril yelling, “Help zem, help zem!” and receiving no aid.
when the audience insists you address each person properly
I partially blame Steve Martin for this because of his stand up bit where he thanks each and every member of the audience individually.
There is only one pronoun the subject is interested in: Me me me me me
It sounds like she’s a woman, always changing her mind and clothes.
I’ve lost track of the number of women I know who are like that, even with regard to standards of evidence and logic in criminal trials.
I know I am repeating myself, but enough of this pronoun horsecrap. For all you made up pronoun twits:
Now get off my lawn, dickweed.
That is all, carry on.
“Well, if someone goes out of their way to make interaction as complicated as possible, with rules and preconditions that can change several times a day, it generally occurs to me that there are better uses of my time.”
This stuff is basically taking trolling into the real world.
“Now when the audience insists you address each person properly according to whatever arcane standard they have adopted personally, communication is rendered useless.”
I keep making the point that pronouns aren’t “yours” to change. That, before we even get to all the gender balderdash, is the fundamental mistake these people are making: it’s a category error. Words you prefer to be known by are called names, and addressing everyone by their own name is completely impractical. Which is why we choose pronouns to refer to others.
Trying to be a good wokeling, I’m struggling with a puzzle. Suppose that yesterday this person was wearing a pink and yellow bracelet, announcing, “You must refer to me as ‘she/they’ in conversations with third parties.” Today this person is wearing a blue bracelet, announcing, “You must refer to me as ‘he’ in conversations with third parties.”
Now the puzzle is, how do I, today, refer to this person in speaking of something this person did yesterday? Do I say, “Yesterday she/they wore a pink and yellow bracelet”, since yesterday’s person was a she/they, or do I say, “Yesterday he wore a pink and yellow bracelet”, since today’s person is a he?
Please help! I wouldn’t want to misgender, um, it.
These people must spend hours in front of a mirror every day trying to figure out how to look more f**ked up than they looked the day before. Mission accomplished this time.
Re: Penseivat “What happens if someone is colour blind?”
You might be on to something here. There is a type of colour blindness Cerebral achromatopsia wherby people can’t perceive colour even though they have no genetic basis for colour blindness. A quote from a recent paper paves the way I think : The color of a surface depends on the wavelength composition of the light entering the eye, but the relation between wavelength composition and the subjective experience of color is far from simple. If this doesn’t meet the requirements of colour fluid, I don’t know what does. Time to exploit this strategic opening.
Enough of this gradual imposition on others with all its drama that must be incrementally one-upped by the next sociopath. I’ll cut right to the chase. In order to pronounce my NAME properly, I am NEVER to be addressed by common pronouns of any kind, you are required to take out a Springfield 1911 .45 ACP and shoot yourself in the left temple. Anything less than that is disrespectful to me and will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
Do I say, “Yesterday she/they wore a pink and yellow bracelet”, since yesterday’s person was a she/they, or do I say, “Yesterday he wore a pink and yellow bracelet”, since today’s person is a he?”
Tie a Yellow Ribbon ’round the Old Oak Tree…
or something.
Enough of this gradual imposition on others…
Related and also featuring “pronouns” this is brilliantly done.
this is brilliantly done.
What show or film is that taken from?
What show or film is that taken from?
American Psycho. Which isn’t entirely inapt.
Thanks, David.
[ Slides large pink fizz along bar. ]
The Victorians knew how to deal with such exemplars of dubious rationality and tenuous sanity.
She’d have been banged up in some drafty looney bin alongside the bloke who thought he was Napoleon and the syphilitic ex. chief barrister.
I suppose TikTok is an improvement. For them of course, not the rest of us.
I suppose TikTok is an improvement.
Based on recent findings from said platform, it’s sometimes difficult to tell whether one is watching a person with quite serious mental health issues, such that one might be wary of, say, leaving children in their care, or a poseur who is merely feigning a quite serious mental health issue in order to indulge their status games and craving for attention.
And which, in itself, doesn’t exactly suggest mental wellbeing.
I was not aware of this until yesterday but apparently TikTok is taking over 10 bedroom and similar mansions charging $900/month/room for these idiots to “influence” together. The first I saw was this link on fb. But if you search YouTube for TikTok Mansions you will find similar douchey behavior. Mostly with the sarcasm and/or irony simply implied by the video’s existence.
I suppose TikTok is an improvement. For them of course, not the rest of us.
If you consider TikTok as Bedlam, and only visit when you’re in the mood to point and laugh at the loonies, it can help. Doesn’t change the fact that this batch of loonies is really just a bunch of boring, empty people trying hard to be interesting by pretending that their mode du jour is a deep and complex reflection of the infinite variety of the Universe, but we can still pretend that they’re just simple loonies.
[Sips large pink fizz, shudders, smiles weakly, thanks barkeep while looking for planter to dump the thing in.]
I truly want to see this person in mortal peril yelling, “Help zem, help zem!” and receiving no aid.
American Psycho. Which isn’t entirely inapt.
for these idiots to “influence” together”
You know, I’m a bit fascinated by the contradiction that “influencing” (play for pay) on Radio or Television is Baaaad, yet play for pay is A-OK on the FaceTwitGramSpacePage.
Instead they followed the droppings of lechers and communists…
I see Daniel’s holiday was shorter than expected.
[ Slides large pink fizz along bar. ]
On a semi-related note, Laurel Hubbard’s appearance at the Olympic Games will surely red pill the normies, as they say, particularly if she deprives a natal woman of a podium finish. This graph is eye-opening. 1984 wasn’t meant to be an instruction manual, but nor were Futurama or South Park.
I saw that episode again recently. Still funny. In some ways, more so now than when I first saw it.
particularly if she deprives a natal woman of a podium finish
Which is further proof that I was borned too early, as I was quite good as a male basketball player, save for the fact that I topped out at around 5’11” – shortish for male players, but huge for wymxn players…
Had I played as a transwymony perxon, I coulda been a contender…
(I choose where to put the x’s, so there)
So instead of men’s and women’s sports, we will have men’s sports, divided into the best and the lesser. Those men that can’t compete with the best will claim to be women and compete among themselves, excluding women entirely from competition.
Women can’t even abandon the organized sports and compete among themselves, because men will force their way into those competitions too.
By Georgette, I think xhe’s got it!
Farnsworth, I’ll see that and raise you with the Apple Card version.
Speaking of nothing in particular, the wife and I saw “Our Man Flint” last night, a movie from 1966 that contains:
a) a global warming crisis
b) scientists behind it wanting world domination to bring about a utopia
c) the selection of the right man for the job done through AI.
I had the same feeling watching “Demolition Man” that I was watching a documentary about our present.
Y’all are aware that to some degree this has been covered ground? Per wiki:
Watching the US Olympics swimming qualifying last week, Katie Ledecky would have placed in the mid-teens/low 20’s time wise against the men. That said, where I see this going is ultimately the breakdown of performance enhancing drug/hormone rules for both men and women in the future. I think the number of men…”men” looking to transition for athletic advantage will be small. I’m definitely opposed but outside of contact sports it will be harder and harder to stop this in a society, world really, that is spinning off its rails with technology it doesn’t have the maturity not philosophical understanding of the implications for implementing it. People will simply put their heads down and accept whatever random walk reasoning that their betters hand down to them. It’s actually been going on quite some time, we all just try to pretend otherwise.
I’ve become disillusioned about women’s weightlifting.
I think the number of men…”men” looking to transition for athletic advantage will be small.
But it doesn’t take many. Three per sport will ensure that no woman ever wins an Olympic sport again.
I think it will take more than three per sport. At the high ends of these sports, the best women are better than the vast majority of men. Again, most men…”men” are not going to go in that direction. Especially as the lines blur on the rules, the lawyers get in there and abuse the language, and men (and women) will be free to pollute their bodies to their heart’s desire. This will kill sports as we know it. For both men and women.
Hubbard has very little chance of winning a medal even if the stronger countries have been handicapped by only being allowed a single entry in each weight class.
His/her best lifts are around 15kg below the top women (don’t be misled by the silver medal in the 2019 world championships against a laughably depleted field). He/she is reminiscent of the situation in American collegiate sport where mediocre young men, unable to make the grade against their own sex, identify as female to obtain valuable scholarships thereby depriving actual young women. It’s all rather pathetic.
In other sporting news I suppose going full woke and killing your dog with your vegan voodoo bullshit is sapping Sir Hamilton and totally-not-part-of-the-Nazi-war-machine-anymore Mercedes’ ability to win Formula 1 races.
I do wonder how British fans feel about watching their knighted hero gallivant around the world, advocating for American organizations best known for violence and embezzlement, while the good citizens of the UK are forced by their Conservative government to save the NHS and flatten the curve by submitting to imprisonment until Rapture, apparently. Don’t fret, mighty England: it says “We Race As One” right there on the steering wheel, so they’re just like you!
I see Daniel’s holiday was shorter than expected.
Let’s just say I’ve attained some clarity.
[dons fedora and constantly-shifting mask]
Sir Hamilton is part of a growing trend exemplified by the England football team, cricket team, rugby team and doubtless soon by our Olympic competitors whereby self-aggrandising kneeling and virtue signalling is followed by markedly declining performances. .
b) scientists behind it wanting world domination to bring about a utopia
And remember how, in Stephen King’s The Stand, the STEM people all gravitated towards Las Vegas’ totalitarian regime? I used to scoff. Not any more.
I think the number of men…”men” looking to transition for athletic advantage will be small

Except that in many sport jurisdictions, no “proof” of transistioning is required. Mere declaration that one is now a “girl” is sufficient. And the Olympics standard of 12 months of a certain testosterone level is a bad joke.
So there will always be enough males who want the notoriety and cash more than the embarrassment of declaring themselves “female”.
Meanwhile, in Oakland, CA.
self-aggrandising kneeling and virtue signalling is followed by markedly declining performances…
The second part is only important if you still think they represent you, but in the first part they’ve made it clear that they don’t represent you.
Has anyone here ever met one of these pronoun people? If so, did you get the pronouns du jour right and, if not, what was your punishment?
Meanwhile, in Oakland, CA.
Today’s word is degenerate.
Darleen: That’s a great cartoon. Michael Ramirez is, in my eyes, the inheritor of the mantle of Jeff MacNelly.
Today’s word is degenerate.
This, this, a thousand times this.
Whoever said “all cultures are equal” was a fool. Or worse.
It sounds like she’s a woman, always changing her mind and clothes.
Keep movin’, movin’, movin’,
though they’re disapproving,
Don’t try to understand them,
Just rope and throw and brand ’em,
Whoever said “all cultures are equal” was a fool. Or worse.
I’d go with “worse”. It’s the sort of thing a person might come up with if that person were trying to undermine the dominant culture so that it could be replaced with something more glorious. A Glorious Cultural Revolution, so to speak.
Now many of the people who nod along with the idea are probably just idiots, but those people would be considered “useful” in the eyes of the sort of person who would coin the phrase to begin with…
Just a normal day in New York City
Keep movin’, movin’, movin’,
though they’re disapproving,
Don’t try to understand them,
Just rope and throw and brand ’em,
Fortissimo Sostenuto
Something sweet for a change.
Today’s word is degenerate.
Plural, degenerates.
From Chicago another mostly peaceful Juneteenth.
Puerto Rican flag, Confederate battle flag, meh, they both have stars, so same-same, amirite? A typical bluecheck’s reaction.
From Chicago another mostly peaceful Juneteenth.
It will soon be a felony to point out murderous black racism.
From Chicago another mostly peaceful Juneteenth.
“…use statistical common sense:
(10a) Avoid concentrations of blacks not all known to you personally.
(10b) Stay out of heavily black neighborhoods.”
–John Derbyshire
(10b) Stay out of heavily black neighborhoods.”
Problem is this was near Humboldt Park which is a mostly yte and Puerto Rican neighborhood, and the flag was out for a Puerto Rican festival.
Problem is this was near Humboldt Park which is a mostly yte and Puerto Rican neighborhood…
Humboldt Park is about 40% black and 50% Hispanic and only about 5% white..
…and the flag was out for a Puerto Rican festival.
Exactly. Lots of blacks hate Hispanics*, especially those who are proud of their heritage.
More of Derbyshire’s version of The Talk:
“(10c) If planning a trip to a beach or amusement park at some date, find out whether it is likely to be swamped with blacks…
(10d) Do not attend events likely to draw a lot of blacks.
(10e) If you are at some public event at which the number of blacks suddenly swells, leave as quickly as possible.”
* If truth be told, they hate everybody, and especially those who are more successful and intelligent than them.
Humboldt Park is about 40% black and 50% Hispanic and only about 5% white..
Old 2015 data, I believe; as it says further down, the area is
being over run by hipstersbeing gentrified.This says 50% Hispanic, 23% wypipo, another source has 57/8 (2014-2018 “sample”), another 55/18. Regardless, also based on personal experience (2002), blacks are a minority there, so why this happened there remains a bit of a mystery.
The last neighborhood I lived in was evenly divided between black, white, and Mexican. We all got along fine. The Mexicans were not too sociable with gabachos of any color, but they were polite and were helpful if you had a problem. This was well before Woke. Post hoc blah blah, but I can’t help but think Woke propaganda is the root problem.
Now I live in a 90/10 white/black area. We too all get along fine.
blacks are a minority there, so why this happened there remains a bit of a mystery
23% is a substantial minority, though. And as I noted before, “friction” between blacks and Hispanics is substantial. Furthermore, Humboldt Park is part of Chicago’s high-crime West Side, although the homicide rate is higher in Garfield Park to its immediate South. It’s only prudent to avoid driving through such neighborhoods, especially at night.
so why this happened there remains a bit of a mystery.
Perhaps because black ghetto rats hate people of other races celebrating their culture? We may learn more about this particular crime in the next few days.
This, this, a thousand times this.
Perhaps the woke hashtag “do better” would be appropriate.
Comparing Ledecky’s times with the Men on the basis of the 1500m is misleading. 1500m is very specific and requires very fast times to be competitive on the world stage. Most swimmers, once they have established they aren’t going to regularly swim close to 15 minutes, aren’t going to keep putting in the very hard work required to maintain the top speeds. The mens’ qualifying is therefore made up of the four or five with an actual chance, a bunch of boys, and some guys who are still doing it for fitness.
If 1500 were a more attractive event, Ledecky would rank about the same against the men as she does in the 400m: 50+ Further, there are a LOT of male swimmers between 3:51 and 3:58 and it would be more if swimming as a professional sport could support more. There’s many hundreds of ex-swimmers out there who would easily break 4m in a return to the pool.
Not to play down Ledecky. She’s an amazing female swimmer. But she’s not quick compared to the men.
Trying to make you walk on eggshells is a standard narcissistic tell.
Today in cretinous bellendry, this:
Has anyone here ever met one of these pronoun people? If so, did you get the pronouns du jour right and, if not, what was your punishment?
I haven’t had encounters with individuals who demanded variable pronouns, but the whole pronoun thing has been going for longer than one might assume.
About eight years ago, I was hauled up before the Head of Sixth Form* because I’d referred to a girl I taught as ‘she’. The girl concerned had declared herself a boy called ‘Tom’, and when she was present, I carefully called her by her new name and refrained from using any pronouns whatsoever apart from ‘you’. But I’d slipped up when talking to some other students (I can’t recall why Tom, who wasn’t present, was mentioned), and someone reported me.
It was made very clear that if I offended again, I’d be in all sorts of trouble, possibly leading to my enforced resignation, so I didn’t. Like many – the majority of people? – I combine cowardice with a reluctance to lie, so since then, I’ve just avoided third-person pronouns altogether when one of the various transgender girls at school is being discussed. (It’s not as bad at my school as at many others, but even so, there are now several.)
By the way, ‘Tom’ left our sixth form, went to a local Further Education College, dropped out from there and disappeared from view. It was a great shame, as she was one of the brightest girls I’d ever taught; but her mental health was fragile.
*For non-UK readers: the Sixth Form comprises the top two years of 11-18 education, equuivalent to the Junior and Senior years in the US High School system. A Further Education College also covers those years, but generally adds on extras such as ‘vocational’ training. These days, some of them are associated with universities and one can take degrees there.
Today in cretinous bellendry, this:
Yet another eminently punchable face.
someone reported me
Isn’t it great how people of self-perceived low status now have the ability to recruit authority to punish non-believers?
If 1500 were a more attractive event, Ledecky would rank about the same against the men as she does in the 400m: 50+ Further, there are a LOT of male swimmers between 3:51 and 3:58 and it would be more if swimming as a professional sport could support more.
Agree. I cherry-picked to some extent because I didn’t have readily available data on the shorter distances showing where she would fit in. That said, across the broader spectrum, the best women are still faster than the majority of men. Ledecky’s wr in the 400 is 3:58.xx and the men’s Olympic qualifying time is 3:57.xx. How many men with that level of dedication and desire and fight in them are willing to upset their entire lives, possibly up to and including chopping off their raison d’être just for a little fame that will bring them what, exactly? The intersection of that Venn diagram is mighty thin. See also the Renee Richards thing. It’s been over 40 years and I haven’t seen anyone try this in tennis in that time. Again, I in no way endorse this. I am adamantly opposed to chicks-with-dicks competing in women’s athletics at any level. I’m even opposed to women voluntarily competing in men’s contact sports where there are no female equivalents. I once mentored a small 9th grade high school wrestler (boy) who often had to wrestle against girls. That was completely wrong.
On another note, in the US Olympic qualifier the announcers made some reference to a swimmer who had “turned pro”. No idea what that was about.
From Chicago another mostly peaceful Juneteenth.
Update: The mother has now died too. So, there is now a dead mother, a dead father, and two young orphans.
The Chicago Sun-Times reports: “Yasmin Perez, 23, and her boyfriend, 24-year-old Gyovanni Arzuaga, were driving in the 3200 block of West Division Saturday night when they were involved in a minor crash and were ambushed, according to Chicago police.”
Being murdered after a minor auto crash is just one of the good reasons to avoid certain neighborhoods.
How many men with that level of dedication and desire and fight in them are willing to upset their entire lives, possibly up to and including chopping off their raison d’être just for a little fame that will bring them what, exactly?
A man who wants to win women’s sports doesn’t have to upset his life or chop off anything at all. No surgery required. Probably not even any hormone treatment required. Probably not even shaving required. He just needs to put on a dress, stroll in, and announce that he’s a woman now. Once he’s got the fame, scholarships, sponsorships, and so on, then he can just put his pants back on and announce that he’s detransitioned and is a man now. Done.