Vote For The One With The Mental Health Problems

Canada’s interim Green Party leader, a dysmorphic woman who expects everyone else to refer to her as “he” and “they,” but also sometimes “she,” apparently at random, was recently rendered tearful and distraught by an electronic caption:

On Saturday, September 3, at a public media event kicking off the Green Party of Canada’s leadership contest, the wrong pronouns were presented beside my name in a way that I could not change myself. I acknowledge that mistakes can happen and the need to learn from them. What happened here impacted me much more than a slip of the tongue. It made me feel hurt and isolated at a moment that should have been filled with inspiration and anticipation.

You see, a captioning oversight – or if you prefer, an accidental acknowledgment of reality – is part of a “system of oppression” and therefore a basis for a grand project of social correction. One that must address the seemingly bottomless sorrows of “Black, Indigenous and racialised people and 2SLGBTQIA+ people,” and thereby prevent a fearless politician from feeling “hurt and isolated.” “I am assumed male nearly always by strangers,” says Ms Kuttner, which, frankly, seems a tad implausible. We’re also told that perceiving her as a man, not a woman, requires “effort,” an effort that is expected by Ms Kuttner – which would appear closer to the truth, if not entirely consonant with the previous claim.

In earlier interviews, Ms Kuttner made it clear – if clear is the word – that while “they/them” are generally safe bets, pronoun-wise, “There are days that she/her is accurate. There are days that he/him is accurate.” And,

I sometimes write all of them: they/them, she/her, he/him, because I don’t care.

And also,

Honestly, my relationship of my gender identity is really between me and myself, and I don’t find different pronouns very grating, so it’s perfectly fine if people say anything about me… For me in particular, I don’t really mind.

Sentiments somewhat at odds with the press release quoted above. And because complications must multiply:

There will be days where I’m not always even aware of what my gender is.

The writers of on-screen captions are doubtless taking notes.

“I don’t like when politics is focussed on identity,” says Ms Kuttner. While informing the nation, via YouTube videos, about her own list of identities, her pansexual appetites, her PTSD, her variable pronouns, and the need to “look at pretty much every piece of policy from a gender-diverse lens.”

Via Jonathan Kay.


In the comments, Das adds,

These people are engaged in a Civilisational Shit-Test.

There is, I think, an expectation of deference and indulgence – of even ludicrous claims being left unpoked – on account of belonging to a Designated Victim Group, which, among the woke, is something close to a sacred status.

Via Twitter, Ms Kuttner is still claiming that her being “misgendered” by an onscreen caption – i.e., being identified correctly, albeit unintentionally – is “oppression” and an issue of “safety.” And she frames even the merest particle of pushback – the tweet by Jonathan Kay, linked above – as evidence of her victimhood and proof of “patriarchy.” Apparently, even one slightly mocking tweet constitutes being “singled out” and “hated.” “Dealing with hate… shouldn’t be necessary,” says she.

Given Ms Kuttner’s, shall we say, sensitivity to any sign of demurral – even a single tweet – and given her willingness to frame what was essentially eye-rolling as some inexcusable act of “hate,” as if she, a mere politician, were being assailed from all sides, one does have to wonder what she would do, or try to do, if given the power of the state.

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