Everything It Touches
Via Dicentra, a tale of the severely educated. Screengrab here.
Down-thread of which, I spotted this:
Added via the comments, a possible explanation. And a footnote of sorts.
Also, open thread.
Via Dicentra, a tale of the severely educated. Screengrab here.
Down-thread of which, I spotted this:
Added via the comments, a possible explanation. And a footnote of sorts.
Also, open thread.
Not entirely true. The issue is that the nasty SJWs are the loud ones. Someone who becomes a ‘nice’ SJW would inevitably be too polite to speak out about anything, for fear of ever being rude. Whether a constant “Stay quiet or stay conciliatory” attitude makes them a better person is more up for debate, but I’ve seen it happen. And I do think it could potentially help people suffering from depression by making them feel wanted and loved (even if only for their immutable characteristics), especially for people who don’t fit into the usual societal structures. The ‘odds’ as Sarah Hoyt calls herself and her audience.
The extremism and ‘original sin’ nature of social justice can also produce a Christian-like tempered response. The Christian believes he is imperfect and sinful and nothing can stop that, but that means that he inevitably comes to terms with his imperfection, and is not constantly flagellating, but instead forgiving of the sins of others. Some SJWs adopt this mindset, it’s just that the imperfection comes from privilege instead of sin.
And there are other niche examples, such as those willing to accept everyone in a sort of libertarian fashion.
But all this means is that you end up with something like Christian tolerance, but with a much lower success rate of producing good people, and a much higher rate of producing zealots. And where the good people are too polite to speak up against injustice, and the bad people are compelled to complain about everything. There is no real ‘balance’ (for want of a better word) in the ideology. It is not capable of producing well-adjusted individuals in any meaningful numbers.
The issue is that the nasty SJWs are the loud ones.
There are quiet SJWs? Isn’t the first rule of ‘social justice’ to talk about it all the time?
Isn’t the first rule of ‘social justice’ to talk about it all the time?
Silence is violence!
especially for people who don’t fit into the usual societal structures.
People who don’t fit into the usual societal structures are helped by what is effectively bullying people into conformity? If those people happen to fit the societal structures that others are being bullied into, I suppose. SJW is predominately a bullying culture. I am inclined to believe that it is to some degree a byproduct of a failed anti-bullying effort. Rather than teach, or even more importantly allow, victims of bullies to stand up for themselves, schools and such have provided new SJW-based tools for bullies to use. If our “educators” had intentionally set out to make things worse…well it would be interesting to see how that would have been. Just for the sake of comparison. Sadly such examination is not logically possible.
But all this means is that you end up with something like Christian tolerance, but with a much lower success rate of producing good people, and a much higher rate of producing zealots.
In a decade or so of blogging about the phenomenon and poking about in its academic nest, I can’t say that tolerance, Christian or otherwise, has been an obvious defining feature. Unless we’re talking about the tolerance of – indeed, championing of – vandalism, thuggery and theatrical sociopathy, as illustrated here, here, here, and in the third item here.
And I do think it could potentially help people suffering from depression by making them feel wanted and loved (even if only for their immutable characteristics), especially for people who don’t fit into the usual societal structures.
This, by Jim Goad, came to mind:
And if you inculcate victimhood and pretentious tribal acrimony, and do it culturally and institutionally, at every turn, for years – both as a universal excuse for any possible shortcoming, or vanity, or lousy life choice, and as a kind of competitive piety, a marker of status – then dysfunctional behaviour will follow. And fantasists and hustlers who exploit that dysfunction will thrive and multiply.
And so our seats of learning continue to disgorge haughty, vindictive bitches who exult in their own obnoxiousness.
Someone who becomes a ‘nice’ SJW would inevitably be too polite to speak out about anything, for fear of ever being rude.
I’d argue that they aren’t SJWs, then. The “W” in SJW stands for warrior after all; you don’t call yourself a warrior because you consider yourself tolerant and conciliatory.
As to the order of cause and effect, ie. whether SJW ideology turns people into jerks, or whether they were assholes already, I think it’s a mixed bag. I’d say that about 75% of the SJW types I’ve run into were already pushy loudmouths who found an ideology that allowed them to embrace their inner asshole and be praised for it, so they gravitated to it. It not only lets them act like jerks, it rewards them for doing so with an ego boost, so why not? The other 25% are the ones who actually bought into the hype, saw that all the other SJWs were insufferable scolds, and acted accordingly. For them, it was learned behaviour.
And yes, what I just described is consistent with a cult.
In a decade or so of blogging about the phenomenon and poking about in its academic nest, I can’t say that tolerance, Christian or otherwise, has been an obvious defining feature.
Outlying metaphors like onward Christian soldiers aside, the telling aspect of the SJW movement is in the name. They’re warriors necessarily deploying themselves in the midst of a great and profound injustice. This deployment constitutes the tacit but incontrovertible truth that something’s wrong that pretty much justifies any solution. It’s a fight club that just doesn’t happen to talk about the technical charter it does not possess. It’s rationally and, in the collective sphere, legally illegitimate.
The rest is the simple history and trajectory of Utopianism. It is the collective manifestation of clinical personality disorder because it runs on appearances, projection, prejudice, the lie, and underlying, intolerant force.
It’s that force that de-legitimizes it – we will overcome you for your own good. It is a fundamental – no, perhaps the fundamental – ailment possessing humanity, that of personal dysfunction > un-thought, intolerant ideology > collective force and chaos. True morality, on the other hand, is manifest by the personal mandate.
Finally, this phenomena indicts cultural conservatives and political rightists too, because original contractual government notwithstanding, they are largely incapable or unwilling to maintain their functional, traditional status quo in the face of this malaise and malice. It has infiltrated all aspects of their institutional structure and lives and they take virtually no action to hold or reform their own institutions against it.
Utopianism is technically illegal but its evangelists have convinced ordered, neutral, negative-rights society that they warrant not only a voice but an entire activist movement against that structural society, operating within and even funded by it.
Posted an hour ago on SMBC, fairly apropos to the mindset under discussion:

While we’re discussing the cultivation of pathology, I thought I should mention – as a kind of momentary respite – that hereabouts the weather is glorious, and a very fat bee has just flown in through one open window, buzzed around the room, quite loudly, then left via another open window. Which made me laugh.
Now back to our scheduled programming.
Why does every proposal to SAVE HUMANITY!! include chains?
Why does every proposal to SAVE HUMANITY!! include chains?
Does anyone remember when TED talks were at least vaguely reputable?
Does anyone remember when TED talks were at least vaguely reputable?
This headline sounds like Titania wrote it:
The 2 ideas just don’t connect (unless Mr. Momoa had an aluminum beard). It’s like saying “Blogger David Thompson cleaned the hamster cage to raise awareness of pickled eggs.”
“The “W” in SJW stands for warrior after all; you don’t call yourself a warrior because you consider yourself tolerant and conciliatory.”
But I can’t let the idea that even without its “warriors”, “social justice” can be anything other than an utterly malign concept pass. As I’ve said many times before, justice holds you responsible for your actions. “Social justice” holds you responsible for the actions of others with whom you’ve never had any contact, and had no influence over. It’s the opposite of justice.
You cannot hold entire classes of people responsible for the actions of some of their number against members of another class as if those two classes were conscious beings in themselves. We know where thinking that you can leads people, and it’s not to the sunny uplands of harmony and coexistence (the origins of the term “social justice” are… interesting).
Today’s word is optimism.
Now back to our scheduled programming.
The anticipation builds . . . .
…you don’t call yourself a warrior because you consider yourself tolerant and conciliatory.
No, they fancy themselves “warriors” but actually are just role playing. Newborn kittens are more capable “warriors”.
Today’s word is optimism.
There are laws against cruel and unusual punishment over here.
…as if those two classes were conscious beings in themselves.
I’ve made the point before. SJW’s talk about having empathy for this or that group; when in fact the only feelings they have are feelings for themselves. This is explains the high level of narcissism that occurs amongst this bunch.
Justice and responsibility are something that occur at an individual level and empathy only accurs between individuals. The twentieth century struggle of the individual versus the collective has only intesified.
Jason Momoa shaved his beard to raise awareness to recyclable aluminum
That is truly bizarre, as there is no “crisis” of aluminum not being recycled. Unlike so many recyclable materials, aluminum is profitable to recycle and centers pay poor people who bring cans they have collected from dumpsters and the street.
Most SJWs think everyone cares what they think, even when it is plain that they aren’t thinking at all.
No matter, they will share their brain-farts with you whether you like it or not.
People who don’t fit into the usual societal structures are helped by what is effectively bullying people into conformity?
The state is the biggest bully of them all, and using the state to bully people you don’t like is virtuous.
Does anyone remember when TED talks were at least vaguely reputable?
Ahem. My talks are reputable!
a very fat bee has just flown in through one open window, buzzed around the room, quite loudly, then left via another open window.
It’s all go at Guild of Evil HQ.
Now back to our scheduled programming.
The Swedish moose migration?
It’s all go at Guild of Evil HQ.
I don’t think you appreciate just how fat and loud the bee in question was. Like a hairy, motorised golf ball.
The Swedish moose migration?
A Moose once bit my sister.
A Moose once bit my sister.
Well, don’t leave us hanging.
It’s code for us Monty Python nerds.
As to the order of cause and effect, ie. whether SJW ideology turns people into jerks, or whether they were assholes already, I think it’s a mixed bag.
My conjecture is that striking an SJW pose is merely a passive aggressive way for inadequate people to exert control over others. See, also, “gluten sensitivity.”
It’s code for us Monty Python nerds.
Ah. I was hoping for a tale of intense family drama.
I hope the Easter hamster was tasty despite the small drumsticks.
We always have our ham the weekend after Easter Sunday, as it usually sells out for Easter so the new ones are nice and fresh, as fresh as a cured item can be.
If you can find it, try basting your ham in real Coke, made with sugar instead of corn syrup. In the U. S. it’s available in Mexican groceries, and intermittently in Jewish groceries.
I just learned a male moose has a black muzzle, a female, brown.
Ah. I was hoping for a tale of intense family drama.
I was hoping that someone would reply with the next line, after which I would reply, and we would go back and forth until David asked the henchlesbians to escort us outside.
a very fat bee has just flown in through one open window, buzzed around the room, quite loudly, then left via another open window.
Clearly it needs to cut out the carbs and sugar.
There may be a reason for that.
Allrighty, then, problem sorted. Unless, I guess, someone disabled doesn’t want access or inclusion, or does, but isn’t seeking.
There may be a reason for that.
Remember the deaf activists who angrily opposed medical treatments that could cure deafness?
Why does every proposal to SAVE HUMANITY!! include chains?
The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: not the chance to serve. This is true even of the pious brethren who carry the gospel to foreign parts. – H.L. Mencken
I tend to agree with the commenter on that thread who points out that a lot of adopted kids face a similar crisis. SJW ideology here is an enabler rather than an originator of this rejection of adoptive parents. Doesn’t make it any better.
Well bees do invoke geometry constantly. And a bit of the calculus.
Seems to be some sort of projection.
Best to not be too sticky when being invoked.
They are just trying to point out baby spiders but only the cats and dogs know the drill.
Has Jason Momoa a financial interest in aluminum recycling?
I ask because if Donald Trump performed a symbolic act for the same reason, Congress would seek an investigation into his motives and not be satisfied with a finding that he had no financial stake.
Maybe Drumpf owns stock in a Russian controlled aluminum company held by a shell company offshore. The American people demand to know whether their President is funding Russian corporations for his personal profit!
Sorry. I got carried away for a minute.
How’d the bee get past the window screens?
A teeny tiny acetylene torch.
How’d the bee get past the window screens?
My brief UK experience is that such contraptions are simply not a thing there. Found it oddly liberating when working in the offices of a software development company many years ago in suburban Bristol (in Admiral Nelson’s former home or so I was told…last I checked it’s now a dentist office) that the second story windows were wide open, no screens…being a Florida boy, this was kinda like going commando. Similar in the B&Bs I’ve stayed in there as well.
Oh, and the milk man delivered fresh cream to the office for the tea and coffee. I think that was more a function of the location than SOP. But just a guess.
Meanwhile, in today’s exciting episode of “Tools of White Supremacy”, Walking Your Dog.
There is Research!™, it must be true.
They must use up a lot of flypaper in summer.
in today’s exciting episode of “Tools of White Supremacy”, Walking Your Dog.
Further down the thread we get to the usual “everything is white supremacy” schtick
Mommy!! He looked at me!!
Now that’s just plain ridiculous. If there’s one thing that unites all mankind, it’s the firm belief that MY dog, cat, or hamster is the very best dog, cat, or hamster in existence. And thus when you meet another dog, cat, or hamster owner each of you is eager to start bragging. Animals bring people together. They’ll never push people farther apart despite the SJWs’s best efforts.
. . . a plan to normalise the term ‘Access Inclusion Seekers’ . . .
Aren’t those already the sort of people whom are seen lining up outside of nightclubs?
David/Farnsworth, re Optimism: Coincidentally, I just watched a true-crime show about a spectacularly lovely young lady who called 911 to report she had just killed her (spectacularly handsome) boyfriend. Brought to the police station she asked for a lawyer so they did not question her, but put her in holding where – on camera – she engaged in a 4-hour+ monologue (including dance routine and song) about the incident. Later details furnished showed she had sent tens of thousands of emails and texts to the victim and refused to accept his increasingly-frequent assurances that he wanted to conclude their relationship. Until, of course, she took matters into her own hands.
The broadcasters, while discoursing endlessly about the perp over a 2 hour show about both her trials for the killing, buried until the last 5 minutes what was the most interesting thing about her: that 2 psychiatrists independently concluded and testified that she was a Cluster B — one said Narcissist, the other, Borderline. Yep. 2 hours of nattering and explaining nothing about her and her actions, and then in the ultimate buried lede they disclose the single thing that pretty much explained it all.
Brought this up because of your Optimism link, but also because there is a mystically-fascinating tie-in to your other links (and their associated comments) about personality disorders, and the damage afforded by our current education system: the perp herself testified both at her bail hearing and later in mitigation of her offense that she could be a valuable asset to her community since her professed goal was to be a school guidance counselor.
Per local usage, I’ll just leave that there.