Joshua Yasmeh on the travails of attempting to speak on a left-leaning campus: 

Ben Shapiro spoke to the students at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California, which purports to be a “Christian, liberal arts college.” Unfortunately, there was nothing “Christian” or “liberal” about the administration’s decision to censor all video coverage of Shapiro’s speech. Luckily, the ever-resourceful Shapiro decided go full MacGyver, evading the Orwellian police and streaming a live broadcast via Periscope with his own selfie stick.

The video, selfie stick and all, can be viewed here

Dave Huber on the public’s general preference for men’s sporting events over women’s: 

If you’re a sports fan (like me) who likes to watch the very best athletes engaged in the highest level of competition, then Daniela Brighenti’s article in the Yale Daily News won’t make a lot of sense to you. Desiring to watch the best sporting events, you see, is merely a “societal (and cultural) bias” against women.

And further to this farcical episode, the arrest of serial vandal and race-baiter Denzel McDonald has apparently caused uproar and searing mental trauma across campus, or at least among other pernicious little clowns in the University of Wisconsin’s Department of Afro-American Studies:

“We will be walking out of our classrooms to stand in solidarity with him and to organise against the anti-Black racism that has plagued our campus historically and contemporarily,” organisers state on Facebook. “We will be delivering our demands to the Chancellor and UWPD and need student support. We have to let them know that there are consequences for perpetuating white supremacy.”

Because when the police calmly and politely arrest a thug who’s wanted for threatening behaviour and 11 counts of vandalism, causing thousands of dollars of damage – specifically, by spraying deranged anti-white racist graffiti on campus walls – then this arrest somehow constitutes “white supremacy.” And the real victims here, apparently, are professors of Afro-American Studies – who, along with their students, are supposedly experiencing “a version of post-traumatic stress syndrome” and “a mental health crisis as serious as those following campus shootings or natural disasters.” 

Inevitably, the faculty and students have a list of bold demands, as Jennifer Kabbany reports

Demonstrators want the probe against the suspect, who uses the alias “King Shabazz,” to be completely dismissed, and that he be allowed to graduate. They also demand that any officer or administrator involved in the “King Shabazz” arrest resign. “UW-Madison has 48 hours to comply with our demands or further action will be taken,” their demand list states.

The “King Shabazz” to whom Mr McDonald refers is presumably King Samir Shabazz, the former head of the Philadelphia chapter of the New Black Panther Party, and a gentleman famed for his delightful exhortations to “kill some crackers” and to murder “white babies.” And it’s perhaps worth pointing out that this isn’t just a handful of morally-inverted tools we’re talking about at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. It’s quite a lot of morally-inverted tools.

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The Denzel McDonald saga continues here.

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