Charm School
I don’t want to have a civil discussion. I want to call you assholes.
For those who missed it in the comments, here’s a brief but telling video of a delightful exchange of wits, in which Ms Sarah O’Donnell, a student of creative writing and environmental studies at Denison University, berates a couple of gentlemen ostensibly for their advocacy of free markets, but especially and most passionately for their whiteness and maleness. A combination that is, it turns out, self-evidently sinful.
Even though we’ve seen this kind of airy posturing many times, it’s still quite odd to watch someone who’s basically a walking caricature of haughty, ignorant self-satisfaction. And so, when her belligerence, non sequitur and obnoxious racial comments are questioned, politely, Ms O’Donnell sidesteps explanation and instead resorts to theatrical sighs and dismissive eye-rolling – and further gratuitous insults – as if disdaining white men for being, well, male and white were some kind of moral full stop.
The thing is, when Ms O’Donnell says, “I don’t want to have a civil discussion. I want to call you assholes,” I think that’s a moment of inadvertent truthfulness. Evidently, she does want to abuse people, given the slimmest possible opportunity. The rest, it seems, is pretext, a rickety attempt to justify being obnoxious. In fact, if you assume a malign disposition as the starting point, the incoherent politics starts to make a kind of sense, if only as a vehicle for indulging that disposition and giving it an excuse to be what it is.
I suppose you have to ask what kind of personality would seek out and embrace a dogma that offers endless opportunities to berate and abuse strangers, based only on their most trivial and generic attributes. A dogma that practically obliges you to do this. What kind of person would want to spend time ostentatiously scolding white males for being white and male? More broadly, what kind of psychological misfit would choose to harangue and assault a passing stranger for having the ‘wrong’ kind of hairstyle? And what kind of person spends their afternoon thwarting and intimidating random strangers who are trying to hear a lecture, and making them fear for their safety, to the extent of pushing people underfoot, kicking them repeatedly, and then lying about it?
To my eye at least, and contrary to their imaginings, Ms O’Donnell and her peers are not good people. They’re merely seeking out opportunities for leverage and malice without the usual risk of pushback. Suppose for a moment that I were a malicious little shit and wanted to spend lots of time harassing people, shoving them, scaring them, and mouthing racial abuse. In the real world I’d run a definite risk of censure, social disapproval and possibly a good kicking. But if I were at an Ivy League university and invoked “social justice,” claiming my behaviour was a reaction to some nebulous oppression, there’s a very good chance I’d be accommodated, encouraged, even applauded. And for a certain kind of person, you can see the appeal.
[ Updated via the comments. ]
I bet she’s told all her comrades how she totally owned two oppressive white males – even though they could’ve raped her at any moment.
If I were a malicious little shit and wanted to spend lots of time harassing people, shoving them and mouthing racial abuse, in the real world I’d run a definite risk of censure, social disapproval and possibly a good kicking. But if I were at a university and invoked “social justice,” claiming my behaviour was a reaction to some nebulous oppression, there’s a very good chance I’d be accommodated, encouraged, even applauded.
And for a certain kind of person, you can see the appeal.
The (Youtube) follow-on video….
Feminist Cringe Compilation *TRIGGER ALERT*
What fecking drugs are these morons on?
“All the endearing personality traits of a pissed-off rattler.”
Did somebody say “trigger”?
World’s worst pistol, the “Lady’s Home Companion”, in a demure .45/70 caliber.
Made by the Street Sweeper company, mid-90’s
Did somebody say “trigger”?

The ladies’ shooting is always very impressive at the Guild of Evil’s annual blind orphan hunt.
“Just bagged a big one. Time for gin!”
Did somebody say “trigger”?
When I was at uni people would consider volunteering at the co-op or even visiting some lefty event in the hope of meeting girls (or guys), being a lefty seemed to be fun then. Now it sounds horrible.
Snow marker male attack.
“being a lefty seemed to be fun then”
Only seemed. Once you got to know them well, you realized just how vile they were.
I suppose it’s just about possible that someone might feel sorry for Ms O’Donnell. I mean, she’s been conned into pissing away a small fortune for a degree in creative writing, which is unlikely to generate the kind of income needed to pay off her tuition debts any time soon. And which will presumably leave her indebted and resentful for many years to come, and most likely blaming capitalism for the consequences of her choices.
Also, she’s obviously been exposed to Pretentious Grievance 101, the object of which isn’t to make the campus more pleasant and harmonious, which of course it never does, but simply to balkanise the students along lines of race and gender and create a level of acrimony and hysteria that justifies the salaries of the mediocrities running the courses, and of course further spending on more of the same.
She’s not the radical she imagines herself to be, merely credulous, another dupe. So you could feel sorry for her, in theory.
Snow marker male attack.
Wow. I can no longer tell if I’m watching a cunning parody of campus feminism or just someone with quite serious, possibly dangerous, mental health issues.
I just re-watched all the Dartmouth links. The piece at the end where the associate provost (?) is apologising and grovelling to the students is breathtaking.
They are encouraged to “file a report” if anyone has said or done anything offensive to *them*.
It’s “through the looking-glass” time.
So you could feel sorry for her, in theory.
Perhaps, but only from a safe distance (say, reading about them here). Life’s too short to waste a minute around such bitter, unhappy people who seem intent on dragging us all into their miserable world.
I have to admit that if I were one of those two horrid white guys, I would have punched her very very hard right in her fat mouth. She needs to know that there are limits to how much abuse white males are going to take from these freaks of nature.
Pretentious Grievance 101, the object of which isn’t to make the campus more pleasant and harmonious, which of course it never does, but simply to balkanise the students along lines of race and gender and create a level of acrimony and hysteria that justifies the salaries of the mediocrities running the courses, and of course further spending on more of the same.
Great blog by the way. Tip jar has been hit.
The girl is a close-minded bigot, the type we have seen throughout the ages. She is incapable of engaging with Turning Point on an intellectual plane because her views are founded on indoctrination, not education.
I can no longer tell if I’m watching a cunning parody of campus feminism or just someone with quite serious, possibly dangerous, mental health issues.
Poe’s Law aside, I’ve commented here before on the, um, intersectionality of serious mental illness and radical feminist chic. There are a lot of poseurs, but some very damaged people end up attracted to the movement because they don’t know how to handle their trauma and the ideology gives them a coping mechanism.
I have to admit that if I were one of those two horrid white guys, I would have punched her very very hard right in her fat mouth.
One of the problems with free speech absolutism is that it really leaves very few options for rejecting non-physical harassment. While I think physical violence is never an appropriate response to purely verbal taunting, the atavist in me does some days long for a return to the days of “fightin’ words”.
Great blog by the way. Tip jar has been hit.
Why, thank you. Buttering and flannel always welcome.
One of the problems with free speech absolutism is that it really leaves very few options for rejecting non-physical harassment.
Like the ladies and male feminists seen ‘protesting’ in this video (5:05 to 8:28), I’m pretty sure Ms O’Donnell feels quite safe despite her provocations. She knows she can be obnoxious with impunity. That’s why she does it.
Re: Prog – That triggered feminist video.
Every single one of them is mad as a box of spiders. They all need sectioning and serious amounts of drugs…
I can’t even…
I bet she’s told all her comrades how she totally owned two oppressive white males
Some of the comments at the Hypeline link appear to claim that very thing.
Like the ladies and male feminists seen ‘protesting’ in this video (5:05 to 8:28)
And again, you have to ask what kind of personality repeatedly seeks out, and exults in, situations in which they will be harassing and jostling random strangers – physically provoking them and making them afraid for their safety. Or, as in the ‘protest’ video linked above, thwarting someone from getting into a lecture on men’s issues that he’d travelled to hear, laughing at the man’s disappointment and frustration – and his implied emasculation – and then mocking him when he explains that the reason he’d travelled to hear the lecture was because he’d recently lost two male friends to suicide.
The word unladylike doesn’t begin to cover it.
Let me get this straight; one absolutely may not paint muslims with a broad brush, while simultaneously painting white males with the same said brush.
Do I have that correctly?
I really need to start writing all these rules down lest I get confused and thus will have to present myself for deserved abuse.
Or, I can go with my gut and serve up a five fingered sammich. Being an oppressed wo-man I can do this with impunity, of course.
In all seriousness, many of the matrons of these hysterical young women are of my peer group. I’m at the mid-century mark and am flabbergasted by the rhetoric and sheer lunacy I hear from the mouths of women I’ve known my whole life. These women and I share a common background and life experiences, most of our parents were middle class and our lives were charmed. We grew up in an era of ease, innocence and freedom. We often wax nostalgic. However, in the same breath they will jump on Facebook and spew out the craziest, angriest nutbaggery. I loathe Facebook. I have told my lady friends that I will not be a presence on FB anymore because it causes me to detest them. I feel hopeless when I hear theses things from my friends.
How is it possible that we see things so differently, while there is so little difference in our experiences?
Perhaps the most distressing aspect for me, is the impact this has had on my opinion of women.
Sad days.
My father advised me decades ago never argue with a drunk or a fanatic. Sarah rests the case on the latter. Mind you seeing her as being intoxicated with her own righteousness could make the first part apply as well………
I thankfully learned as a young man through numerous encounters with moonbats, over zealous bureaucrats and ignorant people the fundamental mental issue with them and the Sarahs of the world is they are insecure. A psychiatrist articulated the various layers that make up these dangerous human beings at
Unfortunately she has gone off line as I would love to hear her take on the current state of the masses compared to what she was having to reflect upon a mere four years ago
On no longer being able to tell if something is satire/parody or sincere:–11146683
I mean “…David Cameron has continually violated the safe-space policy by implementing changes to junior doctors’ NHS contracts” has to be a pisstake of the whole safe space concept, doesn’t it? “…David Cameron and his right-wing Tory government were elected by a minority of the electorate, and zero students voted Tory, therefore we must make a stand against this undemocratic regime…” can’t be anything else than an ironic look at echo-chamber effects, can it? And “…he is a Tory and therefore he must have lied, therefore to prevent him being able to manipulate venerable students at the University we must ban him…” is surely a withering indictment of the standards of both logic and spelling of those reaching higher education, n’est-ce pas?
Reminds me of obnoxious people in my day…they would claim “I’m just being honest” as an excuse for verbal abuse, then walk away feeling morally superior to the rest of the crowd.
Dave, just by the mitigating circumstance alone, it is impossible to have any civil conversation with a certified asshole.
Assholery deserves only one response, – a crushing overhand right to the proboscis. When they see their uncivil behaviour routinely causes the flow of their own red corpuscles, that assclowning impact their personal comfort, like their namesake they clam up like they have terminal constipation.
the fundamental mental issue with them and the Sarahs of the world is they are insecure. A psychiatrist articulated the various layers that make up these dangerous human beings at
True. But these insecure Sarahs and such are growing in number. Partly because the only way to retard the growth we are seeing, in a peaceful manner anyway, is to not let such rantings go unchallenged. But hey, don’t argue with an idiot because…etc. etc. etc.
Of course, as luck (or something else) would have it, a good number of these people are actually in the psychology and psychiatric professions or are enabled by members of these professions. Where is the incentive for a shrink to challenge such? There is risk of losing the patient (income), risk of standing out when others in your profession cave due to the former, and the “reward” would be no different than the low-risk approach. People respond to risk/reward, why do we expect shrinks to be any different? Especially when a good number of them lean that way themselves having come from the same quarter of academia that encourages this behavior.
On no longer being able to tell if something is satire/parody or sincere
Yeah, there’s a lot of that going around, and it’s not only on the left. Recent comment on Ace regarding Facebook was something to the effect of “Using Facebook is the equivalent of buying a Volkswagen directly from Hitler”.
“a crushing overhand right to the proboscis”
This is why they demand safe spaces. “Mommy, Billy hit me back!”
The fundamental mental issue with them and the Sarahs of the world is they are insecure.
I disagree. The fundamental issue is personality disorders, which are surprisingly common. Estimates range from 5-10% of the population have them, and their behavior patterns mirror that of the SJW perfectly.
I don’t want to have a civil discussion. I want to call you assholes. Because I’m basically an idiot who’s way out of her depth and really shit at debate.
perhaps she is a professor of Creative Environmental Studies
Because I’m basically an idiot who’s way out of her depth and really shit at debate.
That would explain the tendency to treat any such discussion as a scolding session or unilateral lecture, one typically delivered in logically unrelated, often dubious slogans. It would also explain the “I’m turning my back on you and not listening because I already know everything” tactic, as displayed, for instance, here.
This is why, when in conversation with some government creature over the telephone, it is wise to remember that government is the only place that ever hires students of creative writing and environmental studies, etc.
You could be talking this chick at the DMV in a couple more years.
Bitch needs an attitude adjustment involving a cast-iron dildo and a sledgehammer.
“a crushing overhand right to the proboscis”
Unfortunately, in this age of everyone video recording everything that sort of direct action, warranted as it may be, only leads to arrests and lawsuits. What is needed is to get as theatrical as they are, have (trigger word warning !) confederates who appear to be merely passing by but get “jostled” or “tripped” and inadvertently dump deer urine, fresh tripe, last year’s biology project, an uncooked haggis, etc. on the poor buttercups.
“Who did this? Who made this happen?”
County road works would be my bet, ma’am.
“A new study has found that almost half the people who pick up a USB stick they happen across in a parking lot plug said drives into their PCs.”
The Academia Waltz, in 1978.

mojo: “When the inventor of the USB stick dies they will gently lower the coffin, then pull it back up, turn it the other way, then lower it again.”
At a guess, she wants to call everyone an asshole for some reason or another, but here can do it in the most self-aggrandizing way possible. In another environment she would have thrown trash at black people for trying to attend an integrated school or saluted Hitler. Her liberalism (if you can call it that) is only a function of her victims.
As others have pointed out, the young lady in question doesn’t seem to realize that the only alternatives when there are disagreements or disputes consist of a) civil discussion or b) violent resolution of conflict. She claims to desire violent conflict but wishes to limit the violence to only verbal taunts. Sorry, violent resolution doesn’t work that way
Small consolation, perhaps, but consider that that appalling performance will be available to search under her name for however long the intarwebs last — certainly long enough to do substantial damage, skillfully deployed. Sent to her parents, anyone who furnished her a letter of recommendation, quietly, to anyone to whom she applies for a job (better yet, any competitors for such job)…dear dear me, what a world of opportunity for innocent wholesome fun that regrettable young woman has handed over to her Unfriends in the public realm. And for life.
The flags are for snow ploughs.
I later saw some other videos and she would appear to have psych issues but it is hard to tell where that ends and feminism begins. Someone claimed she confronted their disabled brother and apologised profusely when she realised his issues, i.e. she was just trolling but it looks like she has some real paranoia.
The USB logo always goes up.
According to deep thinkers at the University of Oklahoma, Rihanna songs must never be sung by white women or white girls. Also, white people are always “privileged” (and therefore guilty), while racial minorities are never, ever guilty of racial bigotry.
As I said upthread, the purpose of Grievance Studies isn’t to make the campus more pleasant and harmonious. Their purpose is to inculcate neurosis or entitlement, depending on one’s pigmentation, and to balkanise students along lines of race and gender, thereby creating frictions and insecurities that can then be exploited to justify the existence (and expansion) of Grievance Studies departments.
[ Added: ]
In this video here (around 1:06:55), Heather Mac Donald proposes an experiment in which a pair of very similar universities with similar demographics could be used to determine what, exactly, the benefits of Grievance Studies and ‘diversity’ bureaucracy are. One university would indulge every ‘diversity’ whim, with affirmative action (i.e., grade rigging) and segregated “safe spaces,” along with the cultivation of identitarian victimhood and corresponding denunciations of “whiteness” and “white privilege.” The other would do none of that. Nothing at all. After four years or so, we could see which campus has the least balkanised, least fractious, least whiny, least racially fixated graduates.
In discussion with others who also consider economics, the point came back to motivation. Which stands at the root of most things in economics. A theory advanced was, that in a society that has successfully met the lower ranks of Maslow’s needs quite comfortably, many only have the higher needs to meet. Highly motivated otherwise mentally active individuals with prophylactic personalities, and/ or a strong need to belong, have a lot of time and energy to devote to this sort of activity. A personality disorder won’t be helping their approach to fellow humans. Self actualisation is all they have left, and some strive for it.
Rihanna songs must never be sung …
Self-confessed melanin-deficient Y-chromosome-carrier Bill Whittle has somethng to say on ‘cultural appropriation’