Ashlynn Warta on “diversity” versus competence:

[The proposal, by North Carolina Association of Colleges for Teacher Education,] would remove the exam that is currently used to determine whether a teacher candidate is prepared for teacher training. It would also eliminate the exam that is currently used to determine whether a candidate is qualified to teach in a classroom post-graduation. Why are education “experts” so adamant about removing these exams? The answer is unsurprising…

NCACTE recently explained its concerns about standardised tests, stating, “Entry and licensure exams serve as barriers to placing more teachers, particularly more diverse teachers, in classrooms.” In other words, NCACTE doesn’t believe that its “diverse” teacher candidates can succeed when faced with objective measures of preparedness.

Somewhat related, the third item here:

It is now illegal to use a math test to make sure that math teachers know the material they would be teaching.

There is a category tag – Problematic Competence – via which you can find many similar items.

Also related, Heather Mac Donald on the stupefying effects of “disparate impact” ideology:

We’ve gone through endless challenges to, and jettisoning of, entrance exams for police and firefighting in this country on disparate impact grounds. In New York City, there were decades of litigation brought against the firefighters’ exam, which expected firefighters to be able to read instructions on their gear, to be able to understand the chemical components of various firefighting foams and whatnot, and blacks failed that test of reading and cognitive skill at much higher rates than whites. So, the test had a disparate impact on blacks, even though the test was not discriminatory… But it was thrown out because it had a disparate impact.

And in other educational excellence news:

Spry [Community Links High School] is one of 30 schools in Illinois where not a single student can read at grade level. Twenty-two of those schools are part of the Chicago Public Schools and the other eight are outside Chicago. The failure list in math is even longer. There are 53 schools state-wide where not one kid is proficient in math.

Update, via the comments, where ccscientist adds,

If a firefighter cannot understand chemical labels people will die. 

Well, an inability to comprehend safety instructions would seem to be a perverse qualification. But here we are.

As we’ve seen many times, the perversity and doublethink of “equity” devotees is hard to overstate. Theirs is a world in which inversions abound, such that, for instance, punishing gifted students for being precocious, and shutting down advanced courses, gleefully, triumphantly, all in the name of “inclusion,” is framed as granting accessBy taking it away.

It’s a world in which vindictive bedlamites, such as Ms Alison Collins, disdain pupils of Chinese or Korean ancestry as “white” or white-adjacent, and therefore suspect, and who insist that a parental preference for academic rigour is “racist,” and that the way to fight for “high-quality schools” is to abandon expectations of competence.

And in which “suspending proficiency requirements” – and denouncing diligence and politeness as “white supremacy,” a wickedness to be shunned – will somehow “benefit” the children on whom these things are imposed. It’s a world in which objecting to being assaulted in class – say, being punched by students or having one’s hair set on fire – is itself framed as “white supremacist violence.”

This is “equity.” This is “social justice.”

Update 2:

Regarding the last item linked above, NashB adds,

I clicked the link and couldn’t believe what I was reading. These people are insane.

I suppose it’s what Jordan Peterson describes as ideological possession. It would, I think, be foolish to assume that such creatures are amenable to evidence, realism, or rational argument. Or even belated feelings of shame. Clearly, these are not things that motivate them.

An example that comes to mind, one of several, is the Minnesota school superintendent Valeria Silva, a mediocrity promoted far beyond her abilities, and who, when faced with the predictable and catastrophic consequences of her own “equity” policies – including nosediving literacy scores, brain-damaged staff, and actual riots – simply doubled down and smeared complaining parents, of every hue, as obviously being racists. While injured and terrified teachers were consoled with “white privilege” training and free emergency whistles.

I very much doubt that one could reason these bedlamites out of their weird compulsions.

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