Reheated (58)
For newcomers and the nostalgic, more items from the archives:
Don’t Oppress My People With Your Public Libraries.
Woke librarian denounces “so-called ‘knowledge’” of pale people.
Ms Leung airs her distaste for “white men ideas” – as if they had been uniform across continents and throughout history – while reminiscing about attending a “white AF conference” two years earlier. I was unsure what the “AF” might refer to and searched for some literary or scholarly explanation. It then occurred to me that a “white AF conference” is, to borrow the woke vernacular, a white as fuck conference. Which is how not-at-all-racist academic librarians convey their thoughts, apparently.
It’s Petty When It Happens To Someone Else.
Atlantic columnist Lauren Smiley excuses chronic thievery via rhetorical limbo-dancing.
Ms Fairley – who invokes racism as a cause of her local notoriety, and whose extensive cache of stolen belongings included other people’s credit cards – is described to us at length and in the softest possible light. We learn of her dysfunctional upbringing, her struggles with a mouldy apartment, and her various drug habits, including “trekking daily to a methadone clinic” – a heroic feat, apparently. Ms Fairley’s failure to attend numerous court dates – for petty theft, mail theft, receiving stolen property, possession of heroin, and child endangerment – is, we learn, due to her having “a lot going on” in her life. In at least one instance, it turns out that what was going on was stealing from a resident she’d previously targeted and who, while being robbed again, was waiting to see Ms Fairley appear in court.
Your Standards Are Holding You Back.
Brooklynite lefties launch socialist-only dating platform. Things do not go well.
Ms Isser’s indignation at the thought of socialist women being romantically shunned, even by fellow socialists, was aired in December in a Twitter howling session, during which extensive use was made of exclamation marks. After much exasperated rumbling, Ms Isser concluded that the fault must lie solely with men, and that “straight men are shallow and sexist even when they’re socialists.” Thereby proving that, contrary to legend, ladies of the left are in no way high-maintenance or difficult to please.
There’s more, should you crave it, in the greatest hits. Also, open thread.
This is the only blog where I enjoy reading the old posts (and the old comments). Keep up the good work, barkeep.
P.S. Your tip jar has been hit.
and the old comments
Yes, as noted recently, the local heathens give good thread.
P.S. Your tip jar has been hit.
Bless you, sir. During the ongoing pandemic lockdown, may you know the triumph and exhilaration of finally getting a grocery delivery slot on the website of your favourite supermarket.
Long-time subscriber here; so, when do the “free” t-shirts get handed out?*
Anyway, this is where I got edjimicated about that LARPing thing.
And this is what happens when it goes wrong.
*Yeah, yeah, we know- “Credit note only- no refunds”.
*Yeah, yeah, we know- “Credit note only- no refunds”.
Hey, I don’t make the rules. I just enforce them zealously.
[ Slides well-thumbed, slightly furry sausage roll along bar. ]
Ms Fairley – who invokes racism as a cause of her local notoriety, and whose extensive cache of stolen belongings included other people’s credit cards
She’s learned the lefty playbook.
She’s learned the lefty playbook.
Absolutely. I think it was Theodore Dalrymple who, having interacted at length with a great many habitual criminals, pointed out how middle-class Guardian columnists and middle-class Guardian-reading social workers seem oblivious to – or indifferent to – the ways in which thieves, muggers and burglars regurgitate these pieties, rehearsed many times, as excuses for their predation, even a validation of it. The consequences of these ready-made excuses for their countless law-abiding victims, who are very often working class, don’t seem to cause a flicker on the woke radar.
She’s learned the lefty playbook.
And so, we hear lots of pious waffle about rehabilitation, often from the very same people who seem determined to absolve habitual criminals of any personal responsibility and to ensure that they never acknowledge the reality of their own agency, their own choices, their own malevolence. As if the idea of shame and remorse, of moral disapproval, were an unnecessary complication, or an antiquated throwback. It’s not clear to me how one might rehabilitate someone who doesn’t feel guilty, and who instead imagines themselves the victim, the one put-upon and wronged, and who always has ready-made excuses, often laughable excuses, for their predation, thuggery and antisocial behaviour.
Yes, but what doesn’t ? A perfect 2020 headline from the global warming
cultsciency guys.There is also a band name in there.
In TV drama news, the latest season of Bosch was disappointing. The trailer was wildly misleading. Previous seasons have all been strong, some outstanding, but this one felt perfunctory. The storylines didn’t amount to much and didn’t interlace with the usual deftness. The thing just never found its footing. All a bit meh, really.
I don’t make the rules…
Uh, what? So who does, then? Are you a mere “front”? Should the sign over the door ( which needs repairs anyway, you know, it’s a disgrace) be changed to “Perfectly Legit Businessmen’s Club” or similar? And how’s this gonna affect the way I write off my bar tab on my taxes? My “accountant” is gonna be upset, and trust me, you don’t wanna upset my “accountant”.
I had assumed that David, while not excplicitly making the rules, had a confidant activist to propose rules should exist, then offer suit against the horrible privations he suffers as a blogger; so that David’s alleged oversight in the council Blogging Office were then forced to put up rules that he had to adhere to. He, of course, having been consulted non-disclosably on what rules should be and offered a fee by the accomplice in the course of the suit and settlement.
Therefore, (not-actionably) David’s rules, David’s place. He must do what he wanted to do anyway, and can evade any direct responsibility.
Or, at least, that’s how I’d do it.
All a bit meh, really.
Mrs.Oik and I concur. The poorest yet by some distance, and the final episode was awfully rushed and badly edited.
Quarry, on Amazon Prime, however….
Shame they cancelled it after only one series, but it has a great Southern soul soundtrack and a beautifully-realised period setting, with everything happening at some weird sort of intersection where Justified meets Blood Simple meets low-budget 70s auteur stuff such as Two Lane Blacktop.
Or, at least, that’s how I’d do it.
I may know of a vacancy for a devious chap such as yourself.
Mrs.Oik and I concur. The poorest yet by some distance,
Yes. I don’t think it was awful, but compared with earlier seasons, it wasn’t anywhere near as compelling and I found myself watching it dutifully, hoping it would kick into gear, rather than with the usual enthusiasm. The main storylines were weak, feeling almost unfinished, and they didn’t interact in any interesting way, and the signature slow-burn pacing was absent. There were a few good moments, but overall, not a season I’d watch again. Whereas the previous seasons I’ve enjoyed watching twice.
Let’s see … Ganave Fairley is a thief, a fence, a credit card fraudster, a druggie, a lousy parent, a lesbian, a jailbird, the proud owner of tattoos … what an amazing run of bad luck. Racism sure can find its victims, huh?
Don’t Oppress My People With Your Public Libraries
Don’t oppress MY people with your crappy virus.
what an amazing run of bad luck.
Again, the denial of agency. And we’re supposed to sympathise with someone who repeatedly demonstrates that she isn’t at all inclined to return the favour. Someone so profoundly selfish that she endangers her own children and habitually steals from her own neighbours, who are treated only with contempt and then accused of racism when they object to being preyed upon.
It’s a hard sell, to say the very least.
Your Standards Are Holding You Back.
To paraphrase Anita Bryant, a day without leftists is like a day with sunshine.
Ms Fairley – who invokes racism as a cause of her local notoriety
I encountered that phenomenon back in the mid sixties when attending an urban public school: Black kids who misbehaved outrageously, getting in fights and committing strongarm robbery, would scream “racism!” when caught. What’s worse, many of the black students agreed and used this as an excuse for the next assault on some random white kid or the next riot.
slightly furry sausage roll
I see its summer coat is coming in.
slightly furry sausage
Band name.
summer coat
Debut album name.
She’s learned the lefty playbook.
Where’s a Dirty Harry when you need one?
Where’s a Dirty Harry when you need one?

You have to say his name three times to invoke an appearance.
Dirty Harry, Dirty Harry, Dirty Harry…
See, I told you.
The porno Netflix version ” Dirty and Hairy” was a bit of a letdown.
Yes, but do you feel lucky, punk ? Well, do ya ?
Uh … um… I got nuthin’.
David! The Girl Of Your Dreams is here!
I’ve never finished ONE of her word salads and you’ve fisked your way to the end of many. You’re a veritable Gunga Din.
The Girl Of Your Dreams is here!
She keeps using “we” and “work” in the same sentence.
I’m not buying it.
In TV drama news, the latest season of Bosch was disappointing.
I may have recommended The Americans previously. Very well done, although I was disappointed they backed off of the contemporary history after season 1. And the Keri Russell stunt casting gets a bit much.
Been on a bit of a WWII aviation kick lately and been enjoying Twelve O’Clock High and Baa Baa Black Sheep/Black Sheep Squadron. I do wish Donald Belisario hadn’t retired.
Black kids who misbehaved outrageously, getting in fights and committing strongarm robbery, would scream “racism!” when caught.
The cultivation of excuses is really quite poisonous, and insulting, albeit in ways the excuse-makers rarely seem to comprehend. In the example above, Ms Smiley makes the obligatory, rather vague noises about “root problems” without actually specifying what they might be or how they might relate to the example at hand. Presumably, we’re supposed to accept as self-evident that being black, or gay, or insufficiently wealthy is an excuse to rob your neighbours on a near-daily basis, and then slander them, and then get high.
That the people being preyed on in this way, in cities everywhere, are themselves often of modest means – and yet somehow law-abiding – passes unremarked – indeed, Ms Smiley makes some effort to avoid this particular detail. You have to wonder if Ms Smiley and her excuse-making peers ever pause to consider how often and readily they insult people of modest means, by implying that thieving and degeneracy are the norm and to be expected. And repeatedly indulged, whatever the cost to others.
And note that Ms Smiley’s moral idiocy was cheerily endorsed by a senior editor at The Atlantic, Ellen Cushing, for whom “getting people jailed” is the thing we should object to – not the actual thieving, repeated many times, or the child endangerment, or the opportunist slander, or the practised degeneracy.
It would seem these views are not uncommon among our self-imagined betters.
I’ve never finished ONE of her word salads and you’ve fisked your way to the end of many.
There’s certainly a lot of florid rambling before we get to anything approximating a point.
David, your site was unavailable for a couple of hours this morning EST.
David, your site was unavailable for a couple of hours this morning EST.
Yes, I think the outage was Typepad-wide. More or less back to normal now.
[ Throws damp tea towel on overheated coils. ]
In the example above, Ms Smiley makes the obligatory, rather vague noises about “root problems”…
Perhaps not coincidentally, there is a black racist magazine in America titled The Root where sick people can get all the poison they might want.
[ Throws damp tea towel on overheated coils. ]
I had assumed that the hamsters were not getting enough calories and vitamins.
It then occurred to me that a “white AF conference” is, to borrow the woke vernacular, a white as fuck conference. Which is how not-at-all-racist academic librarians convey their thoughts, apparently.
How do the hell these racist clowns keep their jobs?
How the hell do these racist clowns keep their jobs?
Presumably, they’re hired by people sympathetic to, or titillated by, the same ideology – i.e., other racist clowns. As I said in the update to the original post,
And so, untroubled by normal consequences, we have an academic librarian and self-imagined intellectual, for whom, say, William Shakespeare and Paul Dirac are merely, and I quote, “white dudes writing about white ideas,” their “so-called ‘knowledge’” – “things they stole from POC and then claimed as white property” – and therefore somehow irrelevant to the culture and the world of ideas. Indeed, we’re told, their presence – in a library – is oppressive, a basis for annoyance.
This is wokeness. This is what it does. It’s almost funny.
How do the hell these racist clowns keep their jobs?
Because the rest of us just roll our eyes and accept it. Making a fuss about such things is simply gauche. And thus, here we are…Well that and no one that I know knows how to fly a helicopter.
there is a black racist magazine in America titled The Root where sick people can get all the poison they might want
Blimey, so there is!
The Root also provide helpful links to derangement elsewhere:
The Erotic Chaos and Suspense of a Zoom Orgy
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Devs Preemptively Shut Down Bullshit Concerns About Female Vikings
I haven’t read these articles. I think the titles say enough.
The Root also provide helpful links to derangement elsewhere
All are owned by the same parent corporation Univision.
Note that a blatantly racist magazine is respectable in the eyes of liberals as long as the racism is anti-white.