Our Betters Stroke Their Pets
I’m just going to leave this here, I think:
[Kathy] Rudy seems uncertain as to whether she is sexually attracted to her own dogs: “I know I love my dogs with all my heart, but I can’t figure out if that love is sexually motivated.” For some reason, I’ve never grappled with this problem, but then again, I’m not versed in Queer Theory.
Other questions generated by means of Queer Theorising include, “Do I think I’m having sex with my dogs when they kiss my face?” Apparently, for Dr Rudy, a Professor of Women’s Studies, being licked by a dog is difficult to distinguish from kissing grandma on the cheek or being lost in a full-on erotic fever. And thus, we’re told, “The line between ‘animal lover’ and zoophile is not only thin, it is non-existent.”
Previously in the land of Queer Theory.
And of course this rather eye-widening example.
Also, open thread.
for Dr Rudy, a Professor of Women’s Studies,
I think I see the problem.
At a recent family gathering, and while lost in thought regarding the wide selection of desserts, a niece’s dog started excitedly humping my leg. The experience, for me at least, was comical, not erotic.
Queer theory, whatevs. She’s obviously fucking her dogs.
It’s a bit of a chicken and egg situation whether the theories lead to perversion or the theories are created by perverts, but I can’t help noting that paedophilia was more or less compulsory amongst French late 20th century intellectuals.
The linked article also refers to the case of Chris Chan, a tranny who raped his dementia-suffering mother. And a remarkably large number of tranny activists also turn out to be nonces.
The experience, for me at least, was comical, not erotic.
*looks at husband*
As noted here before, the overlap of drag queens, paedophiles and the dysmorphic is rather pronounced. But then, transgender people report severe childhood abuse, often childhood sexual abuse, at rates far higher than is found in the wider population. And adults who have been violated as children are in turn much more likely to have, shall we say, issues regarding normal boundaries and to behave inappropriately with minors. So, this isn’t entirely surprising.
And speaking of Duke University…
Not unrelated, won’t you pity the pedophiles?
Scintillating. From the WaPo (big surprise) – “Democracy Dies In Derangement”
This is arguably where “our betters” should reside.
It’s a bit of a chicken and egg situation whether the theories lead to perversion or the theories are created by perverts
Like many evils, it’s both.
And the problem is greatly exacerbated by “smart” people who, in their commitment to “tolerance”, refuse to “judge”. In fact, I’ll go so far as to say that it would remain a very small problem if it weren’t for misplaced tolerance.
the predators who’ve completed their prison terms are depicted not as monsters but rather as complicated, troubled souls.
Christmas parade SUV mass murderer Darrell Brooks is (according to himself and some others) a “troubled soul”, “a human being, not a monster”. But it is never clearly explained why “troubled” should be grounds against incarceration-not to mention against extreme distrust.
More from the professor, a book chapter, “Bestial Imaginings”.
I’ll bet they do.
Shocked I am.
We cannot have boundaries or anything forbidden Nay. We must not only celebrate but wallow in every weird thing. Wallow. Learn way too much about it. Nod approvingly. (gagging noises)
Pity: yes, paedophiles are troubled. Disturbed. But the harm from their actions is similar to the effect of rape, perhaps worse. So we need punishment to incentivize restraint on their part. We can excuse all crime as due to “society” or excused by mental illness/compulsions, but that way leads to anarchy and mob rule. We cannot let compassion over-rule justice.
I’m looking for one of these “professorship” sinecures, so for any universities or community colleges listening, one of my papers from the Academical Journal of Farnsworth Institute and Plantations:
The article has been fully pier reviewed, BTW.
Dr. Rudy’s family reunions must be . . . interesting.
We’re going to need more red flags.
You do, I think, have to wonder what the thought process was.
Her father was an airdale. Her mother was a schnauzer.
That, as they say.
With increasing frequency, and no small contrivance, it does seem we’re supposed to feel some warmth towards such creatures.
The experience, for me at least, was comical, not erotic.
Professor Rudy, on the other hand, would probably vow to never again wash those blue jeans.
I can’t figure if Farnsworth is working too hard or if he doesn’t have enough to do.
If it helps, picture your host with a generously proportioned and precariously balanced dessert in each hand – not both for me, you understand – and with a horny cockapoo attached, firmly, to one leg.
Everyone has a story about their life. Some heroic, some tragic, some ordinary. Some, it seems, almost entirely fictional.
Everyone has a story about their life…Some, it seems, almost entirely fictional.
I have learned that about a few writers. Some appeared to do this merely to make their public personas more interesting–no axes to grind, just a sort of marketing thing. Others did this to turn themselves into heroes and those they disagreed with into villains. Or to conceal the truth gravity of their own defects. The former was forgivable, the latter not.
For every thug that is arrested, there are are hundred more walking free. There, I said it: “culture of criminality” is a real thing.
What’s one more or less moral transgression in the grand scheme of things?
Tipping point?
What’s one more or less moral transgression in the grand scheme of things?
Notice a pattern? Or several?
Unfortunately, the nature of today’s post has meant that the Thompson blog has now been branded as an pornography site by workplace screening software.
Tipping point?
I hope so. I was only slightly encouraged by some of Trinity Chapel’s church goers who started shouting “heresy” and walking out as the philistine gave a sermon about Christ’s transbody and that the spear wound in his side was a symbolic vagina.
I would have been happier to see them drag him from the pulpit and fling him into the street.
Christmas shopping done (via the handy link above, thankye landlord for this here fine establishment)! Not trusting the US postal service nor Amazon to deliver when they say they will, I started early this year.
…one of my papers from the Academical Journal of Farnsworth Institute and Plantations…
That first sentence in your abstract was awesome – you hit every buzzword they usually throw out (although sometimes they toss in quantum just to sound really sciency). I thought it was something from Real Peer Review until I reread your introductory sentence (and saw the pier review at the end). Did you use one of those social science excrecence generators or is that all from your head?
You’re an example to us all, bless you. May the postwoman never catch you with just-got-out-of-bed hair.
Achievement unlocked, I suppose.
Pst: “thugs walking free”
I was sorely disappointed that the article was not about Congress.
Bag-snatcher of note.
And in educational news…
Perhaps the Guardian‘s Owen Jones would be willing to share his home address and the times when he will be out or suitably distracted. Or is thievery only acceptable when it’s done to someone else?
TO: Editors, Thompson, Blog:
It is with some little interest we read the paper Rape Culture and Patriarchy; the intersectionality of Schistosomiasis by Dr. F. M. Farnsworth in the Academical Journal of Farnsworth Institute and Plantations, and feel that there are issues unaddressed about which there must be a discourse.
As noted, S. mansoni occupies without consent already marginalized bodies, and given that de corpore these organisms are pale, that this may be considered as described by Derrida a paradigm for western colonialism. However, it must be questioned that because the organisms existed prior to to the arrival of humans, there rises a Hegelian duality which may also be thought of as their reaction to occupier bodies on stolen lands, again a paradigm for western colonialism.
Also problematic, however, though the observation concerning the phallic ova is indeed correct, we must address the non-consensuality in positioning in copulo as it is in actuality the female S. mansoni within the body of the male which might which raises a second duality in that this represents either a transing or queering of sexual roles with female as penetrator, or that the male is merely possessing the female as a captive reproductive worker not unlike descriptors found in the works of Wells and Kendi.
A final concern must be raised whether the desire of occupied bodies to eliminate S. mansoni speaks to the inchoate desire of all occupied bodies to be free of oppressors, if indeed S. mansoni is a colonizer, or whether this is again violent speciesism and paristiophobia.
Until these important issues are addressed, I am afraid we are unable to offer Dr. Farnsworth a position on our staff of educator.
Dr. Eleazar Neuville-Thibodaux,
Dean and Wormer Chair, Department of Bifurcational, Intersectional, and Alternative Reproductive Health Studies, Bayou Lafourche Community Distance Learning College
Underneath the posturing, it’s the same manoeuvre, every damn time.
the Thompson blog has now been branded as a pornography site by workplace screening software
Are there ways to appeal such brandings as erroneous?
More fashionable nonsense from a Deep Thinker.
Perhaps the Guardian‘s Owen Jones would be willing to share his home address and the times when he will be out or suitably distracted. Or is thievery only acceptable when it’s done to someone else?
Underneath the posturing, it’s the same manoeuvre, every damn time.
Among the self-consciously Smart People, one is not allowed to condemn these Marxist monsters unless they speak rudely. If a Marxist does not raise his voice, does not use foul language, does not personally insult you, and does not personally harm you, then you must not regard him as evil.
Trans backlash: it is widely known that teens are impulsive and stupid. That is why their ability to marry, buy a gun, vote, etc are restricted. Though I lived in a nice suburb without gangs (US) I had plenty of people I know suffer permanent consequences. Two fell to their deaths from great heights while drunk/on acid. 3 died in a single car crash. Other serious but non-fatal crashes. Dozens wasted their college opportunity. Some got pregnant and gave up the baby, to their later regret. And I’m not even talking about the less serious foolishness. Let me emphasize that this was a pretty tame crowd. All of a sudden we should bow to their impulsive wishes for permanent body modification? Really? I don’t think <18 should even be able to get fake boobs.
it is widely known that teens are impulsive and stupid.
I, too, could give examples of teens from nice neighborhoods who did themselves irreparable harm.
I don’t think <18 should even be able to get fake boobs.
As I recall, most teen girls are dissatisfied with their boobs: Too big, too small, wrong shape, etc.
Timing is everything.
Professor Neuville-Thibodaux,
Thank you for your always periphrastic thoughts and supererogatory comments, but the question regarding S. mansoni sexes was fully examined by our research team and interrogated by our pier reviewers at Obscurantist Press, the publisher of Academical Journal of Farnsworth Institute and Plantations and the change made by them after a complete discussion of the methods used by our research team.
The pier reviewers suggested that we had inherent bias and that we reexamine our examination by using alternate ways of knowing and viewing by reversing our microscopes and neither assigning a gender binary, nor assuming their gender expression.
If further information on this is required, please contact our pier reviewers:
Yr. Obt. Svt,
F. M. Muldoon, etc.
From the same article, this:
The subsequent parsing of Dr Rudy’s rhetorical tricks, which are fairly standard among her type, is worth a peek.
The proper way to discuss male violence against women/girls at a charity event is to first ban talk about males pushed into female spaces.
Someone doesn’t like grading papers.
Almost every sentence she mouths sounds like an excuse for laziness and incompetence. Not least, one assumes, her own.
But scrolling down, I see this is someone whose areas of professed expertise include “intersectional environmentalism,” “de-colonial science,” and “Blackness.” And who tells us, unironically, that she offers “readings as an energy mystic.”
It’s worth noting just how often, and how readily, wokeness mingles with woo.
Dean and Wormer Chair
I always wondered what happened to Dean Wormer.
What’s one more or less moral transgression in the grand scheme of things?
The transgender puppy-perv gets more news coverage.
Queer theory, whatevs. She’s obviously fucking her dogs.
She really screwed the pooch when she went public with this. 😐
The Left sure has made fun of the slippery slope argument. Good thing adults going trans didn’t lead to pre-teens getting surgery and hormones. Good thing the concern about climate change didn’t lead to the sky-high energy prices in Europe this year. Good thing the US gov spending oodles of $ didn’t lead to inflation. No sireee, cause and effect and slippery slopes are just right-wing talking points.
The transgender puppy-perv gets more news coverage.
Not exactly clear. Has been variously described and self-described as bisexual, exclusively gay, non-binary, genderfluid, transvestite, drag queen and transgender. Just waiting for the transabled declaration to increase sympathy for current transgression.
I propose going with taseteless, attention-seeking whore as an appropriate catchall. Tasteless because if you’re going to steal a bag why would you steal a Vera Bradley? It certainly makes one question their gay and drag queen bona fides.
As one wag on twitter put it, “the bag identified as his.”
Ooh, burn.
[ Attempts sassy finger-snap. ]
Though I suppose his signature, um, style could be explained by the stealing of random suitcases full of women’s clothes.
…the stealing of random suitcases full of women’s clothes.
Curious how that fact gets glossed over. The suitcase contents never did turn up. I’m thinking the transvestite part of otherkin kicked in and they’re looking fabulous doing the washing up in the newly acquired ensembles.
DOE official: maybe it is just me, but I want officials in charge of nuclear waste to be, oh, I don’t know, boring. Formal. All business. No nonsense. Rigid. No personality. Predictable.
Tasteless because if you’re going to steal a bag why would you steal a Vera Bradley?
I had to look up Vera Bradley because I had no clue what a Vera Bradley suitcase would look like. It’s kinda funny that most of the images that popped up searching on that name show a fabulous bald man in lipstick. Only one of a suitcase – I was expecting more than tapestry embroidery floral patterns. I guess it does scream “My contents are likely a woman’s!”, which is probably why he grabbed it. I’m kinda glad my suitcases are cheap generic black Walmart carry-ons with tags I got as conference swag – all they scream is boring nerd or starving grad student.
I always wondered what happened to Dean Wormer.
Wow! Was that picture from ‘Wojeck’?
Wow! Was that picture from ‘Wojeck’?
It’s from mycast.io. I’m not sure what their source was but it seems to match some of the other stills from Animal House. This image was a halfway reasonable size compared to some of the others.
In an earlier thread, someone blamed Richard Wagner for modern hemispherical breast implants.
I blame the Renaissance. They were a kinky bunch, those artists.
I blame the Renaissance.
This, of course, raises the question of why you are searching the innarwebs for hemispherical breasts.
If this is a distress signal, blink twice…
[ Reclines in warm pneumatic comfort. ]
No distress.
Speaking of defective minds spouting pernicious ideas, remember the movie Captain Phillips, the dramatization of an incident in which Somali pirates hijacked a container ship? Blogger Wretchard just mentioned it, which reminded me that more than a few American leftists sympathized with the pirates, portraying them as ordinary folks just trying to get by. And around that time there was a news item about a Somali immigrant who said that he raised money to get to America through piracy: Leftists defended him, too, as a fine man who would make a good citizen.