Back yard scenes. (h/t, Holborn) || Synchronised boobies. || Hey, baby. || Being proud, they filmed it. || “Grandma always wanted a pig.” || Twitter indignation. || Twitter done well. || Dental nerves. || He does this better than you do. || Documentary idea of note. (h/t, Damian) || Unmix your music. Not there, but not bad. || Always respect the media. || Teachable moment. || Teachable moment 2. || The longest sight-line? || Unexpectedly. || New shoes, I see. || On Soviet cannibalism. || “I heard about McDonald’s never decaying so I wanted to find out whether this was true.” || Underclass scenes. || Everything wrong with The Shining. || And finally, if you laugh at this, you’re a terrible, terrible person.
Browsing Category
Currently, 17 percent of American homeowners have a smart video surveillance device, and unit sales are expected to double by 2023… The popularity of these devices has led to the “porch pirate gotcha” film genre, a sort of America’s Funniest Home Videos of petty crime.
In the pages of The Atlantic, our sympathies are solicited. Though not for the people being robbed, of course:
The first time Ganave Fairley got busted for stealing a neighbour’s Amazon package, she was just another porch thief unlucky to be caught on tape.
The words first time and unlucky should perhaps be borne in mind.
The deliveries that were dropped daily on her neighbours’ porches caught her attention. At that point, she didn’t know about the cameras or [neighbourhood watch app] Nextdoor. In the months that followed, the police would find a cache of the neighbours’ belongings and mail in her possession… Her sister told me that Fairley generally sold the packages “for a little bit of nothing, just to get high.”
I sense that some of you may not be feeling overly sympathetic.
Ms Fairley – who invokes racism as a cause of her local notoriety, and whose extensive cache of stolen belongings included other people’s credit cards – is described to us at length and in the softest possible light. We learn of her dysfunctional upbringing, her struggles with a mouldy apartment, and her various drug habits, including “trekking daily to a methadone clinic” – a heroic feat, apparently. Ms Fairley’s failure to attend numerous court dates – for petty theft, mail theft, receiving stolen property, possession of heroin, and child endangerment – is, we learn, due to her having “a lot going on” in her life. In at least one instance, it turns out that what was going on was stealing from a resident she’d previously targeted and who, while being robbed again, was waiting to see Ms Fairley appear in court.
The fact that Ms Fairley is gay is mentioned too, as if that were somehow relevant or an explanation for credit card fraud and chronic thieving. We’re also told, touchingly, that she has “family members’ names tattooed on her neck.”
Lifted from the comments – two items, not unrelated.
When specifically asked about [journalist, Andy] Ngo, who suffered a brain haemorrhage as a result of a violent attack while covering Antifa demonstrations in Portland, Ore. in June, [Professor Troy] Storfjell replied, “I don’t have a problem with it.”
You see, Mr Ngo is a “militant fascist,” a “Nazi.” If only in the minds of bedlamites who are employed to educate other people’s children.
Our betters at large. Or, Trick-or-Treat, the Antifa Way.
The second link, the video, does, I think, reveal the root motives of the personalities attracted to Antifa. Unless, of course, the obvious way to address an ostensibly political disagreement with someone is to find out where their parents live and then harass them at night in a fairly sinister manner, having already doxxed and threatened the person’s elderly mother. The point here being to intimidate Mr Ngo and his family, and to underline their vulnerability, specifically to violence. To make them feel unsafe in their own homes. There’s a spiteful ingenuity.
But hey, “social justice” is all about piety and compassion.
The basic message of the masked night-time visitors – a message illustrated vividly elsewhere – seems fairly straightforward. ‘You see who we are, and show others who we are, and so we will punish you.’
Needless to say, this also reveals who they are, but I suspect they just can’t help themselves.
Update, via the comments:
Alas, her telekinetic powers failed her when she needed them the most. || For all your kerning nightmares. || Our political titans. || More joys of public transport. || Winter in Japan. || Landing in trees, in 360 degrees. || The thrill of yarn. || Are we there yet, dad? || He does this better than you do. || I question this design choice. || Oversharing of note. || You shall go to the ball. || Shopping centre scenes. || He sees you. || Headline of note. || “You’ve walked out of the movie three times?” || Woke AF. || Feminist standards. || “Rhetorical violence.” || Always respect the media and their lofty moral leadership. || In fairness, it is easy to miss. || And finally, what appears to be the aftermath of a traumatic collision.
The words “overly judge” seem to be doing quite a bit of heavy lifting.
Added via the comments, another young lady sending signals. None of which we must register.
Also, open thread.

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