Friday Ephemera (751)
Wind instrument of note. || Let’s just say mistakes were made. || Just one or two drinks during lunch. || The demands of glamorous dining. || On thin wings and flying faster than the speed of sound. (h/t, Elephants Gerald) || Stroppy and incoming. || Not as easy as it looks. || Adventures in large rock relocation. || Ripples. || Nodules. || More joys of public transport. || Zipper trouble. || Pigeon peepers. || The attempt to steal propane did not go entirely as planned. || The progressive retail experience, parts 607 and 608. || Helping hand. || Are you not inspired? || Well, I suppose he treated her as an equal. || Why spiders don’t (yet) rule the Earth. || Flatbread proportions. || Fishing will be fun, they said. || And finally, is your womb “an energetic vessel that holds ancestral imprints”?
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You know, it does look a bit like Mordor.
I don’t think this is how you attract Minions, David, is it?
NOT the Bee
from previous thread:
I laughed a lot at that. Gonna go with my brother and find one of those and try it.
More California wildfire madness:
Unasked question: Why would a convicted murderer ever be released from prison?
Glad I’m not in charge of cleaning that cab.
Theory advanced. Interesting, but I have no strong feelings one way or the other.
Band name.
“Are you not inspired?“
To buy those chairs? They are damn sturdy!
“I paid my fare this time.”
“Can I get my $2.75 back?”
“Can I see the body?”
There’s a lot to unpack in that video.
I wondered how long it would be until they found some of the LA fires were deliberately set….
Morning, all.
In terms of normal functioning, in terms of focus and basic competence, it’s the analogue of sudden-onset bone cancer. Every damn time:
For instance.
Heh. Yes, it’s quite dense with implications.
[ Slurps coffee, looks at snow, defiantly unmelted. ]
To be sure, though, we’ll need you to writhe about on a hillside, next to a cow, while some wacky bint waves her arms about.
Look, it’s basic science.
You may just need your connections guiding.
Hey, I’m just reading what it says here.
They’re talking about the vagus nerve, here, and that’s a real thing. Your whole life improves when you stimulate it.
<*((>< — ><((*> — <*((>< — ><((*> — <*((>< — ><((*>
I honestly cannot relate to what’s going on. What happens to women that drives them to think their womb is some kinda mystical thing with the feminine energy and you gots to be embodied and… I don’t know.
Why isn’t it feminine embodiment when I spend all day in a sugar coma because I had pie for breakfast?
[ Puts up sign saying Magic Womb Realignment, £50. Starts waving arms about. ]
Di, help me find a cow.
Blockage removal.
[ Commotion, suspicious mooing. ]
I gotchu fam.
Okay, so which one of us wears the tight peek-a-boo sweater?
That would be you.
Chasing off those pesky cervids.
It’s a bit snug.
[ Squeaking, grunting. ]
[ Mooing intensifies. ]
I’m not even sure what to say here.
Severely deluded to the point of not understanding how awful he looks? or severely twisted to the point that he enjoys scaring the normies?
If anyone has just joined this thread, it’s going to be difficult to explain what’s going on.
[ Adjusts tight peek-a-boo sweater. ]
I could have worn that in 1996. Now, not so much.
[ Waits for customers. ]
How does she use a phone? How does she even get dressed?
One of my male X mutuals says he can tell Zuckerberg has been upping his T. Maybe this explains his recent behavior,
I’ve often found it weird, and wrong-footing, how quite a lot of people seem to base their positions on something other than what they think to be the case, having pondered it, or even what is obviously the case. The reliance on social consensus, on fashion, however manufactured or absurd, makes interaction with such people quite tricky. It’s as if they were running on incompatible software.
When you’re discussing some hot-button topic – crime, immigration, transgenderism, whatever – it’s a little disconcerting to realise that the other party isn’t actually thinking about the issue as such, and that any disagreement may not be a result of error or of being unfamiliar with some pertinent piece of information. And that instead, the other party may be making tactical calculations based on, essentially, what their opinions will look like to others.
What their friends will think of them, should they agree or disagree, or even just pause to think.
[ Added: ]
I recall one exchange, during which the other party expressed something like surprise at my reasoning. Not the particulars of it, which weren’t engaged with, but the fact that any reasoning was there – the fact that it was a thing one might do before adopting a position. As if, in their world, opinions were things one simply chose, like a flattering shirt.
How does she use a phone? How does she even get dressed?
How does she wipe her ass?!
You don’t hate the media enough.
Goal for Saturday morning is now set.
Thanks. I have a collection of these links for when people sneer at me for being an Orthodox Jew.
I gotta meet y’all in person one of these days.
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land?
They would come up to Riverdale from Manhattan to do photo shoots for the catalogs at Wave Hill. The clothespin trick was done regularly for men’s shirts. I assume also for Talbots-style shirtdresses.
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land?
No, you don’t want to go to Memphis unless you absolutely have to and Graceland is overrated anyway.
I like a feelgood story.
She got what she asked for.
Well, maybe a lesson has been learned. The seemingly widespread conceit that a woman can always hit a man with impunity, on account of simply being a woman, with no risk of payment in kind, is a rather dangerous one. Not a bet one should take lightly.
Jordan Peterson, discussing the importance of free speech in critical thinking, remarked that many people confuse merely having an idea pop into their heads with actual thought: An idea occurs to them (or they hear an idea) but they don’t subject that idea to critical thinking to test its validity. Nor, when they start with a set of observations about the world, do they systematically reason their way to conclusions.
Some relevant maths.
Short version:
And hey, who doesn’t like some maths after lunch?
I strongly suspect that it’s the same phenomenon that leads some women to seek enhanced social status through horoscopes, aura reading, and other mystical woo.
For all you climate change deniers:
Part 1
Part 2
Summary execution is in order: Leave the bodies dangling with placards reading “arsonist”.
NOT the Bee
Also not The Bee
Love is love, or something, and never extreme.
Nothing like a visit to PetSmart to get you in the mood.
Isn’t one of the attractions of certain practices the lack of connection between womb and throat?
Joaquin Phoenix isn’t looking at all well.
The origin of the webcam.
I’d forgotten about that.
[ Feels PTSD returning ]
“Homeless” man arrested for wildfire arson.
Like I said, death.
And then there are all the liberals who treat bums and addicts as mascots, as innocent victims who must be allowed to ruin the places they invade.
Nothing like focusing on the important things in a disaster.
It wouldn’t surprise me to find that the fires had multiple origins, that maybe a downed power line started it all, but then sadistic people piled on, because why the hell not?
They just wanted to see the world burn.
Hehe – couldn’t resist…
I have seen one claim that new fires have started upwind of the first fires. Time will whether that claim is corroborated.
Seen over at Ace’s:
Great, three of the four top lesbians in charge of the whole shebang don’t know first hand how the rank and file do their jobs. RTWT, as the kids say.
Gawd, that’s painful.
David, isn’t it past time for a thorough live testing of the Correction Booth?
FrontPageMag is a great site and worth sending some financial support.
[ Reaches under bar, opens ivory box, fondles revolver. ]
“Soon, Bessie, soon…”
I laughed a lot at that. Gonna go with my brother and find one of those and try it.
It’s not Christmas unless you can shoot your brother or hit him with a fake sword.
Every Christmas I get my sons (now 27 and 23) some game that promotes brotherly violence. This year it was the fake sword game.
Look, it’s L.A. At this point I want them dropping gasoline from the water bombers.
Look, it’s L.A.
Also LA…
How much did they get from Soros?
Or is this just recreational.
PS My coat is on fire but not sure if it’s related to what’s going on in LA.
At first I was hesitant, but that turned out better than expected.
This is my innocent face.
[ Points to face. ]
Not having experience in that specific department, perhaps someone else does…does yelling at elephants have any effect on them? Though now that I think of it, I have had some experience yelling at fat people. With limited, unreliable results.
Wouldn’t be the first time. Though calling her a cow would be a bit over the top. Nailed the wacky bint tho.
Wayne County parks director charged and suspended after pulling a gun during a gas station brawl over a can of soda. A brawl he started.
I notice the perp’s vibrant diversity, but also recall that government attracts morally deficient people.
The taste of vanilla ice cream licked from a wooden spoon
We got some snow here in East Tennessee. Bronx loves him some snow.
‘The California fires started on Tuesday. Within literal hours, the looting began. “Groups of men” were pulling up to homes en masse—by the hundreds, according to some eyewitnesses—in cars and scooters, across Los Angeles. Wherever the fires burned, they appeared.’
Second question: What should be done about those who would start looting?
It would be a shame if the things that never happen were to lead to Islamophobia.
Western news outlets hardly ever report on what happens so often.
While, on the other hand, here we have fascist mooing.
A criminal investigation for insulting a politician online?
It’s great that Gab told the Kraut Kommissars to go fuck themselves
Um, David, Dicentra, not meaning to spoil the fun or anything, but a quick review of the tape on the wombular antics confirmed my original feeling of unease — the, er, practitioner may THINK she has the situation under control, but I strongly suspect that what that poor girl really needs is not wombal calisthenics as such, but an exorcist. Kept waiting for her to go all basso profundo and start levitating off the hillside.
Just sayin’, is all. Pro tip: any projectile vomiting is a REALLY bad sign.
In the replies, some wag suggests “In this house no looter is illegal” signs.
I thought one of the images I saw was like the scenes of hell in Constantine. Now I find the LA Fire chief is named Crowley. Wasn’t he the demon in Good Omens?
I’m just going to leave this here:
dicentra: “‘The California fires started on Tuesday. Within literal hours, the looting began. “Groups of men” were pulling up to homes en masse…“
Were they in uniform?
…the hell AWAY from me and mine, you creepy wench-beeste!
He reassures us that he won’t be engaging in cannibalism of any kind.
A doctor explains the likely results of the surgery.
High-altitude humor.
Or, mentally ill man continues to self-harm.
Or, mentally ill man continues to self-harm.
But it wasn’t completely self-harm, was it? Who in God’s name are the doctors and nurses who took the money, knocked him out, and removed his ribs? It feels to me that at some point a state’s licensing board should step forward and say, “Nah, we don’t do that here.”
I fully cheer the de-transitioners who are filing lawsuits against the “experts” who blithely agreed the plaintiffs were born in the wrong body and set them on a course of destruction with hormones and surgery. As those suits succeed, hopefully, then the transgender pandemic will subside. Money always talks.
Adding to their misery, some of LA’s fire victims had to encounter two of the most worthless individuals to walk this planet.
“First, do no harm.”
“Moe, I’m just a victim of coicumstances, nyuck, nyuck”
Simultaneously pathertic, predictable, and unintentionally hilarious.
Oh no, what could be amiss? We must travel back in time (cue music)…
As one does, I guess. There was something going on in August of 2020, but it escapes me.
Oh yeah, safe sex. I am still not sure why his situation is exceptional.
Aperol Spritzes and random hookups for Love in the Time of the Toilet Paper Apocalypse – dude is a regular double nought spy.
Like any other daredevil spy caught in a far-right honey trap and exposed!
“Why are you shaming me for my pandemic orgies?” RTWT
I particularly remember this excuse:
Color me skeptical. Hard to believe that that really happened. The surgeon, their assistant, the facility where it supposedly took place? Way too many points of failure/vulnerabilities to that story. I could be wrong but even assuming it’s true, the reaction of the various medical professionals, the doctors, etc. content to mock the patient? I find that more disturbing. It points to a much deeper cultural rot. The patient, even if the person is faking all this, is not the problem. A proper response to this by medical professionals should be outrage. They should be demanding specifics, working hard to prosecute the individuals involved and to have all of their licenses removed. But of course the medical community has no need to defend itself. It’s above such petty, commoner concerns.
Really? When the world is awash with doctors happy to remove genitals & perform ‘phalloplasty’?
Yes, really. See again the part where I said, “I could be wrong but even assuming it’s true,…” There has been a lot more evidence of the latter, and the AMA approves of it. While I have heard of rib removal, I haven’t seen much hard evidence of it happening. Certainly not to this degree. Anyone could mock up this scenario as part of a Buffalo Run. Note that I’m not saying it isn’t happening, I just doubt it.
So tell me, much like the medical community’s selective outrage, why does my skepticism upset you? Are you not more outraged that no one closer to the problem is willing to do anything about it? To raise the pertinent questions, to demand accountability and persecution of those involved? While there is plenty about these sorts of outrages to be disturbed about, mocking the mentally ill seems like the weakest possible response to the issue. Mocking the medical community for its passivity however…
A doctor explains the likely results of the surgery.
Minor point, a PA, not a doctor, and for the record, most PAs are very good.
If it is real, and I share some skepticism, but 17 large would imply it took place somewhere other than the US&A.
The non-skeptical side also knows there are many places (Turkey, e.g.) where nigh anyone can perform “cosmetic” procedures.