Friday Ephemera (687)
Yes, but on the upside, it could’ve been vomit. || Careful now. || Nommy-nommy-nom. || On elephants. (h/t, Elephants Gerald) || An archive of LEGO instruction booklets. (h/t, Things) || This guy here: “But I do love all people.” || Oh dear, how embarrassing. || Good to know, I guess. || He does this better than you do. || Best write it down because it will be on the test. || Bouncing booty. || Erotic scenes. || The thrill of Titter magazine, October 1945. (h/t, Elephants Gerald) || “Is it as common an experience to feel like you have water on your wings?” || His name is Catherine. || Kissy face. || It’s a head–scratcher, a mystery to us all. || Hazards of the highway. || The Mechanical Monsters, 1941. || Makeover. || PIN of note. || The progressive retail experience, parts 483, 484, and 485. || Somewhat related. || And finally, though not for the squeamish, and NSFW, the thrill of phalloplasty.
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For a material scientist.
Perhaps everyone on the left should pay Reparations to the normal people.
White panther.
Homicidal sperm cell.
Who’s the daddy?
Peaceful scene during downpour in Nara.
Australia Man.
Actually saying you hate people, not “hate speech“. Calling that weirdo “him“, “hate speech”. I know it’s not a new observation, but for f…
Maybe if I pinch myself really hard, I’ll wake up.
From his comments, you would conclude that he doesn’t believe conservatives are actually people.
“I have questions”
Morning, all.
It’s hard to say which is more unlovely – the idiocy he mouths, or the air of smugness.
And then of course there’s the hair.
“Racial divide” FFS They never get tired of it.
“I can’t breathe!”, she screamed.
The left wing racist’s shirt is a derivation of the 🇺🇸. This seems out of character, am I missing something obvious?
Quite. As is the custom, the concepts of behaviour and personal responsibility are carefully avoided – indeed, entirely ignored – and instead, the reader is invited to fret about insufficient bike lanes, the evils of gentrification, and how “cold” and wicked Mitt Romney is. (Income and race are of course conflated, but whether, say, white and East Asian cyclists who live in the same areas have similar rates of injury and fatality is not mentioned.)
That the phenomenon is largely explained by some cyclists not wearing helmets, and by marked differences in behaviour while cycling, does not seem to concern the author, Taneika Duhaney. Neither subject is explored, at all.
Nor does Ms Duhaney seem interested in, for instance, the proliferation of YouTube and TikTok videos showing cyclists, very often black, who use busy traffic to show off their stunts – say, by suddenly veering towards oncoming cars while doing wheelies and laughing – for thrills, and to deliberately terrify unsuspecting drivers. A phenomenon now fashionable over here too, and which one might have thought relevant.
And so, instead of mentioning the advantages of a cycling helmet, which can be had for $10, or warning against using motorists as unwitting extras in wildly reckless stunts and games of chicken, we get the usual pretentious racial victimhood. Which never seems to go out of fashion, despite its pernicious effects, and even in cases where the sheer perversity of it is hard to miss.
Steve Sailor with his usual inconvenient statistics. Yes this is about motor vehicle rather than cycle accidents but maybe many of the factors apply to both.
Well, regarding the games of chicken and swerve-master, imagine that you’re one of the drivers being targeted in this way, and being deliberately terrified by a moron, for shits and giggles, and Instagram status. And then, when a collision inevitably occurs, imagine having the aggressor berate you and vandalise your car, backed up by his posse of other strutting little shits.
And then imagine reading an article that, by careful omission and practised excuses, makes such incidents more likely, not less.
What’s he trying to pass as – a mentalist creep?
Oh, come now, ladies. Surely he’s captured the very essence of womanhood…?
Yikes! Have the ‘surgeons’ ever actually seen a real one?
I suppose there have always been doctors willing to do anything for money. But it is unclear to me how many soulless opportunists choose to go into medicine vs. how many are corrupted during the educational process.
Any solution to this problem will require not only strict punishment of these criminals but also some form of reckoning for their apologists and protectors.
Even by the tragicomic standards of the genre, it’s not exactly a triumph. Still, I’d imagine there’s only so much one can do with a flayed piece of forearm.
Just one of the good reasons to decline to do such surgery on the grounds that it is not in the patient’s best interests.
Does not need to have his/her pronouns “respected”; does need antipsychotics.
And yet I’ve seen endless tweets and articles in which the predictable consequences of such behaviour are referred to as “accidents.” As if they were random and inexplicable, and as if one party weren’t deliberately and gleefully creating a situation in which collision is extremely likely, and in which that’s the whole point.
Indeed. Which is why I repeatedly talk about “a reckoning”.
Our ruling classes: The unspeakable in full pursuit of the unachievable.
Is she a Cylon?
No thanks, I’m good.
I’m just going to leave this here, for no reason whatsoever.
Also, this. Because… well, because.
And note the caption: “The muzzle grab is a playful gesture used by a dominant wolf to assert its superiority over another.” Seems imprudent to welcome such a relationship with a wild animal. Or a supposedly domesticated dog, even.
The catchphrase of the rightfully arrested.
Tried that. Several times now. No luck yet.
Shortly after the “martyrdom” of thug George Floyd, I saw several videos from Europe of black criminals screaming “I can’t breathe” as they being arrested.
It’s the shirt that gets me. These clowns will usurp patriotism and the flag soon. And they will get away with it. Because conservatives…”conservatives” are such wishy-washy cowards.
Rebecca Chaillon, a queer Afro-feminist, enriches the Avignon Festival.
…and from down in the comments, a civilized scene in South Africa.
Why do I get the feeling Mitt Romney paid them to say that?
And so, we have wokeness, a weird social-status game, in which players must always make a fuss about disparities in outcome, as if this were scandalous and shocking, while never, ever mentioning obvious disparities in behaviour, and stupidity, and malice.
And in order to play this status game, people who are expensively educated and supposedly very clever will happily become stupid and tie themselves in rhetorical knots:
For instance.
Rappers charter Miami yacht, then hold crew hostage and rob them.
The traditional term for this is piracy. There is also a traditional punishment.
We are often regaled with stories of young black men being aspiring rappers (as well as being good boys who were turning their lives around). This and similar incidents would suggest that achieving their ambition is not always a good thing.
That traditional punishment, when meted out onshore, included not being cut down until three tides had passed below your feet. The port in this instance was Miami, and on the Atlantic side of Florida, three tides would take a bit more than a day and a half; but if the pirates were transported up to the Panhandle, where the tides are diurnal, it would stretch out past three days. Good to have that option.
And I do love that word “stretch”…
A Star Trek musical? Oh no.
Seems imprudent to welcome such a relationship with a wild animal. Or a supposedly domesticated dog, even – but the real victim is…
A Star Trek musical? Oh no.
I’ll see your Star Trek musical, and raise an Imelda Marcos musical.
Meanwhile, they said we’d have flying cars, instead we get STD Influencers.
How about three tides of rush hour traffic in the hood?
Remember the James Bond car with an ejection seat?