She must’ve been able to see the beginning of space and time. || The smooth jazz noodling is the icing on the cake. || Incoming. || Suboptimal situation. || New “fatphobic” thing detected. || I believe the preferred term is selling ass. || The thrill of German syntax. || Good news, bad news. || Hiding underground. || A lot can happen in 28 seconds. || She hopes this clarifies things. || Demon cat. || Mr Achacoso is a psychiatric nurse. || Walk towards the light. || Those rope-burn woes. || “The woman is just one of 140 people being investigated for making ‘harmful comments’ towards the rapists.” || Armpit charms. || On the pitfalls of pitch correction software. || Policing at its finest. || Some punching required. || Chesterton’s cone. || And finally, well, um, I’m just going to leave this here.

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