Friday Ephemera (727)
She must’ve been able to see the beginning of space and time. || The smooth jazz noodling is the icing on the cake. || Incoming. || Suboptimal situation. || New “fatphobic” thing detected. || I believe the preferred term is selling ass. || The thrill of German syntax. || Good news, bad news. || Hiding underground. || A lot can happen in 28 seconds. || She hopes this clarifies things. || Demon cat. || Mr Achacoso is a psychiatric nurse. || Walk towards the light. || Those rope-burn woes. || “The woman is just one of 140 people being investigated for making ‘harmful comments’ towards the rapists.” || Armpit charms. || On the pitfalls of pitch correction software. || Policing at its finest. || Some punching required. || Chesterton’s cone. || And finally, well, um, I’m just going to leave this here.
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How about making “harmful comments” towards the judges? Not to mention the politicians and intellectuals who got us into this mess?
I’ll start: A gang of evil subhuman cunts.
“All of the guardrails we would usually have in place to filter out these criminals were removed in the name of racial justice.”
“This is Atlanta’s highest paid judge, Christina Peterson, a Democrat. She was arrested this week for for punching a cop in the head, outside of a bar. She was booked into Fulton County jail on felony charges. She was already facing 30+ ethics charges.”
Example #2:
Former Chattanooga police chief Celeste Murphy indicted for multiple felonies and misdemeanors including perjury, official misconduct, illegal voter registration and falsely filling out official documents
I’m feeling uneasy about the new neighbors.
Because the cleaning instructions say “do not tumble dry”.
No wonder they start wars.
Birth control in the Victorian era
Some things make you think the West can’t die quickly enough.
Change “the West” to “the left”.
“A duck walks into a pub and orders a pint….”
“only an underwhelming minority of African Americans have ever committed any kind of crime”
“Underwhelming? Percentage of black males who have been convicted of a felony: 33% Share who will murder someone during their lifetime: 1 in 22.”
Oooh, dibs on this one. Band name: Bad Curry
I think harmful comments towards Germany in general are still acceptable, right? Or is this one of those Dr. Who type things where the universe caves in on itself? I never watched the show but based on what I’ve heard…
The smooth jazz noodling is the icing on the cake.
What is it with women? A bear walks onto the deck and she doesn’t say “There’s a friggin bear beside you.” She gets up and starts to go in. Even when the guy asks what’s wrong she doesn’t tell him, “There’s a friggin bear beside you.” She says, “look beside you.” Christ, the bear can’t speak English. He won’t change what he’s doing if you say the word bear. Maybe she was hoping to use him as a sacrifice. I’ve witnessed this behaviour on multiple occasions. And we’re told that men are supposed to be the poor communicators.
On the pitfalls of pitch correction software.
It isn’t just used on vocals. Kate posted this Rick Beato video yesterday talking about how today’s music has been affected by technology–and it’s not good.
OMG, this. I f*****g hate it when (mostly) women, but a few idiot men…usually of the political/management type, do this in a critical situation or in regard to something very important. I can almost guarantee she’s miserable to be around. Probably why she’s fat, too. Might even explain the fru-fru dog. It’s the fat, annoying woman equivalent to the “it’s not about the nail” thing. It’s a real passive-aggressive play.
“Oh my God!” she exclaims.
“What? What, what?” he says, leaning toward her.
“Look next to you…” she says, grabbing her stuff.
“What? What happened?” he says, completely NOT LOOKING NEXT TO HIM.
Instead of waiting for him to clue in, she decides to act first and explain later. “Come on… just come in…”
Notice his utter lack of situational awareness. She obviously saw something startling and he doesn’t look around.
Not until she says “Look, he’s right there” does he use his neck the way God intended and pivot it around to where she’s looking. And that only because he had turned around 180 degrees from before as he followed her in the door.
I don’t know why she didn’t blurt out “BEAR,” but she might have been tongue-tied in her panic, able only to gesture towards the bear verbally and physically, hoping he’d see for himself, which would spare her having to explain that a bear is right there.
I’m pretty sure that providing an explanation and pointing toward something are two different neurological skills, and maybe one goes numb when there’s action to be taken.
Also, she might know that he’s a moron who doesn’t absorb information quickly, so acting first was probably their best bet.
Morning, all.
Amid everything else, and there is quite a lot of it, this caught my eye:
Affirmative action, baby.
[ Slides free ashtray, slightly chipped, towards dicentra. ]
Politics is so exciting.
That was intense. 😀
You may wince when ready.
I see what you did there…
There is, I think, a common theme. Though I might have more sympathy for the fly.
Imitating toys.
See, in Spanish they have the phrase como Dios manda, which they use liberally, and I look for ways to work it into conversation wherever possible.
It’s that cosmopolitan air that makes this place so classy.
[ Slides chipped ashtray closer to dicentra. ]
Are they…? Is that CPR?
And is the camerawork deliberately… implying something… or is his team really that naive?
The hell am I supposed to do with that?
[ Fills chipped ashtray with gray, slightly fuzzy peanuts. ]
I should probably have washed it first.
The wheels are falling off, and I’m trying to understand why the Dems are surprised at what happened. Did they buy the lies coming out of the White House? Were they not able to see with their own eyes what the deal was? Were they really that delusional?
I just saw three of them evolve.
Some people have a worldview so unrealistic, so premised on pretending, it borders on hallucinatory.
I haven’t seen the debate. It’s much too early here for 90 minutes of surreal rambling. But I saw one 30-second clip that was so bizarre I assumed that it must be a mischievous edit or a deepfake parody. Apparently, it wasn’t.
They were both incoherent in their way. Trump has never been a sophisticated thinker, and he can’t articulate what he is thinking anyway, so it’s cringe to listen to him try to make a point and to see him founder and thrash about.
Biden’s unblinking eyes were wide as saucers, suggesting he was hopped up on goofballs, and he managed to top Trump’s incoherence.
Trump managed to keep himself under control (for Trump) just enough give Biden all the rope he needed to hang himself with. He was no more dotty than usual, though, so the Dem’s surprise is puzzling.
*hates autotune more than before*
Heh. I’m no Beatles fan, but the encrapification of the pitch correction is made pretty obvious. It’s a clever technology and it does have its place – generally, I think, as an effect, a spot detail, say. But as an on-all-the-time thing, I find it wearing on the ear. Used indiscriminately, it tends to strip away the individuality of a voice (should there be any) and replaces it with a uniform texture. A monotonous out-of-the-box timbre.
This is the biggest bugbear of married life – women who think it’s pretty obvious where the jam, towel, or in this case, the bear is, while the husband is utterly perplexed.
The real issue here though was, if you notice, the woman says “Oh God” or something, and by the time the husband looks up in alarm, she is not looking at the bear, but handling and looking at the dog.
In that position, my first instinct and fear would be that something bad has happened to the dog, and that crowds out other actions or thoughts, such as looking around.
And to add – it is fairly evident from that clip where that couple’s priorities are, in the face of possible great danger. It’s not each other, or even themselves. It’s their “child”. The woman doesn’t run to save herself – she spends, in the context, an interminable amount of time to carefully scoop up her precious darling. The man, judging by his looks, is not stupid, but his brain freezes when the woman makes an exclamation and leans towards the dog.
For all the wokeism, Marxism, etc, that’s humanity’s hope and salvation – putting the young first, to the point of self sacrifice, is hard coded in our genes. No ideology can change that.
First thing they learn is playing the victim.
It’s the combination of feigned victimhood and self-incriminating video.
Extra points for TP stuck to shoe.
For all your action-figure needs:
How men communicate an imminent threat:
…ok, sometimes “Duck!” can be misinterpreted.
How women communicate a threat:
“Well if you don’t know, I can’t explain it!”
See the difference?
Was that a scene from this epic?
That was my first thought Some people (men and women) do have that problem.
I was not even aware that such technology existed until Instapundit(?) linked to a rant about Auto-Tune, but I do wonder if, at a subconscious level, it had contributed to my growing dislike of pop music.
Inaction figure?
I assume that’s the case for every public appearance.
Harlan Ellison loved Dr Who and hated Star Trek.
Interesting. He did write TV criticism for many years. But did he hate Star Trek before Roddenberry bowdlerized his City on the Edge of Forever screenplay? I do wonder, as it’s been decades since I read his reviews and essays and while I retrain a memory of sometimes hyperbolic denunciations and unjustly personal attacks, I do not retain much of a sense of the timeline of his views.
“I ain’t got no shame in my game.”
There’s your problem.
And speaking of questionable neighbourhoods.