This Is Your Captain Speaking
Argentina’s first transgender pilot has debuted the new uniform designed for the female pilots of the country’s national airline.
Traniela Campolieto announced his “transition” to passengers during a flight last year, after which one person tried to get off the plane.
— REDUXX (@ReduxxMag) July 20, 2024
And hey, every passenger wants the pilot to be a bewigged, mentally ill fetishist who bangs on about the super-girly tightness of his uniform, and who takes endless, pouting selfies in the cockpit.
To say nothing of the heightened risk of suicidal inclinations. Ah, the thrill of modernity.
Before becoming a shimmering vision of womanliness, Mr Campolieto was a professional bodybuilder, a proverbial brick shithouse. Hence the bad wig, the transformative powers of which may have been overestimated.
Update, via the comments, where WTP adds,
From the above Publica link:
In 2020, the country’s President, Alberto Fernández, passed a decree establishing employment quotas in the public sector for individuals who identified as transgender. The decree mandates that at any given time at least one percent of all public sector workers in the national government must be transgender, as understood in the 2012 Gender Identity Law.
And so, the pilot in charge of 250 tonnes of Airbus A330, and on whom the lives of 400 or so passengers depend, is a man whose perceptions are wildly unreliable, at least regarding himself.
Previously: Banking and mental illness, together at last. Oh, and policing and mental illness. Because unstable personalities, such that a person isn’t entirely sure who or what they are on any given day, are very in right now.
Consider this an open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
Only one?
And the shit test continues.
And here I was thinking Argentina was returning to some level of sanity.
So in the category of things that can kill you, this got me thinking…and so now I can’t get back to sleep, but Australia probably leads the world in deadly/dangerous flora and fauna, with maybe India not far behind. Africa’s dangerous stuff being split up amongst too many different countries to be in the competition for danger. So I’m trying to think of the most dangerous animal in Brittany. What would that be? A fox? Badger? Not to go all lefty and stuff but perhaps colonialism is driven by a lack of things at home that can kill you.
From the Publica link:
And so, the pilot in charge of 250 tonnes of Airbus A330, and on whom the lives of 400 or so passengers depend, is a man whose perceptions are wildly unreliable, at least regarding himself.
WTP: Brittany? Dunno — adders, maybe? Not exactly in the mamba/krait/brown snake class perhaps, but you have to make do. The thing I’ve always admired about Oz is how EVERYTHING is designed to kill you: spiders, octopi (large and practically microscopic), every snake in the country, lionfish, jellies, sharks, hell, even duckbilled playpuses (platypi?) have poison spines. And even if they don’t actually kill you, apparently you really Really wish they had,
You may be onto something with the colonialism theory: Imagine the recruitment campaigns! Bored at home? Explore all the horrid ways to die overseas!
Man clears pavement of brambles and stinging nettles, and is reported to the police.
A drama then unfolds.
I do hope the elderly chap got his phone back.
It’s the deep voice and five o’clock shadow that sells the illusion.
I really feel for that guy, and am horrified by the implication that he wasn’t allowed to get off the plane. “You will submit to having a lunatic in a wig ferry you in a flying weapon of mass destruction!”
And this is just civilizational suicide: “The decree mandates that at any given time at least one percent of all public sector workers in the national government must be transgender, as understood in the 2012 Gender Identity Law.”
Judging by that, the community is probably better off managing its affairs ad hoc than relying on the parish council.
Orchestrated? I doubt it. Try “widespread spontaneous community outrage”.
Happy ending.
The bullies are the ones trying to put the guy in jail. The people were standing up to the bullies.
Every country has it’s mentally ill freaks … All we can do is try to avoid them. I believe the middle east knows how to deal with these delusional clowns … something about tall building rooftops.
We might, I think, spare a thought for the poor bus driver. Must’ve been quite a shock.
The chap robbing the elderly, not so much.
Is the bus okay?
Posh sounding twit goes to Knightsbridge to see what the fuss with the immigrants is all about and fails to see a problem because rich people from the gulf emirates are buying expensive stuff and making the Exchequer burst at the seams.
While scrolling through X, I spotted this and some related scenes of London charm, which led me to David Aaronovitch announcing that he is returning to the capital and is “looking forward to… using the Underground.”
I’m still processing that one.
Somewhat related.
Oh good. Trans World Airlines is back in business,
OK, David, KJP deserves the real hooch for that one.
[ From behind bar, sound of sprung trap being fiddled with. ]
There you go. Free cheese.
Just Stop Oil do cooking.
Pull the other one . . . on second thought, don’t.
‘And what are you in for?’
I do so like a story with a happy ending.
Official bullies so it’s just not on.
More council shenanigans.
Aside from that looking exactly like the hairballs a cat I had who liked to chew on the edges of a green bath mat hacked up, “…the three hour drive to London…” doesn’t sound very oil stoppy.
I should point out it’s a spoof, at least with regard to Just Stop Oil. But an amusingly hideous one.
The dish is apparently a nettle malfatti.
Which is much more appealing, obviously.
[ applause ]
Tar & feathers aren’t just for the colonies.
Difficult to differentiate when yesterday’s satire is today’s rigidly enforced dogma.
It’s the deep voice and five o’clock shadow that sells the illusion.
The bulging forearm veins is what practically screamed femininity to me.
Suicidal pilot: some of the worst air disasters have been pilot suicide: an egyptian pilot over the atlantic, the malay flight (370?) and a german flight.
I learned something today.
I thought I’d add some earthy colour.
Today In White Supremacy™: Reading.
Surely they’ll get around to saying fire is White Supremacy™ and we can have done with this.
You’d think that years of hearing (and then regurgitating) excuses, of denouncing expectations of even minimal competence, might also have demoralising effects:
And variations thereof.
Basketball was invented by a white man. At the YMCA, no less. Can’t get much whiter than that. I like to imagine that he was eating a mayonnaise on white bread sandwich when the idea occurred to him. That his wife was ironing his shirt at the time is a whole other issue.
Also writing and speaking in an intelligible way, thinking clearly, and generally being articulate. As seen, for instance, here:
This stuff – and there seems to be no end of it – really is poisonous.
Turkey and swiss with mayo on white. Made by cooks who wash their hands and never spit on the food.
We can see with our own eyes on TV how immigrants are more cultured and charismatic than we are, but here’s an example of how immigrants also bring with them a disciplined, unprejudiced empiricism to questions that affect their own sainted status.
We did have mixed feelings on the economic model of offering our historic cities up as luxury playgrounds for sheikhs. Do the dirhams really trickle down, we wondered, or do we just end up priced out of our homes and competing with imported indentured labor? And more to the point we wondered if there was any amount of dirhams that would make it worth having our home city turn for ever into a foreign city. But to see a 🇬🇧🇵🇰 show such broad-mindedness and fellow-feeling towards those maligned high-rollers, that just has to blow away all our doubts about immigration and reveal us as the bigots we are.
If you laugh at this, you’re a terrible, terrible person.
Do chuckles count?
Short thread with punchline.
“Posh sounding twit goes to Knightsbridge..” surely Knightsbridge already has its own ready supply of such…
…surely Knightsbridge already has its own ready supply of such…
From my limited knowledege, I am sure it does, just not ones conflating the well heeled from the emirates with the “immigrants” in, for example, Leeds.
She doesn’t even have to exaggerate to make this funny. Which means it’s not funny at all.
At least the Virgin Atlantic pilot from the ads was just happy with a bit of lippy and eyeshadow!