Brace for turbulence:

And hey, every passenger wants the pilot to be a bewigged, mentally ill fetishist who bangs on about the super-girly tightness of his uniform, and who takes endless, pouting selfies in the cockpit.

To say nothing of the heightened risk of suicidal inclinations. Ah, the thrill of modernity.

Before becoming a shimmering vision of womanliness, Mr Campolieto was a professional bodybuilder, a proverbial brick shithouse. Hence the bad wig, the transformative powers of which may have been overestimated.

Update, via the comments, where WTP adds,

And here I was thinking Argentina was returning to some level of sanity.

From the above Publica link:

Argentina has some of the most liberal laws on gender identity in the world. It was one of the first nations to allow people to change their legal gender identity upon request. People are entitled to unlimited revisions of their legal documents without any medical or psychological documentation to support their claims of transgenderism.

In 2020, the country’s President, Alberto Fernández, passed a decree establishing employment quotas in the public sector for individuals who identified as transgender. The decree mandates that at any given time at least one percent of all public sector workers in the national government must be transgender, as understood in the 2012 Gender Identity Law.

And so, the pilot in charge of 250 tonnes of Airbus A330, and on whom the lives of 400 or so passengers depend, is a man whose perceptions are wildly unreliable, at least regarding himself.

Previously: Banking and mental illness, together at last. Oh, and policing and mental illness. Because unstable personalities, such that a person isn’t entirely sure who or what they are on any given day, are very in right now.

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