I do hope there’s a word for this. || Honest hairdressing. || He didn’t want to taste it. || Niche appetites. || Impossible mission. || I have questions. (h/t, Julia) || And in the world of “queer studies.” || Watering hole. || Calm blue ocean. || Big chest. || Fit birds. || Her baking is more hardcore than yours. || GROW CUBE was a browser game, circa 2005, and still is. || Nottingham’s last wash house, 1977. || More lead-sink excitement here. || Always eat your mushrooms. || Learning environment. || Loud dandelion. || Unsuccessful dine and dash. || Reinvention underway. || Scenes of enrichment. || It’s possible she hasn’t thought it through. || A beginner’s guide to foot massage. || The glamour of flight. || Not unlike a fried egg. || And finally, the world’s first “cold-storage banquet,” Chicago, 1911.

Update, via the comments:

When you livestream your getaway chase following some carjacking and a spot of armed robbery. With your girlfriend and two-month-old baby in the getaway car. But remember, dear reader, the habitually criminal class is just like you in every way, differing in no significant respects. None whatsoever.

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