This Little Red Light Keeps Flashing
A tale of a girls’ tennis team, a locker room, and a high-school hiring dispute.
First, the view from afar, all rather fragrant and elevated:
The words “transphobia” and “hate” were of course deployed.
And now the view from close quarters:
See? All totally innocent and above-board. Not weird or creepy at all. Oh, and then there was the time Mr Yates followed a sixteen-year-old girl – a girl he wasn’t coaching – into the girls’ bathroom, otherwise unoccupied, and attempted to strike up a random conversation, resulting in the girl’s alarm and some hurried texting.
The reprimand mentioned above – or rather, reprimands, because, well, what’s behaviour without a pattern? – did not seem to deter Mr Yates. Nor did the provision of private bathroom and changing facilities, typically used by sports officials, including coaches. Direct appeals from the girls also failed to discourage him from parading around their locker room in a bra-and-panties ensemble and various states of undress. Such that the girls were left in little doubt that their cross-dressing coach was, as one board member put it, “still fully a man.” And all while seeking out details of the girls’ menstruation cycles and their preferences in underwear.
Indeed, when subsequently challenged, Mr Yates, seen here, invoked “discrimination” and insisted that he is entitled to use “any bathroom.” The school is currently weighing the views of parents against the prospect of legal action and accusations of “transphobia,” with another meeting on the matter scheduled for September. Mr Yates is, he says, “completely overwhelmed with how the community is coming out and supporting me.”
At which point, readers may wonder whether such overwhelming support, largely from progressive women, is actually part of the problem.
Above, Mr Yates, being supported.
Update, via the comments, where Nikw211 adds,
Well, one might think so. And yet here we are.
Still, it’s interesting to see how Mr Yates’ supporters – again, largely progressive women – will merrily elevate themselves with the airing of modish views, their displays of compassion and inclusivity, while in effect screwing over the girls. Girls, who, by disapproving, even politely, become low-status.
Update 2:
A decision has been reached regarding the future of Mr Yates’ teaching career. And by extension, his workplace interest in the panties of young girls. See if you can guess which way it went.
Update 3:
The further adventures of our strapping madam.
It’s like living in a dream.
There is, I think, an air of surrealism.
White liberal women will be the death of us.
I am so tired of the “queerification” of every aspect of our lives. I recently watched Season 2 of “Good Omens” and could punch Neil Gaiman in the face given the chance.
I’m just going to leave this here, for no reason whatsoever.
Oh, and this. Which includes, to date, 160 examples of that thing that never, ever happens.
I could, of course, go on.
Doubtless there are transgender people who find the behaviour above repellent and horrifying. But to pretend that there is no pattern to discern, no heightened statistical risk, and especially no risk to children, is, it seems to me, to indulge in outright fantasy.
With (alarm) bells on.
Also this:
Let’s be clear – a female teacher, an actual one that is, who behaved in this way would not only be reprimanded, but fired.
This isn’t “discrimination” because he’s a transwoman.
Any teacher talking about such intimate details with children in their care while parading around in their underwear should and would be suspended on the spot, almost certainly fired.
This shouldn’t even be a question.
The problem extends beyond this specific issue. A big reason these problems, and many others exist is due to the descent of our legal system into anarchy. A legal/moral vacuum that is immediately filled by legal bullying via lawfare. The simple threat of lawsuits causes insurance companies and others to cave into the bullies lest the bullies bully them further. Those who express the desire to or especially those who actually fight are chastised and pressured into conforming. It’s the best option, surely you understand? You’re not one of those extremists are you?
Let me stop you right there…
What the hell is going through their heads?
For those who may have missed them, some other school-related adventures in tolerance.
But hey, we mustn’t judge or be in any way concerned. That would be bad.
Please explain. I haven’t been watching, and I don’t know much about Gaiman.
Given the athleticism required, I’m wondering how the wig stays on.
Both the hands and the legs suggest that the metamorphosis is far from over.
It’s like living in a dream.
More like a malarial delirium, wrapped in a psychotic break, inside a bad LSD trip.
Good choice, I stopped. This explains, I think, what Stephanie means.
No. Say not so.
“More like a malarial delirium, wrapped in a psychotic break, inside a bad LSD trip.”
In a tortilla. Without cheese, tho.
Good grief.
Good grief.
The icing on the crap cake is that it has many of The Current Things™ jammed in for no good reason.
I watched a couple episodes and it smelled funny so I didn’t bother continuing.
In other Orwellian “trans”gender news, and to no one’s surprise, Jordan Peterson is sentenced to reeducation.
Where are the fathers dragging this thing into the woods and making proper use of a tree and rope? Have we fallen so far?
It’s like living in a dream
Yes. Nightmare on Elm st
Aiding and abetting.
Three thoughts as I read this:
It’s bad enough that the College of Psychologists sentenced him to “reeducation”.
What’s worse is that a court of laws upheld the sentence. Orwellian.
Deviancy is now its own reward.
Canada’s totalitarian trend pre-dates the current prime minister.
This is the bizarrest thing right here.
It’s okay to be transphobic. It’s okay to be repulsed by evil and degeneracy. Don’t be ashamed.
Not entirely unrelated:
The word, by the way, is wanker.
punch Neil Gaiman in the face given the chance
Although I concur with the sentiment, Neil “shitty Clive Barker cover band” Gaiman is not to blame for this one. Season One covered the book’s plot, Season Two is the Game of Thrones-like attempt to milk the franchise beyond the original source material. My understanding is that it’s based on the unfinished draft Gaiman and Pratchett were working on before Pratchett’s death.
Gaiman certainly approves of this nonsense, he’d have to have signed off on the contracts. But he didn’t write it.
Check out his hands. It’s those bloody bear paws again. And that nose looks like Catweazle.
Where are the fathers
I think you can prefix rather a lot of questions about the current state of Western society with “where are the fathers“.
See? Now what part of that is so hard to understand? Minimal impact. Minimal! Be reasonable. Bloody right-wing extremists.
So wait. If you’re a “girl” (is there even still such a thing?) wanting to play tennis at this school, you have to be on board with disrobing/taking showers with “Coach Sasha” hanging out in the locker room?
Only the “woke” families will sign their kids up for the tennis team. But maybe they can convince the other side to forfeit in the name of “equity.” It’s all good so long as “Coach Sasha” gets to stretch his frilly whites over his ladypenis afterwards.
Literally it seems.
What needs to be said, loudly and frequently, at these meetings is that men like Yates are achieving sexual gratification at the expense of these young women. He is discussing menstruation because he gets off on it.
I suspect that confronting the “allies” with their participation in tranny orgasms would provoke some to feel disgust.
THAT is how we stop this.
Given the denial of reality needed to make them ‘allies’, it seems unlikely.
Discussion on Sailer today about a change in emphasis from “diversity” to “access”.
“Diversity” at least pretends to be good for the host population. We stupid repressed whites can’t be relied on to make the right decisions about whom to associate with, and we’ll eventually be thankful to have been compelled to associate with LGBT’s (fashion tips), blacks (how to clap on the right beat), and browns (kebabs).
“Access” makes it clearer who the diversity is for and stops pretending it’s for our good. Access to first-world countries and institutions, access to social capital, access to people’s trust and intimacy. In this case access not only to a given locker room (because giving him an empty locker room would be discrimination/apartheid/erasure), but access to girl talk and “shared” vulnerability with teenage girls.
“access” in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) they kicked all the white farmers out and took their land. Too late they found out that the land did not provide the good crops, it was the white farmers. Same with “access” to western countries. The country is not rich it is the people who live there who make it rich. If Mexicans completely took over the US it would be mexico. Same as when dems take over city government and schools in let’s say Baltimore or Chicago–goes to shit.
If Mexicans completely took over the US it would be Mexico.
I think it says something that large numbers of Canadians, myself among them, are decamping to Mexico, permanently. Pick the right region and it’s pretty good living.
From the same website, a man who uses autism as a means of gaining access to kids while dressing as a little girl.
Never mind institutionalizing the insane. How about institutionalizing these police?
Regarding this school’s solicitor, Leigh Dalton, who did everything to keep David/Sasha Yates at the school, re-hire included, despite various firing offenses…
I’m an in-house lawyer. I helped our company get a good settlement, this week, for harms done us. Our legal staff deal with commercial and employment disputes, regularly—with other parties coming to our door, with claims against us. Often, we fend off non-meritorious claims entirely, by standing our ground. We hire outside litigators for support, when needed. In short, we lawyers lawyer.
Being a good counsel does *not* mean making your client fold over for every possible demand, especially when the claims are ill founded. Or making them submit to a demand that results in a positive evil–one that requires betrayal of the client’s core responsibilities. For example, and in this case: to protect vulnerable high school girls.
A good lawyer grapples with risk, and does not flee from risk. A good lawyer makes the client stronger. A bad lawyer can turn the client into a moral coward.
(By the way, have any of you seen the South Park episode entitled “Lemmiwinks”? It’s essentially about the people who provide the “overwhelming support” that David/Sasha Yates receives)
Check out his hands. It’s those bloody bear paws again.
Softened though by a touch of nail polish.
I have little doubt that the lawyer is doing what the client wishes. Birds of a feather, and all that.
Yes. This “non-meritorious claims”/ lawfare bullshit works out quite well for you I’m sure. “We lawyer lawyers”. Reminds me of a bumpersticker a guy that I used to work with, a leftist guy no less, had on his cube, “If it weren’t for lawyers we wouldn’t need them”.
My personal favorite similar pithy phrase is…
…on Friday. Monday me used to really hate Friday me.
[ Post updated. ]
“Sasha [formerly David, Yates] is a woman. Over the past four years I have watched her realise this, and have watched as she has transitioned into her true self…”
This really sets off my Creep-o-Meter.
Normal testimonials from former students fall in the simple “So-and-so is a great teacher and really cares about students” category. This one falls in the “I have been successfully groomed” group.
This Yates fella must be one helluva manipulator.