Bad Thoughts
In other we’re-letting-the-mentally-ill-teach-your-children news:
The teacher in question, a dysmorphic man named Ashlee Renczkowski, is apparently prone to “phases of depression,” and was, in his words, “having bad thoughts.” And hence of course the comments about shooting the children in his care, grades six through eight, presumably with the three firearms in his possession. The ostensible cause of this rather severe mood swing was a social media post in which unnamed people were “talking negatively” about Mr Renczkowski’s sexuality and professed womanhood.
And any reservations about Mr Renczkowski are, clearly, unfounded.
When not “feeling cute and beautiful” and exploring the possibilities of a “zero-depth vaginoplasty,” Mr Renczkowski boasts of “giving students a safe place.”
Some ironies are just a little too on-the-nose.
Mr Renczkowski has since been removed from the school and his weapons confiscated.
And in other, entirely unrelated news – when a sociology researcher discovers the wrong kind of things:
Readers are invited to guess the area of research before clicking the link.
It seems implausible the school district would have waited 3 weeks before removing a pupil who posted about shooting other pupils.
It’s almost as if derangement accrues privilege.
Judging by this and reports of similar censorship it appears that gender, of the trans variety, has arguably now overtaken ethnicity as the numero uno verboten subject for academic research.
Readers are invited to guess the area of research before clicking the link.
Un-paywalled link, but you still must guess.
“[the University] considers my data to be dangerous”
Just so. “Some arguments aren’t worth engaging with, and quite frankly are dangerous for even existing”
“City, University of London, insists it is committed to free and open-minded discussion”
Liar, liar, pants on fire.
Civility, it seems, is “dangerous” and “inflammatory.”
To the uncivil, certainly.
[ Sorts enormous cauldron of homemade chili into individual-portion freezer bags, shoves bags in freezer, emits glow of triumph. ]
[ Gazes enviously at David’s Brobdingnagian freezer. ]
The individual bags of chili are quite flexible and can be squeezed in fairly easily.
[ Tries to remember not to rub eyes. ]
[ Washes hands for third time. ]
“Emits glow”
Must be very good chili.
“Emits glow”
Usually occurs several hours after eating the chili.
zero-depth vaginoplasty
uhhhh, what? Like a tattoo of a vagina?
Oh, and if ypeepo actually had privilege, you couldn’t call for their extermination and have special programs that exclude them. Just sayin.
uhhhh, what? Like a tattoo of a vagina?
Should be called a vulvaplasty as there is no ersatz vagina. The urethra is relocated, a clitoris fabricated from the penis, labia from the scrotum and +/- a dimple to make simulate an introitus, but totally nonfunctional.
Perfect fit for a Potemkin woman.
Speaking of which, for all those saying that Mulvaney chap is totally harmless, no he isn’t.
And in other, entirely unrelated news
“I have never used threats or intimidation to silence the opinions of my critics.
“To claim as much is a calumny, a falsehood, and a slander.
“Anyone bold enough to suggest otherwise will be made to rue the day they were born.”
for all those saying that Mulvaney chap is totally harmless, no he isn’t.
Crap … didn’t we already go through the anorexia and “cutting” social contagions in, what, the 90s?
Gotta get minors OFF social media.
“The urethra is relocated.”
Uhm. Ok. As it happens, two years ago I invested in a startup medical device company with a product specifically designed to make the ureter more apparent during low abdominal surgery. It is such a delicate structure, and so difficult to distinguish from other tissues in the area, that special techniques are used whenever operating there, to avoid damaging it.
I can hardly imagine the difficulty of doing a functioning relocation.
Dear lord, MAKE IT STOP.
Or, again, “There has never been a time in which other sensibilities existed. Everything is now, and always has been.”
She was also accused of racism simply for having an account on Gettr.
Only in the immediate vicinity of an open flame thankfully.
You can’t say that.
Note the opportunities for bullying and ritual humiliation.
So that’s what was coming out of the frog in the Friday Ephemera.
I’m very glad I have all the novels by Josephine Tay in that case. In The Franchise Affair there’s an article that is brown in colour and the adjective used to describe the shade of brown is, well, very spicy indeed.
There are other surprises sprinkled throughout the her other works that caused me to occasionally pause and remember that they were written, without checking because I’m lazy, in the 30s and 40s. Definitely another country, although not, except for the odd murder, a worse one.
Quality time.
I can hardly imagine the difficulty of doing a functioning relocation.
Actually it is super easy, barely an inconvenience. Ureter = kidney to bladder. Urethra = bladder to outside world.
Getting to ureters, which are retroperitoneal on top of things, is indeed high adventure, but relocating the urethra in a male involves separating the supporting structures of the penis, removing external bits, rotating internal bits to the perineum, and attaching to a new opening thereby essentially replicating female urethral anatomy. As the sphincters are preserved “normal” function is preserved.
For what it is worth, the procedure is called a perineal urethostomy, and is performed not just for making “trans” females, but also in some cases of penile cancer, trauma, severe congenital defects and in the veterinary world, for cats who have recurrent urinary blockages.
Going the other direction is a bit more convoluted as whole new bits have to be made out of tissue not designed for purpose and attached.
Dear lord, MAKE IT STOP.
Later that same day…
Brecon Beacons to be renamed over links to climate change.
Ignoring the fact that “Bannau Brycheiniog” is just Welsh for Brecon Beacons, why can’t the beacon be a wind powered LED, not that there is any evidence offered that the mountains were used for burning beacons causing global existential climate histrionics in the (checks notes) neolithic ages.
The Lord helps those who help themselves. As I did, ever so delicately, while staying at sister-in-law’s house this weekend. It’s amazing what most well educated, “normal” people don’t know about what is going on in the world.
… not that there is any evidence offered that the mountains were used for burning beacons …
Yes, from what I can make out on Wikipedia, “Beacons” is a corruption of the Welsh place name, and nothing to do with signal fires. So it was the Saxons with their dark industrial mills and their mongrel shopkeepers’ argot who desecrated the mountain with the mental associations of men deliberately burning wood for some purpose. To restore the balance of nature the sacred mountain must be rewelshified (while of course ensuring that Pakistanis and Somalis can take their deserved place in Welsh rural quango-subsidized culture).
History tells us how we got here. Many things make no sense without that knowledge. History is not just books but the names for things, words we use, customs, songs, traditions, holidays, everything. Since every word has some link to history, which unfortunately involves beknighted white people, we must eliminate all words. This is a pretty big project. It is what Mao did during his cultural revolution. He closed the universities. All you needed to know was in his little red book. Of course millions died, but that is a small price to pay for purity. To rename a hill because the “signal beacon” was a fire…no words.
Farnsworth, thanks for the info. As it happens I decided not to increase my modest investment, and now they’ve been acquired at par, so I’ll probably break even. If you are curious,
“zero-depth vaginoplasty,”
Dead-end vulva
[ Tries to remember not to rub eyes. ]
[ Washes hands for third time. ]
Use milk. The chilli hot bits are fat soluble. Yoghurt is also a useful first aid remedy.
Dead-end vulva
Band name.
“zero-depth vaginoplasty,”
First album
[ Lowers self into bath of milk. Attendants with ostrich feathers begin fanning. ]
Use milk.
Probably a good idea BEFORE you have a pee, too…
Fred, interesting device, also interesting that it has been acquired by Northgate but it appears Northgate only makes a device to zap gallstones endoscopically, so you have to wonder if they are trying to branch into kidney stones, not that there aren’t already a plethora of competitors.
At any rate, regarding the difficulties with the opposite of the procedure above, she really wants to pee standing up. (Caution for the squeamish)
“Gender affirming health care”.
It used to cost a penny to view the mad.
For those who missed it.
didn’t we already go through the anorexia and “cutting” social contagions in, what, the 90s?
Why, it’s almost as if all these largely-female self-destructive coping mechanisms have something in common.
Emulating Cleopatra?
Every time David links to one of his older posts, I find something more to comment on.
PTSD: When people lived in the same (perhaps ethnic) neighborhood, went to the same church, and had a big family, they could count on “belonging”. Today most of that is gone. The fallout for men leads to too much drinking, depression, acting out. For women it is emotional instability–they have no roots or anchor. Without this base, many things are traumatizing.
Cleopatra–the hieroglyphics lie (gov propaganda!!)–the pharohs ate lots of sweets and were fat. Egypt had domesticated bees so they had sweets. Cleopatra wasn’t pretty but she was clever.
Clearly, my cunning is infinite.
Your diabolical cunning, because I cannot comment on old posts. 🙂
I think commenting expires after 30 days.
[ From the cellar, wicked laughter. ]
I have a cousin, well daughter of 2nd cousin, who to my knowledge has nothing to PTSD about. A middle class family, both parents in the Navy, though mostly desk jobs. They were stationed in Iceland for a while. Her father retired from the Navy and worked for a major airline then retired from that. Conservatives, well “conservatives” but …whatever. A comfortable upbringing. She cut herself. She got psychological treatment that I’m suspicious just redirected things to other issues but…whatever. She went on to major in psychology. I had dinner with her family this weekend. Her hubs is a good, straightforward real conservative. He’s a physical therapist who did well in physics and chemistry in school. They have a child and another in the oven. Nothing abbynormal…except…and this came up in discussion with her husband, something on which we solidly agreed, there’s way too much introspection and (phony) philosophy in our modern world. The over analyzing of movies, the books we read, the music. Feelings. Bloody feelings are infused into every damn thing.
Was kinda funny…they met in college and were taking the same philosophy class…she rolled her eyes as he related that he was constantly disagreeing with the professor over how subjective the course was relative to hard sciences. He didn’t see a point in wasting his time on the finer points of the class so she did all his homework for it.
WTP: I agree too much introspection. Belonging to a social system (tribe, nation, church) and a general social construct (work hard, don’t hit people, don’t steal) can provide a foundation for your life. Lacking all that, if you get all introspective you will look inside and find…nothing. So you just ride the tiger of random emotions and reactions to life with nothing to hold on to.