Bearded Man Gets Big Mad
Further to this recent drama, more overseas toilet-dispute news:
It turns out that a summer dress doesn’t make you a lady.
A female student at the University of Brasilia, the one being harangued and threatened, was seemingly unaware that the university has organised its bathrooms by “gender identity, not sex,” and so lively scenes are to be expected. The gentleman in question, Tulio Henrique Carvalho dos Santos, has, we learn, a history of difficult behaviour. Including hair-trigger aggression and denouncing any interruption of his loud and lengthy pronouncements as “transphobia,” akin to “racism,” and therefore a basis for legal action.
The University of Brasilia has subsequently issued a statement declaring the campus a “tolerant and plural place that values the richness and potential of diversity and respect for differences.” Which would presumably explain all the shoving, screaming and threats of violence.
Update, via the comments:
Mags adds,
That would, I think, be more honest. Given the context, the word “respect,” shouted repeatedly by our unhappy beard-bearer, does seem to have connotations of submission. To paraphrase, if I may, “You will defer to my delusions, regardless of probity, and regardless of your own comfort and safety, or you will be physically punished.” Which is to say, pretend or I will hurt you.
Via Mags.
Not a man.
The university should issue a statement saying its toilets are unsafe for women.
Further to this recent drama, … the University of Brasilia …
For a time at least, there was a suggestion doing the rounds that such controversies as these were an issue in countries that didn’t have more serious problems to deal with.
Since both these incidents both took place in countries with significant problems to deal with (e.g. poverty, crime rates, corruption) either dispels that myth or else suggest that university campuses belong to an entirely separate country altogether.
Maybe a bit of both.
Given the context, the word “respect,” shouted repeatedly, does seem to have connotations of submission. To paraphrase, if I may, “You will defer to my delusions, regardless of your own comfort and safety, or you will be physically punished.”
Which is to say, pretend or I will hurt you.
A parallel universe, a fiefdom of progress.
Meanwhile, in Canada.
Meanwhile, in Canada.
“Don’t worry about it, they know better than you” says the sign.
But what is it exactly that they are supposed to know and know better than other people?
I genuinely cannot imagine what that could possibly be.
See, ladies? He’s just like you. Nothing to worry about.
See, ladies? He’s just like you. Nothing to worry about.
Clown world.
It may also be worth considering the possibility that how Mr Santos presents himself is by extension a clue as to how he sees women. How he sees you.
So again, ladies, no cause for concern there. None whatsoever. The very idea.
It may also be worth considering the possibility that how Mr Santos presents himself is by extension a clue as to how he sees women. How he sees you.
Return the favor: Encourage people to see such monsters as, indeed, monsters. Creatures who should not be tolerated. Likewise regarding the “activists” who defend the monsters and attack their victims.
TBF, at least
shehe wasn’t wavinghisher girldick around like thischaplady who has been on the lam for the last 15 months.Meanwhile, in Canada.
I do realize that my suggestion above would depopulate the universities.
More of that whistling past the graveyard. Oh, eventually someone else will address this problem for us. No need to risk bringing any attention on ourselves.
I do realize that my suggestion above would depopulate the universities.
But then, what is to be done with all those so-called academics?
But then, what is to be done with all those so-called academics?
The Marxists should be permanently drafted into agricultural labor battalions where they can heroically participate in the potato and beet harvests.
The rest should be employed in cleaning streets and toilets. After five years good behavior they get a brush.
As a slight aside, I, as a proud member of clan Dude, await to test my “transphobia” when a (or plural, as the case may be) buxom person (or persons) of the female blonde (natural or bottle, I care not) accesses the men’s room.
Odd, no, that there’s no sudden surge of such reports. It’s as if the entire trans thing is something else.
’tis a mystery. Wrapped in an enigma. Layered in ricotta. Baked at 350 F…
“Don’t worry about it, they know better than you” says the sign.
Much like Communists.
Re: previous post on “big man” and “chief” problems: Someone did a rigorous study of nepotism in various countries. The requirement in some countries to hire all the relatives, who then presumed that they need not work at that job, was shown to significantly hold back the profitability of small businesses and their ability to grow.
Trans in bathrooms: a characteristic of autism is the inability to imagine what other people are thinking/feeling. In that sense the Woke have trained themselves to be like the autist. The cannot imagine the fact that women are afraid for their safety when using the toilet or showering if a man is there because, wait for it, men are stronger. A lot stronger. They seem to imagine that it is only about the appearance being off, not the fact that it is a man in a dress. That women might also have simple modesty is also elided away.
To emphasize to my girls as they went off to college that they should not pretend that real life is like a Marvel movie and they are not Black Widow, I had them hold out their hands together–I held their two wrists with one hand (I am average size) and said, ok, get away. And they could not. One hand. Easy for me to hold them captive. So real women are acting reasonably. The degree of pretending here is perhaps unattainable for most.
And if anyone imagines that the above must be some one-off aberration.
This person is clearly a psychopath who presents a physical danger to those around him.
Does the trans expression cause the psychopathology?
Or is the trans expression is merely a tool the psychopath is using to manipulate everyone around him?
So again, ladies, no cause for concern there. None whatsoever.
More women need to conceal carry (legally) and practice enough not to be shy about neutralizing threats. If one defensive weapon is “illegal”, find another that is legal.
More women need to conceal carry (legally)
The Dalai Lama agrees.
One self-defence tactic that perhaps doesn’t get enough mention is “Go for the eyes”. Scratch, poke, prod,pop an eye with your thumb… An attacker who can’t see is less of a threat.
Scratch, poke, prod,pop an eye with your thumb…
Always good advice; HOWEVER you’d be amazed how many women really shrink back from committing physical violence, even in their own self-defense. It’s really part of our nature (in many, not all) that has to be overcome with deliberate training.
Yet oddly they seem perfectly willing to take 15+ items through the 10-items-or-less lane at the grocery store and claim that they only have 13. Or to drive around backed up traffic waiting to make a left turn at a traffic intersection and nose their jeep with the pink door handles and pink gas cap cover in front of dozens of other cars who waited their turn.
I find it very, very odd what women feel so very bloody confident doing relative to so many of the other things that they just cannot do.
very odd what women feel so very bloody confident doing relative to so many of the other things that they just cannot do.
Dollars to donuts, not many of those women are 50+ y/o and grew up middle/working class.
I watched the video at the link. This is mansplaining, right?
Mansplaining, except that I hate to give him the implied respect of calling him a man. How about “biologically male entity”?
And this chap here, an educator, has been “taking over restrooms politically.“
Yet oddly they seem perfectly willing
Apples to oranges. All the things you mention carry no risk of direct physical conflict. Most white middle-class women are keenly aware that they can misbehave in public up to and including committing violence against men, other women, and even children and not provoke a response in kind. (With respect to Darleen, I don’t think this as rare as she thinks – especially among women under 30, casual violence is very much commonplace). There are ample videos on the danker YouTube channels that show such women collapsing in hysterics when their intended target hits back.
Not something I ever expected to see in the assumedly more macho culture of a Latin American country.
you’d be amazed how many women really shrink back from committing physical violence, even in their own self-defense
I don’t think I would to be honest, especially as the same is true of far more men than I think is generally thought to be the case.
And I’m not just talking about dorky or nerdy men either.
Even some pretty tough characters will back down or just take a licking in the ‘right’ circumstances.
That said, there’s parts of the generation coming up now that are basically Vikings, but without the culture.
Recording fights on phones and sharing videos is making really quite brutal fist fights seem far more normal and more of an expectation than they are (or used to be) leading to more brutal fist fights being recorded and shared leading to yet more fights and so on.
you’d be amazed how many women really shrink back from committing physical violence, even in their own self-defense
The tell is the amount of #bossbabe and “Momma Bear” t-shirts, memes, bumper stickers, and tchotchkes you see. Those are not women to be feared.
Look to the eyes instead for that right amount of bat shit crazy in a woman that means they can – and will – become dangerous when provoked.
Yeah. That’s my point. ‘Odd’ in the sarcastic sense.
Add 10 years to that, though on a sliding scale. Though the problem has always been there, it’s just grown in magnitude with the feminization of our society. And it ain’t getting any better. And won’t so long as we expect women to correct themselves.
Thus my whistling past the graveyard comment above.
Per my prediction a couple days ago that at some point in the not too distant future we will see a story of some ‘tough’ guy getting raped by a tranny gang.
Note how as a woman you can say that and it has impact. When as a man I point this out, then I don’t like women, especially women like Sarah Palin, and should shut up. Though the longer this sort of idiocy continues to go on, the more that women whom I know, whom I previously respected, volunteer information about how far gone they are, the less do I like women.
Guess what I’ve been slaving over for the last few days.
[ Slumps across desk, emotionally spent. ]
Taking over restrooms: here’s the thing about the patriarchy–while it had its bad aspects, it implicitly protected women. Men held doors, stood in front of muggers, helped women with bags, etc. Now it is “bullies run wild”.
And women asked for that. I learned from men to respect women. I learned from women that they really didn’t care to be respected. Women either (nearly) unanimously agreed or were silent. You get what you ask for in a free society.
There are some people who just should not be allowed to walk free under the open sky. Or even to take another breath, in some cases. And don’t get me started about the liberals who protect them from the proper consequences of their behavior.
pst314: you are correct, but the libs start with the belief that no crime would occur except due to racism (failing to explain crime in racially uniform societies). Thus, as victims we must forgive them. Of course they ignore the power of incentives. We can also note that prior to welfare, the crime rate was low and the marriage rate high in the black community.
ccscientist: Liberals explain crime in racially homogeneous societies as being caused by inequality and by poverty due to exploitation of the masses.
And if anyone imagines that the above is a 122-off aberration.
And if anyone imagines that the above is a 122-off aberration.
“He describes himself as ‘a transgender feminist, activist, and advocate for the incarcerated LGBTQ community’.”
I do wonder what fraction of “the incarcerated LGBTQ community” is incarcerated for sex crimes and for gender-related violence.
I do wonder what fraction of “the incarcerated LGBTQ community” is incarcerated for sex crimes and for gender-related violence.
And how many of “the incarcerated LGBTQ community” joined that community after they became incarcerated and learned it gave them unfettered access to women.
And unfettered access to sympathy and favors from naive liberals and scheming leftists?