How To Impress Your Boss, An Intersectional Guide
Pogonip steers us to the pages of Everyday Feminism, where Sophia Stephens, a freelance writer and self-described “educator,” informs white employers of how to “ensure the safety of the black people and people of colour who work with and for you.” Not safety in the sense of fire regulations, of course, or loose stair carpeting, but with regard to the exquisitely delicate emotional state of All Brown-Skinned People Everywhere. Due to this perilous and inherent instability of mood, there are “questions to interrogate as you engage with people of colour and their labour.” Among which,
Are you asking or demanding? Many white people who approach Black and non-Black people of colour for labour do not ask for our labour — they demand it from us. Asking someone to do something leaves it open-ended with space for the person to say no… If you are exhausting and hurting Black and non-Black people of colour around you because you won’t take “no” for an answer when you request labour from us… it’s time to check your privilege.
If that’s not catnip for employers with tight deadlines, I don’t know what is. Oh, there’s more:
The most common opening for a demand that most white people don’t even realise is a demand is, “I need.” Of course you have needs, but is it necessary that you consistently go to people of colour, who also have needs that are systematically denied to them, to help you?
Yes, white employers must avoid using the phrase “I need such-and-such by the end of the week,” as this inflicts cruel and unusual hardship on those possessed of brown skin. And as an employer, a white employer, you must always remember to ask yourself, ‘Could I give this person’s work – which I hired them to do, and am paying them to do – to someone else – ideally, someone whiter?’ Or as Ms Stephens puts it,
It is important to reflect on how generations of access and entitlement to our labour does not mean you automatically get it from us now.
Needless to say, there are many other terms and conditions for white employers to observe, including parsing your requests for signs that they may be “inherently racist” or contain unspecified “microaggressions” and “triggering” language; and this:
Take a peek at our social media (if you have access and permission), or go on Google and do some research before you ask us for labour.
Presumably, this is in order to perform a daily, perhaps hourly, check on the current moods of every single brownish employee, and thereby discern whether or not they may be willing to consider doing whatever it is you’re paying them to do.
And finally, at the end of the list, there’s this:
White people: why is it so important for us to always be nice to you? Being nice to a white person means acting and behaving like a white person. In case you forgot, we are not white.
In short, then, having hired a minority employee, you shouldn’t expect too much, or indeed much of anything. Except an awful lot of conditions and mannered agonising, and endless excuses for why things can’t be done, or can’t be done on time. It’s the intersectional way, apparently. And a long and rewarding career will surely follow.
Ms Stephens, who fashionably oscillates between the pronouns she and they, claims to seethe righteously, not only about “social justice,” or even “intersectional social justice,” but “radical intersectional social justice.”
The most social-justicey-justice of all.
And Ms Stephens’ Twitter feed is pretty much what you’d imagine. Lots of like-minded people telling each other how emotionally fatigued they are, and how many mental health issues they have. And complaining about how hard it is to “find a job within your field of study,” i.e., when your field of study is some variant of “radical intersectional social justice.” One young woman, a bisexual art student with depression, is complaining about how hard it is to find a job in which she gets paid to draw unremarkable cartoons about what it’s like to be a bisexual art student with depression.
Yes, the titans of tomorrow.
How To Impress Your Boss, An Intersectional Guide
How to be unemployable for the rest of your life.
How to be unemployable for the rest of your life.
Or, “How to be unemployable for the rest of your life while blaming everyone and everything except your own choices and ludicrous vanities.” And again, a question comes to mind: If Ms Stephens wanted to sabotage the life chances of minority job-seekers, by encouraging them to cultivate attitudes that resulted in rejection, frustration and poverty, what would she do differently?
As I’ve said before, it’s remarkable just how often leftist advice is not only unrealistic and perverse, but actively ruinous, both practically and psychologically.
Being nice to a white person means acting and behaving like a white person.
Sounds like an excuse for being a total bitch.
Sounds like an excuse for being a total bitch.
Heh. Yes. There’s a practised sourness.
Some thoughts on Sophia Stephens.
Her Instagram is full of posed photos of herself. While such narcissism is barely tolerable in a fifteen-year-old, it is not in an adult.
Given how she dresses and wears makeup, she’s losing the “fight against capitalism” rather badly.
She appears to be without a steady job. Hence when she says “no” it doesn’t have the consequences it would for the rest of us.
She’s not an unprivileged “person of colour” anyway, judged by the usual SJW standards (or mine, for that matter). She’s half Japanese, half Greek. My nieces and nephews are half-Japanese, half white and I don’t imagine it would occur to their family that they were unprivileged as a result.
She feels she has the right to say “no” precisely because she is so privileged, in my opinion.
“Being nice to a white person means acting and behaving like a white person.”
So I guess there are no standards of behavior for common courtesy anymore. Does she have a list of how to act towards other people depending on what skin color they have?
I liked it better when the village idiots were unorganized and unamplified.
She appears to be without a steady job.
I’m shocked! 🙂
She appears to be without a steady job.
And nature takes its course.
Be sure to sign up for a webinar or training with Everyday Feminism’s Online School for Social Justice, italics mine:
She appears to be without a steady job.
“Do some research before you ask us for labour,” barks the proudly chippy Ms Stephens. Perhaps would-be employers have been doing precisely that – and having seen her sentiments, decided against it.
– of every single brownish employee –
– Having looked her up *shudder*, how would she know what ‘People of Colour’ are feeling? She should check her privilege…
Yes, the titans of tomorrow.
God help us.
God help us.
Imagine the utopia these mighty beings would build.
It is important to reflect on how generations of access and entitlement to our labour does not mean you automatically get it from us now.
Were a white person to express the same sentiment, surely it would be a stereotypical representation of ‘unearned privilege’.
This is merely one more item in a long list of examples of minority spokespeople (read ‘betters’) agitating for a world that limits oportunities for minorities, rather than expanding them. One in which they will never have to live.
Parody, or not? Discuss.
one more item in a long list of examples of minority spokespeople (read ‘betters’) agitating for a world that limits opportunities for minorities, rather than expanding them.
Yes. As an attitude, it’s concentrated employer-repellent. But hey, woke credentials.
The real travesty is that while these people profess to be standing up for oppressed minorities, the People of Colour they are most comfortable with are the ones that are most like themselves – bourgois, middle class, predominantly pale.
Here is Oz, you can see an example of this every time companies virtue signal about thier Indigenous Intake programs, 90% of whom will be pasty faced redheads.
But it is people like Sophia Stephen’s who will be lauding this as a great step forward for disadvantaged minorities.
It’s interesting just how often leftist attitudes are a cause of poverty, or make poverty more likely, and likely to last longer. As when Ms Hannah Brooks Olsen, another Everyday Feminism contributor, bemoaned “Millennial poverty,” the cost of her English degree, and the difficulty of finding a job, while boasting of her “social justice” chippiness and describing herself, on LinkedIn, as a “political troublemaker.”
Because that’s just want employers should be looking for, apparently.
[ Added: ]
See also this.
And this.
And this.
And this.
Why, it’s almost as if there’s a pattern.
Being nice … means acting and behaving like a white person.
And yet “Oi! You black bastard, I need these figures by Friday.” Is still wrong. You can’t win.
Using hints and indirection in setting goals is a great way to ensure that they are not met. And on the plus side the nonperforming person of color has the unassailable defense that you were not clear.
Is the moral of this story that when you need something done by deadline, tell a white man to do it?
I’ll be “decolonizing my feminism” soon- I’ve got this shock absorber to fit first. Tarot is next to useless; I prefer “Snap-On” brand spanners.
“unlock the wisdom of tarot”
There it is!
The snake oil salesman always has all-diease curing snake oil when his other potions and unguents prove useless.
How do I know whether they are “white” or not? The obvious case was Hussein Obomber who was half white. Other examples would be harder to discern, or am I simply to take their word for it, as with gender?
I’m always amused at how self-marginalizing this sort of progressive nonsense is. It’s hard to see any private employer faced with this tosh who will not quietly opt to avoid such “people of colour” in their workforce.
Fortunately, governments – ever prepared to accommodate whatever aggrieved demographic is trendy – will fill up their ministries and departments with all manner of useless offices and agencies designed to employ these people!
It’s interesting just how often leftist attitudes are a cause of poverty, or make poverty more likely, and likely to last longer.
Do as we say and ruin your life!
Do as we say and ruin your life!
Pretty much. And which gives me an excuse to once again wheel out this, by John Ellis:
As illustrated in my series of links upthread. And the campus ideologues cultivate resentment and disaffection – and ultimately, failure – because, unlike happiness and success, it’s something they can exploit.
Fortunately, governments – ever prepared to accommodate whatever aggrieved demographic is trendy – will fill up their ministries and departments with all manner of useless offices and agencies designed to employ these people!
Not only that, they will also force these hiring requirements on companies providing services where the government is majority stakeholder.
Government financed projects are required to report on the number of women, traininees, displaced auto workers (as unions killed of the industry), indigenous workers and companies providing services, employees over 45, individuals with a disability, as well as cultural and linguistic diveristy.
Failure to meet minimum requirements of the above may render a main contractor inelligible for government work.
If you are exhausting and hurting Black and non-Black people of colour around you…
I feel exhausted just reading your bullshit love.
If evil white people are genuinely exhausting and hurting non-white people around them, why do literally billions of non-white people want to emigrate to white countries?
Someone’s lying, so I suggest a moratorium on all non-white immigration and let’s see who squeals the loudest.
“Being nice to a white person means acting and behaving like a white person.”
It is not natural for non-white people to be polite, apparently.
Seriously, the only difference between this person, and someone on the alt-right, is that the alt-right wants to treat these inferior beings like savages, while the far left wants to treat them like people with special needs.
I think they’re both assholes, but if I believed that black people are just not capable of being polite without significant instruction in ‘being white’, then I think that the alt-right would have a much better idea of the proper response to black people.
Y’know, has anyone here gone trolling sites like the Daily Stormer? Do they use opinions like these from SJWs about black people as evidence that “See? Even they themselves admit that they’re inferior human beings!”
One young woman, a bisexual art student with depression, is complaining about how hard it is to find a job in which she gets paid to draw unremarkable cartoons about what it’s like to be a bisexual art student with depression.
Could I trouble you for a link? That sounds like comedy gold.
It is important to reflect on how generations of access and entitlement to our labour does not mean you automatically get it from us now.
Well, that’s true. I don’t walk up to random POC on the street and demand they type a letter for me or file something at the courthouse. I do, however, expect my secretary (thirty years, long-suffering) to do those things, because–stay with me here–she agreed to do so in exchange for a salary which I pay her. The author implies that a business owner should engage in contract negotiations for every task s/he needs his/her employees to accomplish.
(BTW, I normally “ask” my employees–even the white ones– to do certain things as a matter of politeness, but no one misconstrues my “request” as anything other than a mandatory directive.)
That sounds like comedy gold.
It starts here, but you have to poke about a bit at her Patreon, etc., to find out that the ideal job, the one she’s apparently suited for, entails total self-absorption.
It starts here…
For the record, that tweet was “like”d by a quarter million people. Just let that sink in.
no one misconstrues my “request” as anything other than a mandatory directive
Of course they don’t, because employees know that they do so in exchange for a salary. This is, of course, the basis for any employment contract, irrespective of class, colour or creed.
I feel the underlying issue here is that, despite much evidence to the contrary, Ms Stephens feels that her opinions, her worldview, is the gold standard to which all that fall within her identity group surely must agree.
One can only speculate as to what lofty environment Ms Stephens resides, that she is so far removed from the fundamental realities of the employer/employee relationships that she can spout such utter crap.
And yet “Oi! You black bastard, I need these figures by Friday.” Is still wrong. You can’t win.
Who said anything about you winning? You’re not supposed to win. That’s the whole point. It’s like, “Heads, I win. Tails, you’re a racist!!”
Every time I’ve had to say “no” more than once, I was being gaslighted…. Unfortunately, gaslighting has been a common feature in my journey as a professional of color.
There’s a lot to unpack in this short snippet. First of all, I think we’ve already shown that “professional of color” is almost poetic, packing two big lies into just three words. Then there’s the idea that somebody asking twice is “gaslighting” her. Never mind that anybody in sales will reflexively ignore the first several times he hears the word “no,” regardless of the skin color or perceived sex of his interlocutor.
Also never mind the abundant evidence that the author is, shall we say, “mercurial” in her temperament, and could therefore be expected to change her mind on a whim. Has she given any thought to the notion that her own patterns of behavior may be encouraging the very behaviors she dislikes in others?
Lest I be accused of having nothing good to say, let me close with the observation that Ms. Stephens provides an excellent example of what young women should strive not to emulate, and what young men should strive not to copulate with. For this service, I applaud her.
that tweet was “like”d by a quarter million people.
If the attitude on show wasn’t real – and apparently pervasive – it might be funny, in a grim kind of way. But universities seem to be disgorging tens of thousands of students who assume that the universe ought to arrange itself so as to flatter their rote leftist vanities, with glamorous and lucrative employment tailored to “social justice” and pathological self-preoccupation.
As someone from a modest background in an unglamorous part of town, a product of state comprehensive schooling, I find this level of assumed entitlement rather boggling.
As a supervisor who does some hiring now and then, this kind of advice surely makes me want to hire Ms. Stephens! Why, who wouldn’t want a self-righteous Eeyore who would spend the better part of the day either sulking or threatening to take complaints to HR or the union?
One can only speculate as to what lofty environment Ms Stephens resides, that she is so far removed from the fundamental realities of the employer/employee relationships that she can spout such utter crap.
Such is common among those on the left end of the political spectrum. In my experience, they seem to view an employer/employee relationship as inherently and only adversarial, such that their purpose becomes maximizing their receipts while minimizing their efforts. They see it as a great victory, if they can screw around for eight hours but still get paid.
And don’t get me started on the average leftist’s view of running a small business. Evidently, we do nothing except spend our time trying to figure out new ways to screw our employees while making zillions of dollars and paying no taxes.
BTW, I normally “ask” my employees–even the white ones– to do certain things as a matter of politeness, but no one misconstrues my “request” as anything other than a mandatory directive
Ms. Stephens seems to feelz that normative workplace civility and professionalism is a burden on her.
And so it goes….but I’m rather quite satisfied that these poor distraught SJW’s cannot find suitable work – there IS none as far as I can tell in the REAL workplace. Working with Trades persons, being a Tradesman myself – now an Inspector…these imbeciles would not last 5 seconds with this drivel. And it would likely be those of colour doing the ousting. “Git..!!”
I’d be fascinated to hear her explain what personal and business interactions sound like in a Workplace Of Color.
I have a son with Down syndrome and work hard to make the necessary steps to equip him for as much independence and employability as possible. I am thankful for the educators and placement specialists who help make it possible for my son to become as self sufficient as possible. I can’t understand why any rational person places people of colour into an environment of “special needs”, and dons the cloak of “advocate”, on their behalf. People of colour are intelligent and hard working, why aren’t they taking these pompous “do-gooders” to task for creating an aura of disability around darker skinned people?
White people: why is it so important for us to always be nice to you? Being nice to a white person means acting and behaving like a white person.
Hard to be certain what is meant here. Non-white people aren’t nice? Or they are nice but not to white people; isn’t there a name for that?
In case you forgot, we are not white.
Whatever love, I’ve seen your photos. You are whiter than me and I’m an Anglo-Saxon from the North of England.
an aura of disability around darker skinned people
Ooh. I may have to borrow that one.
On the other hand, everyday feminists lead far more interesting and dramatic lives than the rest of us. We have Small Appliance Reports, they have stuff like this:
“I usually ended up crying hysterically.”
“I remember conversations where I would…end up in a ball on the floor.” [The last such conversation I had was with a dog who was asking to play tug-of-war.]
“…it’s normal to lose your memory when you’re being gaslighted.” [Then how do you know you were?]
“My empathy is a super power.”
“I spent a week in bed and cried…”
You gotta admit, that’s more exciting than a new toaster or running a small business.
It starts here, but you have to poke about a bit at her Patreon, etc., to find out that the ideal job, the one she’s apparently suited for, entails total self-absorption.
I am reminded of two boomer friends with whom I attended college (the first go round) both of whom, and bearing this bint in mind, were also artists, though these two actually had some talent.
Of the two the male of the duo got a BFA in Navel Gazing Art, the female of the duo a BS in Commercial Art. The distaff half went on to rake in the bucks and did navel gazing art in her spare time, the party of the second part lived off her till he got shown the door for being an unproductive clot because he went full navel-gazer with his “art”, and then sponged off parents and friends.
So, no, the baby boomers are not responsible for your poor life choices, you ungrateful millennial twit (feel free to substitute a vowel).
I’d be fascinated to hear her explain what personal and business interactions sound like in a Workplace Of Color.
Orale vato, to gauge from EF, in order to be keeping it real and un-white, they would involve addressing one another as persons who enjoyed relations with their mothers, female dogs, women of the night, and offers to bust caps in each other’s asses.
And of course she’s polyamorous. One might encourage her to write a piece exploring the atypical psychological tendencies of those drawn to the “poly” lifestyle. And then perhaps a follow-up piece examining the types of personalities that would be attracted to such an environment. She might find, much to her surprise, that people who tend to be controlling to the point of gaslighting their partners are naturally attracted to relationships with partners prone to being controlled.
Or, as my sainted granny used to say: there’s a lid for every pot.
the far left wants to treat them like people with special needs.
It’s a strange thing, the degree to which, and the speed with which, a very large and influential chunk of the left has become fixated by race – a subject I don’t generally find interesting. But as I tend to poke at the pathologies of leftism, I’m now obliged to mention it much more than I’d otherwise choose.