And These Are My Knickers
Yuliah Alma on a suboptimal substitute teacher:
When not conscripting middle-school children into his cross-dressing psychodrama, and presumably being thrilled by the thought of 11-year-olds seeing him in various states of undress, while discussing “kink” and sexual positions, Mr Lamere tells us, “I’m not a predator, I’m just a woman who happens to be super tall and hot.”
Mr Lamere’s employment history includes “environmental educator” and, er, pest control.
Update, via the comments:
We’re told, by Tess Nacelewicz, communications co-ordinator for Portland Schools, that “the process for vetting substitutes includes interviewing candidates and conducting background checks.” Readers may therefore wonder what was made of Mr Lamere’s fairly extensive – and, shall we say, uninhibited – social media presence. A presence only deleted, hurriedly, following parents’ complaints. Readers may also be tempted to imagine the candidate’s job interview. Did someone sit opposite Mr Lamere and decide, “Oh yes, here’s a totally stable and not-at-all concerning person. Let’s put him in charge of small children…”?
It is, I think, interesting that so many psychologically marginal people are being employed to teach small children. To a degree that suggests they’re being actively selected.
As noted following one of the items linked above,
Likewise, their teachers’ favoured, and rather niche, sexual activities.
Consider this an open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
A trans-identified male substitute teacher
I think I see the problem…
It is, I think, interesting that so many psychologically marginal people are being employed to teach small children. To a degree that suggests they’re being actively selected.
So that’s why I didn’t get much work when I was supply teaching?
You do have to wonder why no-one checked Mr Lamere’s social media presence, which was fairly extensive and, shall we say, uninhibited – or why, if they did, no eyebrows were raised. And I’m now trying to imagine the job interview. Did someone sit opposite Mr Lamere and think, “Oh yes, here’s a totally stable and not-at-all concerning person. Let’s put him in charge of small children…”
pest control.
Is today’s word ‘irony’?
“I’m not a predator, I’m just a woman who happens to be super tall and hot.”
Computer says no.
You do have to wonder why no-one checked Mr Lamere’s social media presence, which was fairly extensive and, shall we say, uninhibited – or why, if they did, no eyebrows were raised.
My money is on “yes they did”.
Well, either they were negligent or, as seems more likely, they were ideologically titillated. And to hell with the children, one assumes.
It is, I think, interesting that so many psychologically marginal people are being employed to teach small children. To a degree that suggests they’re being actively selected.
Actively selected? Yes. It’s beyond reasonable doubt. And consider the level of malevolence behind such policies. Now consider what should be done with people who enact and carry out such policies.
Well, Libs of TikTok and Inside the Classroom, among others, do seem to find more of these individuals on an all-but-daily basis. And the classroom leeway being granted by their employers is often quite extraordinary – and, very often, something of a surprise to parents.
Well, either they were negligent or, as seems more likely, they were ideologically titillated. And to hell with the children, one assumes.
This blog continues to turn up examples of how Christopher Lasch nailed it in <i>The Culture of Narcissism</i>.
Uh-oh…an archaism from the old Typepad days. Re-education looms.
No HTML required now. The formatting options are there in the comment box. Also, you can edit your comment for up 15 minutes after posting. (See little cog at bottom right of comment.)
I come for the titles. 🙂
And this caught my eye:
As if the two things – the dysfunctional classroom behaviour and the sexual dysmorphia – couldn’t possibly be related.
This blog continues to turn up examples of how Christopher Lasch nailed it in The Culture of Narcissism.
Thanks for mentioning that title: I’ve read one of his other books, but never got around to that one.
Well, either they were negligent or, as seems more likely, they were ideologically titillated. And to hell with the children, one assumes.
I think the mental contortions were quite different.
A teacher. Woman, good, at least I won’t have to risk determining whether it’s a predatory male paedophile or not. That’s always so stressful, and there’s always one Karen mother who complains. <checks social media> Oh wait, it’s a trans woman. Wait, that means it’s really a man. Oh shit – CRIMESTOP INTERRUPT – Trans women are women. Other people might not understand that, but I do, because I’m a good person. I’m accepting of Trans people, unlike others who might be prejudiced. A lot of people – not me, though – are prejudiced against Trans women because they’ve never actually met one. It’s such a shame we don’t have more Trans teachers in primary education, because then children would get the chance to see there’s no reason to be prejudiced. If only someone had the courage to hire Trans teachers. Such a person would be stunning and brave, almost as stunning and brave as a Trans woman. She would be a true Trans ally. Karen moms might resent her, but that’s only because they aren’t sure they’d have the same courage as she did. And besides, they couldn’t complain, because they don’t want to be labeled TERFs. They’d have to shut up, no matter how nasty and prejudiced their thoughts.
The people who hired this teacher are not ideologically titillated. They’ve just already won the battle against themselves. They love big
brothersister.It is, I think, interesting that so many psychologically marginal people are being employed to teach small children.
Here is another variety of child abuse, “silent lunch”: Schools requiring all children to refrain from talking during lunch, and even to put their heads down when finished.
I’d never heard of this before. Has anyone else?
It is interesting that no school would hire a straight man who talks about his penis all the time and all the women he has banged, or a straight woman who puts her tiktok address on the board where she goes around in a bikini and twerks (unless she is lesbian, then is totes ok).
Actually, what you describe is pretty much what I mean by ideological titillation.
In my Lemsip-fuelled haze, I misread that as I come for the titties. Which, given the above, isn’t entirely outlandish.
Me too, but I’ve learned my lesson at this place about clicking on appealing-looking links.
This is my innocent face.
Related, some brainwashing going on by “Teacher Robie”.
There was a time when leading children astray in that manner would get the tall, hot whack-job taken out back and shot.
In my Lemsip-fuelled haze, I misread that as I come for the titties. Which, given the above, isn’t entirely outlandish.
“Mr. Sulu, set the phasers to–what was I talking about again?”
Four lies in two sentences.
Having met ‘trans’ ‘women’ I can’t be accused of prejudice. Postjudice, possibly, but not prejudice.
Socratic solutions are sadly out of favour.
I would be curious to know how many parents complained. I would be surprised if it was more than a few. If my past observations of similar situations can be of reference here, most either pretended not to notice or used the opportunity to pretend to be “above it all”, mocking the dustup. The latter being the more highly educated conservative types. For example even the:
The freaks are now the accepted. People who object to them are the socially unacceptable types.
And as I said in the comment from January right below the comment of David’s that he links to…
Once an organisation which provides unfettered access to children has been captured by a cult for which signalling ideological adherence is more important than, say, the safety of children, it will inevitably become a cynosure for paedophiles.
Even supposing that it wasn’t already.
The unsavoury collection of trannies who flock to take advantage of such laxity are therefore inevitably composed almost entirely of paedophiles.
Even supposing that they ordinarily aren’t.
There are many people who are narcissists and have to show off a lot. Maybe they insist on telling jokes even if people groan. Maybe they insist on arguing about sports or politics or climate change. The problem is when people insist on showing off their sexuality, whatever that is. Maybe it is a guy in muscle shirts who talks about sex all the time (mostly young guys) (rolls eyes). Maybe a woman who wears very revealing clothing (not that I’m complaining). When the thing they want to brag about is their sexuality of the unusual variety, you get performative trans or gay. We have 3 lesbians at work, but you would hardly know because they are not narcissists. But a performative lesbian insists that you know way too much about her sexuality because they want approval. Most guys are not repelled so much by that, though it becomes problematic for a teacher. But performative trans is upsetting to people because they want guys to be sexually attracted to a very very unappealing target, and is often accompanied by grooming, because the ultimate form of approval would be kids copying the teacher.
Once an organisation which provides unfettered access to children has been captured by a cult…
Yes it’s odd that the supporters and cheerleaders for this are the same group who argue the precautionary principle when it comes to Covid lockdowns and climate action.
You do have to wonder why no-one checked Mr Lamere’s social media presence,
The picture on the left looks a little like Owen Wilson. Not sure that’s the look it’s going for.
The Cult of Woke and the Establishment are in a self-re-enforcing symbiotic relationship. Which is what makes the cult so difficult to extirpate despite its obvious insanity.
Lockdowns and social restrictions suite the cult’s natural lefty authoritarianism, whilst the elites find it a convenient trojan horse for their contempt of the masses and their hostility to democratic principles.
It’s literally a Buffalo Bob lookalike:
“It’s literally a Buffalo Bob lookalike:” Oops. That’s Buffalo Bill. I was thinking, “No, it can’t be Buffalo Bill because that was the old West circus cowboy.” But Buffalo Bob is the Howdy Doody Show host. Also creepy.
Taking a slightly surreal tangent.
Don’t you just hate it when an AI trained on human behaviour accidentally acts human?
What it’s like interacting with “progressives”.
“my choice”–since they want abortion right up to 9 months, it occurs at least to some people that this is difficult to distinguish from murder.
“Can you say ‘shit for brains’? I knew you could.”
This sort of street crime has become worryingly common.
Makes you question who it is that really has shit for brains. The criminals or the society that tolerates it.
While on the subject of things happening in Chicago…A 91 year old man may get evicted from his own condo in the John Hancock Center for smoking. Smoking inside his own condominium. Not that a 91 year old man gets out much, especially in Chicago. There was this resident assistant in my college dorm…hmm…wonder where that rat ended up…
John Cleese is working on a reboot of Fawlty Towers.
But is Cleese able to do anything new and funny, or will it be a rehash of old jokes?
Makes you question who it is that really has shit for brains. The criminals or the society that tolerates it.
The way I see it, the street criminals are vermin but the “progressive” people who tolerate and protect them are far worse, and should be treated as the deadly enemies that they are. Think of them as Quislings who would deliver us all up to a new “woke” Hitler.
A 91 year old man may get evicted from his own condo in the John Hancock Center for smoking.
It’s always hard to be sure of these sorts of stories based on just one news article, but it is indeed true that some condo boards are run by, well, assholes: Arrogance, love of power, corruption, etc. On the other hand, some condo owners are also assholes: I could give a few examples.
Re-education looms
David’s using looms instead of the regroover now?
To a degree that suggests they’re being actively selected
Once my sister and I were old enough to look after ourselves my mother occupied her time by volunteering at the local elementary school. This meant I came into contact with quite a lot of teachers, all of whom had nothing but contempt for parents’ thoughts about how their children ought to be educated and were not shy about expressing it.
In the decades since I’ve experienced the same attitude nearly uniformly among the K-12 teachers I’ve met; the children belong to the teachers, not the parents. And the teachers will instill the proper thoughts in those children’s heads.
Not coincidentally, the number of unmarried and childless teachers has been climbing as those decades pass.
In the decades since I’ve experienced the same attitude nearly uniformly among the K-12 teachers I’ve met; the children belong to the teachers, not the parents. And the teachers will instill the proper thoughts in those children’s heads.
That fits my experience. Teachers are entitled to indoctrinate children however they wish. Parents are entitled to shut up and pay for it.