Yuliah Alma on a suboptimal substitute teacher:

A trans-identified male substitute teacher was banned from King Middle School in Portland, Maine after he shared his highly sexualised TikTok account intentionally with students. Lydia Lamere, also known as Chris Lamere, wrote his TikTok handle on the whiteboard at the front of the classroom and encouraged students to “check it out,” according to one student.  

When not conscripting middle-school children into his cross-dressing psychodrama, and presumably being thrilled by the thought of 11-year-olds seeing him in various states of undress, while discussing “kink” and sexual positions, Mr Lamere tells us, “I’m not a predator, I’m just a woman who happens to be super tall and hot.”

Mr Lamere’s employment history includes “environmental educator” and, er, pest control.

Update, via the comments:

We’re told, by Tess Nacelewicz, communications co-ordinator for Portland Schools, that “the process for vetting substitutes includes interviewing candidates and conducting background checks.” Readers may therefore wonder what was made of Mr Lamere’s fairly extensive – and, shall we say, uninhibited – social media presence. A presence only deleted, hurriedly, following parents’ complaints. Readers may also be tempted to imagine the candidate’s job interview. Did someone sit opposite Mr Lamere and decide, “Oh yes, here’s a totally stable and not-at-all concerning person. Let’s put him in charge of small children…”?

It is, I think, interesting that so many psychologically marginal people are being employed to teach small children. To a degree that suggests they’re being actively selected.

As noted following one of the items linked above,

And on a side note – a fashion tip, if you will – I think it’s generally best that small children can’t easily determine the size and state of their teachers’ genitals. But maybe that’s just me.

Likewise, their teachers’ favoured, and rather niche, sexual activities.

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