Friday Ephemera (662)
Perhaps there’s a word for this new dance-move sensation. || Big-ass paper plane. || A brief history of topiary. (h/t, Things) || Answers on a postcard, please. || ChatGPT does physics, with partial success. || Jupiter. (h/t, Dicentra) || Volcanic eruption seen from space. || Remember, always respect the media. || The progressive retail experience, parts 453 and 454. || Is your smartwatch powered by slime mould? || Nommy nommy nom. || Historical con-women of note. || You may clench when ready. || Why, yes, there will be a test. || When you’ve been severely educated. || Drag for kiddies. || “That’s the goal.” || Glass viruses and bacteria. || Fifty-tonne crystals. || Unsolid footing. || And finally, for those unfamiliar with the world of Japanese music sirens.
Should you wish, you can follow me on Twitter.
This. Especially this. Like many others here as well I’m sure.
I grew up in a nice neighborhood, because my parents wanted the cultural advantages of living near a university. (The tradeoff was that they bought a house without a garage which required a lot of fixing up: Dad spent every summer for many years doing repairs and improvements.)
However, the nearest public high school was very mixed–it served well-to-do upper middle class kids, working class kids, and ghetto denizens. And that was where I went because my parents had no money for private school. Getting mugged was an educational experience and did much to cure me of liberal myths about “vibrant” minorities and hippie slogans about pacifism. You could have a conversation with a black classmate one day and get sucker-punched the next day. The experience made it quite clear that there were many kids who were doing everything necessary to guarantee that they would be failures in life, and doing so in spite of the teachers who wanted to teach them.
Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot says street vendors who fear being robbed should solve the problem by not carrying cash.
Here is a funny response.
Our authoress has thoughts. Not good ones, but thoughts which basically boil down to “I’m the size of a planetoid, so everyone should be.”
Her Halloween costume could be the Sweet Meteor Of Death.
“We cannot solve anti-fat bias by making fat kids thin.”
And we cannot solve the anti-criminal bias by making kids behave.
technology is spinning out of control. Still the early stages but the complexities on top of complexities causing the most simplest of things to break
This. There is a constant temptation in the software world to pile changes on top of changes. In my career I experienced my share of stress dealing with the consequences of that, and pleading to be allowed to do the work to avoid creating more of that.
Checks out.
[ Glares across English Channel, shakes fist. ]
This was my high school as well. One teammate of mine was the daughter of a well respected doctor. He went on to be the team doctor for the Miami Dolphins and Florida Marlins. Another’s father was a professional golfer who won three or four major tournaments. The local head coach of the Ft. Lauderdale Strikers soccer team as well. About 10-15% were black kids, few of which were barely lower-middle class back then. A lot of poor white kids and kids whose fathers cleaned pools or did lawn maintenance and irrigation systems. Insurance salesmen, real estate salesmen, etc. A lot of drug use even/especially amongst the wealthier. This being south FL in the cocaine cowboys days.
The school is a disgrace today as the last of that sort of mix was destroyed either by or in correlation to the magnet school approach. The destruction of that sort of mix, which civil rights leaders fought so hard for is lost. With just a little enforced discipline things would have been fine. Back then we had a dean of boys, a stocky black gentleman with a gold tooth who I heard had played a little professional football, who struck the fear of God into even the most unruly.
“dehumanizing labels such as…’the French’ “
The AP has apologized and promises a revised set of guidelines.
I suggest replacing “the French” with “journalists”.
Had a somewhat similar conversation with my local police. But that wasn’t satire. Or intended to be. At least I don’t think so. We’ve replaced “if you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime” with “lock it or lose it”. F*** da police.
I thought of this for “that dance move has already been covered”.
F*** da police.
No, the rank and file have their heads screwed on right. It’s when you move up the chain of command that you find the idiots who bow to political demands.
It’s only a matter of time until he commits a felony…if he hasn’t already.
Re the Violently deranged trans woman
“Amati’s lawyer had asked the court to reject the appeal by citing the progress she has made in custody and the antagonism she has suffered from female inmates due to her gender status”.
So the axe-wielding bloke in the short frock has been incarcerated in a female prison.
Nice one Australia, nice one.
Slow hand-clap.
Some people seem to regard neuroticism as an elevated state of being. Something to applaud.
Now that the police bodycam footage has finally been released is anyone else waiting with bated breath for Paul Pelosi’s explanation as to:-
1.Who his attacker was.
2.Why they were together in his house.
3.Why he wasn’t wearing trousers.
Band name.
My conversation, well one of them, was with a rank-and-file. I suspect that he was anti-2A as well. Granted not ALL. Just like not ALL lawyers nor ALL doctors nor ALL politicians on other subjects. But
mostenough. Better?Interesting to find out who made the Democrat/NeverTrumper list of Russian bots “undermining our democracy”.
WTP – I went to a school like that as well in the 80’s….it was a magnet school within another school and the magnet kids were bused in. Our “magnet” classes were with a small group of kids who came from all over the city. We had children of doctors and lawyers, parents who were executives in the local NAACP, ACLU, or professors at the local university. There were also kids in the magnet program who were smart, but whose parents were not high income – just regular blue-collar parents who were invested in their kids. The school did marvelously for nearly a decade. Students won state-level science fairs, got scholarships to university. We took magnet classes with the other magnet kids, and took “regular” classes (P.E., shop, theater, etc.) with non-magnet kids.
The same teachers who taught our magnet classes for 2 periods a day ALSO taught the non-magnet classes for the remaining periods. So, the idea that the local non-magnet kids were getting an inferior experience was completely bogus. Same teachers as the magnet kids, but with material that was better suited for the non-magnet students.
Then one year a local “community organizer” group got together and protested until the school caved and allowed all the local non-magnet kids to enroll in the magnet classes. Within a single semester the magnet school collapsed and within 3 years the whole school was closed.
I don’t think Pelosi’s story has been destroyed by this video. He is not half-naked, he’s just in shorts or boxers or such, or so it looks like in the video I saw on Ace. He’s in his own house, late at night. I’m guessing he was drunk which explains some of his behavior. Especially when you see his vagueness in the DUI arrest video that was also released. Might be scared as well. But how/why that guy got into his house is another issue entirely.
Not good ones, but thoughts which basically boil down to “I’m the size of a planetoid, so everyone should be.”
I’m mixed about her article. I do NOT like her wish to ignore obesity with the *fat acceptance* approach, but I’m also hugely alarmed by the AAP’s willingness to push drugs and surgeries on children.
A pox on BOTH of them.
However, her point on a doctor looking beyond just a weight gain to things like depression, anxiety or other mental health issues is solid. Wonder her attitude towards people asking the same thing of doctors before they start reaching for the prescription pad or scalpel for children claiming to be “trans”.
When the world is expected to revolve around you.
My conversation, well one of them, was with a rank-and-file. I suspect that he was anti-2A as well. Granted not ALL. Just like not ALL lawyers nor ALL doctors nor ALL politicians on other subjects. But
mostenough. Better?Just about everything I have read indicates that such problems are mostly to nearly all with the ranks where you only get promoted if you have the right (liberal) political opinions. The street cops understand the real world and resent the political bullshit.
I believe Larry Correa would agree with me:
Related: “…a sergeant in 006 (630) said, ‘no one in 006 is allowed to pursue this vehicle [armed robbery].’
then a PO replied, ‘Hope they rob your neighborhood.’
There is nothing worse than autotune.
TBC, when I went there the magnet thing hadn’t caught on there yet. But once the internet hit, and based on what a new in-law told me who when there in the early 00’s, that’s essentially the pattern. I think that when Dean Willy of the gold tooth fame got older or retired, things accelerated downhill.
That gave me the creeps times two. The one on the right is the spitting image of my HOA’s treasurer. [Shivers]
Not Babylon Bee.
If you want to make a decent paper plane for the kiddies then the
Nakamura Lock paper aeroplane is a good one
A frequent winner in the competitions my two sons and I had. Design came from a book that, unfortunately, got lost during a move.
There is nothing worse than autotune.
I don’t know, I think that video says “hold my beer”.
A frequent winner in the competitions my two sons and I had. Design came from a book that, unfortunately, got lost during a move.
Didn’t Scientific American publish such a back around 1980? (Or review it in a long article? I’m unsure.)
Didn’t Scientific American publish such a back around 1980? (Or review it in a long article? I’m unsure.)
Might have been the source, but the book I bought was in the kid’s section of the bookstore with a ringed binding (which was smart because of how often we flipped and folded the pages). My boys are 25 and 21 now so we’re not having too many competitions any more. It’s just one of those things you hope they would be able to introduce to their kids.
If this had happened in the United States, their victims could have shot them.
(Inspector Gadget used to have a blog about policing in the UK.)
Take them out back and shoot them. Better, have a prison warden beat them to death over a period as long as they took to torture their victim.
Again, crime is much easier to minimise and hand-wave if the victim is someone else, somewhere else, or if one expects to be personally cushioned against its more horrible consequences. As if insurance were an adequate response to malevolence. The attempts to excuse predation and sociopathic behaviour can get truly bizarre. As noted in the previous thread, a robbery, mugging or burglary isn’t just a relocation of stuff. It’s a violation, an act of contempt and degradation.
One more time – from the second item here. And note the nodding and gushing in the Guardian article.
…behaviour can get truly bizarre…
Speaking of which...
A new Science!™ has dropped, along with “gender focused sociology”.
Salmacis (Ancient Greek: Σαλμακίς) was an atypical Naiad nymph of Greek mythology. She rejected the ways of the virginal Greek goddess Artemis in favor of vanity and idleness.
Also tried to rape Hermaphroditus, so all in all, checks out.
“The cheesiest movie you’ll ever see.” Here’s a word I thought I’d never see — Swissploitation.
Personally I like mine made with a nice mixture of ground lamb, beef, and pork, but vegans gotta vegan.
Also tried to rape Hermaphroditus, so all in all, checks out.
Congratulations on getting your Greek mythology right. I often see blog comments which betray an ignorance of who Hermaphroditus was and get the spelling wrong too (Hermaphrodite)–no awareness that the name Hermaphroditus is a combination of Hermes and Aphrodite, reflecting who the boy’s parents were.
For anyone down in Western Australia, an urgent public health warning.
I guess if you do it with binoculars you’d be OK. I don’t know what we would do without experts.
Also tried to rape Hermaphroditus
Lots of rape and cruelty in the Greek myths, but I have noticed that “transgressive” thinkers tend to interpret all those stories as lessons in what we can do and should be allowed to do, rather than warnings of what we should not do.
I’ll just leave this here, I think.
I’ll just leave this here, I think.
Skipped leg day, I see.
Time to update your dictionaries, because it is always preferable that we use several words instead of one lest we fail to be inclusive and stigmatize prison inmates and junkies.
I would’ve thought a little stigma – and, dare I say it, shame – would be quite in order.
I would’ve thought a little stigma – and, dare I say it, shame – would be quite in order.
It’s time to stigmatize people who work for the CDC: “Why are you part of that corrupt gang of wankers?”