Friday Ephemera (753)
Just a bit of a bump. || Boiling water is hard. || How to build an omni-directional bike. (h/t, Elephants Gerald) || Bills above. || The adventures of Rupert the Bear. || Because he has been deemed more important than you, ladies. || Dinner and a show. || I’m guessing it tickles. || Good to know. || I suppose it would pass the time. || And it’s wipe-clean, which is always a bonus. || Clearly, she was feeling it. || Venting, near and far. || Vending-machine diplomacy. || Does a doctor’s self-vasectomy video count as oversharing? || Fat Japanese mascots jammed in infrastructure. || More joys of public transport. || Today’s words are time and place. || Pianist enhancement. || Pottery and LEGO, together at last. || Four legs good. || And finally, the experiment in time travel was not without its hazards.
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Fill teapot with water.
Put teapot in microwave.
I have a dream. More dreams in comments.
Hobbit has high standards.
How to Tell if You Are Sexually Normal
Impressive as that device is, I’m even more impressed by his willingness/desire/ability to video-document the process. When I’m trying to build something, something much simpler than that but something that I am conceiving/developing at the same time, the thought of anyone not involved directly in helping being anywhere in the working space is a huge and annoying distraction.
For the well-turned-out fetishist.
There’s an Irish pub in Dahlonega, GA (a small-college town)that has dollar bills stapled on the ceiling and walls but I don’t think that is this place. Though perusing the comments on that link, there are a number of similar dive bars in Alaska, Florida, and other places doing that. At some point…though they all seem to be firearms-carrying friendly states. What an odd coincidence.
Micro-mini skirts make me break out in hives. Unless she’s got a matching coverlet, she’s always 1/4″ away from The Big Reveal. I don’t know how I’d function in such a thing.
Just a 15-minute window.
Self-eating sammich.
Michael Malice asks Jordan Peterson what the hell is up with pedos, and Peterson tells him what motivates them.
(I have no idea why Malice is in that getup, but whatevs.)
I see what you did there.
Edna Mode.
Morning, all.
[ Deploys innocent face. ]
[ Slurps coffee. ]
I suspect alcohol may have been involved.
And in bullying news:
Do take a moment to recover from the shock.
Yet I’ve had exchanges with people who assume, quite emphatically, that affirming Net Zero is a sign of Being A Good Person. And that those who fail to enthuse must be contrarian, or simply wicked.
Re: Rupert the Bear traveling to Pussyville … 50 years ago Donald Trump would have been 27yo … a prime age to visit Pussyville and grab him some …
Affordable, reliable energy is something Hitler would want.