Friday Ephemera (753)
Just a bit of a bump. || Boiling water is hard. || How to build an omni-directional bike. (h/t, Elephants Gerald) || Bills above. || The adventures of Rupert the Bear. || Because he has been deemed more important than you, ladies. || Dinner and a show. || I’m guessing it tickles. || Good to know. || I suppose it would pass the time. || And it’s wipe-clean, which is always a bonus. || Clearly, she was feeling it. || Venting, near and far. || Vending-machine diplomacy. || Does a doctor’s self-vasectomy video count as oversharing? || Fat Japanese mascots jammed in infrastructure. || More joys of public transport. || Today’s words are time and place. || Pianist enhancement. || Pottery and LEGO, together at last. || Four legs good. || And finally, the experiment in time travel was not without its hazards.
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Fill teapot with water.
Put teapot in microwave.
I have a dream. More dreams in comments.
Hobbit has high standards.
How to Tell if You Are Sexually Normal
Impressive as that device is, I’m even more impressed by his willingness/desire/ability to video-document the process. When I’m trying to build something, something much simpler than that but something that I am conceiving/developing at the same time, the thought of anyone not involved directly in helping being anywhere in the working space is a huge and annoying distraction.
For the well-turned-out fetishist.
There’s an Irish pub in Dahlonega, GA (a small-college town)that has dollar bills stapled on the ceiling and walls but I don’t think that is this place. Though perusing the comments on that link, there are a number of similar dive bars in Alaska, Florida, and other places doing that. At some point…though they all seem to be firearms-carrying friendly states. What an odd coincidence.
Micro-mini skirts make me break out in hives. Unless she’s got a matching coverlet, she’s always 1/4″ away from The Big Reveal. I don’t know how I’d function in such a thing.
Just a 15-minute window.
Self-eating sammich.