Our Betters Issue Threats
Behold the latest milestone in fearless resistance:
Tiktoker says she will ruin your car if you support Trump and eat at a Mexican restaurant pic.twitter.com/DTqrVcAQdj
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) January 26, 2025
Because vandalising the cars of random strangers is progressive piety now, the very measure of heroism. Oh, and note the implied conflation of Mexican restaurant and US citizens of Mexican ancestry and illegal, criminal migrant.
I believe there’s a word for that kind of thing.
Readers are welcome to speculate as to what Madam might do upon discovering that the car she’s just vandalised – with such self-satisfaction – belongs to someone of Mexican ancestry.
Consider this an open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
Liberals are allowed to be racist. /sarc
Mentally ill man has problem.
Because his fraudulent identity documents are no longer being indulged.
That, and the mental illness, I mean.
Well, as so often, it looks like the posturing of an over-indulged and not terribly intelligent child.
What’s funny about these things, given a certain sense of humour, is the unearned moral certainty, the smugness. I mean, if I were to share with the world video in which I threaten to inflict serial vandalism on people I don’t know, I think I’d first want to check my assumptions. You know, the basic stuff, at least.
So ‘Mexican-American’ = ‘tacos’ and ‘illegal immigrant’?
The inevitable response.
Why do they always look like that?
And…. it’s another A.W.F.U.L.
*shocked face*
It does fit what has become a default template, a pattern seen countless times. Some obnoxious, childish liberal woman says something childish and obnoxious – in this case, about the joys of vandalising strangers’ cars, with a bit of bigotry thrown in – and she then awaits applause. As if her boast of incoherent malice were a basis for congratulation.
And when the inevitable, much deserved pushback occurs, including statements of basic logic from those she would have happily wronged, she then locks down her social media and feigns victimhood. As if she were enduring some outrageous persecution. As if a smug racist who threatens vandalism on random strangers were an obvious candidate for sympathy.
As ways to pass the time go, it’s an odd mental drama. And just a tad self-flattering.
Far Side glasses.
Smug head tilt.
Mad eyes.
Every time.
And a haircut that really isn’t doing it.
Vegetarianism and totalitarianism
Guardian leftist attempts to psychoanalyze the men she hates
I’m still processing the assumption that “appearing on Rogan” is a terrible, terrible thing. Implicitly, proof of wickedness.
There’s a lot to unpack in her farrago of lies.
By the way: I ran across that item because a
libtardshitlib woman I know liked it on Facebook–a woman who has long shown disdain for the liberty of anyone to her right.I was listening to a Joe Rogan podcast in the car yesterday, or part of one, an interview with Warren Smith – a quiet, unassuming, rather thoughtful chap, hardly someone trying “to impress the alpha male.”
And while Ms Shaw mentions Mark Zuckerberg’s recent appearance, she somehow fails to mention how the Rogan format – three hours of open-ended discussion – makes the usual pretences and evasions much harder to sustain. And so, Mr Zuckerberg’s affectations did not escape without some very visible poking.
It does fit what has become a default template…
Part of which is boiling issues down to trivialities – Columbia, coffee will be more expensive (because that is the only place coffee comes from); Mexico, avocados (because they can’t be grown here); anywhere other than Europe, you must eat nothing but mayonnaise and white bread (the food of all yte ancestors throughout the ages); lawns and toilets will be unattended. etc. ad nauseam.
We will pay any price, bear any burden, for authentic shawarma and tacos.
As I’ve said before, Mr Rogan is known, and parodied, for his whoas and wows and what the fucks, but he does provide a platform for facts and insights and dirty secrets to which what the fuck is not an unreasonable response.
Sarcasm? Columbia accounts for about 5% of world coffee production, and Brazil produces about 5x more.
Note that Rogan is a man of the left, and liked by the left until he began to express a few doubts about leftist shibboleths. So now they say he is far-right.
New here?
You know I’ve been here a long time.
Whether or not you were being sarcastic regarding that claim was not clear. Asking “sarcasm?” seemed more courteous than simply offering a correction, especially since some people do seem to think that virtually all coffee comes from Columbia.
That man needs some Chlorpromazine.
That’s why Kamala Harris didn’t do it. It would’ve been a car crash.
It’s hard to imagine it going well for her. A three-hour open-ended conversation is hard to prepare for, hard to pre-emptively control, and can therefore be quite revealing. And wanting control of the edit, unlike your opponent, does rather suggest a concern for what might be revealed.
And it’s worth noting that Rogan has often expressed frustration and regret regarding the exchange not happening. Not in a gloating or one-upmanship way, but because he wanted to find out what kind of person she actually is.
I think he gives her more credit than I would, but still.
Fair summary:
Again, the little things – the fear of asking someone to turn their music down – can be rather telling. It does rather suggest just how much social territory has already been lost. Or put another way, why you might want to consider living somewhere else.
Asking “sarcasm?” seemed more courteous than simply offering a correction…
I know, you can’t imagine how surprised I was to find out Kenya, Ethiopia, Sumatra, and Kona weren’t Colombian provinces. Excuse me, time to clean my civet’s litter box.
It appears to me that for a narcissist or woketard (but I repeat), failure to instantly get what you want, even if that thing is not possible (such as ending use of all fossil fuels right now), is equal to oppression and fascism. They fail to see that true fascism would not put up with their BS for one minute. Same in Europe. It is not “the far right” or “populists” or “christian nationalists” who are freezing bank accounts or raiding homes on fake charges.
I don’t think that’s a little thing.
There is a conceit among the Left that they are justified by their noble causes. Scratching cars is what Trump supporters deserve, after all. What could be better than promoting social justice, a clean environment, and “being nice”. It escapes them that tyrants also claim to be doing good. Hitler had the best interests of the German people in mind (according to him and in his speeches). He was vegetarian. Mao was going to lead his people to a greater tomorrow. In government, it is not what you claim are your aims, but what you actually do that matters. If your “greater tomorrow” includes prison camps and murder, it is not so great.
Perhaps routine would be a better word. And again, it does rather signal a loss of social territory. An encroachment of demoralisation.
Which, as you say, is not a small thing.
A lot of assumption in there that two very wealthy technological men process social anxiety and such just like an older, social climbing lib arts woman would.
The key thing is not that the world gets 5% of its coffee from Columbia but that trade with the US makes up 25% of Columbia’s GDP. Which is why they capitulated within hours. By the time Trump hit the turn after the 9th hole and took a few minutes to tweet about what he had just told Columbia what they were going to do, the story was over. Trump is like Good Witch Glenda telling Dorothy she could have clicked her heels together and gone home anytime she wanted.
From the accompanying photo, that might should read ‘Rebecca Shaw is a writer formerly known as Sydney.’
Hell, most people fear telling their boss that they don’t like sitting through one, two, three hour brainwashing sessions about kindergarten topics where there is no reasonable fear of being hurt, maimed, or even killed. So why expect bravery on the subway? Though people at work are more likely to have already been socialized into passivity. Anyone notice a correlation between higher education and an acceptance with being treated as insignificant?
And as we’ve seen, quite vividly, it ain’t just music.
Trainwreck. The sort that used to be staged . . . with similar results for her campaign.
Though according to this guy it all went down well before the turn. Good contrast of what it was vs. what it is tho.
Denying reality takes more and more effort.
Not unrelated.
Keying a vehicle can result in both legal and medical fees. And one certainly shouldn’t advertise one’s intent on the internet.
“Perhaps routine would be a better word. And again, it does rather signal a loss of social territory. An encroachment of demoralisation.
Which, as you say, is not a small thing. “
It’s Stalin and the salami, isn’t it? Take one slice at a time, keep doing it, and it adds up to a a lot.
A three-hour open-ended conversation is hard to prepare for, hard to pre-emptively control, and can therefore be quite revealing.
Joe and his guests regularly drink, smoke cigars, smoke marijuana, order and enjoy fast food during a three-hour interview. I’m guessing Kamala can’t go three hours without a drink and Joe’s minions would have been offering up her favourites. She would have been hammered by the end of the conversation.
[ Carefully weighs pros and cons of having a gin and tonic. ]
Which is why she is likely to be all talk. With cameras everywhere these days it wouldn’t be too much trouble for someone who knows her to set up a trap. Hint, hint.
on the flipside of this…many…decades ago there was a very popular BBQ joint that we used to hit for lunch. Always crowded, especially on Fridays. They also had very limited parking. Did a lot of drive-thru business tho. Anyway, the business next door got very tired of people parking in their spaces and going to the BBQ joint. People who included a couple of my idiot, self-centered co-workers. So anyway…driving back to work behind said idiot coworkers, who had parked where they shouldn’t have, there was a new bumper sticker on his car. Something about being proud of his sexuality. The guys in my car had no idea…
It’s progressed to Mao and the hot pepper territory.
I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of this gin and tonic.
Can I tell you how much it fills me with glee that these sanctimonious wankers cannot stop telling everyone that minorities must all behave and think alike based exclusively on their skin color.
It’s just…..chef’s kiss.
You show this to ANY normal person and they recoil.
Which Columbia would that be? The university? The capital of South Carolina?
Or do you mean COLOMBIA the nation? 🇨🇴
Having lived there, I get a little snippy about the U vs O question.
She’s had a drink. Don’t cross her. She’ll shank you up good.
[ Hides breakables. ]
He’s got Asperger’s. Aspies are never “cool.” They’re irretrievably dweeby.
This is just one more instance of a high-status girl sneering at the nerds for not being suave and debonaire.
Which, if you’re not into nerds, fine, but they built the entire world you live in, Rebecca.
If that’s the best you can come up with, Rebecca, that these men are cringe, then that reveals an awful lot about your shallow status-consciousness and petty little desires to police it, lest the uncool kids get a foothold.
How gauche, amirite?
Included in the Instalanche post is Selena Gomez weeping for the deported.
Looks like she hasn’t mastered microexpressions yet. She wet her eyes, but her eyes aren’t actually crying.
Fake fake fake fake.
Mad woman fringe – check.
“wield huge global influence with their computers and numbers and whatnot. ”
“they are so incredibly, painfully cringe”
“still processing the assumption that “appearing on Rogan” is a terrible, terrible thing. ”
According to her, she has
“always been someone who cannot tolerate embarrassment. I hate being embarrassed more than just about any other emotion ”
And doncha know, having an open mind, acknowledging other points of view, is so embarrassing. As is talking about rape victims in Rotherham or knife attacks on innocent little girls.
Pity the world is run by men who invent things rather than focussing on avoiding embarrassing our dear lady.
But never reticent about trash-talking other people.
She is attempting to obey the leftist mandate to defame Class Enemies, but is not clever enough to construct better lies.
No one ever said she was a good actress.
That’s obviously projection on David’s part.
Marking your territory against people you regard as other or alienating or foreign: when done by whites it’s the worst sin in the history of the universe, when done by non-whites it’s spicy and authentic and energizing.
Look at how energized she is by the expression of illiberal sentiments. Her excuse might be that she’s a principled liberal provoked to illiberality by Trumpist territory marking, but her delight looks genuine and her spiel looks pretty well rehearsed, so I doubt whether under the Obama or Biden presidencies she was expressing liberal sentiments of love and admiration for white people – to use a saying we gringos have, this isn’t her first rodeo.
I’m intrigued to hear the negotiating ploy that we’ll never have flavored food again. That implies a quid-pro-quo, doesn’t it? Gringos queuing at a taco stand are voting with their feet that Mexicans create tastier food, while Mexicans queuing at the border are voting with their feet that gringos create better countries to live in. So the deal being proposed is our food for your country, which would be a very very interesting conversation to have, if we were free to have that conversation and follow through on its consequences. And it’s more generous than the deal we’re offered by most immigrants, which is that they owe us nothing and we owe them everything.
The difference between ColUmbia and ColOmbia.