Trying It On
And in ladies’ changing room news:
Trying it on is indeed a phrase that comes to mind.
At which point, readers may note how Mr Firico’s professed “non-binary” status doesn’t mean that he’d be content in the men’s changing rooms, as an option, with either being fine, and instead grants, in his mind, an entitlement to violate store policy and the boundaries of women. He’s “not a man,” you see – and by the same logic, if that’s the word, not a woman either – but apparently, that women’s space is his kingdom now. And ladies who’d rather not get undressed near some random male interloper – whether that man is mentally ill or an opportunist pervert – are expected to shut up and comply. Because his identity, or feigned identity, trumps theirs.
It’s all terribly convenient.
Despite his incongruity, Mr Firico doesn’t appear at all curious as to the preferences of any female customers on whom he might be imposing, and his view of the store’s female staff is perhaps best judged by his willingness to ignore their objections while barging into a space not intended for men:
Views as to which party should feel ashamed may, I suspect, differ. And note that any female customers who might feel uncomfortable or degraded by sharing an intimate space with a bearded bedlamite are, again, expected to keep quiet and defer. In this new, inclusive world, there is, it seems, a pecking order.
Despite a subsequent apology by the store’s manager, we’re told that the experience of not getting his own way immediately and entirely without objection was “embarrassing” for Mr Firico, especially as a sales assistant “rolled her eyes.” Readers are invited to say whether hearing of such unspeakable trauma will deprive them of any sleep.
Mr Firico, complete with stunning gown, can be seen here. The clasping of the hands is a lovely touch.
Via ripx4nutmeg.
To think I once tinkled the tip jar, in the hope that this site would improve. That in my dotage, I could come here and not be angered, affronted, despairing and bewildered. I come again and again like a moth to the flame. A bit skint at the moment, but provoke me further with lepers like this and who knows?
Keep up the good work.
I haven’t heard of any ‘non-binary’ women trying to barge in to the men’s changing room. It always seems to go one way. Funny that.
Interesting theory.
Creepy men who come into women’s changing rooms should expect to be arrested.
The Oxford Mail plays along and uses ‘they/them’ pronouns, but his friend’s mother refers to him as a he/him. Didn’t she get the memo?
No. It’s not.
Should any readers feel this thread isn’t sufficiently unsavoury or outré, this may help matters:
And should the unworldly among you assume that the above could never, ever happen, I’ll just leave this here. Though, needless to say, it’s not for the faint of heart.
I can only hope and pray he gets the help and support for the PTSD that surely caused.
I haven’t heard of any ‘non-binary’ women trying to barge in to the men’s changing room.
They’re more into shrieking at protests and shooting up Christain schools in Nashville.
These people are joyless idiots. Reading the local news, it featured a story about a pride parade in downtown Gatlinburg.
“It’s great for visibility. And, when people say that when you do a protest that’s not celebration, that’s advocacy. But for us, it goes hand-in-hand, because you can’t be celebrating the rights that you have when they’re being taken away from you,” said Winter Cayman, who works with Appalachian OUTreach.
No, it must be both parade and protest. Because if there is one thing the LGBQT+ community suffers from, it’s visibility.
Heh. Were I the kind of person who wears T-shirts with things on them, that would be a contender.
And regarding Mr Firico’s ensemble, I’m surprised no-one’s pointed out that those boots really don’t go with that gown.
Sad that it’s infesting even small towns, and in such traditionally-minded regions as Apalachia.
I haven’t been in Gatlinberg since childhood, but remember enjoying it a great deal: Very small city–town, really–for which tourism is very important (historical sites, Great Smoky Mountains national park, etc.)
…those boots really don’t go with that gown.
True enough, now edge dressed and spit shined is another story.
This. *stuffs some pounds in barkeep’s tip jar*
Bless you, sir. During a trip to the supermarket, may you not find yourself stuck behind a driver whose mind is on other, apparently more pressing matters – say, taking off her coat, in a moving car, in busy traffic, with only one hand intermittently on the steering wheel.
Better behind that idiot than in front.
…in the hope that this site would improve.
Only one thing can improve it, and that is The Spirit.
I don’t know if I’d call them joyless. They’re perverts who get their rocks off by humiliating people like the shop assistant.
If only they’d only held it in mid-July. (You know, when you just hit town and your throat is dry).
p.s. did anybody else notice that despite being clearly told he could not use the ladies changing room:-
These people are joyless idiots.
Speaking of joyless idiots, with an emphasis on idiot, this tosser informs us that the definition of woman cannot be found in biology but in psychology and sociology by a bunch of words.
A curious feature of all ‘egalitarian’ movements.
Should I quote Dr. Johnson at this point or just quietly make my way to the door?
As an aside – one of the links led to a rabbit hole of a “Doctor” claiming that it’s OK for her daughter (pictured with some medical device) will never “have to work” and that other Brit Taxpayers should be happy to cover her future costs, and the thread had quite a few willing to say that others should indeed cover her bills.
Oddly enough, no one posted enquiring as to why the “Doctor” Mother hasn’t established funds to care for her daughter…even after quite a few (again, if online bits are to be belived) trips/vacations/purchases/etc.
Of course, Mum’s lifestyle shouldn’t be hampered…
Oh, and Amazon purchased as well. Even w/the opening pics today.
Mr. Firico doesn’t go with that gown.
I’ve attended livelier funerals.
Says it all, really.
I’ve attended livelier funerals.
Many such cases.
Thankfully I don’t eat breakfast as a rule.
Thankfully I don’t eat breakfast as a rule.
What? You don’t celebrate other cultures bigot?
Much like breakfast, no. Especially not those that lack any semblance of manners and mores.
Shop like the wind. And bless you, sir. May you never be obliged to hoover in humid weather.
Is today’s word ‘irony’ again?
Most days, it’s one of them.
That is a culture whose demise I would celebrate.
That is a culture whose demise I would celebrate.
You people need more Jesus, or somebody.
My name is Sue. How DO you DO?
Creepy men who come into women’s changing rooms should expect to be arrested.
I’m beyond that. Nothing will happen until these guys are physically attacked by the women in the [changing room, locker room, restroom].
Take a clue from the Armenian community in Los Angeles.
Which presumably affirms and emboldens men such as Mr Firico, and is therefore part of the problem.
“You don’t get to pretend.” He shouted.
Creepy men who come into women’s changing rooms should expect to be arrested.
In one lane of our path to utopia, there’s a hyperawareness of issues of consent, rape culture, creeps, incels, etc.
In another lane of our path to utopia, groups of people who are already resentful, badly socialized and oblivious or disrespectful of normal social signals are encouraged to adopt what could well be an implicit working philosophy for a rapist: what I want is what matters, what you want doesn’t matter; if I go where I want to go, but I’m not wanted there, then I’m the one who’s hard done by; if you’re a good person you’ll learn to like my company; if you still don’t like it then my spite or malice in imposing my company on you is ennobled as righteous anger.
Obviously they chose the latter.
[ Slides large gin and tonic to Brian. ]
Well that was a mighty short month…
Tempus fugit.
Tempus fugit.
Or perhaps in this case, tempus fugetaboutit.
I suspect the US Navy active duty drag queen might yet have something to say about this.
So can any perv use the women’s changing rooms in Zara if he says he wants to try on a dress?