Shoe-Sizing Trauma
Lifted from the comments, a tale of niche woe:
What in the hell?🙄Shoe sizes aren’t transphobic, they’re reality
Men’s feet are wider, women’s narrower. The shoe size is a number given to a shoe of a certain length AND width. Women and men’s shoe sizes are on different scaling systems.
It’s about the fit, not your feelings.
— L G B (@L__G__B) March 22, 2025
She’s upset that her feet aren’t being affirmed as “non-binary.”
Among the baffling conceits, a failure to grasp that men’s feet tend to be wider than those of women, with slightly different proportions, and hence the custom of sexed shoe fitting. Even seemingly androgynous training shoes may take into account the differences in stride caused by women’s wider hips, thereby reducing discomfort and the risk of injury.
Oh, and also,
I’ll leave readers to ponder that one.
Clay, since you ask, is a “Dom FTM vers bottom, transmasc nonbinary.” Hence the alleged trauma of buying running shoes. She has an OnlyFans account, obviously, as one does, and an account on X, which is similarly pornographic and not for the faint of heart.
Consider this an open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
Steady beat.
At least you got the reference. (Link for non-US readers.)
Remember the Algerian “refugee” who in 2008 sprayed urine and feces on goods in supermarkets and pubs? He has killed himself, which is very good. But he was never deported, which is very very bad.
Our old
LaSalleBuick never ran great.Palate cleanser
A British maintenance engineer was fired for calling Hamas “disgusting terrorists”
The people who fired him are disgusting Quislings. Let’s talk about treason.
As the rumour is Charles III, Dei Gratia Rex, Fidei Defensor, is a Muslim ‘revert’, referring to his reputed co-religionists as disgusting may well be thought a crime against the crown
She’s upset that her feet aren’t being affirmed as “non-binary.”
Gee sorry lady – the XX chromosomes in every cell in your body coded up a female skeletal structure. Still – I am surprised there’s no one capitalizing on this (a la the old cross dresser catalogs that sold “women’s-style” clothing and shoes in men’s sizes) for the women who think they’re men crowd. You want to be a man, well man up, then, and stop whining. Sheesh.
Speaking of Antarctica:
Wasn’t that an episode of the X-Files?
Ground-penetrating radar: what can’t it find?
I didn’t know the song had more verses:
Yup, Season 1 Episode 8, “Ice.”
Well, quite. But the broadcasted whining, the blessed state of victimhood, is, I suspect, the sweetest plum. Much more tempting than any pair of trainers.
Hence the complaint about a shop assistant wanting to ensure that the shoes being paid for actually fit.
And let’s not forget the dramas of male bra-fitting.
Oh, and speaking of bra fittings, we mustn’t forget dear Chloe.
I spoil you, I really do.
Time to end the blog. You’ve expressed the quintessence of the problem, alpha to omega.
Well, I was just now poking through Clay’s TikTok videos, in search of something odd but possibly amusing, albeit unwittingly. The grimly ritualised hook-up routine – “No-one is going to want to hook up with me after watching this.” Or her advice on bogey disposal.
But most of the videos – of which there are so many – are just tawdry and rather sad. There’s an air of neediness and compulsion. An endless self-narration of one’s own life. Every dreary or intimate detail. As I suppose one might expect when poking through the TikTok videos of a mentally ill woman. A woman who feels obliged to overshare, supposedly for likes.
And whose unhappy trajectory is being affirmed as an identity.
That. It’s not a good habit.
I peeked at her X feed and immediately reported it for lewdness. They prolly won’t do anything about it because it’s adult consensual behavior, but geez.
There’s nothing about “doing hookups” that’s going to make her happy. I’ve little doubt she was abused as a kid, prolly sexually.
I read a few comments to her “hookup routine” video, and they all seem to think her behavior is worth emulating. I guess if its lucrative, who cares, right?
SMOD can’t come soon enough.
Quite. I can’t help thinking that the urge to overshare and self-narrate – the endless, tedious monologue – covering every manufactured mini-drama, every anonymous, disappointing sexual encounter – gets in the way of actually having a life. If you’re always performing, always on, always referring to your all-important identity, even in the bedroom, as if starring in a low-budget reality show, this seems enormously restrictive. A very narrow and unhinging way of being.
It reminded me of footage of clubbers all videoing themselves on their phones, busily selecting filters and posting emojis to Instagram, rather than being immersed in the experience. Such as it is.
What do you suppose the odds are that this woman has had some significant “help” with her mental illness such that she has been encouraged to overshare? Not saying it’s 100%, but….
Speaking of mentally ill women.
Because when you’re stuffing bags of dog shit in the wheel arches of random people’s cars, I think it’s safe to say something is amiss.
Still untrue.
Another totally sane and upstanding citizen.
Perhaps we’re supposed to wait until it’s a daily thing before we’re allowed to notice the obvious pattern. And then only quietly, of course.
“Me after watching 12 minutes of Master Chef”
Good question.
Tesla Derangement Syndrome. We don’t even need to change the initials.
I suppose it’s worth bearing in mind that the phenomenon isn’t actually about Teslas. Unless there’s some way in which stuffing bags of dog shit in the wheel arches of random people’s cars can be made to make sense and not seem, well, a bit weird.
I think it’s more that there are, walking among us, on any given day, a significant number of people who are fundamentally messed-up and itching for an opportunity to express their spitefulness. Their screeching progressive id.
By which I mean, the dysfunction isn’t the car. It’s the person stuffing dog shit in its wheel arches.
In much the same way, I doubt that the creatures seen, for instance, here – the ones doing the screeching and stealing and vandalism – know much, if anything, about Arthur Laffer or about the people they’ve chosen to bully and menace, and whose belongings they’ve chosen to steal.
Any limited knowledge they may have, of either, is almost certainly an excuse, a pretext for behaving in a way that they clearly find gratifying.
As so often, these things are not done reluctantly or under duress. There’s an obvious element of titillation. It’s recreational spite.
See also this, and of course these merry scenes.
And… well, any number of items in the archive.
They couldn’t have picked a worse target for their tantrums. Not to mention that a burning electric car spews forth toxic gasses that ICE engines could only dream of.
Also not to mention? Most Tesla owners are on team blue.
Presumably, all the burning cobalt and lithium, and the hydrogen fluoride, are now deemed super-awesome. Please update your files and lifestyles accordingly.
And hey, clearly they’re the ones to whom we should defer, about everything.
I like the closing verse:
Spoliation seems to entail excessive grimacing and squirming.
The glued-on cat hair should be enough to discourage . . . suitors?
Thinking back to college in the US South, lo these many years ago, and I can recall only a single whiny girl (Goth as it happened) who tried to get sympathy all the time. We dumped her from our group as soon as we could. Sure, there were people partying too much and flunking out, hippies, vegetarians, posers, you name it, but no rampant sociopathy and narcissism. Nor the anger. Not even much feminism. Ah, the good old days–and this was real, not an imaginary good old days. It fuels my suspicion that sociopathy can be an epidemic, not innate.
Quiet at the back. It’s good for you. Builds character.
Paging Aesop.
Not sure what to make of the advert on the bus, all things considered.
victim of childhood sexual abuse.
Depends on whether that was a crescent or a question mark at the end.
Speaking of trauma, someone felt “invisible and ignored”, the agony must have been palpable.
Also traumatized, Scarlett Blossum issues a threat.
This mom. I worry, though, if she can maintain her convictions.
Indeed. My own personal contacts with teachers supports what she says.
Target acquired.
Counterpoint: all children are narcissistic sociopaths. Positive social behaviour has to be taught. David’s neologism the Unspanked is apposite; these are people who have been indulged their entire lives, rather than being faced with immediate negative consequences for antisocial or criminal behaviour.
Exactly how we’ve come to this state of affairs and why is much more complicated.
True…ish. The spanking thing has a lot to do with it. The decline thereof.
As I said following this:
Can’t say my view has changed since then.
Well, spanking and every other method of childrens’ behavior.
The first few years of life are crucial: Children who are not socialized by kindergarten to get along with others are likely to never properly learn. And that’s chiefly about getting along with their peers and relatives and neighbors. But what about kids who grow up in criminal/antisocial families or neighborhoods? That’s where the “unspanked” metaphor applies with a vengeance.
Justice is served when ferals are put down.
Officer’s life was saved by a ride-along, who strangled the perp. A real case of “I can’t breathe”. The dead perp’s family wants answers.