Or, “How You Identity.”

A professional educator, Mrs Donna Starkey of Rye College, East Sussex, attempts to impart her new and shiny knowledge. Two schoolgirls prove troublesome:

“Where’d you get this idea that there are only two genders? […] It’s not an opinion you can have… You’re talking about the fact that cisgender is the norm, that you identify with the gender… with the sexual organs that you’re born with, or you’re with. That’s basically what you’re saying…”


“Which is really despicable… I’m reporting you to Miss Willis. You need to have a proper educational… conversation… about edu… about equality, diversity, and inclusion. Because I’m not having that expressed in my lesson.”

“Everyone else thinks it. They just don’t say it.”

Threats of further ideological correction ensue. Apparently, the recorded exchange was prompted by a pupil claiming to identify as a cat, and the two girls, heard above, expressing some doubt.


Very much related.

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