Friday Ephemera (760)
Low-altitude ejection. || Helping hand. || Letterbox cakes. || His name is Mr Amazon and he just happens to be carrying his burglary tools. || A tale of stolen testicles. || Hairy sausage. || How to build a tiny laundrette. Or a tiny bathroom inside your bathroom. || A brief history of the manicule. || “Major UFO scare,” 1971. || The décor was doing some heavy lifting. || He spits on doors. || I question the aerodynamics. || Things discussed at “diversity” committee meetings. || Stupefied by lessons in “anti-racism.” || Sleeping dogs. || That’s exactly how I would have done it. || Lakefront views. || From 1989: “Will people buy movies on VHS?” || Not great, but could have been worse. || Everything you’ll need. || Suboptimal situations. || Fatherhood. || And finally, with extra bees, please.
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D. I. What?
It’s always for the children. You won’t see this at the Senior’s home where they’re literally dying for entertainment.
Also, I’m pretty sure it was the mom who was saying “pretty” while fondling her cache of dollar bills and not the three year old.
D. I. What?
You lost me at towing.
‘Twould have been a delicious prank, yes.
“The Horseshoe National Flag“
This is the equivalent of erasing any evidence that the earth is older than 6000 years.
This is how I would have done it.
I can see how Aboriginal Australians might be rightly still pissed off about the digging up of the bodies of ancestors/pre-colonial Australians. But yes, I think the temptation is there, to effectively build an elaborate structure of ‘Indigenous creation science’, as it were. I’ve already seen some signs of it at the Melbourne Museum, where, here and there, ‘out of respect for Indigenous people’, you will find utter hogwash on the signs, describing the mythical past of the Indigenous people.
In the recently-established Gondwana Gardens – ie, gardens containing plants that were in Australia long before human habitation. And there is a sign on the wall saying ‘Aboriginal people have always been here… ‘
Low altitude ejection
When I started flying, the minimums were 90kts and 1000ft, which on my first operational tour was a bit of a bummer because we spent most of our time at 250ft. On my next tour (with the RN) it was 90 kts at 0ft but an additional capability of underwater ejection. Finally I flew in a 0/0 rocket seat in the Phantom.
They’re not sending their best, are they?
Morning, all.
I suspect mischief.
Wait. Maybe I’m misunderstanding why they’re burying the bones. I thought it was because the skeletons showed signs of not being related to the current Aborigines, so they didn’t want their narrative of “we’ve always been here” to be destroyed.
As we’ve seen many times, the moms do, broadly speaking, seem much more enthusiastic about such things.
I’ll just leave this here.
As I suggested in the subsequent thread, perhaps the planet coalesced underneath the aboriginals, who were previously just drifting in space.
heavy sigh
“Sane-washing” Trump. Wherein game recognizes game, I guess.
Oooh, major UFO scare!
Oh. In Hull.
“One man claimed it was following a bus into the city”
One can, I think, forgive people for being born into a culture, or sort-of culture, that’s remarkably primitive on account of its isolation, geography, and any number of other factors.
I’m less inclined to excuse the self-styled sophisticates who demand that the rest of us suspend all normal critical faculties in order to flatter said primitive culture.
Dicentra: ““Sane-washing” Trump.“
Talk about telling it like it is! We need more of this.
I went to Hull once.
Doubt I’ll do it again.
It’s my understanding that there was a huge 19th c industry in procuring the body parts of the natives, even those recently died, and sending them off for scientific study and museums with no real consent of said natives. Hence the modern reaction and the general movement towards restoring bones to indigenous peoples as a gesture of good will.
Which is not to say that the persistent anti-scientific mythologising of Indigenous peoples doesn’t happen, and that one motive for reburying this specimen isn’t to hide up ideologically inconvenient facts, but I suspect that’s not the major motive at play here.
Rather than the default wibbling about messaging, presentation and appearance. As if the problem for Democrats were merely a matter of articulation, and not that their positions on any number of things – from lawlessness and invasion to child safeguarding and pandering to the mentally ill – were repellent to much of the electorate and fundamentally perverse.
I see what you did there.
[ Whistles nonchalantly, wipes bar. ]
Sooo….you can’t say that on X or they get mad?
That rang a bell with me so I axed Grok. There was an ejection seat problem with the f-35 back about 10 years ago, specific to “lighter pilots” (ahem). Though through 9 ejection incidents there has only been one serious injury. Again, per Grok.
Good news, everyone. I am being taken out for lunch.
Today’s word is causality.
The Ephemera! Helping Catholic readers make the abstinence of Lenten Fridays a tad more tolerable.
[ Tries to feign air of abstemiousness. ]
Lakefront views.
As if anyone seriously thinks TDS will keep Canadian snow birds from their annual migration to Florida next winter.
Perhaps Fredo has realized, having tried everything else, maybe thinking for himself is worth a spin…
Good news, everyone. I am being taken out for lunch.
Mazel tov!
“Major UFO scare”
Next month I will be attending a noted photography workshop, the Texas School of Photography. It’s a venerable institution, this year celebrating its 50th anniversary. But some are belittling the class that I am in, where we will be looking at the use of AI in photography. “It’s cheating!” “It’s not real photography!” “It will kill art!”
I discovered last night that for the top AI image generation models, Flux, someone developed a style that mimics needlepoint. I was thus inspired to create this badge that I intend to have made into a t-shirt to wear at Texas.
Policing scenes.
Dining scenes.
Shopping scenes.
Or, people who need their jaws breaking.
How about necks?
Standards have not been lowered. I repeat, standards have not been lowered.
I used to know a city health inspector. She had lots of disturbing stories about food vendors who regarded all health regulations as unimportant impositions, from rodent and insect control to cleanliness to refrigeration of perishables.
I did once know a “native American” who expected everyone to “respect” (i.e., never question) his religious beliefs, including those goofy origin stories. His non-Indian friends agreed, although they were openly contemptuous of the Bible.
[ Studies menu, slurps fortifying beverage. ]
“I had to quit my job because I was gonna come after you.”
And these people think of themselves as sane.
So, Guinness?
Rope, tape, and zip-ties sound more abduction-y.
I’m still several months into a battle against mice who have burrowed into my sofa. Yes, I’ve trapped several with peanut butter, and poisoned a few more. The exterminator was here a week ago. We’ll see if his advanced poisons will work.
But the proof-of-life dab of peanut butter that I left out had lick marks on it yesterday, so I’m really tired of this. Rotten beasts.
Just wanted to check I’d heard you correctly.
AOC gave a presser proposing that the Dems get behind medicare for all, since surely everyone would want that. First, you pay into medicare your whole life but only take benefits for 10 or 15 years (usually) so it is not feasible for everyone for the entire life. Second, the repay rate to doctors is awful. For example, a $2000 ambulance ride gets paid at $200. A head x-ray doc bills $600 and gets $41. This cannot work for the entire population. It would crash the medical system. So no, everyone is NOT in favor.
New COVID variant.
Policing scenes: so, what you are saying is that 2 female cops can’t even apprehend a FEMALE IN FLIPFLOPS? Oh FFS.