Shoe-Sizing Trauma
Lifted from the comments, a tale of niche woe:
What in the hell?
Shoe sizes aren’t transphobic, they’re reality
Men’s feet are wider, women’s narrower. The shoe size is a number given to a shoe of a certain length AND width. Women and men’s shoe sizes are on different scaling systems.
It’s about the fit, not your feelings.
— L G B (@L__G__B) March 22, 2025
She’s upset that her feet aren’t being affirmed as “non-binary.”
Among the baffling conceits, a failure to grasp that men’s feet tend to be wider than those of women, with slightly different proportions, and hence the custom of sexed shoe fitting. Even seemingly androgynous training shoes may take into account the differences in stride caused by women’s wider hips, thereby reducing discomfort and the risk of injury.
Oh, and also,
I’ll leave readers to ponder that one.
Clay, since you ask, is a “Dom FTM vers bottom, transmasc nonbinary.” Hence the alleged trauma of buying running shoes. She has an OnlyFans account, obviously, as one does, and an account on X, which is similarly pornographic and not for the faint of heart.
Consider this an open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
Actual snort.
Well, given madam’s obvious enthusiasm for the drama of being oppressed, I’m guessing she won’t be overly interested in the mundane explanations for the existence of sexed shoe-sizing. Which may explain why, so far as I can tell, she’s not responded to any commenters politely pointing out these details.
[ Tries to act casual about seemingly extensive knowledge of women’s shoes. ]
Meanwhile, in the world of polar science.
Who are these people who tell things to scientists and why are those “scientists” such passive p*ssies that they tolerate it? Scientists are supposed to be telling us what they know. Supposedly anyway.
Going to need eye bleach.
Don’t say you weren’t warned.
[ Passes eye bleach. ]
Mixed messages.
Debate strategy.
Answers on a postcard, please.
Mixed messages. She’s showing her ankles. The trollop.
Website is working better today. See, David? You get better results by feeding the hamsters a balanced diet. Amphetamines only work for a very short while.
“What on Earth is this thing?”
Answers on a postcard, please.
No he was not right to shove her off, the proper response was to stomp on it and give her a demonstration of Newton’s third law.
Meanwhile at Heathrow:
Minor detail, but without power, travelers will miss out on critical infrastructure.
Having been to a couple of them, no, no they are not.
Seems like an opportunity to repost this:
But by not wanting to see little old ladies freezing in the dark, along with entire cities, one somehow becomes the villain of the drama.
So, basically, she was slapped in the face by that pesky biological reality that there are, in fact, only two sexes, and there are physiological differences between them. Did someone say anti-science?
… in computer graphics and animation forums, they talk about the “uncanny valley” where hyperrealism becomes creepy.
The abstraction of cartoon-style animation was considered to be safe from that.
Now living people are styling themselves like manga and minion-like characters – approaching uncanny valley from the other side.
Remember simpler times when there were just guys and gals, men and women?
It’s a good thing the newspaper personal sections have moved online because all those characters would cost you a fortune.
No one cares about this guy’s feet but him. He’s miserable because no one cares about his shoe size … what a putz.
You’re misgendering “her” by calling “her” a putz.
I find it hard to understand personalities that would find this appealing.
The New York Times has never mentioned this attempted jihad terror bombing of a UK hospital. I wonder why. /sarcasm
So the director of the British Antarctic Society is a bigot? That tracks:
Jane Francis’ CV:
2013-present Director of British Antarctic Survey
2008-2013 Dean, Faculty of Environment, University of Leeds
2004-present Professor of Palaeoclimatology, University of Leeds
2008-2008 Head of School, School of Earth & Environment, University of Leeds
2003-2004 Royal Society Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellow
1996-2004 Senior Lecturer, Earth Sciences, Leeds University.
1991-1996 Lecturer, Earth Sciences, Leeds University
1986-1991 Post Doctoral Research Associate, Geology Department, Adelaide University, Australia
1984-1986 Palaeobotanist, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge
1982-1984 NERC Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Geology/Biology, Bedford College, University London
1979-1982 NERC research student, Geology/Biology, University of Southampton.
She needs to resign so a lesser qualified strong black lesbian woman can take her place.
Fats Waller sings “Your Feet’s Too Big”.
Canada’s war against the Amish.
Musk owns and runs the internet according to Rosie–so much ignorance in such an ugly package.
The Left truly thinks it has a right to destroy property, hold people hostage, burn shit, shut down anything they don’t like. It is pure evil.
Speaking of Antarctica:
The Antarctic researchers “won’t be relieved until December,” and “the other eight team members will be forced to live with the accused madman for another nine months.”
Lady with a tail: the implication, even if not always true, is that the tail is plugged into her ass. Charming.
Mia Hughes and Peter Boghossian on the twisted history of transgender ideology.
A related question.
I hate to be a punk, but I’ve reached this point where my level of “tolerance” is actually receding. I simply no longer believe that people who act like this are genuine in *anything* they do or say.
They’re not L or G or B or T or Q or whatever the F is next. These people are sociopaths. And we’ve made it acceptable – no, we’ve made it rewarding – for low-grade/borderline sociopaths to ramp up their pathology to become full-blown sociopaths.
If “tolerating” the T leads to this, then count me – and millions like me – out. I will not tolerate the T, the Q, the MAP, the Zoo, the Furry, or any of the rest of it.
Sorry, not sorry.
Well, it’s often assumed that the more you come to know about a social phenomenon, the more you will find it vibrant and charming. The more you will embrace it. The idea that research and familiarity might have other effects is, oddly, much less considered.
You’re a dude. Get over yourself.
Speaking of scientific
discoverieswoo,,,Never thought of research breeding contempt.
Well, I *did* live in San Francisco for a decade.
Talk about an education. I moved there a naive college student. I left with a mission in life, knowing what I had to do to protect myself, my wife, and my children from.
Familiarity with malignant sociopathy – it turns out – does and *should* breed contempt. If it doesn’t, there’s something very, very wrong with you.
Covid (cough cough)
Mister, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again.
Coolidge. Silent Cal would be a blessed relief from the incessant chatter. Besides, he knew how to balance a budget.
In other
sciencewoo news, this is why no one in their right mind takes anything from the public health establishment seriously anymore.Betcha the journals and universities are pressuring researchers to do this.
Probably a crime in the EU to point out there are places these idiots would be in actual danger.
Lacking the integrity to resist the imposition of modish fantasies it seems reasonable to assume their research suffers the same lack.
You would think France has a sufficiency of insufferable idiots without needing to invite more in.
It should be illegal for that to be available* without serious age verification.
*And I can really stop the sentence there.
Is this a felony?
Climate hysteric proves the point.