And In Lingerie News
I was previously unfamiliar with the concept of bra euphoria:
Resulting, it seems, in hasty purchases and consequent discomfort. And so,
At which point, I should add that these bra-related dramas are from transgender Reddit, where passions run high, and agonies abound:
This latter detail is mentioned for the purposes of calibrating bra discomfort. I, for one, am learning things today.
Needless to say, a thread ensues, in which grumbles are aired regarding the need for repeated measurements, commission-based sales assistants, returns policies, underwiring, and the shortcomings of bra manufacturers, whose products are deemed wanting, on account of their generally being designed for the bodies of women.
Sadly, female sales assistants who find themselves helping strange men try on bras, repeatedly, did not participate in the discussion.
Update, via the comments:
I should also add that, in discussions of this kind, the term euphoria often has connotations of sexual arousal. Which raises the prospect of female sales assistants who find themselves helping strange men try on bras, repeatedly, while said men may be getting euphoric.
Not every sales assistant’s cup of tea, I should think.
Also, open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
They’re EXACTLY the same. /sarc
So it turns out that for millennia you ladies have been making a fuss about nothing?
[ Grabs breakables, flees. ]
I should add that, in discussions of this kind, the term euphoria often has sexual connotations. Which raises the prospect of female sales assistants who find themselves helping strange men try on bras, repeatedly, while said men may be getting aroused.
Not every sales assistant’s cup of tea, I should think.
‘Not every sales assistant’s cup of tea, I should think.’
Mrs Slocombe would have known how to deal with this…
[ Post updated. ]
Well, we are in the realm of saucy farce.
Unpossible, there are no differences between men and women.
Seriously, right? What do women know about bras?
Except for the “excruciating” pain of a bra that will take two days to recover from. I think, however, the whole thing is made up, and I’ll let the ladies comment on this, but I do know that there are various adjusters and extenders made.
There you have it, he knows he isn’t a woman, but needs other to tell him he is.
But once you have conceded to the lunatic claim that these men really are women, then how can you object to anything they do when indulging their delusions?
This is an obvious problem that many “smart, educated” people fail to see.
Best to never concede an inch to lunatics and fanatics.
[ Peers over spectacles, turns to studio audience. ]
It is, I’ve discovered, possible to direct one’s custom to, shall we say, specialist retailers.
And once again, my browser history is taking a hit.
And once again, my browser history is taking a hit.
Having made the mistake of clicking that link, I am glad someone invented VPNs…
As with so much of this kind of thing, it seems mostly to be performative bullshit.
How hard is it to go to M&S, grab a bunch of different bras and try them on? There’s a big range of sizes – they cater to everyone from the anorexic waif to the body-positive land-whale. If that doesn’t cover you, there are specialist brands. If the straps are too short, you can buy extensions, or replace the straps with longer ones yourself.
If you don’t like underwired bras, there are plenty of designs without them.
Also, why should a bra-fitter know how to fit a bra on a man? Of course, it’s apparently entirely the fitter’s fault. If the fit of the bra is so terrible at the fitting, maybe don’t buy the bra? A mind-blowing suggestion, I know.
As ever, the sense of victimhood and entitlement really annoys. As does the suggestion of masochism which I detect in so many of these cases.
The Frantics had a skit about this.
Does it involve a boot to the head? 🙂
And off in the distance I can vaguely hear the Benny Hill theme…
They are getting off on this. Autogynephilics – subset fetish males who’s ‘love of oneself as a woman and to be seen by others as women” is sexually arousing to them. Abhorrent as black face is. They are the drivers behind this move to sexualize the kids.
As I was drinking my coffee this morning, I had no idea that I’d soon be learning about bra extenders, or the scoop and swoop method.
Just sayin’.
There’s a distinct Jessica Yaniv vibe about the idea of a large chested bloke going to 3 different lingerie departments in order to annoy the ladies working there.
And if you don’t like being harassed then you are a hater who must be punished.
Suggested style change: Always include the
deadbirth name:JessicaJonathan Yaniv.…I had no idea that I’d soon be learning about bra extenders, or the scoop and swoop method…
Perhaps, but now there is another topic on which you can advise the henchlesbians when they come seeking your wisdom, and also, ahem, I do believe you are the one who brought this to our attention to start with.
I was once sweet and innocent. I think this blog may have led me astray.
I think this blog may have led me astray.
No refunds, credit note only.
This. The autogynephiles and the whole “euphoria” thing they are constantly posting about – they are getting off on bullying others, especially XX females (which they can never be) into affirming their fetish.
Do Brits say “led me stray” where Americans say “led me astray”?
No. It’s just that your host can’t type and chew gum at the same time.
[ Fixes mortifying typo. ]
[ Fixes mortifying typo. ]
The “to” was implied, I was just assuming you were channeling your inner Ovid again.
From The Washington Free Beacon:
”It [Th W.House Office of Science and Technology] issued a memo directing more than two dozen federal agencies to apply “Indigenous Knowledge” to “research, policies, and decision making.” The 42-page document encourages the agencies to speak with “spiritual leaders” and reject “methodological dogma” when crafting policy as a way to remedy injustices against Native peoples.”
Not much of an Empire of Reason.
Re formatting of tranny names, I favour Jonathan “Jessica” Yaniv, in much the same way that one might write Leonard “Spock” Nimoy. This clearly identifies to the casual reader who may never have come across the person in question that we are talking about a bloke playacting as a woman.
Just treat me like one of the girls. We girls always have trouble getting a bra that fits. Let’s have some cozy girltalk about that. Yes, I have an assigned-male-at-birth ribcage. The more awkward that makes things, the more it means that you have to do the work to accommodate me.
And whether I’m in the “just one of the girls” mode or the “you work for me” mode, if you tell me to buzz off me and my friends can make things quite disagreeable for you. Is there a word for intimacy that one party doesn’t entirely consent to? Is there a word for labor that the worker doesn’t entirely consent to?
From many, many years ago (definitely before 9/11), I remember a video on Youtube which was a group of men and a song about they had conquered their fear about wearing bras instead of shirts or something. I thought it was the Dead Alewives, but I tried searching for the video with them or the Frantics, and no dice either way.
It’s curious just how readily and often these grifting clowns can mention “Indigenous knowledge” – usually in pretentiously hushed and deferential tones – without ever mentioning what exactly that “knowledge” might be, or why it, whatever it is, would be useful to the doing of physics or astronomy or whatever:
It’s a phenomenon we’ve seen more than once.
It’s also curious just how often displays of progressive piety entail pretending things that are incoherent or obviously untrue, and then getting all pissy when other people notice this fact.
Not to worry, they will get another chance. He will be back, as soon as he begins to lactate. I believe there is a special bra for the nursing father.
Every time. Because specifics would make the people they’re trying to con laugh.
Well, yes. Quite. And once you’ve seen the pattern, it crops up an awful lot – the oddly missing information. And so, instead of having any informational content, which is actively avoided, the term becomes a kind of incantation to signal woke status and expectations of deference.
The mouthers of this claptrap are the kind of two-bit grifters who should be laughed out of every room they enter. And yet they’re busy insinuating themselves into more positions of status, where their presence can – at best – be a distraction, a drain on resources, and of course an insult.
“And once you’ve seen the pattern, it crops up an awful lot”
You mean as in:-
Solar power, lasers, AI and an automatic poison gun. The Felixer has it all – hopefully. Our new weapon against feral cats. May it be the harbinger for the total eradication of these feline abominations from all areas ravaged by their depradation.
I am not entirely sure “Indigenous Knowledges” [sic] is much worse than this utter nonsense.
Note that Wikipedia and other organs of disinformation have a policy of never giving a trans person’s original name. This is very helpful for criminals who want to hide their evil past from their next crop of victims.
Well, it may prove very profitable to Bill Gates and his friends.
Well, it may prove very profitable to Bill Gates and his friends.
True enough, but profitable does not negate idiotic.
I tend to work from the assumption that bad policies are due to a combination of idiocy, and corrupt profit-seeking, and depraved ideology.
People like Bill Gates need causes which allow them to pose as messianic saviors of humanity. And then there are people like Al Gore who use these causes to become very wealthy. (What an amazing grift: A system of laws and public policies which compel us to do things which enrich the Al Gores of the world.)
If it’s considered both praiseworthy and necessary to bury trees what does that say about the entire biomass industry, in particular shipping wood-chip 4,000 miles across the Atlantic in order to be burned at Drax where we are assured it plays “An essential role in the UK’s journey to net zero”
Perhaps the net zero in question will be what remains of our industrial base and ability to heat people houses when the wind don’t blow right?
Biomass and BECCS are essential in the UK’s journey to Net Zero
Bah. I have little to no sympathy for them. Women are overwhelmingly responsible for this idiocy being imposed upon them. Even those opposed to it barely make as much as a peep about it. It’s mostly men, not quite overwhelmingly but some men gotta do what women want, fighting back on this. The few women who do speak up get very little support from other women.
Feel free to suggest a morally fitting punishment.
Spray the lot with diesel fuel.
Feel free to suggest a morally fitting punishment.
“So should ambulances be allowed to drive through the ranks of “climate change activists”?”
Shouldn’t everyone?
And yet it is these same people, or types of people, that gleefully scoff at the Christian “Sky Fairy” and laugh at the people who believe in creation (according to Genesis) and for whom the Scopes Monkey Trial is an example of these backwoods god botherers run amok.
What ever happened to the famous atheist/secular humanist cry for Separation of Church and State?
The score seems to be Judeo-Christian God bad, Allah and Great Spirit(s) good; Genesis creation story bad, any Indigenous creation story, no matter how far-fetched, good. Theocracy is ok, as long as it’s not Christian theocracy.
A straightforward task for the Nac Mac Feegle.
Once again: How should we treat those who openly hate us and seek to destroy us and our societies? /rhetorical question
And yet they’re busy insinuating themselves into more positions of status
Despite the fact that not a single bit of human remains has been found on any residential school grounds that was not already accounted for, Canada is about to criminalize denying the “residential school genocide” on the same level as holocaust denial.
Prominent feminist Gloria Steinem renounced her 1977 criticism of transwomen.
1971 – Helen Reddy: “I am strong! I am invincible! I AM WOMAN!…hear me roar in numbers too big to ignore!”
2019 – Frozen: “And the fears that once controlled me / Can’t get to me at all! … No right, no wrong, no rules for me! I’m FREE!”
2023 – What is a woman?
At this rate we’re going to need two border walls.
Feel free to suggest a morally fitting punishment.
Fit cow catchers to the front of the ambulances and shove them aside, why worry about injuring them when they don’t give a crap about their reckless endangerment of whomever is in the ambulance or emergency to which it is responding. Arrest the lot and make them do the most menial and disgusting jobs in hospitals, oil fields, and coal mines.
Gooder, harder.
Band name.
Gooder Harder
Very satisfactory “THWACK!!!!’” Batman and Robin would have approved.
indigenous knowledge: I mentioned to some people this Presidential order and they said it was good to make up for past injustices. I pointed out that anthropology in the US and Canada is pretty much stymied because local tribes want to be consulted before anything is published, will not allow blood to be drawn on the living or even on bones. I pointed out how colleges in Australia are supposed to pretend aboriginies have been there forever, not 60,000 yrs. etc. They stuck to the “it is good for past injustice” as if there could be no downside, and just ignored the examples I gave. And yes, it was a white woman making these statements, why do you ask?
Complaining about “uninhibited violence”, but if it really were uninhibited it would be much worse. (Or would that be “better”?)
Once again: How should we treat those who openly hate us and seek to destroy us and our societies? /rhetorical question.
There is an old Hebrew saying that roughly translates to “When a man is coming to kill you in the morning, preempt him.”
I’m just going to leave this here for no reason whatsoever.
Sadly the “This is fine” meme of the dog sitting in a burning building is a much more likely scenario of the future of the western world.
Of course not. We (yeah, DNA and all that – back in the 90s, before the “whoops… no proof here”) have ways of knowing. Which I would be glad to demonstrate for/on those who insisit on blocking roadways n’ such.
Flints make for some nasty scars…
Gooder, harder.
Maybe it’s just me, but the gentleman asserting his right to use public roads doesn’t look terribly Aryan. Perhaps Merkel let a few sane ones in by mistake.
Pied in the face by “climate activist”.
It would be entertaining–and only fair–if people were to start searching out and assaulting these activists in humiliating ways. At dinner, at work, on dates, at parties, shopping, relaxing on the beach….
“doesn’t look terribly Aryan”
and doesn’t respect anything about his new land… that he is colonizing…
and doesn’t respect anything about his new land…
My comment may have been misunderstood. The gentleman assertively clearing the roadway for the good of all doesn’t look Aryan. More like him, please, if the natives won’t do it.