Friday Ephemera (756)
Incoming. || Please update your X-Files. || Feeling all girly. Previously. Related. || The Atom Men and the Highlanders, 1958. || So, anyone for cake? || Carpathia. || Sprinklers of note. || The thrill of British place-name pronunciation. And yes, by God, it will be on the test. || From 1977: Is punk rock a threat to British society? || Scenes of definite pregnancy. || Writing with powder. || Posh frock of yore. || Frozen for freshness. || Just checking what it is. || He’s wearing his dead baby dress, as one does. || Chess board of note. || The crocodilian phallus. || Not in fact a legend. || Rates of violent crime among Somali immigrants only “fifteen times higher than the among ethnic Norwegians.” || Fortifying beverage. || And finally, I’m not at all sure what this is, so answers on a postcard, please.
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A hero for our time?
Curb-side service.
Ladies and gentleman, Johnny Cash Patel.
Lee Marvin stories
Was expecting RMS.
“Help me.”
Okay, Gad, I’ll make a deal: Whichever one of us is the first to reach a net worth of 10 million subsidizes both our moves to a more balmy climate.
Why, oh why would two colleges warn students about an on-the-loose serial rapist but omit key details from the description? Truly a mystery. /sarcasm
Another Hunter S. Thompson biography?
Diversity is our strength.
Here’s the thing: if you were a girl all along, you’d have been observing and imitating girl behavior since before puberty. Because your inner girl would have been drawn to it all, and you’d have been absorbing it over the years. YOU WOULDN’T NEED LESSONS!
Until the cold air overpowers the warmth of the water, and now it’s a skating rink. Or Detroit.
It’s just one Christmas after another these days.
Numbers over size.
From the previous thread:
Ask and ye shall receive.
Powerful magnet?
But it’s not a fetish, right?
Morning, all.
Runaway retrieval. Or knight helps maiden.
[ Slurps coffee. ]
Surely every burly girl with big calves spends her weekends practising the Duchess Slant, and perfecting her ladylike posture with some sadomasochistic broom handle apparatus?
The honking worked.
And for those who missed it, from the previous thread:
It’s quite something when a study asserting one thing cites as evidence papers that suggest precisely the opposite of what is being asserted. As someone comments in reply, it’s interesting how this issue – migrants and crime – is one over which entire institutions will merrily set fire to any credibility they may once have had.
A detailed parsing of the various errors and sleights-of-hand can be found here.
One of the lesbian L.A. fire chiefs was murdered. Naturally, the media blamed MAGA rhetoric, but the only suspect is her wife, Yolanda Marodi.
Who in 2000 murdered her husband but served only 2 years of her sentence.
Yeah. Definitely MAGA rhetoric.
One of the commenters says:
Stereotypes are not without some basis.
The last 20 seconds made the rest of it worthwhile.
“The figures come after an order from the Progress Party’s parliamentary group, and are not figures Statistics Norway has wanted to publish on its own initiative.”
Looks like a funny channel.
I’m just saying . . .
They do have their moments.
Nice catch, madam.
Stoned stoner and a protest.
The thrill of multiculturalism.
I have questions.
Not sure so…test if these links to questions work…Regarding rhinos, I had to prompt Grok to remember a more recent and relevant reference.
Re The Legend from Margate…that’s a lot funnier if you watch it with the sound off and you’re from south Florida.
Thread locked. Video removed by moderators.
But of course. It was a Muhammadan gentleman expressing his outrage, and a spluttering disbelief, at European laws that prohibit wife-beating.
Ridley Scott’s Alien walkthrough, part five.
At 8 fifteen-minute parts, possibly longer than the film itself. But that’s nothing compared to the 200-page critical analysis of a 20-page short story that I once encountered.
[ Scraping, metallic iris noise. ]
Headlines we have known and loved.
To paraphrase Heinlein, “the blog dilated”.
Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus smiles.
Meanwhile, among the Germans. Formerly a civilisation of some note.
As Warren says, observe the glee.
Jeremiah 5:21
Note the acronym for his little group.
The institutional incomprehension hasn’t lessened with the passage of time. In fact, it’s spread.
60 Minutes seems on board.
A hero for our time?
Sanctuary for whom?
Obviously. The childhood vaccines work.
“We didn’t explain that COVID vaccines were nothing like childhood vaccines.”
Her “didn’t explain” is doing a lot of work.
I was curious when I found out it was a San Bernardino case … it was pled out of the Fontana Court (I was working at Rancho Cucamonga office) and looking at what is currently available online, she took a plea deal for voluntary manslaughter. She did spend all the time between arrest and sentencing in custody, so she was credited 595 days + 88 conduct. CA laws about ‘good time credits’ once in prison have been very lax for some time.
My liberal “friends” are not interested in that question, and are very offended.
Especially since he’s claimed publicly that Israel is worse than the Nazis. Definitely no hero.
If they’re not dead from indignation they’re not sufficiently offended.
Jeremy Clarkson discovers donkey rogering in Colombia.
But only with female donkeys because it would be weird with male donkeys.
So Thomas Nast was on target?
I feel in my very bones that I am a real bear.
“Do you hibernate?”
“Only with friends.”
@aelfheld Root Mean Square? What?
Royal Mail Ship.
Should we all start saying “Airstrip One” instead of “UK” in all our blog comments?
And use iCloud to save numerous blog posts which insult the UK government?
[ Disembarks at Heathrow. ]
“Welcome to England, Mister pst. We’d like to ask you some questions about your online activity.”
More fun with language.
“If at first you don’t secede, try, try again.” — Florence King
Fun with acronyms.
The people of Wisconsin voted for this pusillanimous woke soy boy.
Speaking of Wisconsin…
Classic Wisconsin newspaper headline
++?????++ Out of Cheese Error. Redo From Start.
That was…
I mean, words fail. Literally.
The next step will be taken out of the Soviet Psych Gulag playbook, wait and see.
At which point, comment seems unnecessary. But, well, imagine that copied tens of thousands of times.
It’s a familiar trajectory:
I paraphrase, but not wildly.
“Followed by Laurie Penny.”
[ Disembarks at Heathrow. ]
“Welcome to England, Mister pst. We’d like to ask you some questions about your online activity.”
No joke, I would think twice about visiting the UK as an outspoken American.
I notice that the border between Eire and Northern ireland is quite porous, that is, driving from one to another if you do not notice the old green guard shack, now abandoned, you’d never know you crossed an international border. If you then hop a ferry from Derry or Belfast, are there customs after you cross the Irish Sea. Asking for a friend . . .
Bookmark time
Our betters next line, unspoken, is actually something more like, “We are outlawing reality. Which is why we need even more power over you.” Our betters actually are insane. Conservatives keep reacting to the leftist power grabs as just that, and ends. It’s a projection by many (most?) on the right that the left wants power. But power isn’t the ends for the left, it’s just another means. They need the power to construct their insane world view. A world that will not and cannot ever exist in nature.
Heh. In 1999 I nearly walked right into Bristol. The airport had a little green shack with two guys in uniform just BSing with each other. I had to ask them if they wanted to see my passport. I had a coworker who traveled over there a few times more than I did. He said he just walked right through.
She fits right in, I’m sure.
Which he has also experienced. Pitching or catching?
It is said that in the South if you go to hell, you have to go through Hartsfield.
Recently I was asked why I was going to drive two days instead of just flying. Short answer, I would have to go through Hartsfield.
Elsewhere, a brief exposition on how math education can be improved.
Phrasing, man.
Japanese game shows
You mean it’s not just the Spirit Airlines gates that must be avoided?
Should be a series of six signs. Burma Shave.
OK, who does stuff like this? The math checks out…
based on a 1974 study by Carl Douglas.
Because what this chap needs is another chance. And possibly one after that.
Men who think they’re women reveal that it’s all just a bizarre fetish
Those are some big mice.
I hanker for noodles.
[ Fondles soy sauce. ]
As long as he identifies as disabled….
At some point, quite early on, one simply has to say, and say quite loudly, THERE IS MADNESS IN THE ROOM.
Pretending otherwise is a path to nowhere good.
Fell or pushed?
Sometimes I ask them, “Do you say these things out of insanity or malevolence?
Can there be any doubt that this is what the ruling class wants?
For David:
[ Thousands of UK government ministers book flights to Colombia. ]