Reheated (102)
For newcomers, some items from the archives:
The World Economic Forum’s Ida Auken wants to correct your primitive lifestyle.
You’re Reading The Comments, Right?
On Scientific American, where wokeness is ascendant. Logic, not so much.
Or to put it another, no less scientific, way – the risk of injury while playing a contact sport disproportionately affects those who actually play it.
The author of the piece, Tracie Canada, is a “socio-cultural anthropologist whose ethnographic research uses sport to theorize race, kinship and care, gender, and the performing body.” Ms Canada, an assistant professor at Duke University, should perhaps be thanked for reminding us that in order to propagate a woke premise, and thereby grift, one may have to avoid thinking about fairly obvious things.
“Removing barriers to learning,” the San Francisco way.
Yet here we are.
Akiea “Ki” Gross, who identifies as they/them, goes on to declare her “unwavering love and care and compassion for children.” Which would doubtless explain her indifference to whether those children can read or have mastered basic arithmetic. Instead, our loving and compassionate educator propagates racial animosity, by invoking the evils of “whiteness,” and rails against a small country in the Middle East, whose influence on the illiteracy of schoolchildren half a world away is, shall we say, somewhat unclear.
On supposedly racist traffic cameras and subsequent progressive contortions.
It seems we’re supposed to believe – emphatically and indignantly – that Mr Perry and Mr Olatunji Oboi Reed, our candidates for victimhood, are being induced to break the law and to drive in ways that are dangerous to others, including repeatedly running red lights, because of “fewer pedestrians and more vacant lots.” Cyclists and dog walkers are also invoked as possible factors, along with the claim that a black person may have to drive to the nearest grocery store, a feat rarely undertaken by people of pallor, obviously.
And all of this is presented as if the gentlemen’s behaviour, their choices, could only have external causes. Other variables apparently being unworthy of consideration. And so, Mr Reed, an “activist for racial equity,” expects city officials to “eliminate any racial… disparities in camera ticketing,” while avoiding any mention of behaviour and personal responsibility. “The root cause of traffic violence in our society that is disproportionately impacting Black and brown people is structural racism,” says he.
As a result, the default narrative, the woke conceit, is just a little odd. Namely, if black people are being injured or killed as a result of reckless driving, very often by other black people, this is “traffic violence” and “structural racism.” But attempts to enforce the law and reduce the number of such incidents are also “structural racism” and must therefore be done away with.
Consider this an open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
Progressives, every time.
Indulging the undeserving, to the point of perversity, is, among some, where the status points are. All that in-group elevation.
He needs to be hired as a spokesperson.
“The beautiful person you are.”
She’s screwing over her neighbours to get likes from other nutters.
That would seem to be the meat of it.
The idea that Ms Spargo-Ryan’s pretentious demand for leniency may actually hurt the numerous victims (and future victims) of the burglars – including her own neighbours – and is an affront to their expectations of justice, of fairness in the world – does not seem to trouble her. And as Darleen discovered, pointing out these realities is precisely the kind of thing that will get you blocked by our lofty Guardian contributor.
As I said in the post, this kind of ostentatious leniency can be taken as a sign that one doesn’t take the lives and wellbeing of the preyed-upon seriously. They, it seems, are as nothing compared to having oneself applauded as a Higher Being, gushing with forgiveness and moral sophistication. “A beautiful person,” indeed.
Because she cares so very much.
But only for those who repeatedly break into strangers’ homes in the middle of the night while armed with carving knives.
I mean, you say this stuff out loud and it sounds morally unhinged.
He needs to be hired as a spokesperson.
A veritable Cicero walks among us.
Meanwhile, something totally unexpected occurred.
Elsewhere, a man with an odd hobby is triggered.
It is unheard of for a woman to complain about a photo.
He knows his audience.
Hells, sotto voce it still sounds morally unhinged.
Hell, he needs to be in charge of the New York Times editorial page.
I’m annoyed just listening to her.
“Best for Britain.“
Aren’t there penalties for false advertising?
Spokesman: there was a video linked from here maybe last week of a black woman in Africa responding to the USAID cuts. She said the aid money goes to corruption (true) and such. hahaa not funny really but black humor(heh) funny
I was thinking Badenoch was OK, then I saw her with Andrew Gold, and she was Such A Politician. She had the affect of someone reciting talking points, not communicating genuinely held convictions.
She’s not stupid; she’s just a creature of that class.
She’s interviewed by Jordan Peterson here. Just found it and haven’t yet seen.
I haven’t seen it either. Dunno if I want to. Report back if you watch it.
If only the 6th Panzer Army had tried this, Stalingrad would have turned out very much differently.
Here or somewhere else a Ugandan politician said that it was good for African countries that USAID was ending. He put it in terms of “we should be able to stand on our own feet by now” but I suspect there was also some resentment that the money was being used by not-his-party. Relevant either way.
Also, 20 posts…dog pic.
As predictable as the sunrise.
“I speak under possibility of correction if it turns out they were actually agitating for the liberty of women forced to wear burqas or undergo genital mutilation or forced marriages. But somehow…somehow…I think they probably were not.“
“The time for politeness is over. You’re all insane”
Related: Educational disparities are caused by racism: Black kids neglect their homework, skip school, don’t pay attention in class, act up, and all this is caused by a mysterious “structural racism” the workings of which remain unspecified and undocumented.
Yes. Before the helicopters, we should at least try the speaking up thing. Less collateral damage.
Yesterday saw an interview with a black woman (US) where she was lamenting that you have to be a “different person” at work and that this is unjust. Funny, I don’t have to be a different person at work, because in my private life I am not a degenerate thug. Just sayin.
Although in a sense we all “are different persons at work” because there are many parts of our personal lives that just should not be discussed or put on display.
Civilized people understand that this is how you maintain a civil and peaceful public square. Savages don’t.
This is, to some extent, an inevitable consequence of multiculturalism: In a monoculture there will be fewer points of possible friction and thus fewer matters which must be kept private.
Some obscure blogger wrote about that.
“How to defend yourself against a knife attack”
or, as I like to put it, prepare yourself to BE stabbed.
“How to defend yourself against a knife attack”
Obligatory clip.
Not sure if anyone has linked to this Scottish insanity.
Jordan Peterson said that the biggest predictors for wokeness are low verbal IQ, being female, and having taken a grievance studies course. Here we have quite a few men in the mix, and I’m not registering high verbal IQ with them.
The rhetorical argument methods are pretty weak.
“What is something weird about conservatives?”
There is some truth to her complaint: white-culture norms tend to dominate in the workplace, meaning don’t be loud, don’t use certain language, you have to be on time, etc.
I am all white and stuff, and I’ve had quite a struggle with office norms, too, because I’m socially clueless. I have to get told to not say that or at least not that way. I don’t usually commit the same faux-pas twice, and yet there are so many possible ways to be inappropriate. Even while working remote.
It turns out that everyone has to be a different person at work, though for some people that difference is far away from their baseline.
Ya know what? That’s just how it is. If I moved to Nairobi or Osaka, I’d have to change quite a bit to conform to the norm.
An English chap speaking very sensibly, as becomes his heritage.
Speaking of Badenoch, I watched this shorter clip, and I like what I saw.
Stephanie, Farnsworth…
YMMV, but ghetto is ghetto regardless of his politics.
But it’s not just work. You have to be cognizant of the people and places around you all the time and adjust accordingly. You don’t behave at a formal wedding the way you would at a sports event or rave or funeral. It’s part of the human condition is that, while we are individuals and can/should “know ourselves”, we have to balance our ‘natural’ impulses in the private sphere with the expectations of others in the public one.
The hippie culture of the mid-60s thru 70s busted down the fencing in the name of “finding oneself”, being “authentic”, eschewing manners and conventions as “plastic”.
We’ve become a coarser society for it.
I’m beginning to think that maybe authenticity isn’t the highest good.
An inconvenient choice of sleeping quarters.
A veritable Cicero walks among us.
Having suffered through Cicero in Latin, (also having driven through it as it is also mostly Latin) I may have been a tad facetious…
They’re talking about actual refugees in this video. The gubmint agency finds ways to get them on SS disability, then issues them a U.S. PASSPORT.
All according to this arrangement that no one has heard of.
A related article.
Okay, this isn’t a new thing: let some tool do something for you, and eventually you can’t do that function without the tool. But this is about thinking and expressing your ideas.
Hello Mr. Kipling:
Don’t worry, the Ai will stop us from thinking terrible thoughts, and all will be well with the world.
Sometimes, modernity feels like one big transporter malfunction.
There’s also the pernicious yet fashionable assumption that if you or your parents migrate to a new country, a society deemed preferable to your place of origin, you’re somehow under no obligation to adapt to that society and its norms of behaviour. Instead, it seems, you should badmouth the locals in a contrived and shamelessly self-serving way, and demand special favours at the expense of those locals, whose society you’ve decided to take advantage of. As if their job were to adapt to you and whatever resentments and inadequacies you bring with you.
Which is, frankly, rude.
And which raises all kinds of questions as to one’s motives for moving there in the first place. And the value of one’s continued presence.
As I’ve said before,
Yet this is where we are.
It’s a subject we’ve touched on more than once.
See also, this simple yet rather symbolic illustration.
And again – one more time – this is where we are.