Friday Ephemera
Twist. (h/t, Holborn) || “Syrian paralysis cheese” and other translation errors. || Scenes from a small planet called Earth, specifically South Tyrol in the Alps. || Today’s word is precocious. Also, turn the bloody phone round. || Ambition. || Berlin, July, 1945. || Existential iPhone unboxing video. || Your self-driving Mercedes. || Morning glory. || Pretty moths. || Swatting flies is hard. || This. || That. || This too. (h/t, Franklin) || “Fuck your laws,” says she. (h/t, dicentra) || “On the third Friday of September, the small village of Binissalem shuts down to have dinner in the streets.” || Owl sneeze. || Kaleida. || Nigerian ladies’ hair, animated. (h/t, Coudal) || 1980s New York, a searchable photo-reference. || And finally, ladies with “manipulative cleavage” and other casting calls of note.
I quite agree with the comments. The hipster costuming is, redundantly, ghastly.
“turn the bloody phone round”
I don’t know why phone manufacturers don’t turn the damn lens 90 degrees. How many times do you actually want to take a photo in portrait orientation?
This too.
The chair moves to table the discussion.
And finally, zombie cheerleaders, ladies with “manipulative cleavage” and other casting calls of note.
Werewolf Paradise
Redneck lawn chairs:
Those hair animations are creepy.
Scenes from a small planet called Earth,
Your self-driving Mercedes.
That’s not the Mercedes I had in mind.
“Is the media complicit with all of this, or do they just suck at their jobs?”
As you say, both.
Via dicentra.
“Fuck your laws.”
I don’t think they’re sending their best.
I don’t think they’re sending their best.
Added that one to the main post.
“Fuck your laws.”
“How the f*ck do you know that I’m brown?” ⊙_ʘ
I don’t think they’re sending their best.
There’s a longer video of the altercation here. The last few seconds may amuse.
The young, um, lady in the video is Edith Macias, a student at the University of California, Riverside, where her brain is being enlarged with a course in Ethnic Studies. To recap, Ms Macias disdains the US as a terrible place to live, a place she “hates”; she disdains its laws, mocks the idea of property, feels entitled to theft and proudly uploads footage of the theft on Facebook with the hashtag #SnatchAHat to encourage others; she is openly and repeatedly racist; claims that words are “violence” and that hats cause “genocide”; and she’s mystified by how someone looking right at her could determine the colour of her skin.
So, a budding intellectual.
And remember, Ms Macias, steeped as she is in impervious morony, is the ideal end product of an Angry Studies degree.
The last few seconds may amuse.
They did. 🙂
They did. 🙂
You can practically see the predestined trajectory of it. She behaves in an arrogant and gratuitously antisocial way, steals someone’s property, threatens to burn it and insults the owner, while expecting to be seen as the victim, then causes a preposterous scene thereby wasting everyone’s time, makes a barely-veiled threat of physical violence, and when the campus police arrive she’s outraged. Presumably, the arrival of the police and the fact that she was eventually obliged to return the stolen property will be seized on as proof of her oppression in a “genocidal” wasteland of “white supremacy.”
The odds of Ms Macias reflecting on her own behaviour and assumptions, and how they result in the dramas of her life, seem vanishingly slim.
“Fuck your laws.”
1. Rants about imaginary genocide.
2. Says “we’ll have to get rid of y’all (white people)”.
The odds of Ms Macias reflecting on her own behaviour and assumptions, and how they result in the dramas of her life, seem vanishingly slim.
Sadly, she undoubtedly has already added this incident as a bullet point on her C.V.
“Fuck your laws.”
And then she goes on to tell him what his racial identity is and that he has to have the one she decides for him.
The idea that one person has the authority to control another’s identity is profoundly evil. And of course, these are the people who claim to be tolerant and loving.
“Fuck your laws.”
Ghetto trash gonna ghetto.
1. Rants about imaginary genocide.
2. Says “we’ll have to get rid of y’all (white people)”.
And then of course there’s the collective impotence of the staff, who listen to Ms Macias’ hysterical racial diatribe, indulging it, before eventually resorting to an effete pantomime of ‘let’s all talk about our feelings.’ As if elevating feelings, any feelings, to the status of proof weren’t a cause of, and enabling of, Ms Macias’ psychodrama.
“Fuck your laws,” says she
She probably doesn’t realise that it is only the decency of the man she stole from, and others like him, that is keeping her alive. In many societies, particularly historical ones, she would either have been beaten to a pulp, killed, or the man responsible with her forced to intervene and fight for his life to save hers. The way things are going, she might not have that guarantee much longer and historians will look back and think the last 50 years were an awfully quaint aberration.
And then of course there’s the collective impotence of the staff
Yes. One of the nice things (which did have a sometimes horrific flipside, mind) of living in less enlightened places such as Russia, Thailand, and Nigeria is you didn’t have to see any of this nonsense.

(N.B., Boston Antifa is an Antifa parody…)
The way things are going, she might not have that guarantee much longer
Ms Macias and those like her, and the so-called educators who actively encourage them and give them excuses to regurgitate, are, I think, exploiting the patience and restraint of the people they abuse. Perhaps they should bear in mind that patience and restraint can be exhausted, quite abruptly.
Perhaps they should bear in mind that patience and restraint can be exhausted, quite abruptly.
That, and the fact that the people she’s yelling at really are exceptions. Do you think the menfolk who make up what passes for her family would let her speak to them like that? I very much doubt it.
Meanwhile, in lighter news.
Via Obnoxio.
Perhaps they should bear in mind that patience and restraint can be exhausted, quite abruptly.
It would seem that those who wish to abolish all of the various social conventions which allow us to coexist relatively peacefully are no longer content to engage in a “Long March.” Of late, it appears they they are doubling and tripling down on their provocations, whether it’s Antifa beating random people who are judged for having the wrong hairstyle, the NFL deciding to become a political organization at the expense of its customer base’s sensibilities or any of hundreds of other slings and arrows. Are they really that imprisoned in their own Leftist bubble to think that this will end well for them?
Are they really that imprisoned in their own Leftist bubble to think that this will end well for them?
I blogged recently at my place regarding an American Muslim woman who went on Australian national TV and said:
Muslims make up 0.9% of the US population. That’s a rounding error. If I held such a minority status somewhere, I’m not sure I’d be on a national television saying the majority should be banned from speaking their minds. I think I’d be shutting the fuck up and praying the majority maintain their tolerance.
The last few seconds may amuse.
Gotta love the bit about how she has to deal with “microaggressions” daily but he’s “allowed” to wear the hat …
What a finely-trained Leftist seal, she is. Hand her another fish.
It’s perhaps worth bearing in mind that Angry Studies, where most of the seething and hysteria are concentrated, tends to attract students with the lowest SAT scores, many of whom are beneficiaries of racial favouritism in admissions and wouldn’t otherwise be considered ideal candidates for tertiary education. They also tend to be middle-class, rather than bright kids from poor backgrounds, not that this prevents them invoking racial victimhood, often and loudly, even while being cossetted to a degree that few of us will experience.
It occurs to me that a mentally ungifted person surrounded by much smarter people – people who will probably go on to be successful in their fields, fields that are more rigorous and statusful, and earn a lot more – may feel some resentment. Conveniently, Angry Studies offers endless excuses for such feelings, and indeed is premised on cultivating them, whether justified or not, and offers a pretext to indulge almost any resentment, however petty and vindictive, in the guise of ‘activism’.
@Tim Newman
These people, such as Amani Al-Khatahtbeh, live in a caricature of their own making. It is either a delusion upon which they maintain a death grip in order to preserve some semblance of lucidity or it’s a callous play for power. (My vote is the latter.)
In the meantime, there is the rest of us. In the last couple of weeks, my youngest’s high school soccer team has played opponents whose squads consist of mostly a) children of Bosnian immigrants and b) children of Mexican meat-packing workers. They were good games. Different styles of play, but very competitive. Multiple languages were spoken. Nachos were consumed.
Surprisingly, no one was screaming for deportations. No one was insulting each other. There was much commiserating among the parents about our state’s upcoming high school championships and our respective teams’ chances. In short, it was extraordinarily pleasant. And all this, in a state which went for Trump in November 2016.
I’d like to think that the professional agitators would not have a receptive audience among the fans that those games, but sadly those agitators seem to be consuming all the oxygen in the room of late.
Are they really that imprisoned in their own Leftist bubble to think that this will end well for them?
Their bubble is getting bigger, ours is getting smaller. Of course it won’t end well, true. But how much damage will be done before things turn around? What disturbed me about the video was why the guy didn’t just grab his hat back from the woman. It was HIS hat. Obviously wasn’t hers by the very nature of the argument. Judging from the angle of the video, I’m guessing the guy (assuming his gender) is bigger than her. Why is he afraid to take back his property which she, by act of force, had already taken from him? Why do the cops have to get involved at all? The whole thing is a crap fest of stupidity.
Why is he afraid to take back his property which she, by act of force, had already taken from him?
Because she’d claim assault, a mob would form demanding his lynching, and the spineless police and administrators would take her side because it’s the easier course of action. She knows he’d not dare touch her. Like I said, if she’d done this on the streets of Lagos she’d be lying on the floor with a broken jaw.
Because she’d claim assault, a mob would form demanding his lynching, and the spineless police and administrators would take her side because it’s the easier course of action.
She assaulted him by taking his hat. If they were still in whatever stupid “conference” they were in at the time she took it, I could understand the fear of the mob. But in the context of where the video was taken, those milquetoast administrators or whatever they were were incapable of doing anything. Especially once the situation had been explained to them. It’s the BS of who is winning, who is in control. It’s the BS of “all fighting is wrong”. It’s the BS that people do not have an inherent right to defend themselves and their personal property.
“Fuck your laws,” says she
Every day more people start thinking that it is a serious mistake to tolerate leftists.
Because she’d claim assault, a mob would form demanding his lynching, and the spineless police and administrators would take her side because it’s the easier course of action.
And because so many of them are on her side.
This illustrates why a society should be intolerant not only of militant leftists, but also of so-called peaceful ones.
“I fucking hate this country… and I am not leaving… We need to get rid of all ya’ll”
If a white student said this he’d be expelled.
If a white student said this he’d be expelled.
It does seem possible, certainly. And yet Ms Macias is the one accusing others of “privilege,” specifically “white privilege,” which seems grimly ironic, all things considered.
If another example is needed, it’s hard to imagine a white student with white supremacist tendencies and a long criminal history not being expelled after repeatedly spraying deranged racist graffiti all over campus property, causing thousands of dollars of damage, and after threatening to kill anyone who tried to intervene. It’s also unlikely that such behaviour, by a white student, would result in lecturers abandoning their classes to “stand in solidarity” with him, and while demanding that “mental health support services” be made available to all white students, who, as a result of his arrest, were supposedly suffering from “post-traumatic stress syndrome.”
And yet.
Apparently there is a proposed new variation when ordering cakes from bakeries.
In many societies, particularly historical ones
In many societies, particularly historical ones, this behaviour would have been corrected long before getting to this point.
This is an emotional child, throwing a temper tantrum because no one has ever given her a time out. Like such a child, she’s just pushing boundaries to see what she can get away with. What she needs is less coddling and a little more “Ma’am, if you don’t return this man’s hat immediately and apologize, we’re going to charge you with theft and common assault.”
“Apparently there is a proposed new variation when ordering cakes from bakeries.”
@Hal, I (admittedly perhaps alone in this) view people who provide google search links instead of the exact link that was being read when the author posted his/her/its thoughts as a defecation orifice.
I’m not going to click on your version of “let me google this for you” especially since google has an idea of the things for which I search versus the stuff for which you search.
If you have a point due to reading something, post the link to the something versus a search string that may or may not lead to the something.
Cry rooms and empathy tents? These people are fucked up beyond help.
I (admittedly perhaps alone in this)
The overall story is all throughout the result(s) . . . and thus the advantage is that one can indeed see for oneself what the current commentary is . . .
The overall story is all throughout the result(s) . . . and thus the advantage is that one can indeed see for oneself what the current commentary is . . .
No, that merely provides what Google deigns to tell one what Google believes one should see on the matter.
If you are what is considered to be “Conservative” in California, I’m not surprised to see you assert such a thing.
In what way, exactly, do you believe yourself to *be* conservative? That you’re in the center of some two extremes?
The odds of Ms Macias reflecting on her own behaviour and assumptions, and how they result in the dramas of her life, seem vanishingly slim.
It’s difficult to picture a modern university encouraging any thought along those lines. It would be a heresy, an affront to “social justice.” More to the point, it would undermine the premise of the Angry Studies racket, to which thousands of paying morons are attracted, and vast swathes of “diversity” bureaucracy, where other morons are employed.
But if you wanted to encourage disaffection and antisocial behaviour, and criminal behaviour, along with irresponsibility and a life of resentment and failure, a good way to go about it would be to exempt people from the normal consequences of that behaviour, repeatedly, as in the case of Mr Denzel McDonald, linked above, and to generally cultivate a childish sense of entitlement.
Sound familiar?