Elsewhere (278)
Grace Gottschling on what it takes to be a woke law professor:
A Yale University law professor encouraged people to “hide” illegal immigrants from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, but says he has “no qualms” about revealing the home addresses of ICE employees.
Apparently, the law professor in question, Dr Gregg Gonsalves, plans to aid and abet law-breakers in the name of “civil disobedience.” Note too that Dr Gonsalves doesn’t like his own public comments – one might call them boasts – being quoted verbatim by people he deems insufficiently sympathetic. To the extent that he wants Campus Reform, which reported on his views, classified as a “hate group.”
Heather Mac Donald on selective outrage:
In the first six months of 2018, more than 60 children under 15 have been shot in Chicago. In June alone, an 11-year-old boy was shot in the head; a 12-year-old girl was killed as she was carrying her baby cousin; and a 14-year-old boy was gunned down by a passing car. Black Lives Matter activists have nothing to say about this violence because it does not involve police officers. Officer-involved shootings are a minute fraction of Chicago’s ongoing carnage—in 2016, they made up 0.5 percent of all shootings in the city.
And Grace Carr on an unexpected development:
Zander Keig, a Coast Guard veteran, now works as a clinical social work case manager at San Diego’s Naval Medical Centre. She started transitioning in 2005. She told the Washington Post that she was encouraged to speak up loudly and often when she was a woman, but now that she looks like, and identifies as, a man, she gets accused of “mansplaining,” “taking up too much space” or “asserting my white male heterosexual privilege,” by outspoken feminists like her former self.
Truly, we live in an age of wonders.
As usual, feel free to share your own links and snippets, on any subject, in the comments.
Not a care in the world it seems…
“…she had not thought about what men might like, how they think or what they enjoy about life before transitioning.”
One would have thought that, that is exactly the sort of thing one should have considered before transitioning…
the law professor in question, Dr Gregg Gonsalves, plans to aid and abet law-breakers in the name of “civil disobedience.”
A law professor who thinks he’s above the law.
A law professor who thinks he’s above the law.
A law “professor” (apparently many academics in the US are known by the honorific “professor” even if they don’t hold a chair) at a supposedly prestigious university who has single-handedly decided that the rule of law does not apply to the “woke” and who is either (a) too stupid to realise the horrific implications of his position or (b) knows only too well but is so utterly arrogant that one can only assume that he has become morally insane.
I think the same problem is at the root of the BLM nonsense which means blacks are not to be held accountable in the same way as whites. The inevitable explanation is that this is because Da System is stacked against blacks somehow; it doesn’t seem to occur to those who hold this position that this is just as racist as any white supremacist dogma since it denies black people autonomy on the basis that they cannot properly function in a society somehow “dominated by white people”. Again, moral insanity ensues.
A law “professor”… has single-handedly decided that the rule of law does not apply to the “woke”
As so often, there’s an assumption of non-reciprocal behaviour.
A biological female who transitioned…There were 3,200 gender affirmation surgeries…
“Transitioned”, “gender affirmation” surgery; right. The relentless refusal to call things what they actually are is getting tiresome and only encourages more of the same. That someone this confused is working as a social worker (the necessity of which is questionable to start with) in an MTF is a separate issue.
Dr Gonsalves is an “assistant professor”. I think in UK terms, this translates to “Senior Lecturer”. Although, given grade inflation, it probably practically means “a more formal contract than a teaching assistant has.”
One would have thought that, that is exactly the sort of thing one should have considered before transitioning…
Especially since she has been a male all along.
it doesn’t seem to occur to those who hold this position that this is just as racist as any white supremacist dogma
– Oh come now! Everybody KNOWS blacks CAN’T be “rayciss” – only cis-patriarchal heteronormative older white men are that! SSDD; and yeah, it does get tedious…
– Oh come now!
Just to clarify- I meant by that the white ‘liberals” who buy into this bullshit. My fault for not making myself more clear.
As so often, there’s an assumption of non-reciprocal behaviour.
And an assumption he won’t get fired for it.
And an assumption he won’t get fired for it.
It’s another illustration of the psychological asymmetry of leftists and conservatives, in that people on the left, especially the far left, are much more likely to view law-breaking as acceptable, excusable, even titillating. Hence the ‘occupations’, the vandalism, mob harassment, traffic obstructions, etc. It can also earn them a kind of kudos among their peers, in a way that’s much less common among conservatives, who tend to regard law-breaking and anti-social behaviour quite differently.
And the kind of lefties we’re talking about very much count on this. It often spares them payback.
On the one hand, mob violence is fun. Shutting down traffic, breaking windows, lighting cars on fire, kicking some random wrongthinker’s teeth in, all the while singing songs and chanting with a bunch of like-minded zealots — what’s not to love?
On the other hand, mob violence is a marvelous exercise of raw power. We shut down traffic because it shows that we’re more powerful than the commuters in their Audis. We break windows to prove that the corporations who control those shops can’t control us. We set police cruisers alight as a show of resistance against the racist pigs who enforce the unjust laws that keep the corporations in power.
So it’s more than just the thrill of lawbreaking as a way of bumping your partying to the next level. It’s also the thrill of forcing your will upon the normals. Little wonder that this one-two punch should appeal to wokelings of a certain mindset.
The relentless refusal to call things what they actually are is getting tiresome and only encourages more of the same.
It’s an old problem:
A superior man, in regard to what he does not know, shows a cautious reserve. If names be not correct, language is not in accordance with the truth of things. If language be not in accordance with the truth of things, affairs cannot be carried on to success. When affairs cannot be carried on to success, proprieties and music do not flourish. When proprieties and music do not flourish, punishments will not be properly awarded. When punishments are not properly awarded, the people do not know how to move hand or foot. Therefore a superior man considers it necessary that the names he uses may be spoken appropriately, and also that what he speaks may be carried out appropriately. What the superior man requires is just that in his words there may be nothing incorrect.
— Confucius, Analects, Book XIII, Chapter 3, verses 4–7
I think that I’ve come to believe that BLM is a front for gangs.
Where they are successful in discouraging police activity gangs seem to do more uninterfered with business.
The relentless refusal to call things what they actually are is getting tiresome
Following the recent Scarlett Johansson saga, a former Guardian contributor was quite indignant that a female journalist had dared – briefly and politely – to acknowledge a distinction between the categories of ‘man’ and ‘trans man’. Apparently, to retain some discernment on this matter is proof of wickedness.
Why isn’t there race-transition surgery? I mean race is just as much a false socially imposed construct as gender and “assigned” at birth. Isn’t it?
Apparently, to retain some discernment on this matter is proof of wickedness.
Indeed. “Debunking” trans women are not women.
“And therefore incorrect”, according to this N=1, and no we can’t just look at someone and know their chromosomes, but give me a microscope and some cells and I can, and $99 will get you a dandy DNA test in your own home.
Here we are back at “It is up to you 99.0% to fall in line with we 0.1% confused.“
Here we are back at “It is up to you 99.0% to fall in line with we 0.1% confused.”
“My penis is female”
*backs away slowly*
“My penis is female”
Thing is, I’m generally willing to go with the categories of trans man and trans woman as things that exist in the world. And if a trans person were sufficiently lucky or industrious to pass as their preferred sex, I doubt the matter would come up at all. But there’s something disagreeably surreal about being confronted with an obvious mismatch, a dissonance, a category error, and being expected, not just to be civil, but to pretend – and pretend to oneself – that the mismatch isn’t there.
That someone this confused is working as a social worker (the necessity of which is questionable to start with) in an MTF is a separate issue.
The school I attended in the late 70s had a large social work program. My program shared the same general elective classes with the social work students. They weren’t hard to spot. They sported the piercings, tattoos, mohawks, fauxhawks, leather, neon hair, etc so popular with the punks and new-wavers of the time. The general consensus in my program was these people were trying to learn how to help themselves normalize their social dysfunction. Today they are the most senior people in their fields and they write the policy.
being expected, not just to be civil, but to pretend – and pretend to oneself – that the mismatch isn’t there.
Ever relevant:
― Theodore Dalrymple
“To the extent that he wants Campus Reform, which reported on his views, classified as a ‘hate group.’”
Because he hates it, presumably.
I assume Professor Gonsalves took and passed a bar exam at some point in the distant past. I think it’s fair to say that licensing authorities–normally the state supreme court–take a dim view of lawyers who deliberately break the law. In point of fact, every year I have to reaffirm my obligation to “protect, preserve, & defend” the constitution and laws of the U.S. and my state.
BLM and other wedge tool groups that gained notoriety during the run up to the 2016 election are no longer relevant, they did not get the desired outcomes.
For this election, it is all about “democratic socialism” and it’s variants.
I checked out Gonsalves Twit page.
This account’s Tweets are protected.
Only confirmed followers have access to @gregggonsalves’s Tweets and complete profile. Click the “Follow” button to send a follow request.
Yes, please do fester in your own small pond.
@ R.Sherman: …every year I have to reaffirm my obligation…
Is that to maintain membership at the bar, or for some other reason, such as nature of employment or employer?
Incidentally, does anyone else find Gonsalves’ professional background to be a bit of an odd fit: epidemiology and law?
Thing is, I’m generally willing to go with the categories of trans man and trans woman as things that exist in the world.
Yes, there is a very small number of people, for example, true hermaphrodites, persons born with ambiguous genitalia or other chromosomal anomalies that would fit into those categories, and that is nature. However, what I think we are contending with now is nurture, fairly obviously among the seemingly endless parade of kids being touted as “trans” whatever, but also among the adults some of whom I think are just being trendy/hip/edgy, and some of whom have mental issues and are encouraged to continue to pretend by the SJW classes. the media, and so on. A classic example of the latter (or both, maybe) is Bruce Jenner, who is as feminine as a steam engine locomotive, and has a 20 something girlfriend.
Right. Guy thinks he is a woman so he can be a lesbian, but, as you say, we all are supposed not only to pretend it is real and makes sense, but also to advance the general philosophy.
Incidentally, does anyone else find Gonsalves’ professional background to be a bit of an odd fit: epidemiology and law?
Normally yes, as his bio only indicates a PhD in Public Health, and not a law degree as well. Schools of Public Health, now that real diseases are largely under control, are hotbeds of leftist buffonery unless there is a subprogram like Tulane’s School of Tropical Medicine. From his bio here is the link between the two:
As I said, leftist buffonery that has bugger all actually to do with real health issues like malaria in Uganda, and he has been at this a whole year – yeah, OK, a real expert.
Dcardno: it fits in fairly straightforwardly given his main focus is HIV activism.
Also, it avoids having a real job. Or rather, since I imagine he actually works quite hard, having to do anything boring or for any length of time.
The old intelligentsia studied a subject for 30 years until they knew it inside out. The new Left ones mix a bit of activism with their “intersectional” interests in a hybrid of whatever takes their fancy.
Or rather, since I imagine he actually works quite hard…
A scene from the Global Health Justice Partnership…
…the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate.
I’m just gonna go ahead and add this to the window-breaking, arson, and general fuckwittery I referenced earlier. It’s all just different flavo(u)rs of Humpty Dumpty’s “which is to be master” argument.
Chester / Farnsworth: Thanks – I didn’t read his bio; I just noticed that the “Campus Reform” article identified those two areas of activity. Yes Public Health these days seems to have little to do with the public, or with health.
A law “professor” (apparently many academics in the US are known by the honorific “professor” even if they don’t hold a chair) at a supposedly prestigious university who has single-handedly decided that the rule of law does not apply to the “woke” and who is either (a) too stupid to realise the horrific implications of his position or (b) knows only too well but is so utterly arrogant that one can only assume that he has become morally insane.
One thing I’ve always been puzzled by is why so many people who claim to believe that the authorities are institutionally biased against them also use every opportunity to try and get these authorities to lay down what is and isn’t appropriate speech/behaviour. If I thought that the authorities were biased against me and mine, I’d want them to generally do as little speech-regulation as possible, as any regulations they did pass would probably not be to my benefit.
It’s a condition of maintaining my license to practice law in my state. I took the original oath before my state’s Supreme Court after I passed the bar exam back in the Paleolithic and have reaffirmed that oath every year since when I pay my annual dues.
Noah more racism
The relentless refusal to call things what they actually are is getting tiresome and only encourages more of the same.
That was pretty much the theme of Rumpelstiltskin, back in the bad old days when such a lesson was absorbed in childhood, as opposed to today where overgrown children deny it into their dotage.
The rules for proper wokeness are so ephemeral and volatile that I do not know how progressives keep current. Views and terminology that generated applause last week produce angry mobs of pitchfork-waiving activists this week, as they strip the transgressor of careers and reputations. Apologies seemingly only fuel the rage.
Perhaps the answer is that progressives don’t keep current. Every day, left-leaning schmucks have their hearts torn out as a sacrifice to the gods of political correctness, their expressions frozen in permanent bewilderment.
Every day, left-leaning schmucks have their hearts torn out as a sacrifice to the gods of political correctness, their expressions frozen in permanent bewilderment.
What better way to control the proles than with “rules,” which are in reality simply arbitrary and capricious whims. The purpose is not shape behavior but to generate fear mindless obedience, and groveling submission?
The general consensus in my program was these people were trying to learn how to help themselves normalize their social dysfunction.
The vast majority of people I know who are in some kind of social work are there because in their minds, they have beaten their own substance abuse/bipolar/depression/schizophrenia/etc issues, and now want to help others.
It reminds me a bit of the criticisms of AA, that if you have problems with alcohol spending all of your time around other alcoholics probably isn’t a good long-term strategy.
Sound familiar?
Im reply to nunya bidness; South Park season 9 episode one ‘Mr. Garrison’s Fancy New Vagina’ the term dolphinoplasty is introduced.
but to pretend – and pretend to oneself – that the mismatch isn’t there.
Not only that, but to be forced to celebrate it.
Is a toilet an appliance? If so, I have a mid-sized appliance report. The flush chain just broke.
It’s 2130 here. I believe there is an evil cabal among toilets whose raison d’ etre is to make sure they break at the most inconvenient time. Dad left a repair kit but we can’t find it. (Mom was senile during her last years so he tended to store stuff in odd places to keep her from finding them and maybe hurting herself or causing expensive damage to something.)
I suppose our toilet will be severely disciplined by the cabal for merely yanking its own chain after the hardware store has closed. A real pro would have clogged up during a January blizzard when the plumbers are 3 days behind because everyone’s pipes are frozen.
““It is up to you 99.0% to fall in line with we 0.1% confused.”
At least that recognises that there is a 0.9% who are just “eff off and die, you weirdos!”
Why isn’t there race-transition surgery?
Martina Big.
Martina Big
I’m not sure how to process that.
Martina Big – she has the biggest breast implants in Europe
In that case, shouldn’t her name actually be Martitsa Big?
shouldn’t her name actually be…
[ Henchlesbians loom menacingly then drag Captain Nemo’s table closer to the gents. ]
Henchlesbians loom menacingly then drag Captain Nemo’s table closer to the gents.
Worth it.
You’ll need this.
I’m not sure how to process that.
It’s just a matter of being up front and keeping abreast of things.
You’ll need this.

It’s nice you’re trying to make the place more upscale, specifically . . .
Please urinate with precision and elegance.
There will be a test later. I’ve made score cards and everything.
We’ll start with the ladies. From a distance of two metres.
From a distance of two metres.
Is that measured vertically or horizontally?
Is that measured vertically or horizontally?
You’ve given this more thought than I’d anticipated.
You’ve given this more thought than I’d anticipated.
The sign only mentions “precision.” Will there be points for accuracy as well?
Asking for a friend.
“…she had not thought about what men might like, how they think or what they enjoy about life before transitioning.”
I’ve been getting the impression from various news items that few of these people think about that, or have more than a stereotyped view of the sex they identify as. Hence the many men “transitioning to women” who behave not like real women but like stereotypes or even caricatures of women.
In that case, shouldn’t her name actually be Martitsa Big?
How about Gargantua?
That was pretty much the theme of Rumpelstiltskin
Also “The Master Who Gave Strange Names to Things in His House”.
You’ll need this.
The classic I read somewhere—and I may have seen in place—
Regarding Kevin’s earlier mention of South Park dolphinoplasty, there’s also the much earlier excellent Monty Python sketch involving “elephantoplasty”. The latter probably inspired the former!
Women can pee further than men.
Provided the rules are “no hands”. They bend over and fire “backwards”.
I have a book on it. With pictures.
I can discuss precision and accuracy too, if you like.
dolphinoplasty, elephantoplasty, child’s play…If I don’t see a real, living, voluntary human centipede before I depart this earthly plane why I’ll….I’ll…come back and haunt you all is what I’ll do, yes I will. Now off with you and be lively…or deadly…whatever works.
I have a book on it. With pictures.
I’m told there are websites for people like you.
The sign only mentions “precision.” Will there be points for accuracy as well?
The sign also mentions “elegance”, and missing the target would be gauche, so points for accuracy are a given…are givens?…points is a given?…
Someone help me out here!
I’m told there are websites for people like you.
And they are soooooo much better than the books! Help you keep up with your German grammar too….
Perhaps a change of subject…
Re: Trevor Noah; I have seen bits of his stand-up act and it is basically ‘Irish’ jokes about other Africans.
“I doubt the matter would come up at all.”
The thing I don’t get about trans people is that they are trans in only one dimension. They either want to be men, or women. No one transitions to genderqueer or nonbinary or any of the other 50 odd “genders” that apparently exist.
Makes you wonder whether there is something fundamental about male and female. I’ll step back now and let the adjunct professors of critical gender theory rip me a new one.
Hal, We don’t swim in your toilet, so please don’t pee in our pool!
Hal, We don’t swim in your toilet, so please don’t pee in our pool!
. . . Gesundheit???
At any rate, if you’re explaining that you have trouble aiming, then yes, bar owners do have such reminder signs for you, that is indeed what such signs are for.
Hal, We don’t swim in your toilet, so please don’t pee in our pool!
Given he is from the San Fransisco area that would be the least of your worries.
Today’s words are “senior editor.”
Today’s words are “senior editor.”
I’m agog.
I’m agog.
And so an ideology devised and implemented by appalling people, sadistic fantasists, and premised on coercion, suppression and totalitarian control, and which predictably results in degradation, starvation and disaster – human misery on a boggling scale – is somehow inherently fluffy and benign. And more than that, it’s cool, something to boast about.
If only we’d trust her judgement.
Thank goodness those ultra-woke anti-ICE protestors are not at all racist.
Luxury communism now!
Strange, those appear to be words in the English language. I recognise them all and am pretty sure I know their definitions, but they seem to be an an order which makes no sense.
A representative of Abolish ICE PDX, an occupier group led in part by people of color, declined to comment …one African American officer reported to an administrator that protesters “began yelling racial slurs” at him, including the N-word. The officer said he was also called a “blood traitor” and an Uncle Tom…
N-words are allowed to call other N-words N-word. It’s not a racial slur in that context, it’s an appeal to solidarity within a racial group for whom group activism is permitted.
The appeal to group interest is mistaken in this case. It hasn’t been in the interest of black Americans, with deeper roots and a more valid moral claim on the country than most ethnic groups, to have had to compete for jobs, housing, and victim status with tens of millions of low skilled post-1965 immigrants.
Another officer, who is a woman of Hispanic and Native American descent, said she was called derogatory terms for Hispanic people and told she is “a weak female” and a “traitor.”
Another appeal to solidarity – her loyalty should be to her people, and it’s not in the interest of her people for the United States to favor its own citizens, enforce its own laws, and protect its own borders.
A white woman who accepts moral guidance from her family and community traditions is definitely a weak female – it’s Handmaid’s Tale stuff. A brown woman who fails to accept moral guidance from her family and community is also a weak female, not an empowered career woman demonstrating independence from her traditionalist and patriarchal origins – forget it Jake, it’s Intersectionalitytown.
Strange, those appear to be words in the English language. I recognise them all and am pretty sure I know their definitions, but they seem to be an an order which makes no sense.
Speaking of which…
We don’t hate, so let us all demonstrate against the guys protesting against the guys who like to throw gays from buildings ?
Being able to cancel other people’s classes and override their priorities, in the name of leftist posturing, apparently doesn’t count as either power or privilege.
I see Alaska Southeast has previously hosted a symposium on Confederate monuments, which is curious, to say the least, inasmuch as Alaska was part of the Russian Empire for most of the Civil War. I was unaware of any monuments to “The Lost Cause” sullying the precincts of Juneau.
As far as “luxury communism” goes, to be fair, many practitioners of the Marxist arts have done quite well for themselves, materially speaking.
…many practitioners of the Marxist arts have done quite well for themselves, materially speaking.
I assume you mean the parasites in Western nations. The ones in actual Communist countries do well only if they’re at the top of the heap, and only for as long as they can forecast which faction is next up against the wall.
Wouldn’t it be neat if one of the real university programs forced everybody on campus to spend a day discussing their topic of study? One imagines the Astrophysics department lecturing everyone on adaptive optics for telescopes, and the chemistry of Main Sequence stars. Or perhaps the Business and Finance programs sitting everybody down for a day-long discussion of how long it will take to pay off their student loans, given various income scenarios.
It’s disappointing that the real students haven’t smashed up the University President’s office to teach him a lesson about wasting everybody’s time just to stroke the egos of a handful of noisy Angry Studies staff.
Lauren Southern enjoys a reasoned debate.
Lauren Southern enjoys a reasoned debate.
Again, it isn’t politics. It’s pathology.
Being called a snowflake adversely affects mental health according to
young peoplesnowflakes.‘Morning, all . . .
Hal, We don’t swim in your toilet, so please don’t pee in our pool!
Given he is from the San Fransisco area that would be the least of your worries.
Well, that does underline your having a weak poker hand against, rather often, four aces, doesn’t it.
You had to go digging all the way back to twenty sixteen for that???—I take it you haven’t seen any calendars recently.
—By the way, there’s a guy named Trump who you’ll read about when you finally start reading more recent news, along with other more current details and happenings.
And San Fransisco area??? “San Francisco area” is a good chunk of the Bay Area, where that report very clearly states that A) it’s just SF, and B) the main problem area is as noted.
The actual and actually up to date stories that you wanted to cite are easily found. Or mebbe you didn’t want to cite, for as David keeps pointing out, lefties project and you wanted to join in.
Being called a snowflake adversely affects mental health . . .
Errr, no.
It’s not “young people”, snowflakes are hipsters of any age.
Hipsters were being called preppies back in the Nineteen Empties, and merely got older instead of aging, so any more recent recruits are merely more of the same . . .
Tactical observation.
Useful for dealing with right wing or left.
Or putting ’em against each other and cheerfully watching from between both.
It’s not “young people”, snowflakes are hipsters of any age.
Trust us, Hal — we understand exactly what you’re saying.
The ones in actual Communist countries do well only if they’re at the top of the heap…
That was my (inartfully expressed) point. The Castros, Maduros, Kims & Stalins of the world tend to do quite well. And my guess would be than all of the useful idiots clamoring for a Marxist utopia see themselves as Napoleon and not Boxer in their fantasies.
Being called a snowflake adversely affects mental health according to
young peoplesnowflakes.“Rumpelsnowflake!”
The ones in actual Communist countries do well only if they’re at the top of the heap…
That was my (inartfully expressed) point. The Castros, Maduros, Kims & Stalins . . . .
Viktor Suvorov, Inside The Aquarium
What, from that revolting Twitter handle, is a THFC?
Google gives me Spurs (and I doubt s/h/it is a fan). Even acronym finder isn’t any much more helpful: http://acronymsandslang.com/THFC-meaning.html
What, from that revolting Twitter handle, is a THFC?
‘k, Googlemancy out of curiosity it is . . .
Google gives me Spurs
literature bore. anarcho-fabulous. muslim. thfc. tottenham
College Activists: Searching For Truth Makes You A Racist
Perhaps they were bumping up against some unpleasant truths.