Come, let us browse transgender Reddit, where all is not well, and the natives are restless. You may want to bring sandwiches and a flask of something:

Trans men are getting their posts deleted for saying “guys.” It’s insane.

It’s a special moment. An entirely new complication has been detected. A new source of umbrage. For some, it must be like striking oil:

The r/phallo subreddit has devolved into chaos recently because of their new rule against “unnecessarily gendered language” and some post getting taken down for saying “hey guys.”

A post was written by a nonbinary person talking about how cis women who want phallo (not even going to get into that) and other nonbinary people should be welcomed into a subreddit about creating a penis for transmasc individuals and trans men.

I know. Don’t worry, it will get more complicated.

I looked into the moderation and found out one of the main mods of this ftm-centred, or at least AFAB-centred subreddit, is a trans woman.

Which – lest we lose track – is a gentleman who wishes to be perceived as a woman. Moderating a forum for women who wish to be perceived as men, and who wish to discuss getting a fake penis attached to their persons without some man sticking his oar in. Even if the man in question wishes to be perceived as a woman.

And so, inevitably,

What business does a trans woman have moderating and making decisions about an ftm space? Do trans men literally get nothing lmao? I don’t see trans men moderating and sticking their noses into trans women’s business and subreddits, so why do we get the same treatment?

Readers are invited to devise a diagram or flowchart, some way to track keep of things. Though the above could, I think, be summarised as, “Women should be allowed to have female-only spaces.” Even if those women want to be perceived as men. And yes, today’s word is irony.


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