Zero Chill
My son needed masks that wouldn’t make him lose his shit when his favourite isn’t clean,
Yes, we’re once again visiting the pages of Scary Mommy, home of progressive parenting and assorted “empowerment.” But don’t worry, the stroppy son in question, the one losing his shit, is a juvenile, a tween, not a grown adult. Unlike his mother, Amber Leventry, who shares with us an account of a shopping expedition. It is, needless to say, a tale of sorrow and trauma:
We loaded ourselves into the van, and while getting out at our first stop, we heard horns honking and engines revving. We looked around to see if there was an old-fashioned car rally that happens in our town once in a while.
Brace yourselves, dear readers.
This was a different car rally but with people with very old-fashioned ideas about what makes America great.
You may wish to grip your chair arms as the world spirals out of control.
My queer family was witnessing a Trump parade, and would end up being stuck in the middle of it while running our errands.
Woke hell is real, people.
“Idiots,” I muttered, and became instantly angry at the pride and self-righteousness with which Trump supporters carry themselves—so much so that they organise themselves to drive through towns to wave their giant Trump flags, honk their horns, and hang out of windows to cheer for a man who breeds and encourages bigotry and violence.
Quite why supporting the current President of the United States necessarily entails being “old-fashioned” is not deemed worthy of elaboration. Nor is it clear how said incumbent “breeds and encourages bigotry and violence.” No clues are volunteered. These things simply are, apparently.
It was shocking how similar all of the people looked: white, middle-aged and older, and seemingly male.
No bigotry there, thank goodness. What with them all looking so similar and being so terribly male. Well, not quite all:
There were some women riding shotgun and a few kids were shouting out of backseat windows, but there was no sign of diversity or compassion in the people who occupied the SUVs and trucks.
How Ms Leventry fathomed this lack of compassion, among people who basically all look the same, is, again, unclear. I suspect this is one of those articles in which much must be taken on trust.
My kids heard me and looked around to see why I was so disgusted. They quickly interpreted the scene and were enraged too.
It occurs to me that for children to be quickly “enraged” by the mere proximity of Trump supporters, by the fact that they exist within one’s field of vision, is not generally a default phenomenon. It seems more like the kind of reaction that would require some cultivation – some, shall we say, prompting. Say, by parents who disdain other people for being too white and male, a condition that apparently denotes a lack of compassion, if not innate wickedness.
All three of my kids started talking at once. What the heck? Ugh! I hate Trump. Why do people like him? Trump’s an idiot! He makes me want to punch someone. That last one came from my nine-year-old,
It turns out that the world of woke parenting is one in which nine-year-olds are not only naturally fascinated by politics but are also animated by the thought of doing violence to people who may dare to differ in their voting preferences. Utopia must surely follow.
and while I told her I agree, I made a point to say that violence shouldn’t be our first and only reaction to people and subjects we don’t like. We are better than that, I told her.
Do keep that one in mind.
We, the reader, are told things too:
I know my kids don’t support Trump,
We are, you’ll recall, talking about children aged seven, nine and twelve.
but their primal instinct to feel threatened and angry surprised me.
I have to say, I’m not entirely convinced. It seems to me that Mommy’s fingerprints are all over this one.
Their lack of respect runs deeper than taking on my open opinions about this current administration.
As I was saying.
Suddenly I fully understood the impact of Trump on their young lives when my oldest said, “It makes me sad that so many people think like him.”
At which point, cynical readers may wonder whether any “impact… on their young lives,” any political sadness, has more to do with Mommy and her fixations.
My kids are very aware they are part of a LGBTQIA+ family, and they have zero chill for anyone who would vote against queer rights. I am transgender and so is one of my kids.
Ooh, curve ball.
My kids pointed out that we have yet to see a Trump flag next to a rainbow or trans flag. We have never seen a Black Lives Matter sign in the yard of a Trump supporter either.
As seven-year-olds do, of course. And note the assumption that during the run-up to an election, candidate yard signs must now be accompanied by equally conspicuous signs for every other conceivable cause. On grounds that failure to comply will promptly be taken as hostility to said causes, whatever they may be, and regardless of particulars. This, despite a passing admission that the few Trump supporters known personally by Ms Leventry have, and I quote, “always been kind to us.”
As we ran errands, the parade of Trumpers… even stopped at one of the stores where we were. “That’s one of the Trump people,” my daughter hissed. “I’m glad we don’t have any of them in our neighborhood.”
Again, readers may wonder whether Mommy Dearest’s influence has been entirely benign. Such that seven-year-olds and nine-year-olds are encouraged to feel “angry and sad” that people may have differing priorities and may even vote accordingly.
As we made our way to our final stop, there were a few Trump cars to our right and two directly behind us. My kids asked if they could put down the windows to yell at them.
That’s angry, sad, and hostile.
I had a moment of fear and told them no. Then we heard a woman screaming from our left. “FUCK DONALD TRUMP! FUCK TRUMP!” The Trumpers honked and waved at her and I felt guilty for not supporting her somehow.
Note the rather complicated tangle of ideas. Having admitted that actual neighbours who happen to be Trump supporters have invariably been kind and not particularly phased by an “LGBTQIA+ family,” Ms Leventry regrets not allowing her children to shout insults at other Trump supporters, who may also be just as neighbourly, and who, we’re told, responded to insults with waves and honking. And none of whom, it seems, saw fit to scream profanities in front of small children.
Our minivan was filled with passion and a very clear sense of what is right.
Because articles of this kind must always be punctuated with self-flattery.
I don’t want to brainwash my kids into believing anything and will always encourage them to make decisions on their own.
And bare-faced lies.
In that moment, I knew I am raising activists
For instance.
We turned into the store parking lot and the Trump parade carried on in another direction. With the flags out of sight, my kids asked if they could call Trump the F word. I didn’t say no.
One more time:
We are better than that, I told her.
But not, it seems, by much.
Via Lady Cutekitten.
It’s astounding that she could put all that to paper without any realization of how bad it makes her look and how good it makes Trump supporters look. This is beyond NPC behaviour.
Mal, ‘realisation’ is, I suspect, a total stranger to narcissism-ridden people like this one.
If anyone has trouble with comments not appearing, email me, top left, and I’ll rattle the spam filter.
I don’t want to brainwash my kids
Actual LOL
“It was shocking how similar all of the people looked: white, middle-aged and older, and seemingly male.”
We always say more than we intend.
This woman is saying that it’s okay to work up a hatred for people based in part for being white, middle-aged, and male. The immediate corollary to that is that it’s okay to hate people for their race, age, and gender.
We always say more than we intend.
As Lionel Shriver noted, “Progressives seem especially prone to disguise one feeling as another.” And not always very well.
We all know that ‘The Great Replacement’ is a neo-nazi conspiracy theory right?
It seems as though those evil types might be on to Something
The Left: ” White people aren’t being replaced you bigot!”
Also the left:” White people are being replaced and they deserve it you bigot!”
via Steve Sailer
More deep, and not at all sinister, thoughts™ of the Left
Under Biden\Harris administration she and her kids will qualify for the Congressional Medal of Honour for their heroic resistance to the dark forces of oppression.
That’s one of the Trump people,” my daughter hissed
One would presume that hissing consists exclusively of sibilants. How the spawn could pronounce the ‘T’ is a mystery.
‘…my daughter hissed.”
Do I spy with my little eye a possible gender assignment?
Woke hell is real, people.
Also incurable.
My Ben is seven, but has always had the gentle soul of a wise old man…He was still wearing his mask in the van because kids fucking get it and know masks save lives..’
Well, I’m not sure about the whole “masks save lives” thing. It’s a very diverse data set. Some places with high mask usage are indeed very low on the COVID case count, others not so much. There are probably other factors at play here. Generally, I will take off the mask when I enter my car or my home – the masks are really not that comfortable.
I suppose the author will try to tick off as many virtue signaling boxes as possible (is there a hard editorial limit for these things?). Edgy kids…check, Full spectrum LGBTQIA+ family…check, Trump bad…check, Feeling unsafe…check.
Because the rainbow flag is generally flown by leftists. And BLM is for Marxist revolutionaries.
We are better than
thatthem, I told her.FTFY
You can’t fix TDS.
Under Biden\Harris administration she and her kids will qualify for the Congressional Medal of Honour for their heroic resistance to the dark forces of oppression.
You really shouldn’t joke about these things. You could conjure them into existence. Ask me how I know…
Suddenly I fully understood the impact of Trump on their young lives
Lefties project.
“My queer family”
I appreciate you sharing these things because they are fascinating. Of course, if this woman’s kids are like mine, by the time they are young adults they will repudiate everything she believes so there may still be hope.
Lefties project.
Big time.
Ask me how I know…
What, we have you to thank for the USNS Harvey Milk?
Reminds me of this family in Oregon;
Pot, meet kettle. Kettle, pot.
What, we have you to thank for the USNS Harvey Milk?
Sadly, no. It’s worse than that. See back in college in the early 1980’s a girl tried to blow me off (heh…blow me off…yeah…no…) by telling me she was gay. To which I replied that it was cool because I was a lesbian trapped in a man’s body. See, back then that actually was funny because…well…never mind…
My kids pointed out that we have yet to see a Trump flag next to a rainbow or trans flag.
Obviously said parent has ignored the #Walkaway campaign headed by Brandon Straka — and funny how his gayness doesn’t protect him from some of the most egregious of homophobic slurs flung his way by the party of tolerance and inclusivity as evidence by this parent.
She’s made a career out of queer. How nice.
we have yet to see a Trump flag next to a rainbow or trans flag
Not quite next to…
Lefties project.
Big time.
From the link:
“When conservatives celebrated Trump’s election 4 years ago, did they know that in 2020 we would board up shops, prepare for riots and the arrival of militias, game out ways he might steal the election, protest aggressive vote suppression?”
I did not expect that Anne Applebaum would go stark raving mad.
One of the reasons Borderline Personality Disorder and the other cluster B personality disorders were believed to be genetic for so long was that people who have them tend to inflict upon their children the same abuse patterns that produced the disorders in the first place.
One fascinating symptom of cluster B disorders is that despite being obviously emotionally retarded – stuck at a juvenile level of emotional and mental development – people with cluster B disorders tend to believe that they themselves were fully capable of functioning at an adult level as children, and that children generally are capable of functioning at an fully adult level.
If we were a sane and healthy society, this woman’s family would have stepped in and taken custody of these children and insisted she get the therapy she needs for her disorders.
Doctor, heal thyself.
I did not expect that Anne Applebaum would go stark raving mad.
I read her Gulag book and thought it excellent.
I read a few of her opinion pieces over the last couple of years and couldn’t believe it was the same author- deranged.
It’s a bit like the Paul Krugman dichotomy- very good economist but deranged columnist.
…very good economist…
Isn’t that an oxymoron?
Doctor, heal thyself.
President of the World Mental Health Coalition. See the problem yet?
It’s a bit like the Paul Krugman dichotomy- very good economist but deranged columnist.
His public economic pronouncements have usually been very bad, so I would disagree. Rather, he is good at one tiny area of economics but almost entirely useless with regard to real world policies.
It turns out that the world of woke parenting is one in which nine-year-olds are not only naturally fascinated by politics but are also animated by the thought of doing violence to people who may dare to differ in their voting preferences. Utopia must surely follow.
Some people really take this “Scary Mommy” thing to heart.
Some people really take this “Scary Mommy” thing to heart.
The spectrum of woke parenting ranges from the merely contrived and pretentious to the twisted and appalling.
So the … woman pretending to be a man? … I think … why’s she still calling herself Amber? No, don’t tell me, I’m sure there’s a fully woke non-binary, brace and stunning reason. She has a transgender kid, age 12 or less. This is child abuse. It horrifies me. Munchausen Syndrome-by-proxy. It appalls me that normal, sane people buy into this stuff largely just to not rock the boat and not get accused of being “transphobic.” I guess a kid’s life is a small price to pay for social lubrication.
As bgates noted, Trump has been photographed holding rainbow flags and touting gay support.
It’s an interesting snapshot of the current political and social situation. Trump as a “New York Republican” who cheers lower minority unemployment rates, explicitly courts minority voters, and hires minorities and gays. Meanwhile corporations, media, and conventional wisdom have turned him and the Republican party into the default (evil) party of the straights and whites.
I would vote to repeal the 19th amendment and deport millions tomorrow, but Trump is definitely not the guy who will do it. I’d be thankful if he would just put freaks like this child abuser Leventry in jail.
“Idiots,” I muttered, and became instantly angry at the pride and self-righteousness with which Trump supporters carry themselves…
This is exactly how gammas see the world. It’s easy to imagine a high-school gamma boy saying this about the kids at a pep rally.
Lefties project
Also gaslighting.
Hey, look! Titania McGrath has a sister!
Heavens, a button. I wonder what it does.
Figured it out. 🙂
Figured it out. 🙂
Bless you, sir. When visiting relatives and in need of the, um, facilities, may you never be warned, with a note of urgency, that you may want to “give it a minute.”
The poker ♦️ ♠️ ♥️ bit in zer bio is actually quite cool. However I would have thought any half-decent intersectionalist could find enough to criticise in a WSOP tournament, dominated by white males and even whiter asian males, to keep zim going for weeks.
“ In that moment, I knew I am raising activists who will stand for all of humanity and not just one way to be human.”
Except for those whom we hate.
Should Biden succeed today, I’m calling dibs on the top bunk at the re-education camp. I hope there will be Arts and Crafts.
Also – ping!
Also – ping!
Bless you, madam. May dust never gather on your skirting boards.
My wife and I took part in three Trump road rallies here in NY’s Hudson Valley. Great times! Everyone was happy, friendly and proud of America.
Got many more thumbs-ups than middle fingers, but still: a lot of middle fingers.
The left can’t help it. They’re petulant children. A thumbs-down won’t do. They think they’re being “brave” and “defiant” but really they’re just being infantile jerks.
We burned a lot of gas, too. Take that, Gaia!
Hey, look! Titania McGrath has a sister!
Needs advice on the overuse of lipstick
Re her About
All that and she’s still only 21