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And in grim trajectory news:
Gomez, we learn, had a “positive reputation” for “radical activism.” Including praise for shoplifting and robbery as anti-capitalist countermeasures against “the violent maintenance of property,” and a belief that “the United States is a violent white supremacist settler empire whose only fate is annihilation.”
A prominent California social justice activist has been ruled insane and sentenced to 39 years in a psychiatric facility
Won’t be the last.
Guild of Evil recruitment circa 1971
Does one supply one’s own white cat, or is the cat issued to one?
Are there options available for other colored cats?
And of course there is the regulation t-shirt . . .
Won’t be the last.
As we’ve seen, repeatedly, “social justice” activism seems to attract a high concentration of people with quite serious mental health issues, including a range of antisocial personality disorders. Indeed, such activism – now thriving on any number of campuses – seems bent on excusing and indulging spiteful, thuggish and sociopathic behaviour, with campus staff even actively applauding it.
As Daniel noted, following this rather telling incident,
If you continually tell teenagers, for years, that mainstream society is oppressing them at every turn, and tell them that unflattering facts are “violence,” and that any actual violence enacted by themselves is merely payback, and therefore righteous, and if you tell them that their life outcomes are entirely unrelated to personal choices and personal responsibility, and that any failure or shortcoming is always someone else’s fault, someone they should punish – if neurotic and unstable people are immersed in that soup – well. What can follow is not entirely surprising.
Lefty comedian picks wrong crowd to do ‘woke’ material.
Lefty comedian picks wrong crowd to do ‘woke’ material.
Oh dear. I suppose it would help if Mr Kumar were actually, y’know, funny.
The latest woke fad in American libraries: eliminate late fees because poor people cannot afford to pay them and cannot learn to avoid fines by returning books on time:
“Fines don’t teach responsibility. They just reinforce the difference between people who are able to pay for a common mistake and those who aren’t.”
and cannot learn to avoid fines by returning books on time
Heh. Quite. And you can see that conceit across much of the “equity” and “social justice” industry.
[ Added: ]
The idea that some of the people being indulged with double standards might benefit from a change in their behaviour and attitude – and that being the kind of person who repeatedly fails to return library books on time, or at all, may not be entirely unrelated to why said person is poor – is seemingly unthinkable.
including praise for shoplifting and robbery as anti-capitalist countermeasures against “the violent maintenance of property,”
Well that’s alright then.
As opposed the violent deprivation of it.
One assumes he’ll be let out early on “licence”.
Heh. Quite. And you can see that conceit across much of the “equity” and “social justice” industry.
People keep asking, “have we reached peak wokeness?” But there is no peak wokeness short of societal collapse and mass death.
short of societal collapse and mass death
Greta…calling Greta…..
People keep asking, “have we reached peak wokeness?”
You’d think that educators and “social justice theorists” might be encouraging things like foresight, punctuality and other, dare I say it, bourgeois customs, given that such things tend to correlate with success. But instead, we find absurdly contrived excuses, wordy defences of laziness and being unreliable, and claims that expectations of punctuality are merely “cultural racism.”
Dr. Randomercam’s take on Kumar’s on stage destruction is worth a look, but the real fun of his video is the #TrollTheGuardian gems, such as:

A prominent California social justice activist has been ruled insane and sentenced to 39 years in a psychiatric facility
I want to see the minutes to that court sentencing hearing because I will be surprised if, say in 5 or 10 years, he’s declared ‘competent’, he won’t be released.
Sam, Dr Randomercam’s video was his usual great take — and the #TrollingtheGuardian stuff Monday and yesterday was just hysterical — but the best part of the video was the ending “compare and contrast” of how to deal and how not to deal with a less-than-enthusiastic audience.
But then, as Sargon said in a comment to his own video about the Nish mish, er, miss, Bill Burr can get away with that kind of thing because he’s a “f***ing legend” and Kumar is not.
…such things tend to correlate with success. But instead, we find absurdly contrived excuses, wordy defences of laziness and being unreliable, and claims that expectations of punctuality are merely “cultural racism.”
David seems to be unfamiliar with the things that correlate with success in the psychiatric field are contrived excuses, defense of laziness and being unreliable, and claims that expectations of punctuality are merely “cultural racism”. But they have pills for that. Though the things that I myself have to pretend to believe, say, and do to get through the average day are growing. Like how it’s perfectly normal that the world’s psychiatrists seem to be obsessed with proving Donald Trump is insane:
…OK, boomer.
David’s link to the sjw who killed a woman notes that his preferred pronouns are they /them. And the journalist actually respects this, creating this gem along the way:
“Gomez then fled to Southern California, where they is from, but was arrested the next day.”
the things that correlate with success in the psychiatric field are contrived excuses, defense of laziness and being unreliable, and claims that expectations of punctuality are merely “cultural racism”.
Maybe we only hear from the woke ones because the adults are busy counseling patients.
The idea that some of the people being indulged with double standards might benefit from a change in their behaviour and attitude – and that being the kind of person who repeatedly fails to return library books on time, or at all, may not be entirely unrelated to why said person is poor – is seemingly unthinkable.
I wouldn’t say we were poor, because as my granddad always said, we paid our own way, and we didn’t take charity, and taking charity was the benchmark for being poor, back in the day. But I would definitely say that when I was a child, my family was not well off, by any standard.
Punitive charges on things like overdue library books taught the valuable lesson of personal responsibility. Being told “sorry, you can’t have this week’s allowance, or next week’s, because that money went to pay to the library for the book you forgot to return for a week” is a lesson to remember to be more conscientious in the future. Parents could lecture you and scold you all they wanted to, but being unable to buy that Hot Wheels car you wanted hurt.
Today, the concept of personal responsibility is not only shunned, but actively fought against. I can think of no way to better keep people poor and dependent than to teach them that their actions are free of consequence and that they have no incentive whatsoever to improve themselves.
Fines or no fines: Either way, they don’t get the books back.
I can think of no way to better keep people poor and dependent than to teach them that their actions are free of consequence
That. Sparing people this rudimentary lesson, a lesson best learned early, seems pretty much the opposite of compassionate.
But I would definitely say that when I was a child, my family was not well off, by any standard.
I recall, as a child, a two-mile trudge through snow to return some library books I’d borrowed. I wasn’t exactly happy about it, but I suspect I wasn’t given a choice. At the time, I don’t think we had many books in the house. I remember a small pocket dictionary and a book about dinosaurs. That was pretty much it. But the conceit that people are irresponsible and flaky because they don’t have a lot of spare cash is, I think, pernicious. Though of course being irresponsible and flaky is very often a reason why some people are poor, and more to the point, stay poor.
I recall, as a child, a two-mile trudge through snow to return some library book
Abe? Is that you?
Abe? Is that you?
Heh. I’m now wandering off down memory lane. Albeit with the aid of Google Maps.
[ Added: ]
Wow. There’s nothing quite like Google Street View for shattering any rose-tinted memories of childhood. Christ, what a dump.
Christmas is coming! Women hardest hit:
Whereas if you’re a man in a heterosexual relationship, chances are that you’ve learned that no gift you purchase is suitable, your corners are equally rubbish whether it’s gift wrap or bed sheets, your tree decorating is lopsided and ham-handed, and you always choose the wrong size and shape of Tupperware for the leftovers.
One struggles to understand how this could be.
Christmas is coming! Women hardest hit
It was the thought of “clearing up… discarded ribbons” that reduced me to fits of weeping.
Oh, the humanity.
I’ll admit that I teared up when I read about Ella, who has to pretend that she’s happy being single and childless at 40 while she’s visiting her sister’s happy home: “So every Christmas I allow myself a day or so to wallow in self-pity, then I try to get over it and go and have a great time.”
One cannot help but question whether Christmas is the only time that Ella indulges in this pattern of behavio(u)r. Also, one can’t help but notice the unstated assumption that the invisible man of the house expends zero emotional labo(u)r putting up with his wife’s neurotic sister for the holiday weekend.
…and a thousand other physical chores in between
I’m mildly curious how the writer would list 1000 “physical chores” and keep the lazy, good-for-nothing men charade going.
Oh, and I imagine it’s utter chaos at the Thompson Compound given the alarming dearth of women micromanaging the holidays.
Oh, and “relationship psychologist Susan Quilliam” can fuck right off with this nonsense: “Very early on, as soon as they can understand words and pick up non-verbal communication, men are being taught that they need not take care of their own emotions, but just fight through, and therefore that it’s not appropriate to be looking after other people either.” This woman shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a psychology clinic. I pity the poor bastard whose wife drags him into that dragon’s den.
Eleven hours away is the bare minimum, one should think.
Oh, and I imagine it’s utter chaos at the Thompson Compound given the alarming dearth of women micromanaging the holidays.
Heh. We muddle through somehow.
Also, Thompson Compound.
Funny, but my wife gets me to do the tree etc by dragging out all the decorations around 8 pm and starting to bang them around. Then when I offer to bring in the tree and set it up, she’s like “I didn’t mean for you to do all the work” and then sits down and directs the placement of lights and ornaments. Sometimes I am rewarded with a cup of cocoa.
This “women do all the work and get no credit” propaganda is put out by the International Association of Wives to keep men in their place.
I love Christmas … and like Halloween, I do close to 100% of the decoration because I chose to. I get a ton of satisfaction from it. Hubby stands ready to help when I ask for it. I’ll do it as long as it brings me pleasure.
WTF is wrong with these whiny females? GROW UP and be a PARTNER in your marriage. SHEESH.
… creating this gem along the way…
If that is a gem, this is the Hope diamond. A small sample of this “my pronoun is they” horse crap, RTWT, have your favorite headache remedy handy if you do.
I think that last line poor “Marilyn” was mispronouned, and it should read “…they would act sexually towards them”, makes much more sense that way.
So the staff use their pronouns or
hershistheirsthe inmate’s ?including praise for shoplifting and robbery as anti-capitalist countermeasures against “the violent maintenance of property,”
This is, in part at least, why we see black students at very expensive universities shoplifting and committing armed robbery.
There’s nothing quite like Google Street View for shattering any rose-tinted memories of childhood. Christ, what a dump.
That’s why I stopped doing it. One of the interesting — by which I mean depressing — things about getting old is that with each passing year an ever-increasing number of places exist only in your memory.
That’s why I stopped doing it.
Me too: my mother’s childhood home became a dangerous slum which made it unwise to visit the block she grew up on and look at her house and garden. 🙁
Another piece of annoying leftism:
“Everyone understands English, but nobody understands England.”
–EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker
I have seen American liberals repeat this quote, thinking they are making a devastatingly witty put-down of Brexit and conservatives. They seem to think that the English people could not possibly have any comprehensible, rational reasons for wishing to leave the EU. (Just as they seem unable to comprehend how any American could want government to be smaller, less powerful, less intrusive.)
What this attitude betrays about the leftist mind is not very nice, but they cannot see that: “The first rule of the Dunning-Kruger Collective is you don’t know you’re in the Dunning-Kruger Collective.”
“The first rule of the Dunning-Kruger Collective is you don’t know you’re in the Dunning-Kruger Collective.”
Ha! I’m stealing that.
Christ, what a dump.
Ah, the joys of warm, heartfelt, family gatherings.
As usual, it’s easier to just report what just is, why bother inventing anything . . . .
Diane Abbott’s son James Abbott-Thompson ‘bit a police officer’
For anyone hitting a Times passwd request, there is other available commentary.
David, was that 2-mile trip through the snow uphill both ways?
Women who don’t like decorating for holidays shouldn’t do it. I missed it myself. Now I can bring things up from the basement again. (Sending Sonkitten down worked sometimes, but all too often we’d have a dialogue like this: “Please bring up the ghost.—Oh, sorry, I should have specified, the other ghost.”
“Mom, I can’t find the other ghost.”
“He’s on the top shelf next to all those napkin holders Grandpa never got to finish carving.”
“What napkin holders?”
“The ones on the TOP SHELF. Next to the ghost.”
“I don’t see a ghost.”
And so on. True freedom has little to do with politicians (thank goodness). True freedom is when you can walk up and down the stairs.
David, was that 2-mile trip through the snow uphill both ways?
Beat me to it. Damn!
Beat me to it. Damn!
I didn’t walk barefoot, you understand.
Oh dear. I suppose it would help if Mr Kumar were actually, y’know, funny.
I’ve only ever seen Kumar previously in replays of that BBC show on social media, which I didn’t find very funny either – he literally reads from a script, tells approved jokes containing approving opinions to an approved (and approving) audience, and gets the benefit of a laugh track. He must have been desperately unprepared for an audience that didn’t agree with him. I think someone – I think it’s Sargon – is right in that thread where they observe that Kumar might have been able to turn the audience around if he had jokes that weren’t reflex left-wing political ones.
He must have been desperately unprepared for an audience that didn’t agree with him.
It does, I think, have a symbolic quality.
Not entirely unrelated.
Running a marathon is now unprogressive. I’m just annoyed this wasn’t declared 30 odd years ago, so I would have an excuse to get out of all those stupid school sports.
Running a marathon is now unprogressive. I’m just annoyed this wasn’t declared 30 odd years ago, so I would have an excuse to get out of all those stupid school sports.
(Previous comment included without a link, whoops).
He must have been desperately unprepared for an audience that didn’t agree with him.
I suppose it’s worth bearing in mind that political opinions are often arrived by estimating the in-group status attached to them, especially on the left. It’s largely a search for kudos, an exercise in preening, and therefore rather parochial. So, it’s not terribly surprising that a bien-pensant comedian favoured by the BBC should be ill-equipped to deal with an audience that doesn’t much care about the status signals being flashed with increasing desperation.
Christmas is coming! Women hardest hit:
Apparently, not being a c**t 24/7 is ‘Emotional Labour’.
Apparently, not being a c**t 24/7 is ‘Emotional Labour’.
Pretty much.
“Everyone understands English, but nobody understands England.”
Until I saw Juncker’s name, I read that aphorism with the opposite of its intended meaning. I thought it must have been a quote from say George Orwell or G.K. Chesterton arguing that the nation states of Europe have diverse, complex, deeply-rooted cultures that can only partially be understood by outsiders and globalists.
diverse, complex, deeply-rooted cultures that can only partially be understood by outsiders and globalists.
We used to hang people for treason.
Just sayin’.
I didn’t walk barefoot, you understand.
Was that because, as an eevil colonist, you had stolen Kumar’s shoes? 😀
Running a marathon is now unprogressive.
I’ve long been noting that race is a very important topic that must get assessed and considered. Particularly with discussions of marathon vs motocross vs grand prix vs . . . .
the Thompson Compound
Band name.
…arguing that the nation states of Europe have diverse, complex, deeply-rooted cultures that can only partially be understood by outsiders and globalists.
Sure, krauts, serve your own heads, and your children’s heads, and your children’s children’s heads all on a platter because a Turk told you it was the right idea.
Running a marathon is now unprogressive.
The braincrap in that piece is packed so densely that I’m amazed it hasn’t formed a sort of po-mo singularity. This in particular stood out:
Now, the runners of my acquaintance just run. They don’t preach, they don’t browbeat — hell, they barely interact with the world at all. They just plug in the earbuds and run. To the extent that the simple act of running serves as a sort of guilt-inducing example to others, well, I just don’t see it. Quite the opposite, in fact. Every time I see a runner in the city, it looks as though he or she is suffering horribly. It’s more of a cautionary tale than a guilt trip.
So, not only is this Greif character completely full of excrement, but young Ms. Bennett quotes him as authoritative. Evidently, we’re supposed to be impressed that she has read this joker’s work and regurgitated it for our benefit. Little wonder that her skills with rhetoric are so deficient, if this is the diet she was educated upon. I’m tempted to bookmark the piece in case I ever need a handy example of a 23-year-old child aching to be accepted as an intellectual.
As for the whole “proselytising in the public sphere” thing, I can only say that it’s obvious that they don’t teach self-awareness in the Art History programme at Monash.
Marilyn is seeking a reduced sentence, citing that the murders were committed out of violent emotion and immaturity.
Is there anybody here with knowledge of Argentinian law? I’m truly curious whether “violent emotion and immaturity” are recognized as mitigating factors in cases of murder.
“Yes, Your Honor, I shot my mother in the back of the head, but you need to understand that I was really angry at the time. Like, super angry. Also, I was only eighteen, and just because I could drive, drink alcohol, vote, serve in the military, and get married is no reason why the court should think I was mature enough to control my actions.”
…deeply-rooted cultures that can only partially be understood by outsiders and globalists…
Ethnic Diversity is a ‘Weakness, NOT a Strength,’ Danish Study Says
“Social justice is climate justice”
Is there nothing, not even weather, that can’t be shoved into the intersectionality-we-all-be-victims event horizon?
Is there nothing, not even weather, that can’t be shoved into the intersectionality-we-all-be-victims event horizon?
[ raises hand ]
Straight white males. What do I win?
Is there nothing, not even weather, that can’t be shoved into the intersectionality-we-all-be-victims event horizon?

Darleen, I’m getting you one of these:
Running a marathon…
Loved the bit about how training for a marathon is the easy way to show superior virtue. I’d put the over under on the longest distance the author has ever run at 50 yards.
Reading the op-ed linked from Darleen’s post is not something I’d recommend unless you have a bottle of bourbon or ibuprofen close at hand.
This paragraph, in particular, is a real doozy:
Sounds like a good reason to work at becoming affluent. What’s the average wage for a professional Climate Protestor these days?
Which is why we all need to give up our cars, of course. Also, how overcrowded will the shelters be when all the formerly-affluent families are forced to stay there?
Poppycock! I’ve never seen a church group turn away anybody in their hour of need. You really think there’s some kind of intake form, where you have to prove your hetero status before you’re given dinner and a bedroll? Just because the church grannies don’t approve of your lifestyle decisions doesn’t mean they’re monsters who will happily let you drown. Get over yourself already.
And that’s just one paragraph! It gets so tiresome, playing whack-a-mole with these lazy assertions all the time.
Poppycock! I’ve never seen a church group turn away anybody in their hour of need.
But actually doing good works is way down the list from WrongThink according the Ministry of Truth.
Ask the Salvation Army.
Poppycock! I’ve never seen a church group turn away anybody in their hour of need. You really think there’s some kind of intake form, where you have to prove your hetero status before you’re given dinner and a bedroll?
PBS is always ready to defame those it disagrees with.
But maybe I am being too harsh: Maybe PBS means that the churches are oppressing gays by not allowing them to have sex on the alter and use the crucifix as a toy.
Darleen, I’m getting you one of these:
Me, too. That’s for Christmas season. For the rest of the year, I’ve got my Grouch on the Couch 😉
Let me be the first to thank our host for giving us a little reminder of the delicious Jill St. John. The 1970s were most definitely not all bad.
… the delicious Jill St. John.

I’ll see your Jill St.John and raise you Lana Wood:
The 1970s were most definitely not all bad.
The 1970s did give us two of the worst James Bond films though. The pictured film (Diamonds are Forever) is a pretty weak and campy cheese-fest, and Moonraker’s even worse. Both are redeemed slightly by the excellent-as-always set design by Ken Adam, and the brilliant scores of John Barry – the upbeat, jazzy one from Diamonds are Forever and the lush, sweeping melodic string lines of Moonraker. And, bad as it is, even I have to admit that Moonraker has perhaps the best double entendre: “‘My god, what’s Bond doing?!’ – ‘I think he’s attempting re-entry, sir!'” out of all the Bond movies.
Paint that shit in oils and title it Desperation of the Androgynes.
This is too flippin’ funny!
You’ve gotta hear it!
Well then, we certainly can’t have nukes.

Well then, we certainly can’t have nukes.
Source here:
He then tweeted:
“Isn’t it beautiful to see the left and right united? Let’s build us some nuclear power plants, friends.”
“Difficult to logically reconcile ‘climate change is a priority’ with ‘no nuclear power.’ “