It’s The Stuff Of The Soul

I think it’s time we elevated the tone with some coverage of the arts. Beginning with the colossal creative talents of Ms Sandrine Schaefer, whose collected Goose Studies are presented below. The opening extract, a site-specific installation, was performed in New York in October. The organisers of the event, titled Performance Is Alive, tell us that in order to avoid being “vapid,” they curate only “the best projects based on the merits of the work.” They are, we learn, presenting “art that’s critical and progressive and transgressive.” 

For those prone to erotic inflammation, a word of caution. The following video does contain traces of obligatory boobage.

As you can see, the audience for Ms Schaefer’s display of aesthetic tumescence was vast and suitably awed.

Having shared in that awe, albeit fleetingly, readers will be intrigued by the forthcoming Performance Is Alive Miami event, opening its doors on Thursday. There, gathered talents will “investigate a wide range of social and political topics” while engaging in “durational performance actions” that “allow artists… to employ repetition and endurance.” Because if there’s one thing art should be, it’s a test of one’s endurance.

Amanda Kleinhans, for instance, will be thrilling visitors with her “explorations of the fat body and fat experience,” and by “making connections between bigger bodies and landscapes or natural phenomena.” Bold and profound questions to be ruminated at length include “Can I fit in that seat?” and “Do I fit into these pants?” Alas, no preview of the forthcoming piece is currently available. However, I am able to share with you a brief appetiser of an earlier effort, titled Fitting XV, in which Ms Kleinhans channels the power of radical rotundity:  

Tickets for the Miami happening can be purchased here

For those worried that it might not be, “LGBTQ+ diversity” will of course be “proudly celebrated.” Again.

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