We’re being asked to conform to an orthodoxy which we haven’t had a say in… Why were we not involved in the conversation?
Peter Whittle interviews London mayoral candidate Laurence Fox.
Also, open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
We’re being asked to conform to an orthodoxy which we haven’t had a say in… Why were we not involved in the conversation?
Peter Whittle interviews London mayoral candidate Laurence Fox.
Also, open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
The curriculum recommends that teachers lead their students in a series of indigenous songs, chants, and affirmations, including the “In Lak Ech Affirmation,” which appeals directly to the Aztec gods. Students first clap and chant to the god Tezkatlipoka—whom the Aztecs traditionally worshipped with human sacrifice and cannibalism—asking him for the power to be “warriors” for “social justice.”
Christopher F Rufo takes a look at California’s proposed ethnic studies curriculum.
The state board of education will vote on this curriculum next week.
Academic standards may not be quite up to snuff, but hey, look on the bright side. The kids can use class time to appeal to unseen demons, thereby bringing about “decolonization” and its “healing epistemologies.”
Oh, and consider this an open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
Just let the A.I. enhance your doodles.
Consider this an open thread, in which to share links and bicker.
Or, His Neck Finally Buckled Under The Weight Of His Hair.
Let us share links and bicker. I’ll set the ball rolling, via Noah Carl, with an ingenious solution.
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It does help to keep this place here.
Update: Today’s saucy topics include crime and punishment.
For those in need of further diversion, the Reheated series is there to be poked at.
An open thread seems in order. So here it is. Share ye links and bicker.
Oh, and for those who like to play along at home, feel free to customise your own bar ambience.
Today is this blog’s birthday. Fourteen bloody years. And the damn thing’s still here. Just sayin’.
Oh, and you may want a moment to process this.
Consider this an open thread, in which to share links and bicker.
For those in search of a lockdown project, how to make toilet-paper moonshine.
“I’m going to be turning toilet paper into drinkable alcohol.”
Via Elephants Gerald. Also, open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
For newcomers and the forgetful, two items from the archives:
A leftist compulsion is pondered.
A more subtle and common example occurred in January, when the family headed out to a Burns Night dinner at a restaurant adjacent to the university. Before the food appeared, we were treated to a brief poetry reading courtesy of a local academic. I was tempted to roll my eyes at the prospect, but he did get the crowd in good spirits. Until a poem about food and good company was somehow given, as he put it, “a political edge.” And so, we endured a contrived reference to Brexit – implicitly very bad – and a pointed nod across the ocean to a certain president, who we were encouraged to imagine naked.
At the time, I was struck by the presumption – the belief that everyone present would naturally agree - that opposition to Brexit and a disdain of Trump were things we, the customers, would without doubt have in common… The subtext was hard to miss: “This is a fashionable restaurant and its customers, being fashionable, will obviously hold left-of-centre views, especially regarding Brexit and Trump, both of which they should disdain and wish to be seen disdaining by their left-of-centre peers.” And when you’re out to enjoy a fancy meal with friends and family, this is an odd sentiment to encounter from someone you don’t know and whose ostensible job is to make you feel welcome.
Guardian columnist denounces Western medicine as “outdated,” champions use of bush dung.
“Activist, feminist, author.” Pronouns, obviously. Via Darleen. Consider this an open thread, in which to share links and bicker.
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