An open thread, in which to share links and bicker. I’ll set the ball rolling with a satisfying squeal.
An open thread, in which to share links and bicker. I’ll set the ball rolling with a satisfying squeal.
An Antifa member in Portland who was charged with felony arson and riot crimes has been revealed to be a journalism student at the University of Oregon. Alma Yesenia Raven-Guido, 19, of Beaverton, Ore., has been charged… with two counts of felony rioting, second-degree felony arson and first-degree felony criminal mischief. A serial riot arrestee, she was arrested again Tuesday night at a Black Lives Matter-Antifa riot in north Portland where the police union hall was set on fire.
Journalism, baby. Unbiased and impartial, bringing you the truth.
Upon arrest, Raven-Guido was found to be carrying multiple lighters and three plastic bottles, including one that was melted, in her backpack. She was also in possession of a crowbar and spray paint. Beyond her involvement in militant Antifa activities in the Portland-area, she has also been prominently featured in government diversity programmes. In 2019, she was part of the Beaverton Organising and Leadership Development programme, which exists to train emerging leaders of colour in Beaverton’s city government. She listed “racial justice” as one of her areas of interest in the programme’s survey.
And hence, of course, the vandalised Japanese restaurants. And the assaulted Asian-American journalists. And the Apple Store being on fire, again. And the targeting of local churches, whose meal programmes for the homeless were apparently deemed offensive.
Update, via the comments:
Ms Raven-Guido, being educated, is someone who seems to think that “racial justice” is enhanced by wrecking someone else’s neighbourhood with vandalism and fire, thereby ensuring the closure and withdrawal of local businesses and amenities – a phenomenon we’ve seen many times – and consequently reducing opportunities for employment, and degrading the quality of life for local residents, many of whom will be minorities, and whose homes were put in danger by the aforementioned fires.
It’s a lunatic conceit, and yet quite common among the severely educated.
And among those doing the educating.
Also, open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
The lockdown is easing. The salon beckons. In mere hours I shall once again be radiant and glorious.
You may rejoice by sharing links and bickering, as is the custom.
It’s impossible to envision a world without race for the Democratic Party. For such people, it’s impossible to envision a world that gets beyond race because their bread and butter, their bottom line, their raison d'être, and everything that they’re trying to do depends upon people being kept in these boxes.
Professor Glenn Loury.
Martin Durkin’s new documentary, The Great American Race Game.
Mr Durkin’s films, which I strongly recommend, have been mentioned before.
Also, open thread.
In general, the King’s College report observed, British people were “much less likely to pick out inequality between men and women as a serious problem compared with other countries”… The link between Britain’s perception of itself in this regard and reality is seemingly as broken as it is in Saudi Arabia. We are much closer than we would like to think to countries where until recently women couldn’t drive.
I’m reading the Guardian. Somebody stop me.
Ours, says Nesrine Malik, is “a country that is heading into a post-pandemic gender inequality crisis.” Feel free to tremble with foreboding.
Oh, and consider this an open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
Consider this an open thread, but with a catch. Due to my infinite cunning.
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Now share ye links and bicker.
We’re being asked to conform to an orthodoxy which we haven’t had a say in… Why were we not involved in the conversation?
Peter Whittle interviews London mayoral candidate Laurence Fox.
Also, open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
The curriculum recommends that teachers lead their students in a series of indigenous songs, chants, and affirmations, including the “In Lak Ech Affirmation,” which appeals directly to the Aztec gods. Students first clap and chant to the god Tezkatlipoka—whom the Aztecs traditionally worshipped with human sacrifice and cannibalism—asking him for the power to be “warriors” for “social justice.”
Christopher F Rufo takes a look at California’s proposed ethnic studies curriculum.
The state board of education will vote on this curriculum next week.
Academic standards may not be quite up to snuff, but hey, look on the bright side. The kids can use class time to appeal to unseen demons, thereby bringing about “decolonization” and its “healing epistemologies.”
Oh, and consider this an open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
Just let the A.I. enhance your doodles.
Consider this an open thread, in which to share links and bicker.
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