An Inexplicable Dislike
At Carleton University’s School of Journalism and Communication, a panel of journalists and media professionals declare their priorities.
The full two-and-a-half-hour video, which begins with a land acknowledgement and rumblings about “settlers” and their “racial guilt,” and “white supremacist colonial mindsets which we have internalised both collectively and individually,” can be endured here.
Following this lengthy declaration of innate racial wrongness, the panellists begin to ruminate on “how best to confront the corrosive force of online hate targeted at journalists.” Being a journalist on Twitter, where the public can talk back, sometimes bluntly, is equated with surviving in an active warzone and other “hostile physical environments,” with women, the majority of the panel, apparently hardest hit. Journalists, we’re told, are “exposed to danger in the digital world” and consequently suffer high rates of “anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic distress.” As a result of being mocked or disagreed with on Twitter. “We don’t want our journalists to be killed,” says Catherine Tait, the president and CEO of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
The term “hate” is used often and expansively – not only to cover threats and vividly abusive emails – “violent messages” – but also mockery and brusque corrections of factual and logical error. Even being referred to by the public as woke is presented as a basis for weeping, a form of psychological torture. Indeed, almost any kind of demurral is framed as an attempt to “silence” the journalists’ self-declared heroism, to deny them their cosmic destiny. And hence, it seems, the imperative to shut down reader-comment sections on national newspaper websites, on grounds that readers are no longer content to confine their feedback to the polite correction of typos. Throughout, the air is heavy with self-elevation, and claims of being scrupulously unbiased and “speaking truth to power” are deployed entirely without irony.
However, the more plausible explanations for why journalists may not be held in the highest possible regard remain oddly untouched. Even when Hill Times columnist and “anti-racism expert” Erica Ifill boasts that she doesn’t bother to interview white men. And the implications of a room full of statusful media professionals being fixated with the supposed pathologies of “whiteness,” and being pretentious and neurotic, and mentally uniform, and both distant from and disdainful of the concerns of the public that they claim to serve, are, needless to say, not vigorously explored.
Update, via the comments:
Sk60 adds,
As others have pointed out, these are not clueless students or random maladjusted teens. They’re statusful professionals at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Global News, The Hill Times, etc. (A Hill Times columnist, by the way, who is clearly confident that she can boast of her own overtly racist behaviour and not be challenged by any of her peers, or by any of the would-be journalists in the audience.)
And the pretentiously apologetic wretch who opens the proceedings, Allan Thompson – Mr ‘I’m white and I’m terribly sorry about it’ – is not only the head of Carleton University’s journalism programme, a supposedly “non-partisan” position, but also a failed Liberal candidate who was appointed to see how Trudeau’s Liberal Party could better connect with rural voters. Presumably on grounds that the average working person just can’t get enough pretentious self-abasement and contrived racial agonising.
And which rather underlines a problem for the scrupulously woke. As wokeness is essentially a status game, premised on signalling how superior one is, how unlike the unsophisticated, it must be difficult to feign common ground with the kinds of people one must continually disdain. Say, by calling them racists, oppressors, colonisers, and “white supremacists.”
Journalists are not held in the highest regard for the same reasons hookers aren’t. Although I’d prefer to associate with good honest whores any day.
An uncanny resemblance to those who trumpet bullying as the cause of all their multiple disorders. Being asked or directed to attend to one’s brief and do the job properly is but one example. Women are especially prone, when it’s men who issue such directives no matter how politely or reluctantly given. We will leave the matter of skin colour differences for another day.
Not entirely unrelated.
See also this.
Note Ms Ifill’s claim, or rather boast, that she doesn’t interview white men.
I assume there’s nothing about the journalists’ hate for regular people like, say, truckers.
My Dinner with Kanye. Coming soon to an art house cinema near you.
See also this.
Note Ms Ifill’s claim, or rather boast, that she doesn’t interview white men.
Note also this passage:
“She also said that minorities did not and often still do not have a voice in traditional media structures – citing the media’s coverage of Queen Elizabeth II’s death as an example. Ifill said that individuals like her, who were glad that the queen died, were not given a voice – despite the promises made after the death of George Floyd.”
Seems to me that people like her should not “have a voice”. Instead, they should have one-way fare to another country.
These are not fellow citizens. They are deadly enemies.
Unhappy with government medical care? You should consider suicide.
Only last week this was a loony right-wing conspiracy theory.
They really do hate and despise us, and tolerate us only as long as we are useful to them.
“a land acknowledgement and rumblings about “settlers” and their “racial guilt,”
Yeah. Yet amazingly enough, not one of the illiterati seem willing to hand over title or deed to me.
Puzzled, I am (not)…
How thoughtless and violent of the Royal Family not to have included a space for ill-wishers and haters to express their pleasure at the death of the Queen.
Hmm. It’s a head-scratcher.
They are deadly enemies.
Or, as I read it, deadly enemas
Speaking of deadly enemies, how about this smiling thug?
Cultural termites.
this lengthy declaration of innate racial wrongness,
…how about this smiling thug?
Being ID’ed by your underwear – embarrassing, but if this gets out maybe sagging will become unfashionable, so an upside to the event.
A more honest discussion of the lame-stream Canadian media here with Douglas Murray. The full Munk Debate here.
This anti-colonial crap really gets me going. You cannot untangle all the injustices of the past. They are infinite and tangled. The same nation can be both good and bad at the same moment. Consider the Brits in India–they both stole and built the railroads (still in use) and the Indian civil service (still there). The Spanish in south america were exploiting but the church (also exploiting sometimes) held back the worst exploitation and insisted on converting and educating the indians. In the US, yes there was slavery (as everywhere in the world) but roughly 1 life was lost in the civil war for every 6 slaves–a pretty high reparation in my view. Nowhere except the US gives such opportunity to minorities as you see today. Focusing on past injustice is a great way to cement your political base and a terrible way to improve their conditions.
The past was a shit-show of raw power. Waves of people came and went, wiping out whoever was there. To dwell on that is madness. We have an opportunity to get along and all get rich, but the woke want neither.
Not enough, obviously.
Ever get the feeling that you’ve suddenly come face to face with Satan?
(Found via Libs of Tik Tok.)
Don’t be upset, Eddie Izzard, you can always identify as the Labour MP for Sheffield–just as you identify as a woman.
Don’t be upset, Eddie Izzard…
His loss was due to internalized transmisogyny.
Meanwhile, and related, an insurrection.
Those online threats vs Mexico.
There’s a bit more nuance here. The
whitewashinquiry into the Canadian government invoking the War Measures Act over a nasty hangnail is concluding, and there’s a full court press on to paint everything the Freedom Convoy did as a violent revolution (dare I say an insurrection).That’s why the CBC drone is banging on about how making fun of journalists online is tantamount to killing them. It’s why she explicitly calls out Maxime Bernier, the only politician to openly and consistently support the convoy.
The icing on the cake is the panel still clinging to the hilarious banger that “Diagolon” is a real thing, as opposed to an obvious joke made up by a couple of truckers while drunk.
Even being referred to by the public as woke is presented as a basis for weeping, a form of psychological torture.
“Our betters”.
It’s quite a thing, watching a room full of people who are morally trivial, psychologically inadequate, and farcically self-important.
And so, Ms Ifill tells us that being referred to as woke is an act of egregious “gaslighting,” an assault on her noble psyche. And she does this while exhibiting almost every neurotic tic of wokeness, including the lengthy and self-satisfied disdain of people who happen to be white. And thus, in her eyes, malevolent and defective.
It’s just awful when the commoners talk back to their betters. One just feels so violated when it happens. Don’t you agree?
That is, I think, a key part of the dynamic. And if you can endure the full video, an Augean chore, the social preening is hard to miss.
If Diagolon was based in the US 90% of its members would be FBI agents or informants.
Does Canada have a similar “not enough real fascists so we’d better invent some” policy?
I have a family bereavement to attend to, so posting is likely to be intermittent for a few days. Do try to keep yourselves entertained.
How many Canadian journalists have been called before Trudeau’s media licensing board to explain their unprofessional and dishonest behaviour?
If they aren’t held to some professional standard by the media licensing board then what is the purpose of it, other than the obvious?
Like any good horror movie, ‘the online hatred is coming from within the MSM!’
Government funded media are the extremists.
How many Canadian journalists have been called before Trudeau’s media licensing board to explain their unprofessional and dishonest behaviour?
Blacklock’s Reporter, a supscription based private news service was forcibly evicted from the Parliamentary Press Gallery on Friday by armed police officers. The eviction is based on the complaints of just 3 of the gallery members. Blacklock’s was refused permission to speak to the press board to defend itself against the charges. Blacklock’s is the only Press Gallery member that does not receive nor actively solicit government funding. It continues to protest government funds being paid to news outlets. The eviction came one day after Blacklock’s published Access To Information records detailing a private meeting between 35 unnamed publishers and the Canada Revenue Agency on distribution of $595 million in governement subsidies.
You might ask what were the charges. The eviction letter stated Blacklock’s managing editor Tom Korski was “impolite,” “disturbs the journalists around him” and “streams parliamentary committee hearings on his computer.” So, in other words, not playing well with others and acting like a journalist.
Corrosive online hate?
Toronto Star newspaper:
OT: Is anyone else finding comments and periods difficult to distinguish with the new blog font?
Yes: It is difficult to distinguish between commas and periods.
OT: Is anyone else finding comments and periods difficult to distinguish with the new blog font?
Yes. I am. Commas have almost no tail on them.
Commas have almost no tail on them.
Another example of why I usually prefer serif over sanserif fonts.
Enjoyable. I was previously unacquainted with Kan Ye’s ingenious solution to the unfair market domination of “Big Pharma”:
Smaller Farms!
Journalists, we’re told, are “exposed to danger in the digital world” and consequently suffer high rates of “anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic distress.” As a result of being mocked or disagreed with on Twitter.
They’re teaching the kids the basics, like victimhood grift.
As Jonathan Kay pointed out, these are not clueless students or random maladjusted teens. They’re statusful professionals at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Global News, and The Hill Times, etc. (A Hill Times columnist, by the way, who is clearly confident that she can boast of her own racist behaviour and not be challenged by any of her peers, or by any of the would-be journalists in the audience.)
And the pretentiously agonised wretch who opens the proceedings – Mr ‘I’m white and I’m terribly sorry about it’ – is not only the head of Carleton University’s journalism programme, a supposedly “non-partisan” position, but also a failed Liberal candidate who was appointed to see how Trudeau’s Liberal Party could better connect with rural voters.
Presumably on grounds that the average working person just can’t get enough pretentious self-abasement and contrived racial agonising.
It’s farce all the way down.
ooh. That. God how I loathe that expression. So bloody passive-aggressive that even if I agree, suppressing the urge to say “F*** no” causes a burning sensation in my throat.
appointed to see how Trudeau’s Liberal Party could better connect with rural voters.
Actual LOL
Well, I suppose it’s something of a problem for the scrupulously woke. As wokeness is essentially a status game, premised on signalling how superior one is, how unlike the unsophisticated, it must be difficult to feign common ground with the kinds of people one must continually disdain.
So. Much. That.
Speaking of problematic problems, Science™ has found a new source of
global warmingClimateChangeHysteria, freshwater lakes.[Squints at map that doesn’t support the claims] Ah yes, the melting permafrost in India, eastern Africa, and southern Alberta.
[ Eyes widen. Runs home. Showers. Puts on suit. ]
Good afternoon, fellow sophisticates.
Good afternoon, fellow sophisticates.
You are not a sophisticate unless you fully embrace the richness that immigration and cultural diversity bring us.
contrived racial agonising
Band name.