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For newcomers wishing to know more about what’s been going on here for the last eighteen years, in over 3,000 posts and 200,000 comments, the reheated series is a pretty good place to start – in particular, the end-of-year summaries, which convey the fullest flavour of what it is we do. A sort of blog concentrate. If you like what you find there… well, there’s lots more of that.
Do take a moment to poke through the discussion threads too. The posts are intended as starting points, not full stops, and the comments are where much of the good stuff is waiting to be found. And do please join in.
As always, thanks for the support, the comments, and the company.
Oh, and consider this an open thread.
Stephanie, from the previous thread:
Time to roll out this Christopher Hitchens classic:
More respect than love, but ping.
A little something for the new bar towels fund. Ping!
Uncle Fester in Paris.
Morning, all.
Bless you, sir, and bless you, madam. May all of your toenail clippings be accounted for.
I’m not sure what effect they were going for. “See how perverse, and therefore sophisticated, we are”?
[ Slurps coffee. ]
Which calls to mind quite a few of the artistic endeavours featured here over the years, during which the motives of the audience – why they were there – proved more intriguing than any aesthetic experience supposedly on offer. And during which, in order to feign discernment, one has to not discern any number of rather obvious things.
Same energy.
Also ping.
Oh yes. I’m guessing they feel they’re affirming something, and by extension, themselves.
Bless you, madam. May your neighbours know how to park less than a metre from the kerb.
“Our betters”…
I’m going to need a moment to process that one.
Bless you, sir. May your farts escape detection.
It’s a New York City vibe, man.