Lifted from the comments, two scenes of very modern divulging.
First up, a behatted chap informs us that “women have many features.” In describing such features, much is revealed:
“People criticize me for dating a trans woman. Saying that I am a homosexual for doing so.”
Does this make him gay? pic.twitter.com/OR1a965u6U
— AmericanPapaBear (@AmericaPapaBear) March 7, 2025
Also, the question: “You can’t push it to the side?”
And because more can always be shared, a blue-haired mother discusses her son’s penis with a room full of strangers:
“Medically, on paper, she is girl. She is just as much a girl as any other girl in the school. So she has a penis, guess what? It’s flaccid. 90% of the time it’s flaccid.”
-Mom testifies AGAINST protecting girls sports & providing them privacy.
This really is 🤡@ClownWorld_ pic.twitter.com/uNRdoQOaUC
— Scarlett Johnson (@scarlett4kids) March 8, 2025
Readers will doubtless have noted the remarks on turgidity and percentages, and may have calculated that ten percent of twenty-four hours is two hours and twenty-four minutes, which, regarding the phenomenon in question, is not an insignificant amount of time. Readers may also wonder by what motherly means this knowledge of arousal was arrived at.
Readers may even have theories as to how the son of this particular mother, the one with blue hair and extensive tattoos, came to be so unsure of who and what he is.
Consider this an open thread.
Regarding the first one, my money is on satire.
Because of the real estate comment and gesture. Seriously. Someone says that and isn’t joking?
Di, maybe repost your last comment from the previous thread in this one, so it doesn’t get missed? Seems apposite.
Transhausen by proxy?
I did wonder whether “What she has in her jeans” was some kind of pun.
Given the disregard for normal boundaries, the question doesn’t seem unfair.
Right you are.
You’re the sheepdog in this scenario? The domesticated canine who protects the ovines against the other canines?
Do you see what you just did there?
So she’d be ok with someone taking a gun into school, so long as it was unloaded?
And unaddressed in the clip is the not-so-small matter of whether teenage girls should be compelled to participate, intimately, in the unsavoury delusions of a young man. A man who, statistically, is much more likely than the average to have a serious personality disorder and to disregard normal boundaries. The tumescence or otherwise of his genitals is merely one part of a larger transgression.
Which is to say, schoolgirls in changing rooms should not have their rights made contingent on whether or not the man in their midst is nursing a hard-on.
And speaking of interlopers.
Because most female comics try to emulate male comics and consequently are just bad at it.
Female comics like Kathleen Madigan and Iliza Shlesinger are funny women. Comics like Amy Schumer or Michelle Wolf who rely on what I’ll call “slut humor” are not. “Hyuk, hyuk, hyuk, so I was pegging my boyfriend . . .”
I miss Jeanne Robertson.
I’m not sure why we should assume, as Ms Brand would seem to assume, that whatever skills and aptitudes are required of a successful stand-up comedian, as opposed to someone who is just witty or whatever, must be evenly distributed by sex.
I have laughed quite a lot at some early Sarah Millican sets, albeit while holding a large glass of red, but my impression is that funny female stand-ups are just rarer. I see no reason to suppose that this rarity must be due to the “social structure of society,” i.e., some wrongful imposition.
I mean, I’m not sure why some presumed equal distribution of this or that characteristic is something that nature, or reality, would give a shit about. To start with the assumption that all flattering attributes must be equally distributed by sex or whatever just seems a bit of a stretch.
Taken as a group, men are more inclined to genius, for instance – and also morony. The male bell curve is a bit wider at both ends. But I’m not sure on what basis one might claim that this is unfair.
They’re not oversharing; they’re “bringing their whole selves“.
Everyone used to know this: People are born with differing strengths and weaknesses, different personalities, etc. Then Marxists (especially the intellectuals) pulled the Blank Slate Theory out of their asses and endlessly proclaimed its undeniable truth while denying or ignoring all evidence to the contrary.
The only other option is that Brand and her ilk simply aren’t funny in any remunerative sense & that’s obviously not a notion that can be entertained.
“has 99% of the features of a cis woman” But that other 1% is a penis.
Not sure that it is satire. I just think he missed the homophone.
TBF to the marxists, which we should only do for our own edification, the blank slate thing is a common function of most military organizations. The successful ones, anyway. But what works under threat of death, well…only works under threat of death.
Blank slate: No one gets all the good attributes. You can be handsome and dumb or rich and a jerk or even a genius and impulsive. I have known people who are scary smart. It is no use being envious any more than envy of Usain Bolt. Lucky guy. Good for him. But Bolt cultivated his natural talent. In my chosen profession, it would be handy to be a little smarter, but I’ve tried to maximize what I have.
As to racial “injustice”: by simply staying out of jail, young POC can multiply their lifetime income and chance for happiness.
In a lecture on Classical Greece, a professor made a distinction between pathological envy and healthy envy. The latter might better be called admiration: To become successful, emulate the succesful rather than try to rob and destroy them.
Dirty live jam underway.
Dating myself again, I always enjoyed Phyllis Diller, (early) Joan Rivers and women like Totie Fields … and, of course, the irrepressible Erma Bombeck (comedy writer).
And there are lot of actresses with quite good comedic timing without doing stand-up.
Funny is funny. There’s no sex discrimination in it. One either has the skill or not.
Exactly. Whether I laugh at a stand-up show doesn’t depend on the sex of the comedian. I’m not inclined to pre-emptively weight the scales one way or the other. Whether I laugh depends on whether it’s funny.
Which, saying it out loud, seems kind of obvious.
[ Fetches comfy chair for Darleen. ]
More over-sharing … with a good dose of “what?”
From Bullseye Bill in the comments, “Tiddiots.”