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For newcomers wishing to know more about what’s been going on here for the last eighteen years, in over 3,000 posts and 200,000 comments, the reheated series is a pretty good place to start – in particular, the end-of-year summaries, which convey the fullest flavour of what it is we do. A sort of blog concentrate. If you like what you find there… well, there’s lots more of that.
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Oh, and consider this an open thread.
Meanwhile, in the world of, er, art:
“These events are curated and created by queer artists for queer artists.”
“Ship’s Company of HMS Surprise”
Never mind that all Caesar’s assassins were members of the ruling class.
There’s nothing more authoritarian than a gang of queer leftists.
For those with an interest in British crisp bag colour schemes.
Pinged. I noticed guessing my credit card security code wrong returns a “Paypal isn’t working right now” or similar useless and inaccurate message. Technology peaked around 2005-2010. Yes we have AI to do amazing things but otoh the simplest crap that used to work seamlessly, flawlessly, rationally is fouled up.
Our new car occasionally, for whatever reason, asks us a question every once in while about whether we want to add a new driver. I believe this started after we took it for its first free oil change/service and a mechanic drove it a few yards. When it asks this yes/no question, the buttons it presents are OK/Cancel. Absurd. At some point I will get curious and hit OK and see where that goes.
Another day, another flight problem.
Female bouncers: sure, send in a 5 ft 120lb female to handle the drunks and break up fights, what could go wrong? Are there really women clamoring for this job?
The runner who hit an opponent with her baton, giving her a concussion, has been identified. Alaila Everett claims that it was not intentional. Narcissistic psychopath.
“So, you’re physically hurt but you’re not thinking of my mental right.”
Also: smoke alarm chirp at the 10 second mark.
That’s by design. The theory is that if they tell you that you entered an incorrect security code, that gives valuable information to someone trying to guess or brute force it.
Cyber security is still stuck in an outdated “ease of use and security are opposite ends of a spectrum” mode.
If you input a bad username or password, they won’t tell you which one you got wrong. Same thing.
Yes, but…
That makes a bit more sense as you’re returning more specific information. Either way though, an unspecific, general “information invalid” would be more appropriate without giving too much away relative to “our system is broke” which any even remotely savvy hacker can more readily identify as a lie whereas a customer may give up and assume, thinking that they just *know* they have the info correct, the system must be offline. And then never come back. Had a similar problem trying to log into my credit card. They had no “eye” icon to enable viewing what password was typed in. Much wasted time. Not sure how/why I got in except that I created a new password, but then was not then forced out of other devices, nor notified of a password reset within them. Which…yay?
Liberals ruin everything:
Closely related:
It was self-defense and a mercy killing.
Not enough bouncers are women. Something must be done!
Women “manage to defuse conflict” – sometimes, and sometimes their presence or their intervention escalates conflicts involving masculine honor, whereas a big man asking nicely is able to preserve both masculine honor and peace. That’s men’s fault for being who they are and we can bring it up at the next meeting of the patriarchy.
Surely nightclub owners are prejudiced in favor of security staff who are attractive rather than unattractive, charming rather than thuggish, feminine rather than masculine. But they’re also very sensitive to the loss of revenue caused by aggro, so they’ll hire whoever can effectively mitigate the threats, even if they’re not so much in touch with their feminine side. This is a serious business run by serious people, it isn’t “The Police”, where Ms Baily worked her way up to becoming a quango head, and who can tell the public that rainbows are more of a priority than neutralizing thugs.
Some such women are just into nasty “let’s you and him fight” games, while others just have no clue.
In 1977, Siskel and Ebert review Star Wars.
Leftist man was traumatized by 10% tip.
Speaking of the 1970s, here it is blended with the 1770s. I absolutely love the joy in this song.
Bless you, sir, and bless you, madam. May your ear bud charging contacts be free of an unsightly waxy build-up.
Which I’m told can happen. To other people, I mean.
This, by Niall Gooch, came to mind, on the alleged imperative, insisted on by the ludicrous former commissioner Cressida Dick, to have a police force that is 50% female:
Needless to say, other, less law-abiding parties have also noticed. With predictable results, including endless YouTube videos of small female police officers being absurdly ineffective and being thrown around like dolls.
And the damage done by the implementation of this idiocy – say, to the public’s confidence in the police – may prove irreparable.
The above should scarcely need saying, let alone repeating, yet such is the perversity of our times.
Another feature of which is the conceit that the emergency services, even the armed forces, exist as some kind of job creation scheme for minorities – and for women who are given jobs for which they are evidently unsuitable. Say, small female police officers who are utterly incapable of physically imposing lawfulness, even in pairs, even in threes, resulting in open mockery by those they’re trying, and failing, to apprehend. And by countless onlookers.
And this farce is pursued as if the priority – as if the organisation’s function and overriding objective – were to achieve some arbitrary race-and-sex ratio in employment. Because, according to Cressida Dick and her peers, it’s more important to have women “in every role,” at “fifty percent,” and people mustn’t “see policing as primarily a male-dominated job.”
This is wokeness. This is its stupefying effect.
And so, we’ve gone from the ideal of burly chaps who will apprehend lawbreakers as forcefully as necessary and send them on their way towards the nearest dungeon, to ladies in funny hats who will be terribly sensitive and empathise with our loss, while we get used to the idea that whatever wrong was done to us will most likely go unpunished.
Feel the progress.
By the time someone has called the cops, the opportunity to de-escalate has long passed. The disruptor is in full berzerker mode — often with significant chemical enhancement — and because he’s out of control, it can take a half-dozen men to subdue one guy in full flail mode.
And here I’m just talking about disruptive individuals, such as a schizo off his meds or that guy who tossed the ottoman off the balcony. If there’s a gang shootout or a burglary there’s nothing to deescalate. The perps are doing what they want because they want it, and they’re not going to listen to some willowy chick “gentle parent” them.
Yes, lefties, IT WOULD BE NICE if we could de-escalate instead of engage. IT WOULD BE NICE if women could be sent in to scary situations and come out victorious.
BUT WE CAN’T. It’s just not possible, no matter how much sense it makes to you.
As I’ve said before,
A while ago, I was watching a small female police officer talking to some kids, most of whom were bigger than she was, and it occurred to me that, were I a determined criminal, there would be little she could do to impede my escape. I’m not exactly a hulking brute, but I’m fairly confident I could repel her in a decisive way.
And if such thoughts occur to me, a law-abiding saint, they will have occurred to others.
And again, these delicate, tearful beings – the ones rendered distraught by a tip of 10%, deemed insufficiently generous, and who consequently need, in their own words, “therapy” – are the ones who imagine themselves superior and more sophisticated, destined to be in charge of How The World Is.
Non-trivial point.
Or, “If they’ll lie about this, absurdly, to my face, what else will they lie about?”
See also, the media.
I just can’t get enough.
[ Muffled chuckling. ]
Men behaving badly.
Because hysterical abuse and death threats by cross-dressing men proves that cross-dressing men pose no threat to women. Obviously.
Thanks for your blogging (and your rabbit holes). *ping*
The linked rabbit holes are one of this place’s best features, I think. After eighteen years of doing this, I do tend to have quite a few pre-parsed examples of whatever it is I’m banging on about. It saves a lot of time and repetition, while still offering detail and specifics.
Plus, the random tangents can be fun, as when I was rummaging for an old comment on the expansion rate of the universe and got derailed by a lively debate on horrifically bad crumpet cookery. Which, for me, rather sums this place up.
Bless you, sir. May you discover a new, very agreeable – and surprisingly inexpensive – wine.
Maybe. But my belief in the decency of the left is utterly, permanently destroyed.
Vandalism and arson are basic human rights, goddammit.
So it’s okay to smash up leftists’ homes before setting them on fire?
The cruelty of progressive empathy: Avery Jackson, the 9 year old boy who National Geographic made their mascot for childhood “gender reassignment” now says that transitioning ruined his life.
“Follow me on BlueSky.”
Which may be the new pronouns-in-bio.
Again, thanks to all who’ve chipped in so far, or subscribed, or done shopping via the Amazon link – including all those much too shy to say hello. It’s much appreciated and is what keeps this place here.
They really don’t like him.
Though you’ll note they presume to speak for everyone.
Because, hey, how could anyone think differently? Why, it’s inconceivable.
New instructions have been downloaded. And in musical form!
Please update your files and lifestyles accordingly.
Deemed teacher material.
Female cops: In the iconic pic of Trump after being shot, the secret service officer in the front, “protecting” him, is a very short female who is actually ducking (ffs) and thus comes to Trump’s waist. This insistence that the world should bend to our concepts of “justice” gets people killed.
I am an average sized guy, I do not consider myself big enough to be either a cop or a bouncer. Am I being discriminated against? No, reality is just reality.
What’s the deal? You can’t see twiits unless you have an account, or is it just still FUBAR?
If I log out of my X account and click the links, I can still see the posts, just not the replies.
I can still see the posts, just not the replies.
Thanks – I think it is still slightly FUBARed, but I can see them now.
[ Resumes chore of optimising 1,329 GIFs and images. ]
[ Entertains possibility of fish and chips for tea. ]
Promoting violence: the propensity of the Left to promote/practice violence should not be ignored. Humanity is prone to violence and it is dangerous to give in to it. Right now in Syria, Christians are being massacred and of course the MSM are not covering it.