Friday Ephemera (760)
Low-altitude ejection. || Helping hand. || Letterbox cakes. || His name is Mr Amazon and he just happens to be carrying his burglary tools. || A tale of stolen testicles. || Hairy sausage. || How to build a tiny laundrette. Or a tiny bathroom inside your bathroom. || A brief history of the manicule. || “Major UFO scare,” 1971. || The décor was doing some heavy lifting. || He spits on doors. || I question the aerodynamics. || Things discussed at “diversity” committee meetings. || Stupefied by lessons in “anti-racism.” || Sleeping dogs. || That’s exactly how I would have done it. || Lakefront views. || From 1989: “Will people buy movies on VHS?” || Not great, but could have been worse. || Everything you’ll need. || Suboptimal situations. || Fatherhood. || And finally, with extra bees, please.
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Forgiveness is only for those who repent and reform. It is foolish for individuals to forgive incorrigible criminals, and it is criminal for lawyers and judges and politicians to do so.
Make Police Truncheons Great Again
I have more.
And “she” closes by whining:
“She” needs a surgically implanted Haldol drip.
[ Perceives a use for machine guns that fire 1/8″ BB’s at 3000 rpm. ]
Is that a typical Kennedy Center employee?
Betcha there were prior red flags which were either ignored or celebrated.
They learned from a young age that they could get away with all sorts of thuggish violence. Because brain-dead liberals and evil leftists hamstrung the teachers and administrators, police and judges. Swift retribution is necessary to teach lessons.
“This is what you all voted for, so I hope you’re happy.”
Men and women’s shoe sizes didn’t exist till Trump was elected – who knew?
Meanwhile in Dallas, when I see a truck trailer by the side of the road the first thing I think of is to steal stuff not having a clue what I am stealing.
However in The Great White North Bob and Doug are back at it.
From Muldoon’s Bob&Doug link:
“Islam uses the term revert instead of convert as they believe all people are inherently Muslim, so they believe if you are converting you are actually reverting back to your Islamic roots.“
So… Christians who lived before Islam was founded were in fact Muslim even though Islam didn’t exist yet?
Someone has to explain that to me.
The conceit is that Islam is older, and that the Torah and Bible are corruptions of that original Truth. No evidence, only assertion. (It’s amazing what Muslims can pull out of their asses.)
Slightly related:
Well, tbf every religion and every version of the religions that I have looked into have this same or similar BS assertions if you pick back far enough. And the biggest BS assertion of all the religions that I have looked into is the One Great Denial, which is probably about the worst religion of them all. If you pick back far enough.
And what with all the butt cracks and stuff, let’s not forget that pretty privilege will always be a thing. Hey, at least my story doesn’t require eye bleach.
I should paste some of these comments into an album. For future generations.
“Mother’s breast milk will change whether or not she’s nursing a boy or a girl so mom’s boobs know male and female when a lot of Yale University professors do not.” —Katy Faust, interviewed by Jordan Peterson
Often forgiveness is given in the hope of repentance and reformation. This may be more optimistic than warranted but there you have it.
The problem, seemingly more & more acute, is those without standing to forgive are horning in on the act. Judges, juries, prosecutors, defenders – none of them can, legally or morally, extend forgiveness. Mercy, yes. Forgiveness, no.
The preference is for less.
Much less.
One of Bierce’s finest works.
The conceit is that Islam is older, and that the Torah and Bible are corruptions of that original Truth.
That is only a variant of the collective inferiority complex that brings us the alleged superiority of Indigenous Ways of Knowings™, Africa was Wakanda until knuckle dragging yte Neanderthals stole everything, everything was invented in the Soviet Union, and so on.
Meanwhile, trees are scary.
Providing context might prove challenging.
Hey, at least my story doesn’t require eye bleach.
Clearly in the Danger Zone on the Crazy-Hot Scale.
Wow, that never happens…
[ Muffled chuckling. ]
I didn’t want to be the one to mention it.
Because I care about his feelings, obviously.
“Ok, you voted for this.”
Men’s and women’s sizes have been around for decades, luv.
Eek, wrong link. Fixed.
[ Peers over spectacles. ]
At least the wrong link was a real link. None of this URL-encoded gibberish that gets picked up by a bizarre copypasta operation that nobody else on the planet can manage.
I mean:
Heh. I forgot how mean Di can be after a snifter or two.
[ Pours Di a large one. ]
Pretty much, yeah.
I finished the Easter candy Thursday night and I’m jonesing for malted milk ball robin’s eggs, is what.
Haw-haw. Now people will forget about my up-buggered links.
Wait…did I say that out loud?
Not so mysterious. If you View Selection Source you’ll see it’s merely “trees are scary” enclosed in the standard html code for a link. Clearly, Muldoon somehow failed to paste the desired link into the Enter Link dialog, which always pre-loads your highlighted text.
Do you see how I’ve risen above it and am not letting it bother me?
[ Eye twitches. ]
Hidden things, unhidden.
Yeah but then you have to click a button or something and that’s the hard part.
PiperPaul been dipping into Di’s brandy?
The way I tend to screw up is that sometimes a slip of the keyboard causes me to fail to successfully copy the desired link. Then, When I click Ctrl-V to paste the link, nothing happens but I don’t notice because I very hastily click Save without noticing.
Not being hasty and careless is the hard part. It’s not the brandy. Really.
The way Muldoon screws up, however, is by being a Bad Person. 🙄
Cue Doctor Zoidberg yelling “Your link is bad and you should feel bad!”.
I’m having that printed on a huge canvas banner.
Wasn’t there a satire in which Apple announces a device which has one button?
I quit drinking many years ago after practically making a career of it. So any and all stupidities are all me, baby!
David, this keeps happening now and then. Did you forget to feed the hamsters?
These savages need to receive violence, because it’s all they understand.
And note that some of them are little kids.
This is a culture which must be separated from civilization. By any means necessary, as the left likes to say.
I’ve witnessed this crap. But I was told I must not object because that would be “islamophobic”.
Were it not for Islam being so bloody obnoxious and violent, stuff like that wouldn’t bother me…much. It’s the ones who don’t bathe that are the real problem. I believe I related that work story in the past, yes?
No, I don’t.
Yet another of our Betters suffering from Tesla Derangement Syndrome.
Has this always been going on in certain areas, but we only found out because of ubiquitous phone cameras?
The Critical Drinker finally reviews the actual Snow White movie.